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Bøger af Cleveland O McLeish

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  • af Cleveland O McLeish
    198,95 kr.

    Get ready to go to the next level. Jesus told his disciples, 'Greater things will you do because I'm going to my father'. He then instructed them. 'Wait until you are filled with the Holy Spirit' This book will catapult you to the next level so you too can walk, live and see miracles just as Jesus did. Journey through the bible with Joan Pearce as she shows you keys to help you walk in a greater realm of Gods divine power. Reach your highest level as your gifts become activated and you will truly be walking in your own Book of Acts.

  • af Cleveland O McLeish
    233,95 kr.

    "Do you want to pray and see notable miracles? Do you want to raise people from the dead? Maybe your life depends on getting healed or you know someone who needs a miracle." This book will teach, inspire and give you the keys and knowledge that will unlock the kingdom of God. Your faith will increase to believe for great, mighty and notable miracles, and you will be able to minister and enforce all that was done on the Cross of Calvary. According to global analysis, a high percentage of the world population is sick, and many are on medications. With the new technology we have in the world, this should not be so. The Bible has the answer to all sickness and disease. It was already paid for over 2000 years ago when Jesus became the sacrificial Lamb and died on the Cross of Calvary to restore us to everything that was lost at the fall. Because of what Jesus did on the Cross, we have been given the power to walk in miracles as Jesus did. --- By His Stripes, We Were healed. You have been empowered to: Walk in Miracles, Heal the sick and Perform Deliverance. Your life will never be the same. You will raise the dead; signs, wonders and miracles will follow you wherever you go. You already have the power to heal the sick. Jesus has paid the price. Now it's our time to go forward and enforce what Jesus has given us authority to do through the Cross of Calvary.

  • - How to Write Quality Christian Plays, and what to do with your finished Work.
    af Cleveland O McLeish
    98,95 kr.

    Theater is the oldest form of dramatic storytelling, and many still consider it the most electrifying. Nothing beats the intensity of actors sharing the same air as the audience. The laughs and gasps and tears happen live...and on the spot...but Great Plays are Written before they are performed and somebody has to write them. Why not you? A play will not soar in performance unless it's great on the page. This Book will teach you how to tell a story that is theatrical and produce-able from a Christian perspective, as well as such playwriting craft elements as structure, plot, dialogue, setting, theme, scene development, and format. You will also learn where you can market your work and the steps involved in self publishing. Whether you seek to write skits, one-acts or full-lengths, traditional or experimental, this is where you will learn to do it, as I will show you how to write plays that will bless audiences and keep them asking and coming back for more. With the knowledge you gain from this Book you will fully understand the techniques involved in taking a play from merely a concept to a finished draft. This Book will give you a firm grounding in all the basics of Christian playwriting. Everything is presented in a clear, straightforward manner with one guarantee...If I can't teach you to write a good Christian play then maybe this is not the call you have on your life.

  • af Cleveland O McLeish
    163,95 kr.

    Your answer to life and victory. Yes, victory in your life comes through ONE way, Jesus Christ and Him crucified, God's only begotten Son. Here is the answer you have been looking for. Are you ready for the answer? Romans 8:2 declares, "For the LAW of the SPIRIT of life in Christ Jesus has made me FREE from the law of sin and death." Your object of FAITH can only be in Christ Jesus and the CROSS of Calvary. This is where the battle was fought and won when Jesus cried out, "It Is Finished!" That means everything you are going through or what you have need of can only come through your FAITH in JESUS Christ and Him crucified. Only Believe! All Things Are Possible With God!

  • - Identifying and Overcoming Fear, Pride, and Ignorance
    af Cleveland O McLeish
    198,95 kr.

    Do you feel like FEAR is constantly crippling you from walking into your destiny?Do you believe PRIDE is hindering you from being the best God has called you to be?Have you ever felt detained by IGNORANCE and it's stopping you from tapping into your potential?Then this book is for you!The Three Roots is an in-depth guide that will expose, identify and combat the roots of fear, pride or ignorance that seem to be blocking you from experiencing God's amazing plan for your life. Characters are mentioned that help one to better understand each situation. The style of writing, as well as the layout, makes the book easy to read and review. It can also be used as a personal or small group study guide that includes a summary and self-check questions at the end of each section. The three sections make it a more engaging and transformational experience.The contents of this book can have a life-changing impact on you as you learn to consider events in your life and make a judgment as to whether you may have been affected by one or more of these roots, and what you can do about it.Don't let fear stop you, pride take you over or ignorance slow you down!

  • - Discipleship Series Manual
    af Cleveland O McLeish
    118,95 kr.

