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Bøger af Dave Goulson

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  • Spar 23%
    - Sådan dyrker du din have og redder kloden
    af Dave Goulson
    153,95 - 187,95 kr.

    I Den kriblende have giver den britiske forsker Dave Goulson os et nyt fascinerende indblik i insekternes forunderlige liv. Vi er med ham, når han graver i kompostbunken, kigger ind gennem glasset til sit bi-hotel eller dykker ned for at se nærmere på livet i havedammen. Han viser os, hvordan vores eget liv og i sidste ende hele menneskehedens skæbne er uløseligt forbundet med insekternes.Som altid hos Goulson er humoren og de skæve perspektiver aldrig langt væk, men Den kriblende have afdækker også de utilsigtede konsekvenser, det har for miljøet, når vi drukner vores haver i pesticider; lægger fliser overalt, hvor vi kunne have plantet træer, buske og blomster eller dyrket vores egne grønsager; eller køber spagnum med tørv fra truet natur, når det i virkeligheden er ret nemt at lave sin egen kompost. Den udvikling kan vendes. Haven kan blive det sted, hvor vi genopretter forbindelsen til naturen og genopdager, hvor maden kommer fra. Goulson viser, hvordan vi med få og små ændringer kan gøre vores haver til et kæmpemæssigt netværk af små naturreservater, hvor mennesker og dyr kan leve sammen i harmoni. Den kriblende have er uomgængelig lytning for alle, der har en have og kender til den verden af liv, der er derude.

  • Spar 13%
    - Sådan forhindrer vi insekternes undergang
    af Dave Goulson
    177,95 - 217,95 kr.

    I takt med at insekterne bliver færre, vil vores verden langsomt gå i stå. Dave Goulson er en af verdens førende eksperter i bier, og hans indlevende bog, Den tavse klode, giver en formidabel indsigt i insekternes forunderlige liv og betydning for alt andet liv på Jorden. Bogen er en international bestseller og både en uhyre velskrevet kærlighedserklæring og et tvingende opråb med potentiale til at blive samme banebrydende miljøklassiker som Det tavse forår af Rachel Carson, der udkom i 1962 og var årsag til, at miljødebatten for alvor blev sparket i gang internationalt. Verden over er insekterne i voldsom tilbagegang, og hvis de arbejdsomme skabninger overhovedet skal overleve og trives, er der brug for en verdensomspændende opvågnen og debat om, hvordan vi får en giftfri fremtid. Ikke mindst i Danmark, det er det hårdest dyrkede land i Europa og det land, som levner mindst plads til naturen. En personlig, engagerende og særdeles velformidlet bog om de vidunderlige, fascinerende insekter, som vi deler kloden med – om hvordan vi har afstedkommet deres fatale nedtur og masseuddøen, og hvad vi kan gøre for at afværge det. Jo før jo bedre! Oversat og bearbejdet til dansk af Kjeld Hansen, der er Danmarks førende miljøforfatter.

  • - or Gardening to Save the Planet
    af Dave Goulson
    105,95 kr.

  • - A Practical Guide to Creating a Paradise for Pollinators
    af Dave Goulson
    165,95 kr.

    ''Go on, have a flutter! Take a few tips from the new book by biologist Dave Goulson and it''s a safe bet that beautiful butterflies will start gathering in your garden'' Daily MailFrom the Sunday Times bestselling author of A Sting In The Tale comes this practical guide to creating a paradise for pollinators.There are twenty six different species of bumblebees to be found in the UK, of around 250 species worldwide. Bumblebees are among the most important of our insects; these superb pollinators ensure that wildflowers set seed and reappear each year, and that our vegetable and fruit crops give us bountiful harvests. With the decline in the populations of our wild bees, these beloved creatures need looking after more than ever. Gardening for Bumblebees shows you how you can provide a refuge for bumblebees to feed, breed and thrive. No matter how large or small your space is, Dave Goulson shows you how you can make a pollinator-friendly haven. In this book you will learn the best trees, shrubs and flowers for pollinators, how to create the perfect nest and breeding site, and the best ways to control pests. Gardening For Bumblebees will encourage and inspire gardeners and allotmenters alike to make their patch more bee friendly. Praise for Dave Goulson''Ideal for filling the garden with a happy hum''Tiffany Daneff, Country Life''Goulson reminds himself that he ''began studying bumblebees not because they are important pollinators but because they are fascinating, because they behave in interesting and mysterious ways, and because they are rather loveable'' Hannah Rosefield, Literary Review

  • - My Adventures with Bumblebees
    af Dave Goulson
    105,95 kr.

