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  • af Dale Stubbart
    98,95 kr.

    Ever get a headache when you travel? Do you have problems breathing on occasion or more frequently? What about a lack of energy or total brain fog? Man-made chemicals may be affecting you. Some studies show that one in five persons suffer from chemical sensitivities or intolerance. This book offers some solutions for those who like to travel, but suffer when fellow travelers wear fragrance. No one answer fits all of these people. Hopefully these answers fit you and will enable you to travel with less discomfort.Rating G; Reading Level Easy 7th Grade; Longest Word: Electrosensitivity

  • - Traveling in Northeast England
    af Dale Stubbart
    98,95 kr.

    This is the story of our trip from Seattle, WA to Billingham, UK and back again. We went to Celebrate Christmas with friends whom we hadn't seen for several years. We went to Celebrate Christmas. We went expecting to rejoice in the reunion. We very much looked forward to the experience, partly just for the experience itself.We spent almost two weeks in Northeast England. Many things worked out well. Some things worked out not so well. Nevertheless, we prevailed and enjoyed ourselves in spite of those things.At one point on our trip, we were mistaken for Canadians or more specifically RCMP - Royal Canadian Mounted Police. So join us for our adventure as Here Come the Canadians!Rating G; Reading Level Very Easy 5th Grade; Longest Words: Administrative, Transportation, Wholeheartedly, Geographically

  • - The Christmas Gate
    af Dale Stubbart
    83,95 kr.

    Lily is reading a bedtime story to her younger brother and sister. The story tells about how they all became a family and about their life on an alpaca farm in Hawaii. Lily discovers a secret gate which she goes through to help Uncle Santee and the Menehune prepare for Christmas.Some common words are written in both Hawaiian and English.This is a story for you Lilipua, my little sister.Mama says your name means Miniature Flower, but she always laughs afterwards. I think it's a joke between her and Papa. Lilipua really means This Flower Could Make You Jealous.A lot of things happened before you came to our family. I'm going to tell you some of them now. These things are really, really, really important. So listen very carefully. And whatever you do, don't fall asleep!OK?Rating G; Reading Level Very Easy 4th Grade; Longest Word: Marshmallows

  • - Leesha Casts a Spell
    af Dale Stubbart
    133,95 kr.

    During their third year of Wizard School, Leesha Fourthchild casts a spell. Actually, she casts several spells, but this one is particularly haunting. Leesha loses her boyfriend Shmedley Thrumbledack and gains him back. Shmedley plays a trick on the couple who were posing as his Parents. And the Tensome learns more about the movement of the Springboks, who Arlanda Florida the Principal is certain are up to no good. A bully becomes friends with Shmedley. Shmedley can be friends with almost anyone, so this is not that surprising. And Amanda Sunflower Triangulum also gains a friend. Read on to find out more of what happens with the Tensome during their third year at Wizard School. Rating G; Reading Level Easy 5th Grade; Longest Words: Wizardetiquette, Classifications, Velociraptoress Female teenage wizard Leesha Fourthchild is very good at casting spells. But is she too good? Leesha casts a spell which doesn't just make her disappear. This spell make her cease to exist. This is good because now she won't ever have to worry about turning into a velociraptor ever again. She won't have to worry about turning into a dangerous dinosaur who might hurt somebody. As long as she was with her boyfriend Shmedley Thrumbledack, she didn't have to worry about that because he can turn her back into a human. Speaking of Shmedley, now that Leesha is no more, she'll never get to hold hands with him again. She'll never get to kiss him again. And she terribly misses him.How will Leesha be able to exist again? Who can help her?Leesha finds that there is one advantage to not existing. It makes it easier to spy on the underground world and fid out what they're up to. Shmedley is a Spring. A Spring is the opposite of an Offspring. If you're a Spring you never had parents. This is different from an Orphan, for they once had parents. A Spring is also something that bounces. The Spring is a certain time of year. It opens the door to Summer, to better things. A Spring is a flow of water into a pool. A Spring is a magical being who has all these magical attributes. How can Shmedley use these forms of magic to help him. It's good that he has some magic, because he doesn't have a wand. And even though Wizard Math is good for solving problems, it's not much help when you're being picked on by bullies.

