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Bøger af David Shapiro

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  • af David Shapiro
    558,95 kr.

    Alcuni decenni fa, il matrimonio tra le donne nella maggior parte dell'Africa subsahariana poteva ragionevolmente essere descritto come precoce e quasi universale. Tuttavia, in molti Paesi della regione si registra una tendenza a ritardare l'inizio del matrimonio, mentre il matrimonio precoce sta diventando meno diffuso. Questa tendenza è più evidente tra le donne urbane e più istruite. L'aumento dell'età del primo matrimonio, a sua volta, ha giocato un ruolo importante nella transizione della fertilità in corso in alcune parti dell'Africa subsahariana. Questa monografia esamina i modelli di unione delle giovani donne (di età compresa tra i 15 e i 29 anni) in più di due dozzine di Paesi dell'Africa subsahariana, con l'obiettivo di documentare e analizzare l'entità e la natura dei cambiamenti in corso nell'accesso all'unione che si stanno verificando nella regione. Utilizziamo i dati delle indagini demografiche e sanitarie (DHS). Dopo aver esaminato le tendenze del matrimonio, analizziamo i fattori associati a queste tendenze, in particolare l'istruzione e il benessere economico delle donne. Infine, valutiamo il ruolo del calo osservato nelle percentuali di donne unite in matrimonio nel contribuire alla transizione della fertilità in atto nell'Africa subsahariana.

  • af David Shapiro
    393,95 kr.

    Beginning with a discussion of the problem of autonomy in dynamic psychiatry and a review of its development from infancy to adolescence, the author of Neurotic Styles explores, with numerous clinical examples, the distortion of the development of autonomy in obsessive-compulsive conditions, in sadism and masochism, and, finally, in paranoia.

  • af David Shapiro
    723,95 kr.

    Original Release Date: December 2022. Printed in color.Principles of Microeconomics 3e covers the scope and sequence of most one semester introductory microeconomics courses. The third edition takes a balanced approach to the theory and application of microeconomics concepts. The text uses conversational language and ample illustrations to explore economic theories, and provides a wide array of examples using both fictional and real-world applications. The third edition has been carefully and thoroughly updated to reflect recent developments, as well as to provide a deeper background in diverse contributors and their impacts on economic thought and analysis. For example, the third edition highlights the research and views of a broader group of economists.

  • af David Shapiro
    328,95 kr.

    Data publikacji: 2022. Wydrukowane w czerni i bieli.Mikroekonomia - Podstawy to polska adaptacja podr¿cznika Principles of Microeconomics 2e. Publikacja przeznaczona jest dla trwaj¿cych jeden semestr zaj¿¿ z podstaw mikroekonomii. Tre¿¿ dopasowano pod wzgl¿dem zakresu i uk¿adu do praktyki dydaktycznej stosowanej na wi¿kszöci polskich uczelni prowadz¿cych takie zaj¿cia. Ponadto polskie wydanie wzbogacono o liczne adaptacje kulturowe.¿¿¿Ze wzgl¿du na ró¿norodnö¿ terminologii z zakresu mikroekonomii obowi¿zuj¿cej na polskich uczelniach, we wspó¿pracy z dydaktykami z siedmiu uczelni w Polsce wprowadzili¿my synonimy terminów w sekcji Kluczowe poj¿cia na köcu kädego rozdziäu. Zabieg ten sprawia, ¿e podr¿cznik jest uniwersalny i odnajdzie si¿ w nim student kädej uczelni w Polsce. Maj¿c na uwadze coraz bardziej odczuwalne skutki dziäalnöci cz¿owieka na klimat, przygotowali¿my tak¿e dodatkowy rozdziä o wp¿ywie katastrofy klimatycznej na rozwój przedsi¿biorstw. Dla jasnöci przekazu i wygody studentów w obecnym wydaniu nie zostäy uwzgl¿dnione te zagadnienia z Principles of Microeconomics 2e, które na polskich uczelniach typowo s¿ prowadzone na kursie makroekonomii.

  • af David Shapiro, Daniel Macdonald & Steven A. Greenlaw
    598,95 - 1.078,95 kr.

  • af David Shapiro, Daniel Macdonald & Steven A. Greenlaw
    353,95 - 723,95 kr.

  • af David Shapiro, Daniel Macdonald & Steven A. Greenlaw
    418,95 - 433,95 kr.

  • af David Shapiro
    623,95 kr.

  • af David Shapiro
    158,95 kr.

  • af David Shapiro
    289,95 kr.

