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Bøger af Dawn Huebner

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  • - barnets guide til at overvinde angst
    af Dawn Huebner
    198,95 kr.

    Når du bekymrer dig for meget - hvad så? er en gribende bog skrevet af den talentfulde forfatter Dawn Huebner. Udgivet i 2008, tager denne bog læseren med på en dybtgående rejse ind i verdenen af bekymringer og angst. Genren af bogen falder ind under psykologi, hvilket er passende, da Huebner er en anerkendt psykolog. Bogen er skrevet på en sådan måde, at læseren kan føle sig forbundet og forstå de komplekse følelser, der ofte er forbundet med konstant bekymring. Udgivet af Dansk Psykologisk Forlag A/S, er denne bog et must for enhver, der ønsker at forstå mere om psykologien bag bekymring. Uanset om du er en professionel inden for området, eller bare nysgerrig, vil Når du bekymrer dig for meget - hvad så? give dig indsigt og forståelse.

  • - Barnets guide til at overvinde problemer med vrede
    af Dawn Huebner
    198,95 kr.

    Vidste du, at vrede er som ild? Den begynder som en gnist, der gør os målrettede og giver os energi. Men den kan også flamme op og blive så ustyrlig, at den skaber problemer for os. Hvis du hører til de børn, som let bliver hidsig, og din vrede for hurtigt bliver for stor og for voldsom, er denne bog noget for dig. Når du bliver hidsig - hvad så? giver teknikker til, hvordan børn kan lære at overvinde problemer med vrede. Bogen er baseret på kognitiv adfærdsterapi og hjælper barnet til at håndtere problemvrede og vanskelige situationer på en ny måde.Ved hjælp af bogens eksempler, illustrationer og trinvise instruktioner lærer barnet, hvordan det kan slukke vreden, afkøle de vrede tanker, få kontrol over vreden og blive roligere og blive hørt. Bogen bidrager til at motivere barnet og gøre det i stand til gradvis at ændre adfærd.I et let sprog og med mange illustrationer henvender bogen sig direkte til barnet, der selv kan læse, men den bør gennemgås sammen med en voksen, der kan støtte op om brugen af ideerne. Bogen er også relevant for lærere, pædagoger, psykologer og andre, der arbejder med børn.

  • - Barnets guide til at overvinde negativitet
    af Dawn Huebner
    198,95 kr.

    Vidste du, at livet er som en forhindringsbane. Det er spændende og sjovt, men fuld af svære forhindringer, man skal springe over. Hvis du hører til de børn, der bliver frustreret over de vanskelige forhindringer og har svært ved at nyde de gode ting i livet, er denne bog noget for dig. Når du brokker dig for meget - hvad så? giver teknikker til, hvordan børn kan lære at overvinde negativitet og negative tanker. Bogen er baseret på kognitiv adfærdsterapi og hjælper til at se på livets forhindringer på en ny måde. Bogens tegne- og skriveøvelser giver barnet de nødvendige færdigheder til at klare disse forhindringer, og de trinvise instruktioner lærer barnet at blive gladere og mere positivt.I et let sprog og med mange illustrationer henvender bogen sig direkte til barnet, der selv kan læse, men den bør gennemgås sammen med en voksen, der kan støtte op om brugen af ideerne. Bogen er også relevant for lærere, pædagoger, psykologer og andre, der arbejder med børn.

  • - Barnets guide til at overvinde problemer med at sove
    af Dawn Huebner
    188,95 kr.

    Ville det ikke være fantastisk, hvis du kunne kravle i seng, putte dig godt under dynen og falde i søvn uden ballade og uden at være bange? Uden at lytte efter lyde eller tænke på tyve og røvere? Uden et glas vand til, et knus til eller endnu en tur på toilettet? Mange børn har det svært med at skulle i seng. Hvis du hører til de børn, der ikke vil i seng, og du er overbevist om, at kun trylleri kan gøre det lettere for dig at gå seng, er denne bog noget for dig. Når du ikke vil i seng – hvad så? guider børn og deres forældre gennem teknikker fra kognitiv adfærdsterapi, som benyttes i behandlingen af børn med søvnproblemer. Efterhånden som barnet tilegner sig de forskellige teknikker, lærer det at håndtere angst, tankemylder, uro i kroppen og for stor afhængighed af forældrene, så det får en roligere nat. Denne interaktive selvhjælpsbog er den komplette håndbog til at motivere børn til at falde i søvn og sove igennem – som ved et trylleslag! Dawn Huebner, ph.d., er klinisk psykolog i Exeter, New Hampshire med speciale i behandling af børn og deres forældre.

  • - A Kid's Guide to Overcoming OCD
    af Dawn Huebner
    168,95 kr.

    Guides children and their parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. This interactive self-help book contains examples, activities, and step-by-step instructions that help children master the skills needed to break free from the sticky thoughts and urges of OCD, and live happier lives.

  • - A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety
    af Dawn Huebner
    138,95 kr.