  • - A Plantasian Comes to Life
    af Dale Stubbart
    133,95 kr.

    We know that Buster Tensyllables, one of the Tensome, is able to turn into any plant. But how did he come by this gift? What is his history? How did he get to Wizard School? How did he get his green thumb? And what is his view of how things happened during his first year? It has to be a unique view, not everyone is a Plantasian. We also know that Buster's last name had ten syllables before it was shortened to Tensyllables. What is it originally and why was it changed? Rating G; Reading Level Easy 6th Grade; Longest Words: Classifications, Wizardetiquette. Let's start the story with the earliest ancestor of Buster that we know of. That would be Wampum ThePrinceIsMadEmphaphycoNewton. He was the youngest Master Agronomist in the history of Wher Garland. He also happened to be the first Plantasian. Wampum was able to save Wher Garland. Following in his footsteps, Buster was able to save the Universe.Many people think that the only way to get to Wizard School is to either take the Train. But if you can't afford the train, there is a bus to Wizard School. Yet, Buster Tensyllables didn't take the bus or the train. He did take a bus, but not the one to Wizard School and not the one to Prep School where his parents thought he was heading. He took a bus for a short distance, then he walked. Along the way, he met Sidney Rather Nottingham who was also walking to Wizard School. Luckily, one of they knew the way. Otherwise they would have been lost.

  • - How I Lost Weight Without Really Trying
    af Dale Stubbart
    93,95 kr.

    Half of the people who are reading the title of this book I Lost Me Britches - How I Lost Weight Without Really Trying are thinking, Oh sure! I've heard that line about losing weight before! I'm not going to fall for that scam again. This is just some ad for a diet-pill or for a weight-loss program.The other half of the people who are reading the title are thinking, Well sure, losing weight is really easy for some people. But it's never easy for me!But you, oh Most Astute Reader; yes, you are thinking that there really must be something to this. And you know, beyond all knowing, that there is a secret in this book that only you will find out. And that secret, oh Wise One, will enable you to lose weight, simply, honestly, and best of all, with little effort at all.So to you, Most Savvy Reader, read on!Also, this book is the only place where you can get a deal on my DietWare for just ...Rating PG13; Reading Level Very Easy 5th Grade; Longest Word: Counterintuitive

  • - Green Energy Websites
    af Dale Stubbart
    98,95 kr.

    Designing your Website to Use Less Energy available at Amazon, explores simple changes you can make to your website which will cause it to use less energy. We don't often think about the amount of power being used to surf the internet, but it's quite a lot. If all websites were designed to use less energy, we could save a lot of energy.One of the most important considerations when designing a website to use less energy, is to make it load quickly. Part of that depends on where your website sits - your webhost. Part of that depends on your images. Part depends on ads. Part depends on how simply your website is coded. In fact, Google will downgrade your webpage in it's search algorithm if your webpage doesn't load quickly.Designing your Website to Use Less Energy covers Choosing a Webhost, Performance, Plug-ins and Services, Making your own Plug-in, Energy Saving Colors, and Printing. Performance covers lessening the impact of Images, Javascript, CSS, Photo Frameworks, and Database Queries; plus other tricks you can use to make your page load faster. If you're a big corporation there are tools from Google, Facebook, and Twitter you can use. If you're not a large corporation and don't have a lot of time, this book will help you get your website loading faster and will help you save energy. The more users you have who browse your website, the more energy you'll save.Websites. Energy Savings, Energy Efficiency.Length: 72 PagesReading Ease: Medium; Reading Level: 8th GradeRating / Maturity: General Audience; Target Audience - Those who want to save energy - for those designing and programming a website and those needing a website.Longest Programming Word: getElementsByTagName; Longest English Word: Recommendations

  • - Expanding on the Hybrid
    af Dale Stubbart
    98,95 kr.

