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  • af David Mandel
    608,95 kr.

    Imagine risking your life to keep your children safe only to be accused of "choosing him over your children?" ¿¿¿¿¿Domestic violence survivors all over the world share the experience of protecting their children yet still being blamed for "choosing their partner over their children," "failing to protect," and perpetrating "parental alienation." Unchecked, these accusations can become the justification for separating children from their protective mothers. Harmful claims can thrive in environments in which fathers' behavior is ignored while mothers are blamed for domestic violence's negative impacts. In this groundbreaking book written for professionals and survivors, David Mandel deconstructs the six key myths at the heart of mother-blaming and father-ignoring culture, demonstrating their flaws and limitations. Each step along the way, David uses the principles and tools of the Safe & Together Model to outline easy-to- implement solutions to these all-too-common problems. With an approach that is supported by case studies and testimonials of practitioners and survivors, you will learn new ways to partner with survivors and intervene with domestic violence perpetrators as parents. This book will show readers how to do the following: Identify mother-blaming and father-ignoring in practices that harm children. Unlock the power in the concept: "Domestic violence perpetration is a parenting choice." Create systems that are more ethical, efficient, safer, and effective in their responses to domestic violence. Intervene in a better way with perpetrator parents. Give protective mothers full credit for their efforts. Offer new ways to keep more children safe and together with their protective parent. Join the thousands of practitioners and survivors who have already learned and applied the Model.

  • af David Mandel
    173,95 kr.

    FAMILY MATTERS"All Jews share the same history, but every Jewish family has its own story"This book tells the stories of four Jewish families, ancestors of the author, from small towns in Poland to faraway Peru, and, in the case of the author, from Peru to Israel.Mandel tells these stories with deep affection, fine irony, and delightful humor. His pleasant and clear style gives them his unmistakable personal sealThe biographical and autobiographical stories that Mandel tells in this book constitute individual mosaics that, as a whole, give a panoramic picture that covers more than one hundred years and includes personal, family and historical events.The real issue, the true meaning of these family stories, is the tenacious survival of the Jewish people, as evidenced by the Mandel, Korngold, Braun, and Kerszenberg families."Family Matters" illustrates, through the microcosm of four families, the Jewish history of the last hundred years, which includes the tragedy of the Holocaust and the rebirth of an independent Jewish state, 2,000 years after it was destroyed by the Romans.

  • af David Mandel
    173,95 kr.

    En esta novela, el autor David Mandel, sigue, con excelente humor, la tradición de las clásicas novelas españolas, y del libro Cándido de Voltaire, Luis Cabrejos, el protagonista, doctor en gramática española, fundador y único miembro del Instituto Internacional de Nombrelogía, relata en su "autobiografía" sus aventuras y desventuras que lo llevan desde su Lima natal en un colegio de profesores británicos, a una universidad en Madrid, luego, de regreso en Lima, a una estadía en la prisión, para luego convivir con una tribu en la selva peruana.Finalmente, cerrando el círculo de su saga, regresa al colegio donde transcurrió su niñez, pero esta vez como profesor de español.Cabrejos es siempre, a pesar de sus desventuras, optimista y entusiasta. Cerrando el círculo de su saga, está aquejado por una obsesión irracional, similar, a la de su antiguo profesor cuyo lugar él ahora ocupa. El trasfondo de la trama es una sátira del mundo latinoamericano del siglo 20, con su corrupción y sus golpes de Estado.

  • af David Mandel
    173,95 kr.

    A prominent Spanish doctor discovers in an old trunk in his attic documents that reveal the secret of his family, hidden for generations.The novel tells the story of a Spanish family, from the 11th to the 17TH century, whose members include heroes, martyrs and passionate defenders of their different convictions.David Mandel, in "The Secret of the Santamaria Family," has written a novel where he reconstructs historical people and events and combines them with the agility of his imagination. The clarity and amenity that characterize his style make us feel that we are contemporaries of his characters."The Secret of the Santamaria Family" is a work that must be read to know and understand a tragic chapter in Spanish history. The novel will thrill, illustrate and fascinate its readers.

