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  • af Cory Smith
    288,95 kr.

    One moment she's OBSESSED with you.The next moment she's turned COLD.One moment she treats you like the LOVER you are.The next moment, she treats you like a STRANGER.One day she is PHYSICALLY ATTRACTED TO YOU.The next day she wants to be JUST FRIENDS.Do you ever feel like you want to... BANG YOUR HEAD AGAINST THE WALL, and RIP YOUR HAIR OUT because you can't understand what the hell is going on in a woman's mind?Are you tired of constantly PLAYING GUESSING GAMES trying to figure out if she is romantically interested in you on a primal level?Are you fed up with PLAYING THE FIELD WITH A BLINDFOLD ON because you can't accurately read her, and the situation? This leaves you confused, and stuck second-guessing everything you do around her - exuding self-doubt instead of BULLETPROOF CONFIDENCE.If you relate to these problems, then you need to go through the Womanese 101 program.The program will give you the SUPERHUMAN ABILITY to instantly accurately assess the situation - reading her and the situation like a book.HERE ARE THE STRAIGHT FACTS: Women are constantly leaving subtle signals on how to seduce them, yet most men don't even notice these.If you can accurately decipher these subtle signals women send out, then you can capitalize on them, and RAPIDLY ACCELERATE THE PROCESS OF MATING.STOP DOING THIS BULLSHIT: endless dates to nowhere, endless conversations to nowhere, wasting time on sexual-duds, not being able to detect "down-to-fuck-now" signals from women, The problem is that most guys don't understand Womanese - the secret language of women - so they do things that KILL SEXUAL ATTRACTION ATTRACTION.Being a nice guy, Putting her on a pedestal, Giving away their power (thinking this will make a woman like them more), Buying her lots of flowers and expensive gifts, Using logical arguments to persuade her to be attracted, Being safe and predictable in conversations, Not flirting and teasing her, because that could "hurt her feelings"Not physically escalating, because a "gentleman waits"These are stupid mistakes that comes from simply not understanding how women interpret the world, and process dynamics in the sexual marketplace.By going through the Womanese 101 program, you will have 3 benefits: I. You will BECOME UNFUCKABLEWITH.II. You will have a DEEP GRASP OF THE FEMALE PSYCHE.III. You will be able create UNCONTROLLABLE ATTRACTION WITHIN A WOMAN'S LIMBIC SYSTEM.Womanese 101 will teach you the ways of The Player.Do you ever feel like you're merely a puppet - doing a woman's bidding - being CONTROLLED BY INVISIBLE STRINGS that are beyond your conscious awareness?Have you been in a long dry spell because you have difficulty with talking to girls in a way that TURNS THEM ON, and MAKES THEM HIGHLY INTERESTED IN BEING WITH YOU?It's time to TAKE BACK CONTROL NOW.

  • af Cory Smith
    233,95 kr.

    How many more times can you see that beautiful girl only a few feet away from you and not say a word to her? She's absolutely gorgeous, and you know without a doubt that you would love to have her in your life. Feel her body pressed against yours. Tell your friends about her. Walk into a party with her on your arm. She's right there, and all you have to do is introduce yourself. But something goes terribly wrong.... You completely freeze up. Paralyzed. Just the thought of talking to her makes your heart start to pound out of your chest. Your throat squeezes like a vice. You get a sick feeling in your stomach. Then, a burning sensation rises up from your gut, and you start sweating bullets. Right away, you get in your head and start making excuses about why you can't approach her, like: "She probably has a boyfriend" or "What do I say?" or "If I get rejected, I'll look like a total loser, and everyone will see it", and the list of excuses goes on and on. It's time to terminate those excuses and learn how to approach women, flirt, and strike up a solid conversation. What you will learn from from to this book:Six reasons why you don't know what to say in front of womenSix affirmations to never run out of things to saySix mind-sets to always have something to saySix chick crack conversation subjectsThree good opening linesFour examples of cold readsSeven ways to instantly appear more confidentFive tactics to instantly create social proofThirteen items on the body language checklistFour mistakes that nice guys makeFourteen common conversation mistakes and sins

  • af Cory Smith
    233,95 kr.