    I've been following advances in Electric Cars for nearly 50 years and advances in Hybrids for 15. I started following Electric Cars while writing a paper in History Class in 7th grade on current events. I started following Hybrids when the Honda Insight was released in 1999. I also started following Fuel Cell Cars about that same time.The Xybrid expands on Hybrid technologies, discussing new, potential, and conceptual technologies.If you're interested in cars, and especially if you're interested in Hybrids and Electric Cars, then this book is for you, whether you understand how cars work or not.Rating G; Reading Level Medium 8th Grade; Longest Word: Experimentation

  • - The Epsilogue
    af Dale Stubbart
    133,95 kr.

    In their second year of Wizard School, Epsilon Sigma Omicron keeps a log of the adventures of the Tensome. He calls it the Epsilogue. In this book, the Tensome spend more time trying to uncover what the people who were posing as Shmedley parents are up to. Are they up to no good as the Principal and the head Professor claim? Or could they just be hiding? What would they be hiding from? Gloria Songmeister Gloria discovers new modes of travel via her braids. Gregarious Billy James Gregshaw William Yllib the Vth is spookily silent for once. And the Tensome, minus one, all learn to ride Komodo Dragons. Rating G; Reading Level Easy 5th Grade; Longest Word: Uncharacteristically Young teenage Wizard School Student Epsilon Sigma Omicron goes by Epsi. He's the smartest student at Wizard School. Every year, he tests out of all the subject except WizardEtiquette (Wizard Etiquette). He could test out of that subject, but doesn't want to be ridiculed by bullies for doing so. Epsi keeps a log of what happens during this school year. But half-way through the school year, he's too busy to keep making entries in his log. So he turns it over to his girlfriend Gloria Songmeister Gloria. Gloria's braids allow her to fly. And this year she's learning how they can help her fly faster and further. Gloria's braids also sing. While practicing her flying skills, Gloria discovers a revolving door into the underground world where Shmedley's parents are now living and up to no good. However, the door is locked, so she goes back to get her friends to help her unlock it. But when she gets back, she's so excited she can't speak at first.

  • af Dale Stubbart
    88,95 kr.

    Dragon's Tears available at Amazon. From the depths of depravity comes another human being - no different than you or I. Ron knows how to survive. But his world is about to change.Even though Ron's world is vastly different from yours and mine, you'll find yourself relating to him, plotting with him, and hoping for him.Every day Ronald sends that part of himself which is Ron out of the pit to collect money, news, and/or food. These are the only things of value in the pit. To keep the reality Ron encounters from disturbing Ronald, Ronald breathes in Dragon's Breath and if it's too much, he takes Dragon's Tears. These are his rewards for Ron having brought back money, news and/or food to the pit.Ronald knows he can never leave the pit. And neither he nor Ron have any desire to do so, until Ron encounters Rose. Then they start to make a plan to escape.Cheer them on in Dragon's Tears.Fantasy, Drug Den, Alternate Reality, Great EscapeLength: 25 Pages - CondensedReading Ease: Very Easy; Reading Level: 5th GradeRating / Maturity: PG13; Target Audience - Young Adult; Those facing a choice between being chained to drugs and freedom to be themselves.Longest Words: Conversations, Communications,

  • - The Final Brushstrokes
    af Dale Stubbart
    133,95 kr.

    Appli Kay Wisper thought that things at Wizard School would be different. Why had she thought that? Well it was Wizard School. And well, Wizards were different. And maybe things were different here. But for her, things were the same. People still walked through Appli as if she wasn't there. Of course she was there, she was Solid as .... She was going to say, Solid as a brick. But she thought of bricks as being rather plain. And she certainly was anything but plain. Well, she couldn't think for the moment of something which was solid, but which was not plain. So Appli got out her Paintbrush and painted a scene, hoping it would have something solid in it. Rating G; Reading Level Easy 5th Grade; Longest Words: Classifications; WizardetiquetteEver feel like nobody notices you, like you're invisible? Appli Kay Wisper feels that way all the time. Gregarious Billy James Gregshaw William Yllib the Vth who talked to everybody, wouldn't talk to her. It was almost as if she didn't exist. Yet, she knew that wasn't true.Kay is an artist. Just as Shmedley Thrumbledack didn't have a Wand, Kay doesn't have a Wand. However, she has a paintbrush and that's every bit as powerful as a Wand in her hands.