    Several decades ago, marriage among women in most of sub-Saharan Africa could reasonably be described as early and near-universal. However, in many countries in the region there is a trend toward delays in the onset of marriage, with early marriage becoming less prevalent. This trend is most notable among urban and better-educated women. Rising age at first marriage, in turn, has played an important role in the ongoing fertility transition in some parts of sub-Saharan Africa. This monograph examines union patterns of young women (aged 15-29) in more than two dozen countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with the objective of documenting and analyzing the extent and nature of the ongoing changes in entry to union that are taking place in the region. We use data from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS). After looking at trends in marriage, we analyze factors associated with these trends, most notably women¿s education and economic well-being. Finally, we assess the role of the observed declines in the percentages of women in union in contributing to the fertility transition that is taking place in sub-Saharan Africa.

  • - Clinical and Social Psychological Perspectives
    af David Shapiro, Lenore E. Walker & Stephanie Akl
    1.642,95 kr.

    Part I What is Forensic  Psychology.- Introduction to Forensic Psychology.- Models of Legal Systems.- Admissibility of Expert Testimony.- Part II    Understanding the Criminal Mind.- Criminal Responsibility.- Competency to Stand Trial.- Self-Defense and Syndrome Testimony.- Clinical Assessment in Forensic Settings.- Psychological Interventions in Forensic Settings.- Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Best Practices.- Part III   Can Psychologists Measure Pain and Suffering?.- Civil Law and Personal Injury.- Involuntary Commitment and Other Civil Liberties.- Malpractice.- Part IV  Family Law and Fitness to Parent.- Marriage and Divorce.- Access to and Protection of Children (in family law).- Reproductive Rights and the Law.- Part V   Juvenile Justice.- Delinquency.- School & Workplace Violence.- Legal Rights of Children.- Part VI    Social Psychology and Legal Consultation.- Discrimination and Sexual Harassment.- Eyewitness Identification.- Jury Selection and Trial Consultation.- Part VII   Practical Tips for Forensic Psychology Experts.- Forensic Experts and Attorneys: Communication Process.- Risk Management in Forensic Psychology Practice.

  • - A Bardic Tale from the Snow Land of Tibet
    af David Shapiro
    233,95 - 418,95 kr.

  • af John Manning, David Shapiro, Jack Goldsmith, mfl.
    4.361,95 kr.

    This supplement brings the main casebook up to date with recent changes in the law.

  • - Footnotes on Doing Philosophy with Young People
    af David Shapiro
    433,95 kr.

    This book is a compendium of lesson plans for classroom exercises designed to foster philosophical inquiry with young people. It introduces the reader to a wide range of activities for exploring philosophical questions and problems with children from preschool age through high-school.

  • af David Shapiro
    158,95 kr.

    The first full-length collection in fifteen years from New York School prodigy and master of lyrical abstraction David Shapiro.

  • af David Shapiro
    518,95 kr.

    Helps you solve your electrical problems. This title contains pictures that show you how to: distinguish good wiring and fixtures from bad; install a ceiling fan; replace a light fixture; change a switch; wire outdoor fixtures; select the right supplies; locate and repair problems; and, do preventive maintenance.

  • - Women's Education, Employment and Fertility
    af David Shapiro
    693,95 kr.

    Kinshasa is now the second largest urban area in sub-Saharan Africa, with a population around five million. The authors trace the impact on women's lives of social, economic and demographic changes that have resulted from the rapid expansion of the city.

  • af David Shapiro
    296,95 kr.

    This new edition of one of the books most closely identified with clinical psychology since 1965 will expose a new generation to Shapiro's stunningly defining conceptualizations of the Obsessive-Compulsive, Paranoid, Hysterical, and Impulsive ways of being.

  • af David Shapiro & Richard J Leider
    178,95 kr.

    The second half of life is a journey into unknown territory—a safari like the one that inspired this deeply renewing and inspiring book. Drawing upon ancient wisdom and modern research for guidance, Richard Leider and David Shapiro invite you on a journey back to the primordial rhythms—back to a time and place where we are better able to clarify for ourselves what really matters in our lives. They share stories from their own lives and of others facing midlife and beyond, stories that exemplify the qualities of authenticity and wholeheartedness that are the essential components of vital aging. And they offer up positive practices that can help us save and savor the world: live an authentic life of purpose and meaning while balancing our lives with vitality and joy

  • - Clinical and Social Psychological Perspectives
    af Lenore E.A. Walker & David Shapiro
    1.594,95 kr.

    This text provides a complete overview of the applications of psychology to the law. Incorporating the contributions of social and clinical psychology, this new text presents the material with an objective view towards the complete scope of the subject matter.

  • af David Shapiro
    296,95 kr.

    With the publication of this masterly new book, David Shapiro fulfills the promise made more than twenty years ago. Psychotherapy of Neurotic Character presents for the first time an approach to psychotherapy consistent with his classic work, Neurotic Styles.

  • - Self-regulation in Psychopathology
    af David Shapiro
    309,95 kr.

    In this long-awaited volume, David Shapiro extends the same stubbornly intuitive clinical vision that informed his phenomenally successful Neurotic Styles to probe the dynamic psychopathological character

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