    A Sting in the Tale is a captivating book written by Dave Goulson. Published in 2014 by Vintage Publishing, this engaging read falls under the genre of non-fiction. The book takes you on a fascinating journey, giving you a peek into the intriguing world of bees. Dave Goulson, a renowned biologist and bumblebee expert, shares his deep love for these tiny creatures and the vital role they play in our ecosystem. The book is not just an informative piece but also an urgent plea to protect these often misunderstood and underappreciated insects. A Sting in the Tale is a must-read for nature enthusiasts and anyone interested in the conservation of our planet's precious biodiversity. Don't miss out on this riveting tale from Vintage Publishing.

  • - Averting the Insect Apocalypse
    af Dave Goulson
    105,95 kr.

    He passionately argues that we must all learn to love, respect and care for our six-legged friends. Eye-opening, inspiring and riveting, Silent Earth is part love letter to the insect world, part elegy, part rousing manifesto for a greener planet.

  • af Dave Goulson
    122,95 kr.

    A hunt for the world's most elusive bees leads Dave Goulson from Salisbury plain to Sussex hedgerows, from Poland to Patagonia. Whether he is tracking great yellow bumblebees in the Hebrides or chasing orchid bees through the Ecuadorian jungle, Dave Goulson's wit, humour and deep love of nature make him the ideal travelling companion.

  • af Dave Goulson
    95,95 kr.

    A fascinating look at the insect world found in one field in France - and how important that world is to all of us - from the author of the Sunday Times bestseller A Sting in the Tale In 2003 Dave Goulson bought a derelict farm in the heart of rural France, together with 33 acres of surrounding meadow.

  • af Dave Goulson & Emily Carter
    297,95 kr.

  • af Dave Goulson
    245,95 kr.

    There are at least one million species of insects, together making up over 80 per cent of all living species on Earth. Around 10,000 new species of insects are discovered every year.

  • af Dave Goulson
    257,95 kr.

    A FACINATING TRAVEL MEMOIR THAT WILL ALTER THE WAY YOU THINK ABOUT THE BUMBLEBEEDave Goulson became obsessed with wildlife as a small boy growing up in rural Shropshire, starting with an increasingly exotic menagerie of pets. When his interest turned to the anatomical, there were even some ill-fated experiments with taxidermy. But bumblebees are where Goulson's true passion lies. His passionate quest to reintroduce the bumblebee to its native land is one of the highlights of a book that includes exclusive research into these mysterious creatures, history's relationship with the bumblebee, and advice on how to protect the bumblebee for future generations. One of the United Kingdom's most respected conservationists and the founder of the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Goulson combines light-hearted tales of a child's growing passion for nature with a deep insight into the crucial importance of the bumblebee. He details the minutiae of life in the nest, sharing fascinating research into the effects intensive farming has had on our bee population and the potential dangers if we are to continue down this path.

  • af Dave Goulson
    185,95 - 284,95 kr.

    ?A terrific book...A thoughtful explanation of how the dramatic decline of insect species and numbers poses a dire threat to all life on earth.? (Booklist, Starred Review)In the tradition of Rachel Carson's groundbreaking environmental classic Silent Spring, an award-winning entomologist and conservationist explains the importance of insects to our survival, and offers a clarion call to avoid a looming ecological disaster of our own making.Drawing on thirty years of research, Goulson has written an accessible, fascinating, and important book that examines the evidence of an alarming drop in insect numbers around the world. ?If we lose the insects, then everything is going to collapse,? he warned in a recent interview in the New York Times?beginning with humans' food supply. The main cause of this decrease in insect populations is the indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides. Hence, Silent Earth's nod to Rachel Carson's classic Silent Spring which, when published in 1962, led to the global banning of DDT. This was a huge victory for science and ecological health at the time.Yet before long, new pesticides just as lethal as DDT were introduced, and today, humanity finds itself on the brink of a new crisis. What will happen when the bugs are all gone? Goulson explores the intrinsic connection between climate change, nature, wildlife, and the shrinking biodiversity and analyzes the harmful impact for the earth and its inhabitants. Meanwhile we have all read stories about hive collapse syndrome affecting honeybee colonies and the tragic decline of monarch butterflies in North America, and more. But it is not too late to arrest this decline, and Silent Earth should be the clarion call. Smart, eye-opening, and essential, Silent Earth is a forceful call to action to save our world, and ultimately, ourselves.Silent Earth includes approximately 20 black-and-white illustrations and charts and graphs.

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