    The Restorative Kingdom is the first part of a Discipleship Series which seeks to bring home the reality that God's desire is to restore each and every person no matter their condition. The Rise of a Resolute Part 2 and 3 will move you from a place of restoration to a position of confidence in God empowering you to face any circumstance and prepare you for your every assignment. With this understanding and knowledge the believer will be fortified, challenged and encouraged to embrace and exercise this grace that God has made available for us all. The focus then becomes one such that the new or restored believer will themselves become a minister of restoration knowing that Our Heavenly Father desires to give us the best life possible. Whether or not you feel broken, discouraged, rejected or just fine, this study series is for you.

  • - The Poetic Musings of a Single Mother
    af Cleveland O McLeish
    118,95 kr.

    Life is filled with ups and downs. Life is filled with heartaches and pain. Life is filled with disappointments, yet I Rise. Despite the circumstances, we can Rise. Despite the trials and tribulations, we can Rise. If we are rejected, broken and torn, we can Rise. The haters will hate, but we will Rise. They will discourage and never encourage, but we Rise. They are about war, not peace but we Rise. They say we are worthless; God says we can do all things. I Fall, I Rise.

  • af Cleveland O McLeish
    93,95 kr.

    HCP Book Publishing releases their resource guide to aid new and aspiring authors in understanding the dynamics of self-publishing their books at the highest possible level. This resource guide outlines our basic approach to each manuscript that falls in our hands, but is also designed in such a way that authors can also take on the initiative of taking all the relevant steps to self publish their books at the highest possible level. Self Publishing is not rocket science, but too many new authors make too many mistakes that establishes their platform on mediocre and amateurish. When you publish your first book, no one should know that it's not traditional quality, unless you decide to tell them. It is our hope that this guide aids you in the process, or provokes a partnership between us and you to make your published book one of quality and excellence.

  • - 10: The Original Stageplay
    af Cleveland O McLeish
    200,95 kr.

    A single mother family comes under a sinister plot when the enemy infiltrates their homes with the sole intention to steal, to kill and to destroy. This is a powerful story that highlights the cunning attempts of the enemy to destroy a family, and God's divine way of guiding us to victory. As long as we are on the earth, the enemy will always strike at our heels, but we have the capacity to crush his head. What defeats us many times is our ignorance to the enemy's devices. This family will learn a valuable lesson that will take them from defeat to victory. You can perform this play as a full production, or monthly as a series, doing one scene per month.

  • - Time Tested Processes To Encourage Business Owners To Live Out A Life Of Significance, Impacting The Kingdom
    af Cleveland O McLeish
    153,95 kr.

    You've been given a gift, or a number of gifts; one being an ability to encourage and motivate others to join your business, and invest their energy with you. You've been gifted with an idea for a product or service that has transformed over time into a viable opportunity. You've been gifted with the skills, experience, ability to envision a path to a future, and to lead. What will you do with all of this? I'm encouraging you to 'stay in the saddle'. Engage the skills and experiences of others to allow you the time to mentor and facilitate training the next generation of leaders. The tools and ideas described are but a small description of the opportunities available to you when you begin to engage others to come alongside of you. In 'counting the cost' of a good consulting or training opportunity, please don't do as too often well intentioned owners do, and look at the hourly rate and deem the opportunity unaffordable. Take the cost as an investment that could pay back dividends on your business activities for the next five or more years. That changes everything. You can't do it on your own, and if you don't have all the skills and experience necessary to grow your business with the people you have, you need to entrust others to come alongside for a season. It all comes down to you. Will you trust others to come alongside you to allow you the time and space to continue to grow both your abilities and those of others? This world needs you. You can live a life of significance, making a difference for others, and yourself.

  • af Cleveland O McLeish
    113,95 kr.

    Five strangers share one specific location for only a moment in their earthly lives, then wake up in a Waiting Room with no idea how they got there and where they are. Like a puzzle, the pieces begin to come together when characters begin to see and interact with people from their past who had died. The shock is even more compounded when a Messenger comes on with a bible and tells them they are waiting to meet with Jesus.

  • af Cleveland O McLeish
    113,95 kr.

    Dives is a wealthy entrepreneur with a bad attitude towards Christmas, Christians and the underprivileged of our society. His goal is to make more money and enjoy all the pleasures that life has to offer. His brother Phillip provides some balance in his life, though an unbeliever himself. Dives is married, but seeking a divorce from his Christian wife Sharon. Like Solomon, he denies himself nothing. In his own eyes, he is probably the most important man on planet Earth. Fate would have it that there are things even Dives has no control over. The night before Christmas he dies and wakes up in hell. That's when his journey really begins as he spends Christmas Day in the worst place imaginable.

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