    You have a cute girl in your life that YOU WANT TO FUCK IN THE PUSSY. You see her every once in a while, and you want to TURN THINGS SEXUAL, without it being weird, without coming across as creepy.without getting a verbal/sexual harassment charge, without it taking weeks or months (or for some guys: years), You want to FUCK HER HARD and FUCK HER FAST, yet when she's with you, you do nothing because you don't know how to make moves on her. Your lack of knowledge on how to ESCALATE THE INTERACTION TOWARDS SEX paralyzes you from taking action. As a result of lack of action, you end up stuck in the friend-zone. You just fucked yourself by not knowing how to fuck her.As a man, it's your responsibility to SMOOTHLY LEAD A WOMAN INTO A SEXUAL STATE OF MIND, PHYSICALLY AROUSED, AND BANG THE SHIT OUT OF HER. Here is the truth: even if a woman really likes you, she will usually avoid making blatant sexual moves on a man (initially), because society will judge her for being sexually aggressive and label her as a stigmatized "slut". So she's waiting on you to make the moves on her because she knows that a HIGH STATUS ALPHA MALE GOES AFTER WHAT HE WANTS IN LIFE AND TAKES IT.In the age of the #MeToo movement, NOT knowing how to properly escalate an interaction towards sex can land you in jail. You have to escalate aggressively, but smart. WOMEN WANT TO FUCK - just not with losers who don't "get it". You have to know what you're doing and DO IT WITH EXTREME CONFIDENCE. After a decade of experience in the field and thousands of approaches, I've boiled down what I have learned into a STEP-BY-STEP GAME-PLAN with SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of leading a woman through a dating process that ends in mutual sexual ecstasy. Instead of having to endure hundreds of harsh blowouts: "get the fuck out of here", "you're creepy","lets just be friends" speech,"uhh that's gross", and learning through trial and error, the written-guide will show you how to GET LAID THE SMART AND FAST WAY, so you don't have to go through the bullshit. By implementing the techniques in this book, you'll have a woman STOP showing you their innocent prudish side, START showing your her secret wild, sexual side, and TURN HER INTO A FUCK-BUDDY.This reality will be yours: You'll have that female "friend" completely naked undressed on your bed ready to be sexually ravaged, She won't stop hitting you up and asking to seeing you again - sending you random dirty texts and photos of herself naked, You'll hear her say "DADDY, FUCK ME HARDER!!!!" and realize that you have the power because you can go out at ANY NIGHT and use this system to get laid on THAT SAME NIGHT YOU MEET HER.This is what you'll learn: How to completely UNFUCK YOUR SEX LIFE FOR 2021.How to tap into a woman's primal instinctive biological drives, implement trigger phrases, and touch specific areas on her body in a specific sequence to create a burning desire within a woman and become her sexual obsession. How to meet a woman, flip her sexual arousal switches, use scientific principles that trigger sexual attraction, turn off her impulse control, and FUCK HER ON THE SAME DAY.How to utilize a specific pattern of behaviors to BECOME HER PHYSICAL ADDICTION.FUCK YOUR EXCUSES.INVEST IN YOURSELF AND TAKE ACTION EVERY DAY!

  • af Cory Smith
    253,95 kr.

    You're at a: café, grocery store, college campus, bench awaiting public transportation, orANYWHERE there's young sexy women.From the corner of your eye, you spot a GORGEOUS GIRL."She's cute!! I would like to meet her!" a thought enters your mind. "YES, I would BANG" another thought enters your mind.She's the type of good-looking girl you would would consider: dating, having sex with, having a long term relationship withYou try to think of an opener to say to her to start a conversation but your mind is empty."What do I say to her?" You think. "FUCK!!! I don't know what to say to break the ice!!""After I break the ice, what do I say NEXT to keep her engaged and hooked in the interaction with me?""And THEN, what should I say to spark ⚡️ attraction so that she gets TURNED ON and starts to view me in a sexual manner, instead of just a 'friendly and harmless talkative guy'?!"With each passing moment your anxiety increases.Excuses start coming into your mind: "She's probably got a boyfriend.""She's never gonna go for a guy like me.""What's the point of trying if I know it won't work anyways?"The nerves build and you feel a sense of impending doom as you realize you're probably going to bail. As you sit and make excuses, she turns her back and walks away; you feel the familiar gut wrenching feeling that she's gone forever. You spend the rest of the day imagining what might've been if you just knew what to say. The painful reality sinks in that some other guy is going to end up with this girl in his bed, all because you hesitated, and gave into your approach anxiety.WHY DIDN'T YOU APPROACH HER?You don't know what to say to initiate an interaction.You don't know how to keep it going.You don't know practical techniques to get her hyper-interested to you, so she wants to see you again for future interactions.You don't know specific actionable steps to TRIGGER MASSIVE UNCONTROLLABLE ATTRACTION within her, so that you smoothly turn the conversation SEXUAL and lead it to a BANG.ALL THESE MISSED SEXUAL OPPORTUNITIES ARE BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO SPECIFICALLY DO. Learn each step in greater detail in the book!You know you should've approached her. You're imagining her in your bed, her bra and panties crumpled up on your bedroom floor. The approach could have led to a longterm mutually satisfying sexual relationship...But instead you're contemplating another pathetic love session with your dominant hand because you didn't have practical seduction knowledge. The problem is, society has changed how we interact socially, and so for most people, approaching women doesn't come naturally.YOU CAN END THIS PAINFUL CYCLE. IT HAS TO BE LEARNED, AND IT'S EASIER THAN YOU THINK...Hi, I'm Cory Smith, author of the popular twitter account @PUA_DATING_TIPS and best selling author on Amazon. After approaching over 4,000 women (in the span of more than a decade) and going through a painstaking process of trial and error, I have cracked the hidden code on how to smoothly approach women that gets results!

  • - Winning Steps for Sustained Success
    af Cory Smith
    198,95 kr.

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