  • af Dale Stubbart
    93,95 kr.

    Sing Ho was innocently walking down the street minding his own business. Then he noticed a FedEx Truck driving down the street. There was nothing unusual about today. There was nothing unusual about the Fedex Truck. The normal amount of people were milling about. The normal number of cars and trucks were on the road. There was the normal number of buildings.But for a second, Sing Ho and that FedEx Truck were the only two objects in the world. Then there was only one, and Sing Ho's world went completely dark. Normalcy had just taken a left turn on the road to nowhere.Rating G; Reading Level Very Easy 4th Grade; Longest Word: Transportation

  • af Dale Stubbart
    173,95 kr.

    In my mind, an expressive website is one which has personality. It is one which reflects your personality or the personality of your company. Do you want a plain classic website or one with flair?To some people an expressive website has a video or a slideshow. To others, it starts with a big picture at the beginning, before you get to any text. In my mind, an expressive website should be expressive throughout.My websites have always been expressive. My main website is both expressive and playful. Expressive applies to fonts, color themes, layout or arrangement, pictures, buttons, menus, and other elements of a website. And yes, it also applies to videos if you have them.Expressive websites should be engaging. Many websites take engaging to mean reminding you to sign up for their newsletter. Many websites take that too far, IMHO.Expressive websites take into account language. Do you say IMHO or In my opinion? Do you use words from more than one language?Do you use emojis? Are you a minimalist? Or do you use a lot of whitespace? Are your paragraphs single-spaced or double? Are they indented or not?This book explains how to make your website more expressive, more representative of you or your company. I keep things simple. You don't need to be a programmer. In order to keep things simple, I developed several functions that you can also easily use. It's all included in this book.Now, be exPRESSive!

  • - Sequel to Of Orchid and Dandelion
    af Dale Stubbart
    78,95 kr.

    Orchid and Velvet tire of running the dynasty, so Violet their daughter becomes the queen. Violet changes her name, adding a t and an e to the end - Violette. When she turns 21, she starts being dreamy-eyed, but can't say why.It had been snowing for three months. It had been snowing every day. The Castle was covered in snow. Yet somehow light shone out of the windows and through the snow. It wasn't a very bright light which shone out of the Castle and through the snow. But it was enough. And since it was the only light there was, it would have to do.Meanwhile, in another part of the world, Aubergine's field is shrinking. He knows that he must leave and find help for his people before it is too late.

  • - Your Favorite Place to Live
    af Dale Stubbart
    128,95 kr.

    Falling in love is easier when you're open to living your passion. And when you fall in love with a place, you call it Paradise. You call it Home. But, what makes us fall in love with a certain place? What makes us want to live there?Discovering Home explores several attributes that make a place a Best Place to Live. Of course everybody has a different set of criteria for what makes a place Home. We all apply that criteria differently. This book is filled with top 10 lists. It also helps you figure out how to create your own top 10.Yet, just knowing where your favorite place is, doesn't quite cut it when you call that place home. Somehow, you've got to live there. That place is calling you to keep coming home, until you are homeDiscovering Home helps you explore this world to find Home. It also helps you explore your deeper, inner world to find that place you call Home. You will find that they are they same. Taking both paths to get there is more satisfying. For when you do, you really know that you are Home.Rating G; Reading Level Easy 6th; Longest Word: Multiculturalism

  • af Dale Stubbart
    83,95 kr.