  • af David Mandel
    188,95 kr.

    EL SECRETO DE LA FAMILIA SANTAMARÍAUn prominente médico español descubre en un antiguo baúl en su altillo documentos que le revelan el secreto de su familia, ocultado durante generaciones.La novela relata la estremecedora historia de una familia española, desde el siglo 11 hasta nuestros dias, cuyos miembros incluyen héroes, mártires y apasionados defensores de sus diversas convicciones. David Mandel, en "El Secreto de la Familia Santamaría," ha escrito una novela donde reconstruye los hechos históricos y los combina con la agilidad de su imaginación. La claridad y amenidad que caracterizan su estilo nos hacen sentir que somos contemporáneos de sus personajes."El Secreto de la Familia Santamaría" es una obra que debe ser leida para conocer y entender un capítulo trágico de la historia española. La novela emocionará, ilustrará y apasionará a sus lectores.

  • af David Mandel
    153,95 kr.

    My life and other misadventuresThe main character of this book, Luis Cabrejos, Ph.D. in Spanish grammar, founder and only member of the International Institute of Nameology, recounts in his "autobiography" his adventures and misadventures, loves and pains (reminiscent of the classic Spanish picaresque novels) from his childhood in a British school in his native Lima, until, decades later, being a professor of Spanish in that same school, he closes the circle of his saga, always optimistic and enthusiastic, but afflicted by an irrational obsession similar to that of his former teacher whose place he now occupies. The background is the Latin American world of the 20th century, with its corruption and its coups.

  • - La novela del Rey David: musico, poeta, guerrero, seductor y asesino
    af David Mandel
    173,95 kr.

    La novela La Lira y la Espada relata la extraordinaria vida del Rey David, hombre de innumerables facetas: guerrero valiente y musico angelical, heroe nacional y mercenario al servicio del enemigo, poeta sublime y asesino despiadado, rey temido y padre que no supo controlar a sus hijos, indulgente y vengativo, prudente e impulsivo, elegido de Dios, y culpable de terribles pecados.El autor utiliza la agilidad de su imaginacion, la amenidad de su estilo y sus profundos conocimientos biblicos para lograr una apasionante novela historica que deleitara a sus lectores.

  • - Founder and only member of the Nameology Institute
    af David Mandel
    173,95 kr.

    THE ADVENTURES AND MISADVENTURES OF LUIS CABREJOSIn this delightful novel, the protagonist, Luis Cabrejos, doctor in Spanish grammar, founder and the only member of the International Institute of Nameology, recounts in his "autobiography" his adventures and misadventures. These take him from his native Lima, where he studied in a school run by British teachers, to a university in Madrid. Then, back in Lima, after being sent to prison, he later lives with a tribe of Indians in the Peruvian jungle.Finally, closing the circle of his saga, he returns to the school where he spent his childhood, but this time as a Spanish teacher.Cabrejos remains always, despite his misadventures, optimistic and enthusiastic, although he is plagued by an irrational obsession, similar to that of his former teacher whose place he now occupies.The background of the story is a satire of the Latin American world of the 20th century, with its corruption and coups d'état.

  • af David Mandel
    288,95 kr.

