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Bøger af Dan Miller

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  • - Change Your Habits, Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life!
    af Dan Miller
    88,95 kr.

    Life is a continuous learning process. The experiences you go through are opportunities leading to a better understanding of the things that will ultimately shape your decision-making skills and your destiny. The experiences you encounter in the journey of life are normally stored in a magnetic field surrounding you, just like a computer program. This is your aura.As you walk around and interact with others, your individual uniqueness accompanies you. Your experiences are transmitted into your immediate environment in the same manner as a vibration. This transfer reflects the relationships and real physical occurrences you experience in life. The unfortunate thing, however, is that some of our subconscious statements concerning ourselves may be out of date, incorrect, or even self-destructive. These distortions then attract undesirable experiences in your life as they reflect your hidden negative beliefs. Take an instance where you subconsciously believe that your own creation is unworthy. This negative belief is then reflected on you and transferred to the world around you. Therefore, the people you attract subconsciously or overtly believe in your unworthiness. You and those around you are immersed in negative energy.Remember, beliefs are subconscious, meaning they are hidden from the conscious. The subconscious mind is not easily available. Reaching and discovering the subconscious, and then changing it, are the subject matter of this book. You will learn various techniques that will not only help you interpret the subconscious, but remove the negative beliefs so that you may live a more fulfilling, stress free life. There are systematic guidelines to help you achieve this goal.

  • - How They Determine Our Success - Increase Your EQ by Mastering Your Emotions
    af Dan Miller
    98,95 kr.

    Everyone is confronted by our own emotions in addition to those of other people. The manner in which we manage theseemotions will determine how other people perceive us and our effectiveness in getting things done. By increasing our emotional intelligence, we will be better equipped to respond to situations around us with a high degree of maturity. Studies have shown that people who have a high emotional intelligence become better leaders and are exemplary in whatever they do. Compared to intelligence quotient (IQ), emotional intelligence appears to be superior because it covers a wide range of faculties and aspects of people's behavior. Studying emotional intelligence will help you understand the source and impact of your emotions. This is important because it enhances self awareness. You will also have an opportunity to understand the behavior of other people and the underlying reasons why they act the way they do. Mastering interpersonal skills such as listening, verbal communication, non-verbal communication, self management and assertiveness will make you gain trust and respect from others thereby becoming an influential person in social circles.

  • - Key to Success
    af Dan Miller
    88,95 kr.

    Positive mental attitude is a concept that has been developed in many areas of life as a key to success. In 1937, Napoleon Hill introduced the importance of positive thinking in the book Think and Grow Rich. Later on, other scholars such as W. Clement Stone found positive mental attitude as a very critical component to personal success and productivity. The right mental attitude is associated with positive characteristics such as hope, courage, faith, optimism, generosity, initiative, tolerance, kindliness, tact and good common sense. Positive attitude is more of a philosophy that builds on the fact that having an optimistic disposition in any circumstance of life can help you in enhancing achievement and positive changes. It is a state of mind that tirelessly seeks for ways of victory regardless of the surrounding circumstances. Positivity by its mere definition opposes negativity, hopelessness and defeatism. To develop mental strength, you need deliberate measures and commitment. A resilient mind is one that never loses focus even when subjected to the most stressful conditions. Mental toughness will help you maneuver through stress and emerge stronger than before. A mental attitude is the bridge that connects success and failure. On one end of the bridge is failure which is characterized by negativity while on the other end it is success which is denoted by a positive attitude. At any one given time, individuals are between the two points emotionally. They are at liberty to swing towards any end but they must also be ready to bear the consequences. It is true that you can overcome negativity but you must be determined. Having a clear understanding of the end result can motivate you to changing you from negativity into positivity. It is possible to turn situations of failure into success. With a positive attitude, your setback can be a setup for a comeback. Difficult times come to each one of us without an introduction. These situations can sink us deeper leaving us more depressed and devastated internally. Being positive in life will help you to handle these circumstances and find a way around them. This is because a positive attitude gives you a unique dimension that takes into account the storm that you are currently passing through and the lull that is imminent immediately after the storm is over. With these two perspectives, you can develop a coping strategy that has both endurance and hope knowing that good times are still ahead

  • - How to Improve Self Confidence in Teenagers
    af Dan Miller
    88,95 kr.