    Vanessa is lying in a hospital room in a coma. She is surrounded by her children, her grandchildren, and her great-grandchildren. Days pass. Nothing changes. Eventually, her grandchildren stop coming and stop bringing her great-grandchildren. Only Vanessa's children remain in vigil at her bedside.Vanessa dreams about her life as two-year old Cream Puff. As she dreams, her body conveys her dreams to her children. We join Cream Puff as she begins this dream.Then we get to witness a great transformation.

  • af Dale Stubbart
    98,95 kr.

    I call Personal Electric Vehicles IEVs. That's because people want their Electric Vehicle to be more personal. They want it to resonate with who they are (I). Can you blame them? An IEV is like your alter ego. For some people, this would be a Tesla or a Nissan Leaf. But, IEVs are more personal. That means they're typically smaller. Often they're smaller or not much bigger than the driver / rider.Ask yourself these questions. If I put wheels on my feet and added some batteries for electricity, what would I transform into? How fast would I be able to go? And, how much fun could I have getting there? That's the IEV for you. What is a Personal Electric Vehicle (IEV)? How am I defining them?#1 It's Fully Electric: I won't be including any Hybrid Vehicles which use fossil fuels.#2 It's Personal: This vehicle not only gets you around, it is the definition of who you are.#3 It's Usually for One Person: One part of whether a vehicle is personal or not, is its capacity. While personal seems to imply one person, I'm going to include vehicles which hold two.You might normally be the only person in or on your vehicle. However, every so often, you might want to or need to, take someone else along. Perhaps you never go anywhere without your BFF. So, what kind of vehicles are we talking about here? Electric Skateboards, e-bikes, Micro cars and many more. I cover IEVs that travel on the ground - on the street and off-road. I cover those that go in and under the water and those which fly. I look at vehicles which are used on the farm and in the warehouse. The best part, is that I help you create an evaluation check-list for when you buy your IEV - the personal electric vehicle that is you.

  • af Dale Stubbart
    104,95 kr.

    Ever feel like you're different? Perhaps you even feel like you're special. Are you out to save the world? Is your secret mission in life to help others?Meet the children of Generation Q. At first they had to be hidden because others were hunting for them, trying to eliminate them, before their specialness infected the world. For then it would be too late to mold the world according to the ideals of those who hunted these infants.What will it take for the world to accept these children who have now become adults? They look a little different from you and I. They act somewhat differently than you and I. And they definitely think very differently than any one of us.Should we fear them? Or should we accept their help and work with them to save the world?And what if, just when we're on the verge of accepting them, our worst, hidden fears come true? What if it's not we who are special?Rating PG13; Reading Level Easy 6th Grade; Longest Word: Evolutionarily

  • af Dale Stubbart
    133,95 kr.

    The Dancer available at Amazon, is a simple story of a young woman in love, a young woman who is trying to find out who she is. While the story is simple, the manner in which it unfolds is anything but. And sometimes the ride is so wild it has everyone, including the Author, hanging on to their seats.The Dancer starts on the Stage and that's where it ends. In between, it goes to the beach, to an Artist's Studio, to a Native Village. We come to understand that the Artist's Studio and Native Village are other worlds.Will the Dancer find true love? Will she find her place in the World?In the second story, Dancer, a Chief, a Shaman, a God who is a horse, and Dancers other close friends must heal the holes that have developed between the worlds.In book three, The Dancer becomes the Dancer Magnifique and the story's focus more on her daughter who is now The Dancer.In book four, The Dancer meets Salmon, her true love.Book five is Butterfly's story (Salmon's sister). Butterfly and The Dancer are best friends, until one day Butterfly suddenly disappears.Welcome to the wonderful, if somewhat strange and chaotic world of The Dancer.This is the Collector's Edition containing all five books in the series. Fantasy - Other Worlds - Love StoryAvg Length: 32 Pages - CondensedReading Ease: Very Easy; Reading Level: 5th GradeRating G / Maturity: General Audience; Target Audience - Everybody who is young at heart and who loves stories about those who are in love and about community.Longest Words: Uncomprehending; Appropriateness

  • - Oscar Henry's Summer
    af Dale Stubbart
    133,95 kr.