    What to Do When You Worry Too Much, Second Edition, guides children and parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques most often used in the treatment of anxiety. Now revised and expanded, this groundbreaking bestseller has helped millions of children around the world. An updated edition of the world-wide bestseller What to Do When You Worry Too Much, the second edition combines everything that worked so well in the original--the conversational tone, interactive elements, clear and actionable strategies--with new tools, new illustrations, and expert advice based on current understandings of anxiety. Lively metaphors and humorous illustrations make the concepts and strategies easy to understand, while clear how-to steps and prompts to draw and write help children learn new skills. This interactive self-help book remains the complete resource for educating, motivating, and empowering kids to overcome their overgrown worries. Includes a note to parents and caregivers by psychologist author Dawn Huebner, PhD. From the Note to Parents and Caregivers: If you are the parent or caregiver of an anxious child, you know what it's like to be held captive by fear. So does your child. Children who worry too much go to great lengths to avoid frightening situations, unable to shake the fear of what might happen. Unfortunately, the more children capitulate to anxiety, the more powerful it becomes. You have undoubtedly seen this pattern and done your best to reverse it, reassuring, distracting, accommodating, and/or encouraging your child, but it doesn't work. None of it. At least, not in the long run. Anxiety can be neither forced nor jollied away. But there is hope. What to Do When You Worry Too Much, Second Edition teaches a new way of thinking about and managing anxiety, one that addresses fear where it begins: in the brain. This book is part of the Magination Press What-to-Do Guides for Kids(R) series and includes a "Note to Parents and Caregivers." What-to-Guides for Kids(R) are interactive self-help books designed to guide 6-12 year olds and their parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques most often used in the treatment of various psychological concerns. Engaging, encouraging, and easy to follow, these books educate, motivate, and empower children to work towards change.

  • af Dawn Huebner
    76,95 kr.

  • af Dawn Huebner
    121,95 kr.

    Filled with practical tips and fun facts, this book eases over-size fears about being apart from parents, helping 6-10-year-olds live happier lives. Supplemental guidance for parents and caretakers ensures maximum effectiveness.

  • af Dawn Huebner
    129,95 kr.

    Filled with practical tips and fun facts, this book eases over-size fears about making mistakes, helping 6-10-year-olds live happier lives. Supplemental guidance for parents and caretakers ensures maximum effectiveness.

  • af Dawn Huebner
    263,95 kr.

    75 creative lists of exposure activities to help 5-10 year olds overcome a wide variety of fears and concerns. An easy to navigate resource, this practical guide will be an essential part of every mental health professional's toolkit for treating anxious children.

  • af Dawn Huebner
    129,95 kr.

    Written with warmth and humor, and filled with practical tips, this book eases oversize fears about real and pretend baddies and villains, helping 6-10-year-olds live happier lives. Supplemental guidance for parents and caretakers ensures maximum effectiveness.

  • af Dawn Huebner
    169,95 - 188,95 kr.

    Når børn hører om noget STORT og SLEMT – selv når de kun hører brudstykker – får deres hjerner travlt med at prøve at f inde hoved og hale i det. Hvor skete det? Hvorfor skete det? Vil det ske igen?DER ER SKET NOGET SLEMT guider børn i alderen 6 til 12 år og deres nærmeste voksne igennem svære samtaler om alvorlige verdensbegivenheder, fra miljøkriser til menneskelige tragedier.Der bruges kun det uspecifikke udtryk “dårlige ting” hele vejen igennem bogen, så forældre kan bevare kontrollen over, hvilke begivenheder der bliver talt om og i hvor mange detaljer.Bogen normaliserer frygt, tristhed og det at bekymre sig om “dårlige ting”. Samtidig præsenterer bogen en masse forskellige øvelser, der hjælper børn med at bevare følelsen af tryghed, optimisme og styrke.

  • af Dawn Huebner
    169,95 - 188,95 kr.

    Bekymring har det med at vokse. En lille ting kan pludselig vokse til at blive en RIGTIG STOR TING. Den forvoksede Bekymring er snedig og overtaler børn til at gøre ting, der holder angsten i gang. Det kan være hårdt at kæmpe imod sin Bekymring, men der er håb forude!VIND OVER DIN BEKYMRING lærer de 9-13-årige og deres nærmeste voksne nogle helt særlige færdigheder, der gør det lettere at få øje på – og overvinde – bekymringer og frygt.Bogen er fuld af smarte, praktiske og gennemprøvede teknikker, der er lige til at gå til og skrevet til børn i et lettilgængeligt sprog. Bogens fokus er at gå fra viden til handling, og fra at være bekymret og tilbageholdende til at være glad og fri.

  • af Dawn Huebner
    153,95 kr.

    First time jitters are normal, but when they turn into tears and outright refusal, the world shrinks in problematic ways. Facing Mighty Fears About Trying New Things teaches children to manage uncertainty about new experiences. Fun Facts engage children while a Note to Parents and Caregivers and a supplemental Resource section make this the perfect guide for parents and mental health professionals.This book is part of the Dr. Dawn's Mini Books About Mighty Fears series, designed to help children ages 6-10 tackle their fears and live happier lives.