    The HERODIAN TRILOGY is an epic historical novel in the tradition of "I, Claudius" by writer Robert Graves, told with the amenity and clarity that characterize David Mandel's books.It is a fascinating novel that will delight and excite the reader, and at the same time, inform him of the causes, events, and consequences of the war of the Jews against the Roman Empire, the effects of which we still feel today in contemporary events in the Middle East.Through its pages Marco Antonio, King Herod, Emperor Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, King Agrippa the Great, Vespasian, Titus, Josephus Flavius, and many other characters whose lives and actions have impacted our western civilization pass through its pages.The historical narrative takes place in the Alexandria of Cleopatra, in the Jerusalem of Herod, in the Rome of Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius.The novel spans 35 B.C.E. to 73 C.E., one of the most dramatic periods in the Jewish people's history. The rebellion of the Jews against the powerful Roman Empire and the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple affected not only the Jews but had and continues to have a great influence on Western civilization to this day. Never, from then until the 20th century, did the Jews experience such traumatic and crucial events.Each of the three parts of the trilogy is told by its own protagonist, making us readers feel we are living in their times and being contemporaries of the characters.The first part, "At King Herod's Court," tells Herod's story, the builder of the Temple of Jerusalem, which, according to the chroniclers, was one of the largest, most magnificent, and most beautiful buildings in the Roman world. The Western Wall, today's holiest site for Jews, is what remains of the retaining walls that increased the area on top of the Temple Mount.The narrator of the first part, Nicholas of Damascus, historian, diplomat, orator, statesman, and philosopher, was, like the other characters mentioned in this Trilogy, a real person. He was born in Damascus in 64 B.C.E. and died in Rome in 16 C.E. at the age of eighty. He had the honor and privilege of being a friend and confidant of the three most important men of his time, General Marco Antonio, Emperor Augustus, and King Herod.Herod was a cruel tyrant, but he turned the kingdom of Judea into a prosperous and powerful state. He was the greatest builder of antiquity, as attested by the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron, the Temple walls in Jerusalem, and the palaces of Herodion and Masada.The second part, "Memoirs of Agrippa," is related by Marcus Julius Agrippa (born in 11 B.C.E., died in 44 C.E., aged 54 years), grandson of King Herod.Agrippa is one of the most fascinating and charismatic figures in Jewish history. In his youth, he was an adventurer, a gambler, a spender, and was even a prisoner of debt, but when he assumed the throne of Judea, he deserved to be the only Jewish king who is called "the Great."The narrator of the third part, "The war of the Jews against the Roman Empire," is Josephus Flavius (Joseph ben Matityahu born in Jerusalem 37 BCE, died in Rome 100 CE), historian and participant in the Jewish war against the powerful Roman Empire, one of the most traumatic events in the history of the Jewish people. At the beginning of the rebellion, he was the general in charge of the defense of Galilee. Captured by the Romans, he tried to convince the rebels to lay down their arms and surrender. The Jewish rebellion ended with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple and has gone down in history as one of the greatest tragedies of the Jewish people and the beginning of an exile that lasted 2,000 years. The HERODIAN TRILOGY is an indispensable book for those who enjoy historical novels and those who want to know the past of the Jewish people, which makes us understand today's events.

  • - 4,000 years of history in 60 stories
    af David Mandel
    198,95 kr.

    History books are usually written in a dry scholarly format. David Mandel, in The Saga of the Jews has written the history of the Jewish people in the most entertaining and illustrative style.The book is composed of sixty stories, which together constitute the history of the Jewish people. They are individual mosaics of a panoramic picture that covers 4,000 years.The first story takes place four millennia ago in Ur, the capital of Sumer, the oldest kingdom in history. The last story is about an entrepreneur in Tel Aviv, one of the leading centers of global high technology, and the event that it reports. If it did not happen yesterday, it might happen tomorrow.Through the pages of this book pass patriarchs and prophets, kings and queens, saints and villains, philosophers and generals, politicians and scientists.The stories use various literary formats. Others use anachronistic formats, such as a radio interview with King Jeroboam, or the life of Rabbi Akiva in a three-act play. Some, especially those of the biblical age, are presented with humor. Many of the stories are told in first person by characters that in some cases are historical and in others imaginary, but in all cases the mentioned events are historical. At the end of the book, under the title "Notes about the stories," the author includes a short explanation about each chapter.The theme of this book, actually the basic theme of Jewish history, is the survival of the Jewish people, who, despite being one of the smallest nations on the planet, have, during their long existence, faced and survived the most powerful empires.The pharaohs of Egypt, the emperors of Rome, the fanatical monks of the Spanish Inquisition, the Nazis guilty of the worst genocide in human history, have all disappeared, but the Jewish people are still here, actively participating in contemporary history and contributing to the progress of humanity.

  • - Balaam's mule
    af David Mandel
    153,95 kr.