    Confidence is an integral aspect in the growth and development of teenagers. Teen self-esteem attains its peak at the age of around 15 to 16 years. Depending on how the parents, guardians and the community as a whole handle the teenagers at this point, their confidence level may either plummet or rise. Self-esteem is generally related to how we perceive and feel about ourselves in terms of our abilities and attributes. Contrary to the beliefs of many people, teen confidence is deeply rooted and taps into the pre-teen years. A child who was mistreated and exposed to physical abuse at an early age may easily develop a low self-esteem all throughout his/her teenage years. At the pre-teen level, the barometer for self-worth focuses on physical attributes. This is why it is common to find a child who is short, yellow skinned or fat, having low self-esteem. The earlier the teenagers are taught on how to believe in themselves and seek for ways of self-improvement the better their foundation will be in terms of self-confidence. The parents and the society at large should have a way of managing their expectations concerning the teenagers so that they do not demand too much from them.Teenagers should also be trained on how to make great first impressions as this will help them boost their confidence and make them productive in their future lives. Negative attitudes have been singled out as one of the most poisonous tendencies that can easily way down teenagers making them dull and less cheerful. The doctrine of positivity should be nurtured in them right from a tender age so as to give them a positive outlook on life. In order to come up with a comprehensive teenage self-esteem management roadmap, the parents and guardians should first identify the low self-esteem cases. This will enable them to chart forward on how to build their confidence levels.

  • - Proven Steps to Control Your Mood Swings
    af Dan Miller
    88,95 kr.

    Cognitive therapy has gained massive acceptance among mental health professionals as well as the public. As a matter of fact, cognitive therapy has become one of the most practiced and researched forms of psychotherapy in the entire universe. There are a number of reasons that explain this growing interest. One of them stems from the fact that cognitive therapy consists of basic down-to-earth ideas that are intuitive and appealing. Secondly, research studies have confirmed cognitive therapy to be very critical for individuals suffering from anxiety, and depression among other problems. Thirdly, lots of self-help books have aroused a strong and popular demand for cognitive therapy not only in the United States but also the entire world. Cognition refers to a perception or thought. In other words, cognitions describe the way you think about events or things at any particular moment. The thoughts go through your mind automatically without much control from your end. This has a huge impact on how you generally feel. For instance, people read self-help books on various subjects because of their thoughts and feelings. If they feel depressed and discouraged, they may pick an inspirational book to lift their moods. Your feelings are a sum total of the messages you give yourself. If you think of yourself as a loser or a useless person, those thoughts will compound to form a feeling which is mapped onto your behavioral pattern. Close to 2000 years ago, Epictetus, a Greek philosopher stated that people are oftentimes disturbed not by things but rather by the views we take of them. In the Bible, the book of Proverbs 23:7 states that "For as he thinks within himself, so he is". Shakespeare in Hamlet, Act 2, and Scene 2 expresses a similar idea and says "For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" The idea of how thinking commands your mood has been around for quite some time but many depressed people do not really understand it. When you are depressed, you may falsely think that the bad things that have happened to you are the cause of it. You may feel inferior and destined to be unhappy because someone you love rejected you or you failed in your work. Even though no single treatment will ever be an ultimate solution, cognitive therapy has been shown by research studies to be effective in dealing with a number of disorders including depression. This book explores the mind and how changing your moods can change your life.

  • - Power of Persuasion
    af Dan Miller
    108,95 kr.