    In Book 3 of The Wizard Without a Wand, Oscar Henry spends his summer trying to figure out how he can possibly earn enough money to return to Wizard School. His Folks could have possibly figured out how to cope with either his enormity or his gentleness, one or the other. But they can't figure out how to cope with both. And that means they can't help their son figure out how to cope with it either. They had hoped that Wizard School would help, but it hasn't. So they send Oscar Henry out into the world to figure it out.Why didn't Oscar Henry tell someone he wouldn't be returning? Why didn't he tell the Tensome? Why didn't he tell the Tomtons? Why oh Why oh Why? In this book, Oscar Henry becomes friends with two Hobos - Duosity Lemon and Hobo Sam. And they're off to have a great time! Rating G; Reading Level Easy 5th Grade; Longest Words: Classifications, Wizardetiquette Oscar Henry Woodmaker is a young teenager when he starts Wizard School. However, he's very tall and very strong. Due to his size, bullies fear him and he becomes a protector for his friends. What the bullies don't know is that Oscar Henry is the gentlest person at Wizard School. And he's ok with that. Oscar Henry found out about Wizard School because the Wizard School Train would come through the railroad yard where he worked. His parents think it's a school named after somebody named Wizard. They don't know anything about magic.Oscar Henry goes home after his first year. Now he is 9 ft tall. His parents can't figure him out. At that size, he should have been on the football team. But he's too gentle. His parents ask Oscar Henry to go out into the world to figure out who he is and what his place in the world is.So he takes off, catching a ride on a freight train with two hobos who are his friends. They find jobs in various places. Oscar Henry is always trying to earn more so that he can return to Wizard School. But no matter how hard he tries, he just can't make enough to do that. It's not so much that he wants to return to Wizard School. But he misses his friends. And if he doesn't return, he'll never see them again.But a miracle is just around the corner. Read the book to find out what that is.

  • af Dale Stubbart
    153,95 kr.

    Most of us see the world as a mess of Problems. There's Global Warming, or more politically correct, Global Climate Change, or more technically correct, Comprehensive Climate Chaos. And besides, that last one is alliterative - each word starts with the same letter.There's overpopulation. There's increasing homelessness (houselessness) and poverty. There's disparity, job loss, and permanent unemployment.The ocean's becoming a garbage dump, the Great Barrier Reef is dying, and the seas are overfished.There are wars. The political parties are at each other's throats. And there are too many guns in the hands of dangerous criminals.I could keep going. However, you are probably already suffering from mild depression having just read the above. And I'm now a basket case. Yes, the world is full of Problems. Notwithstanding, the world is also full of Solutions. It's hard to find Solutions in the news. The media focuses on Problems. For some reason they think that will drive readership / viewership up. So you really have to search for any good news. And Solutions are even harder to spot.In spite of that, good things are happening in the world. Enough Electric Vehicles are being sold in the US that in 2019, incentives for buying a Tesla started to be phased out. Renewable Energy is on the rise. Even though the world population continues to rise, several countries are seeing population decline. Miracles are being discovered to help restore the Great Barrier Reef and to extract plastic from the ocean. Solutions are even being unearthed which can prevent Comprehensive Climate Chaos.Feeling a little better? Great!It's daybreak. It's time for us to start seeing a world of Solutions Galore. It's time to jump onto the Solutions Bandwagon.For every Problem, there are a myriad of Solutions. Quite often, you only need to discover one.The purpose of Solutions Galore is to present methods to Solve Problems. There are Solutions in this book, mostly by way of example. But that is not the main purpose of this book. The purpose is to help you more easily Create Solutions to any Problem.

  • af Dale Stubbart
    123,95 kr.