  • af Dawn Huebner
    153,95 kr.

    Fear of animals that slither, bite, and sting can get in the way of going places and doing things. Facing Might Fears About Animals teaches children techniques to shrink over-size fears. Fun Facts about bees, dogs, spiders, and snakes engage children, while a Note to Parents and Caregivers and supplemental Resource section make this the perfect guide for parents and mental health professionals. This book is part of the Dr. Dawn's Mini Books About Mighty Fears series, designed to help children ages 6-10 tackle their fears and live happier lives.

  • af Dawn Huebner
    144,95 kr.

    No one like to throw up, but emetophobia is different, turning disgust into dread. Facing Mighty Fears About Throwing Up presents techniques to help shrink this common fear. Fun Facts about vomit engage children, while a Note to Parents and Caregivers and supplemental Resource section make this the perfect guide for parents and mental health professionals.This book is part of the Dr. Dawn's Mini Books About Mighty Fears series, designed to help children ages 6-10 tackle their fears and live happier lives.

  • af Dawn Huebner
    126,95 kr.

    Thinking about our body's functions can be scary, especially when it morphs into Health Anxiety that gets in the way of everyday life. Facing Mighty Fears About Health teaches 4 steps to manage 'false alarm' fears. Fun Facts about the body engage children, while a Note to Parents and Caregivers and supplemental Resource section make this the perfect guide for parents and mental health professionals. This book is part of the Dr. Dawn's Mini Books About Mighty Fears series, designed to help children ages 6-10 tackle their fears and live happier lives.

  • - Guia para Ninos para Superar la Ansiedad
    af Dawn Huebner
    178,95 kr.

    GuIa a padres y a niNos a travEs de las tEcnicas cognitivo-conductuales mAs usadas en el tratamiento para la ansiedad.

  • - Surefire Ways to Solve Conflicts, Reduce Rivalry, and Have More Fun with your Brothers and Sisters
    af Dawn Huebner
    177,95 kr.

    Why can't they just get along?! This indispensable guide from best-selling author Dawn Huebner helps 9-12-year olds manage feelings, resolve conflicts, and strengthen bonds with brothers and sisters. Warm, witty, practical and effective, this book will help children live in peace.

  • af Dawn Huebner
    118,95 kr.

    Something Bad Happened guides children ages 6 to 12 and the adults who care about them through tough conversations about serious world events, from environmental threats to human tragedies. Care is taken to use the non-specific term ''bad thing'' throughout, helping parents retain control over which events to talk about, and how much...

  • - A Kid's Guide to Coping With Events in the News
    af Dawn Huebner
    163,95 kr.

    Full of advice for children who may be worried about events in the news, this guide from best-selling author Dawn Huebner offers advice for having tough conversations with 6-12 year olds about world events such as natural disasters, terrorism and war. It addresses common questions and provides tools to calm fears.

  • - An Older Kid's Guide to Managing Anxiety
    af Dawn Huebner
    141,95 kr.

    This easy to follow illustrated book from a best-selling author presents strategies for 9-13 year olds with anxiety. It teaches them about, and normalizes, their symptoms and provides a set of concrete steps to overcome them. The tried and tested techniques are based on the most up-to-date psychological treatments of anxiety, including CBT and ACT.

  • - A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Negativity
    af Dawn Huebner
    136,95 kr.

    An interactive self-help book that guides 6- to 12-year-old children and their parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques used to treat negative thinking. This ""What to Do"" guidebook aims to empower children to work toward change.

  • - A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Nail Biting and More
    af Dawn Huebner
    136,95 kr.

    Guides children and their parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques used to treat a variety of habits. This interactive self-help book includes engaging examples, illustrations, and instructions that teach children a set of habit-busting strategies in the form of 'keys' to unlock the chains holding their habits in place.

  • - A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Problems with Sleep
    af Dawn Huebner
    136,95 kr.

    Guides children and their parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques used to treat problems with sleep. This book tackles fears, busy brains, restless bodies, and overdependence on parents.

  • - A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Problems with Anger
    af Dawn Huebner
    178,95 kr.

    Guides children and their parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques used to treat problems with anger. This interactive self-help book teaches children a set of "anger dousing" methods aimed at cooling angry thoughts and controlling angry actions, resulting in calmer, more effective kids.

  • - A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety
    af Dawn Huebner
    163,95 kr.

    What to Do When You Worry Too Much is a remarkable book penned by Dawn Huebner. Published in 2005 by the American Psychological Association, this book falls under the self-help genre and is a must-read for those who find themselves constantly worrying about the aspects of life. Dawn Huebner, a renowned psychologist, provides valuable insights and practical advice on how to handle and reduce excessive worrying. The book is filled with interactive elements and relatable scenarios, making it an engaging read. Published by the American Psychological Association, a highly esteemed publisher, the book holds credibility and is a testament to the quality of content. If you're looking for a guide to help you navigate through your worries, this book is the perfect companion. Written in English, it is accessible to a wide range of readers.

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