    Almost everyone can admit that at one time or the other, they have been tricked or pushed into something because of naivety or the power of influence. For whichever motive, we have been an easy target for the pitches of fundraisers, peddlers and operators of one type or the other. While some of these people have good motives, a few of them may have dishonorable intensions. This opens up the debate on the issue of compliance and the factors that can cause you to say yes to another person because of the techniques and language that they use to convince you. If you have been keen enough, there is a certain way in which a request is stated if it is to be successful. A slight alteration may see the request rejected. Social psychologists have researched intensely on the psychology of compliance. Some of these studies have included laboratory experiments while others have involved field experiments where real people have been interviewed to shed light on the power of persuasion. There are principles that influence the tendency to say yes to a request. Knowing these principles and how they work is instrumental if you are to excel in the discipline of persuasion. Contrary to what many people believe, the psychology of influence is a preserve of the elite and a certain section of the society. The truth is that we all need to learn on how to harness the power of persuasion. This is because our daily lives revolve around bargains of one sort or the other. In the same way, we fall victim to the persuasions of other people at least to some degree in our interaction with friends, neighbors and family. To be competent in the mastery of compliance, you need more than just an amateurish and vague understanding of how persuasion works. As you read this book, you will gain a unique insight into the strategies and techniques that are effective in the psychology of influence. In the society, everyone is alive through the battle for influence. It is a wonderful experience to take part in an adventure of persuading others and sweeping them up into an unexpected idea, action or unproven vision. The ability to create a sensation and excitement around you is what makes you a great compliance practitioner. Psychological influence is not about swaying people against their will but rather giving them a chance to see things from a new perspective. Therefore, as the initiator, you have to find a delivery style that will make it possible for you to communicate your conviction in an inescapable and compelling way.

  • - Do What You Love and Live a Purpose Driven Life
    af Dan Miller
    88,95 kr.

    There is written rule that some people will succeed no matter how little they try and that others will fail irrespective of how hard they try. The truth is we all live in an existential framework where we are presented with opportunities to pursue our purpose. Despite the odds that are stacked against a considerable portion of humanity, a few people have successfully attained their goals. One interesting thing is that these people do not necessarily come from privileged backgrounds but they have one thing in common; they were able to seize the opportunities available, work hard and ultimately they became prosperous. They live purpose driven lives. When you look at the available data on the lives of successful people, you will find out that because of their determination, they have formed a solid support system and have a well researched and sophisticated toolkit that they use to confront challenges. Determined people are not successful by default but rather they have trained themselves to always think and troubleshoot before undertaking projects and pursuing a certain cause. In their toolkit lie so many things, amongst them resourceful people and mentors, ways to cope with uncertainty and negativity, positive visualizations, goal setting techniques and alternative course of actions. With this determination, you cannot afford to scroll through life without a clear understanding of your inner potential, goals and personal strengths. To understand your purpose, you have to set aside time to think deeply about the things that make you happy when you do them. This is your path of passion and the moment you discover it, pursue it to the very end. In your quest to live a purposeful life, you should zero in on the fundamental components that motivate you so that you do not spend your entire lifetime aimlessly on something that is not in sync with your potential. It is disastrous to waste your time chasing after the wrong goals whether in life, career or business. Instead, you need to find some quality time and ask yourself some soul-searching questions. Find out whether you are currently happy in your life. What can you do to improve it? Take care of unfinished business and find things you are passionate about. Sometimes the light that you need to shine on your path is right within you. It is known as the instinct. Remember the words of Edgar Allan Poe, "If you run out of ideas, follow the road; you will get there.

  • - Managing and Overcoming Anxiety Attacks
    af Dan Miller
    88,95 kr.

    Anxiety Disorder - Managing and Overcoming Anxiety AttacksThe uneasiness and creeping fear that accompanies anxiety can create a feeling of being trapped in a situation where you cannot unhook yourself. This uneasiness further progresses and combines with panic disorder along the way to finally cripple you emotionally, mentally and physically. Recent surveys have indicated that between 14 and 18 percent of Europeans and Americans are affected by panic disorders and anxiety. This means that anxiety is a global problem which needs a protracted approach if the way against it is to be won. The question of our age and time is - why are there so many anxiety and panic disorder related cases today and how can we go about it to conquer terror, fear, panic and worry? The answer to this question and many more is the subject matter of this eBook.It is possible to scale this seemingly insurmountable barrier to our personal happiness and wellness. Undergoing lobotomy or drowning yourself in a bottle of pills may not help much and in extreme cases it may even worsen your situation. This book discusses the causes and effects of panic and anxiety and the ways in which to manage and overcome mental and physical effects of anxiety. You will also learn how you can stop your mind from generating nightmares thereby giving you relative calm and mental peace. For you to be able to fully understand the dimensions of anxiety, it is very important to first examine it through the context of other emotional conditions that it is closely associated with. Anxiety is a term derived from the Latin word which means distressed or worried. According to the World English Dictionary, anxiety refers to a state of uneasiness or tension that is caused by apprehension of possible future misfortunes, danger, worry, etc.As opposed to fear which occurs in a situation that is at hand, anxiety is more focused on the potential and possibilities of danger before it even happens. For instance, in a situation where a lion or a bear suddenly appears, your reactions as reflected in the steps you take to save yourself are motivated by fear and not anxiety. Anxiety comes in a situation where you begin thinking about the possibilities of a lion or bear approaching you and then you immediately start pulsating and becoming worried. The event may not have happened but you already feel the effect because your mind has created a scenario of possible danger. Anxiety is part and parcel of our everyday life whether at school, at our work place or even at home. The feeling of anxiety is almost natural in every human being. However, when the feeling of anxiety crosses the border and affects your sleep, your diet, your relationships and everything else that you do, then it becomes a problem that needs psychology and/or medical attention.