    Welcome to the wonderful world of Consulting. It's a world I know well, having lived it for more than 30 years. What does a Consultant do? Well I'm glad you asked.Consultants are brought into a project for the expertise, to speed the project along, and to share their knowledge with the Client.Consultants are sought more for their wisdom than for their advice. I try to help the Client come to wise decisions rather than telling them what they should do - nobody likes to be told what they should do.I get to travel, meet new people, work in various industries and feel the satisfaction of the team having done our job well.This book is about the basics of Consulting. I wrote it to help those who are new at Consulting, so they don't feel like they're flailing around on their own, not sure what they're supposed to do, act, or what's available to them as a Consultant.

  • af Dale Stubbart
    173,95 kr.

    And, lo, and behold, there was a famine throughout the landAnd Ice Cream was nowhere to be foundThe people cried and prayed for Ice CreamBut it couldn't be found in any freezerAll they could do was rememberUntil they all forgot, except oneHis name was GrandpaThis is a full dialog book. That means that the main part of the book is pure conversation. There are for speakers in this book - Young Bobby, Bobby's Grandpa, Bobby's mom, and a doctor. Grandpa loves telling Bobby about Ice Cream. But he's not supposed to, because supposedly there never was such a thing. Bobby's Mom raises Bobby and takes care of Grandpa all by herself (well, Bobby helps). She seems obsessed with making Brownies, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Read this book, remember all that you love about Ice Cream, and find out why it has disappeared in this version of the world. Also enjoy all the scheming by Grandpa and Bobby.

  • af Dale Stubbart
    128,95 kr.

    Stuck in prison. Nothing to do. Other than play mind games with the guards.Hmmm, there's a transmission coming in on that computer across the way. It's a good thing that I can access computers with my mind. It's a good thing that the guards don't know that I can access that computer with my mind.What's the Transmission say? Calling Point Nemo. Where the heck is that? In the middle of nowhere. 4 km deep ocean and no land anywhere near. Why would a spaceship be calling Point Nemo? There's nothing there! Military Prisoner Where-Anon; Thought-to-be-dead Cyborg Nerve Venom; Translation Guru Ling Su; and Mythologist Kalamalama team up to safely bring in the spaceship piloted by Janowitz and Harowolski (not their real names). If any of the 27 Governments find out about this spaceship from another galaxy, they will shoot it down. In the mean time these extra-terrestrials are trying to deal with other problems. The main one being, why is no one responding to their hail? This book mixes recent scientific discoveries, with lingering scientific questions like why isn't Pluto a planet. Sci-Fi science is also included, as are mythology, first contact, and humor.

  • af Dale Stubbart
    238,95 kr.

    This is the collection of all ten epsidoes in the Wizard without a Wand series. Meet Shmedley Thrumbledack - The Wizard Without a Wand. Live with Shmedley and the rest of the Tensome through their first four years at Wizard School, and in two more years of graduate classes. Thankfully, all is not just study. Though Shmedley might not mind if it were all study of Wizard Math, since he excels in that topic - not so much in Casting, Spelling, Grammaring and other Wizard Poems.

  • af Dale Stubbart
    128,95 kr.

    Epsilon Sigma Omicron has been taken hostage by the Springboks. They will release him after he's turned them into Wizards. Perhaps if he hadn't tested out of Wandmaking in public, at a party no less, perhaps the Springboks wouldn't have known that he was the smartest student on campus. And maybe they wouldn't have thought that he could turn them into Wizards. Gloria Songmeister Gloria, his girlfriend, feels totally powerless to do anything about it. So do the rest of the Tensome. So, they go in search of a most powerful Wizard - one who can free Epsi. Rating G; Reading Level Medium 7th Grade; Longest Words: Classifications, Wizardetiquette, Continuonema If you paid really close attention to the first book in this series, you might know who the most powerful wizard is already. Nevertheless, you'll want to read this last book in the series to see how this Wizard discovers that they are this most powerful Wizard. Find out what it takes to be so powerful. You'll be surprised. Find out where the Springboks are hiding. Find out why they're hiding there.This book will also tell you about magical phenomena and all its intricacies. Making Objects Glow as Fireflies, Making Snow Fall Upwards, Making Time Running Backwards, Making the Wind Blow When There Was None, and Letting Spells Extinguish Themselves are some magical phenomena spells. You'll also learn about the frequency of Magical Phonomena. The Tensome have already graduated from Wizard School. And they've mastered all the advanced Wizard School classes. What will they do next?

