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Bøger af Clare Pooley

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  • - The feel-good novel of 2020
    af Clare Pooley
    96,95 kr.

  • af Clare Pooley
    118,95 kr.

  • af Clare Pooley
    144,95 - 168,95 kr.

    Seks fremmede - En grøn notesbog - En chance for at være ærligAlle lyver om deres liv. Hvad vil der ske, hvis man fortæller sandheden? Det er det spørgsmål, som Julian Jessop, en excentrisk 79-årig kunstner, stiller i en grøn notesbog, som han døber Ærlighedsprojektet. Notesbogen efterlader han på et bord i sin stamcafé. Da ejeren Monica opdager Julians notesbog, skriver hun ikke blot sin egen historie og sender projektet videre, hun beslutter sig også for at finde en måde at hjælpe Julian ud af sin ensomhed på.Den grønne notesbog får en ny ejer efter hver ny historie, der skrives i den, og fyldes efterhånden op med ærlige beretninger, der samler en gruppe af seks helt fremmede i Monicas Café, hvor de alle opdager glæden, men også risikoen, ved at være helt ærlige.Ærlighedsprojektet er en fortælling om seks fremmede, der føres sammen af ærlighed, og som får venskaber, og for nogle også kærlighed, til gengæld. I bogen møder viet persongalleri, som er både finurligt og sjovt, men også hjerteskærende trist, og som for os alle er genkendeligt.

  • af Clare Pooley
    173,95 kr.

    When age makes you invisible, secrets are easier to hideLydia imagines her new job running a Senior Citizen's Social Club three afternoons a week will involve drinking tea while playing gentle games of cards, listening to The Beatles and reminiscing about food rationing and The Blitz.She does not expect to find a failed actor addicted to shoplifting, a woman who's been hiding from a mysterious and very chequered past, and a prolific yarn-bomber. It turns out that their ideas about how to spend their afternoons are very different.After a tragic accident means the council threatens to sell the community centre, the Social Club, aided by their friends in the nursery next door and a geriatric orphaned mongrel, set out to save it.They might not be able to save the hall, but they might just save each other - if their pasts don't catch up with them first...

  • af Clare Pooley
    158,95 kr.

    'Uplifting, heartwarming and joyful. Restored my faith in humankind' - Ruth JonesWhen age makes you invisible, secrets are easier to hideDaphne knows that age is just a number. She also knows that society no longer pays her any attention - something she's happy to exploit to help her hide a somewhat chequered past.But finding herself alone on her 70th birthday, with only her plants to talk to and neighbours to stalk online, she decides she needs some friends. Joining a Senior Citizen's Social Club she's horrified at the expectation she'll spend her time enduring gentle crafting activities. Thankfully, the other members - including a failed actor addicted to shoplifting and a prolific yarn-bomber - agree.After a tragic accident, the local council threaten to close the club - but they have underestimated the wrong group of pensioners...and with the help of a teenage dad and a geriatric, orphaned dog, the incongruous gang set out to prove it.As long as their pasts don't catch up with them first...

  • af Clare Pooley
    193,95 kr.

    From the New York Times bestselling author of The Authenticity Project Nobody ever talks to strangers on the train. It's a rule. But what would happen if they did? "A hilarious and sweet creation about a group of individuals who form a family with love at its core." --USA Today Every day Iona, a larger-than-life magazine advice columnist, travels the ten stops from Hampton Court to Waterloo Station by train, accompanied by her dog, Lulu. Every day she sees the same people, whom she knows only by nickname: Impossibly-Pretty-Bookworm and Terribly-Lonely-Teenager. Of course, they never speak. Seasoned commuters never do. Then one morning, the man she calls Smart-But-Sexist-Manspreader chokes on a grape right in front of her. He'd have died were it not for the timely intervention of Sanjay, a nurse, who gives him the Heimlich maneuver. This single event starts a chain reaction, and an eclectic group of people with almost nothing in common except their commute discover that a chance encounter can blossom into much more. It turns out that talking to strangers can teach you about the world around you--and even more about yourself.

  • af Clare Pooley
    85,95 kr.

    Mittags ein Gläschen mit der Freundin, abends mit dem Partner. Immer mehr Alkohol, um endlich loszulassen vom Stress durch Job und Kinder. Doch die Abstürze häufen sich. Nach einem besonders heftigen Wochenende packt Clare Pooley den Wein in den Schrank, kauft Kisten von alkoholfreiem Bier – und kämpft.Mutig und offen lässt sie ihre Hörer_innen teilhaben an den ersten 365 Tagen ohne den Stoff, nach dem sie süchtig ist. Sie erzählt vom Auf und Ab ihrer Gefühle, vom Staunen ihrer Freunde über die neue Clare. Am Ende des Jahres lebt sie ein Leben, das sie sich nie hätte träumen lassen.Eingestreut in Clares herrlich ehrlichen Erfahrungsbericht ist viel praktischer Rat: Woher weiß ich, dass ich zu viel trinke? Wie überstehe ich Partys und Weihnachten? Was richtet der Alkohol in meinem Körper an? Clare Pooleys Humor, ihre positive Haltung und ihre ganz direkte Art machen dieses Werk zum absoluten Hörvergnügen mit ernstem Hintergrund.Clare Pooley, ehemalige Top-Werberin in einer Londoner Marketingagentur und Mutter von drei Kindern, eröffnete parallel zu ihrem Entschluss, sich endgültig vom Alkohol zu befreien, den Blog „Mummy was a Secret Drinker".

  • - How one woman stopped drinking and started living
    af Clare Pooley
    106,95 kr.

    A bravely honest and brilliantly comic account of how one mother gave up drinking and started living. Think Bridget Jones Dries Out!

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