    David Mandel's novel "Operation Balaam's mule" is a satire on the current BDS (Boycott, Disvestment, Sanctions) anti-Israel campaign of delegitimization and false accusations of apartheid and genocide. The author uses, with ingenuity and display of humor, the literary technique of the roman à clef presenting under the mantle of fiction situations and people some with fictitious names and some with their real names.The character of the financier George Tzures, who hires a group of people to accuse and condemn Israel, is based on the anti-Zionist billionaire George Soros who uses his fortune to support anti-Israeli organizations and campaigns. Professor Asher Reubeni of the novel, anti-Zionist and pro-Palestinian fanatic, is inspired by Professor Ilan Pappe, self-exiled to a provincial university in England, author of history books that falsify and distort the historical facts. Simultaneously, "Operation Balaam's mule" is a contemporary version of the biblical account of Balaam, the seer who was hired to curse the Israelite people, but ended up blessing him.

  • af David Mandel
    128,95 - 333,95 kr.

    The account of political discrimination and violation of the "citizens first" hiring principle at McGill University. "Yet another one of academe's sordid little stories illustrating once again nuances that nobody inside or outside universities should ever disregard."--"Globe and Mail"

  • af David Mandel
    138,95 - 333,95 kr.

  • af David Mandel
    188,95 - 333,95 kr.

  • af David Mandel
    393,95 kr.

    The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a period of steep economic decline, followed by economic reform, soaring inflation, corruption and crime. Despite the fact that unions were part of the State and that membership was obligatory, incorporating 98 percent of the labor force, millions of workers were not paid their wages.Based upon an abundance of first-hand material, Labour After Soviet Socialism examines the complex interplay of history, ideology, leadership, state policy and economics, to explain the difficulty workers have encountered in defending their interests.David Mandel, labor scholar and activist, teaches political science at the University of Quebec, Montreal. He is co-founder of the School for Worker Democracy, which conducts rank-and-file labor education in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

  • af David Mandel
    153,95 kr.

  • af David Mandel
    438,95 kr.

  • af David Mandel
    279,95 kr.

    In 2012, soon after his election to a third presidential term as president, following a four-year stint as prime minister (to avoid modifying the constitution), and in the wake of an unprecedented wave of popular protests, Vladimir Putin issued his ¿May Decrees.¿ Notable among them was the government¿s commitment to increase the salaries of doctors, scientific researchers and university teachers to double the average in their respective regions by 2018. But then on December 30 of that year, the government issued a ¿road map¿ for education, revealing that the salary increases in higher education would be paid for, not by significant new government funding, but by ¿optimization,¿ which would eliminate 44% of the current teaching positions in higher education. This was justified in part by a forecasted drop in student enrollment. Thus opened a new, accelerated period of reform of higher education. David Mandel examines the impact of these reforms on the condition of Russiäs university teachers and the collective efforts of some teachers, a small minority, to organize themselves in an independent trade union to defend their professional interests and their vision of higher education. Apart from the subject¿s intrinsic interest, an in-depth examination of this specific aspect of social policy provides valuable insight into the nature of the Russian state as well as into the condition of ¿civil society,¿ in particular the popular classes, to which Russian university teachers belong according to their socio-economic situation, if not necessarily their self-image.

  • - A Memoir
    af David Mandel, Selina Meyer & Billy Kimball
    258,95 kr.

  • - February 1917-June 1918
    af David Mandel
    483,95 kr.

    Two definitive works on the early days of the Russian Revolution, now collected in one captivating volume.

  • af David Mandel
    318,95 kr.

    Suitable for students, teachers and rabbis, this title gives an opportunity to get up close and personal with everyone named in the Bible - its patriarchs, matriarchs, and prophets, warriors and peacemakers, holy men and sinners, heroes and villains. It contains biographical information written in narrative style, about all the Bible's characters.

  • af David Mandel
    128,95 kr.

  • - Perestroika and after Viewed from below: Interviews with Workers in the Former Soviet Union
    af David Mandel
    233,95 kr.

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