  • af Dale Stubbart
    123,95 kr.

    An Electric Car is often referred to as an electric vehicle or EV. In Select Your Electric Car, I explore the various options of EVs available in the United States. If you live in California or in one of the other states which have similar zero emission vehicle standards, you will have more choices. These states have laws that car companies selling cars in their state must provide a certain percentage of EVs. I am going to focus on the EVs which are widely available in the US now (2018). I'll compare them, so that hopefully you will be able to purchase the EV which fits your lifestyle - or the lifestyle which you plan to adopt once you own an EV.I'll also look at a few other EVs which are not as widely available.In 2019, car dealers will be offering more models of EVs nationally, at least that's the plan. I'm thinking that you might want a car with more of a track record. So I won't be saying as much about those models, though I will mention them.The US ranks seventh in number of EVs sold, following China, United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Netherlands, and Norway who is at #1. If you wanted to wait until 2019 to drive your EV, and you had $200,000 ($200K) to spare, and you had a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) or could hire a driver who did; why not just purchase a Tesla Electric Semi. After all, Elon Musk is now saying it will have a 600-mile range. Even if he's only 75% correct, that's still a 450-mile range. I could drive into town (Olympia) every day of the week and up to the big city (Seattle) on the weekend. And I still wouldn't have to charge my rig.And in Aug 2018, a Tesla Semi made it from Coast to Coast across the US. It did have to be recharged. But the driver was able to find charging stations which were powerful enough to charge it.But where would I park the thing? Besides I don't have a CDL. And the few people I know who do aren't interested in being my personal chauffeur. I also definitely don't have $200K that I can afford to spend on my next vehicle.I won't talk about the Tesla Semi in this book. You can read about that vehicle in my book - The Xybrid Vehicle. I'll also mention techniques for driving an EV which will expand their range. At least these techniques work when driving my 2015 Electric Nissan Leaf.Ratiing G; Reading Level Easy 6th Grade (that's ok, even though most 6th graders are too young to drive); Longest word: Oversimplification

  • af Dale Stubbart
    133,95 kr.

    The Tensome are back at Wizard school for their fourth and final year. When they graduate they will be Wizards. What obstacles and opportunities lie in their path? Before they return, the Tensome are determined to get Shmedley a Wand. This is his last year of Wizard School. He really needs to have a Wand. Shmedley has made it through three years of Wizard School very successfully without having a Wand. But the Tensome think that he'll really need to have one this year. And besides, he's been without a Wand for too long. And if you think that's bad for Shmedley, what about the poor author? What will we find out about Shmedley's Parents this year? I mean what will we find out about those impostors who pretended to be his parents until they could ship him off to Wizard School. And who sends a kid to Wizard School without a Wand? Once they graduate, then what will they do? They have little time to ponder that, they're too busy with school and with finding out about Dangerous Territory. Rating G; Reading Level Easy 5th Grade; Longest Words: Responsibilities What is a penumbra? It's the lightest part of a shadow, the part at the edges. The umbra is the darker, inner part of a shadow. So, this book is about the lightest part of the shadow of the lives of Wizards School Students. It's the story about how they're about to graduate and embrace the life of Wizards. Up to this point, they have just been students. After they graduate, they'll be acclaimed as Wizards - cap and all.What could possibly go wrong in their final year at Wizard School? How about accidentally traveling back in time? How about ending up in Wandmaking Class when you know nothing about that subject?And what will these students do after they graduate? The Principal has a surprise in store which may answer that question.

  • af Dale Stubbart
    98,95 kr.

  • af Dale Stubbart
    98,95 kr.

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