  • af Dan Miller
    159,95 kr.

  • - The Secret to a Worry Free Financial Life
    af Dan Miller
    143,95 kr.

  • - To the Work You Love
    af Dan Miller
    248,95 kr.

    48 Days to the Work You Love helps readers find or create work that is meaningful, fulfilling, and profitable.

  • - The Dan Miller Story
    af Dan Miller
    138,95 kr.

  • af Dan Miller
    183,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Dan Miller
    152,95 - 258,95 kr.

  • - Preparando para la nueva normalidad
    af Dan Miller
    193,95 kr.

    48 Days to the Work You Love helps readers find or create work that is meaningful, fulfilling, and profitable.

  • - How to Get Your Agile Projects Running Smoothly
    af Dan Miller
    130,95 kr.

  • af Dan Miller
    218,95 kr.

    Is Your Job Making You "Stupid”?Adam Smith, author of The Wealth of Nations, once wrote that a person who spends his life performing the same repetitive tasks "generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become.” Wow! Now that's not a pretty picture. Unfortunately, much of our work today consists of those boring, repetitive tasks.But maybe you're one of the many who have gotten caught up in thinking work is just something you do to support your weekends. Work is that necessary evil, a means to an end, or just a curse from God. You probably take your role of providing for yourself and those depending on you seriously. But you don't expect to enjoy your work—you just do what has to be done.Only now you're seeing that even loyalty and dependability bring no guarantees. Lately you've seen coworkers who have been let go after years of faithful service. Perhaps your entire industryhas been shaken by outsourcing or changing technology. Maybe you're tired of the long commute and being tied to your desk when you know you could make your own hours and still be productive. You may have ideas stirring that you think could create new income and time freedom.But here comes another Monday. Maybe feeling trapped is just the reality of the way things are. Doesn't everyone dread Mondays? Doesn't every responsible person just bury their dreams and passions in exchange for getting a paycheck? Absolutely not! All of us, no matter how old we are or what kind of work we're doing, can learn to bring the same excitement to our jobs that we bring to whatever we love to do on our days off. I believe that each one of us can pursue work that is a reflection of our best selves—a true fulfillment of our callings.No More Mondays will show you that meaningful work really is within your grasp. And once you've opened the door and seen all the exciting career opportunities that await you—whether you decide to revolutionize your current job or launch a new career altogether—you'll find you can't go back to the old way of working.”From No More MondaysFor everyone who dreads going to work on Monday mornings, inspiring advice on how to find fulfilling work in an uncertain age. Do you hate Mondays? If so, what's keeping you at your current job? If you said a steady paycheck and the promise of a secure retirement, then you're in for a big disappointment. In today's volatile economy, there is nothing safe about punching the clock for a job you hate. As beloved talk-show host and bestselling author Dan Miller reveals, the only way to find true security is by following your calling and then finding or creating work that matches that calling and passion. No More Mondays's practical, inspirational advice speaks to people looking for guidance on how to launch a new career or business, those who want to stay in their current jobs and give the old 9-to-5 model a twenty-first-century makeover, and managers desperate to understand the way people want to work today. For all of them, Dan Miller's message is loud and clear: If you're one of those people who dread going to work on Mondays, do something about it!

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