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Bøger af Dawson Church

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  • - om epigenetik og bevidsthedens biologi
    af Dawson Church
    355,95 kr.

    Dawson Church har skrevet en vigtig bog. Ikke kun for detamerikanske publikum, men også for os danskere. En bog for alleos, som har det til fælles, at vi ønsker at bevare vores sundhed ogdermed at undgå sygdom og lidelse.Bogen her handler om at du påvirker dine geners udtryk og ikkeomvendt.Forskere rundt om i verden finder i stigende grad beviser for hvordanbevidstheden påvirker vores gener. Dawson Church interesserersig for de mest kraftfulde teknikker i forhold til aktivt at påvirkevores gener. Dawson Church har samlet dokumentation i form afover 300 videnskabelige referencer til denne bog, som udgør etvigtigt argument i debatten om hvorvidt vi kan påvirke vores cellereller ej. Dokumentationen er ikke til at se bort fra. Læs denne bog,som åbner døre til muligheder for forandring, som vi ikke kendtefor 20 år siden. Bogen er en monumental sammenstilling af studier, videnskab ogforestillingsevne, som antyder hvilke fantastiske muligheder derligger foran os.Gary Graig, Skaber af EFT Bogen samler den seneste udvikling indenfor epigenetik og kvantefysikog samler forskningen til at påvirke livet for hver eneste personpå jorden til en global, oplyst evolution.I bogen ”Dine geniale gener” sammenstiller Dawson Church komplekseproblemstillinger og livsforandrende videnskab, så det er tilgængeligtfor alle. Tag ansvar for din egen sundhed og dit velvære ved at læsedenne livsbekræftende og inspirerende bog!Bruce Lipt on Ph.D. Forfatter til bogen ”Intelligente celler”

  • - The Neuroscience of Remodelling Your Brain for Resilience, Creativity and Joy
    af Dawson Church
    185,95 kr.

    Award Winner in the Science category of the 2020 Best Book Awards sponsored by American Book Fest

  • - The Neuroscience of Remodeling Your Brain for Resilience, Creativity, and Joy
    af Dawson Church
    287,95 kr.

    In Bliss Brain, famed researcher Dawson Church digs deep into leading-edge research and finds stunning evidence of rapid and radical brain change. In just 8 weeks of practice, 12 minutes a day, using the right techniques, we can produce measurable changes in our brains. These make us calmer, happier, and more resilient.

  • - The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality
    af Dawson Church
    185,95 kr.

    In Mind to Matter, award-winning researcher Dawson Church explains how our minds create matter, and that we can now trace the science behind each link in the chain from thought to thing. He theorizes that when our minds are in flow, they coordinate with nature's emergent intelligence to produce synchronous outcomes.

  • af Dawson Church
    572,95 kr.

    Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of Energy Psychology (EP) that are of interest to healthcare professionals and researchers. It contains original empirical research into the efficacy of EP methods; theoretical, experimental and basic science papers illuminating the mechanisms of action of EP; clinical insights on the application of EP to various populations, and interfaces with other interventions; book reviews; and abstracts published in other journals that are of relevance to the EP field. Its goal is to further the development of EP as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences. Topics in this issue: Development and Validation of the Transcendent Beliefs Scale (TBS): A 12-Item Assessment of Self-Transcendent States; "Everything smells like poo, landfill, and rotten food" A Retrospective Case Report Using Clinical Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) for Parosmia Following COVID-19; and The Effects of Access Bars on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Police Officers: A Case Series.

  • af Dawson Church
    577,95 kr.

    EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is used by an estimated 10 million people worldwide. Yet a lack of standardization has led to a field in which dozens of forms of EFT, with varying degrees of fidelity to the original, can be found. This led to the establishment of Clinical EFT, the form of EFT taught in the original EFT Manual and associated materials, and validated in over 20 clinical trials. In this volume, the most noted scholars, researchers and clinicians in the field compile a definitive outline of the EFT protocol, as it is applied in medicine, psychiatry, psychotherapy, and life coaching. Chapters cover the clinical application of EFT to fields such as addiction treatment, sports, surgery, weight loss, social problems, and family therapy. Scientists explain the physiological mechanisms of action of EFT, as well as its sources in physics and chemistry. Researchers describe EFTs path to acceptance as an "evidence-based" practice. This handbook is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand EFT as validated in research, science, and best clinical practice.

  • af Dawson Church
    253,95 kr.

    There are people who can lift the spirits of a packed sports stadium with the radiant optimism of their personalities. What does it take to live your life so full of joy that you jump out of bed each morning, eager to pour the magic of your spirit into the day?The surprising answer, from many optimists, is that this is not an innate characteristic. It is a learned skill. They might tell you that they were born into great difficulty, and faced daunting challenges, but that they kept cultivating good habits, uplifting thoughts, and clear goals, persevering through difficulties to create the life they desired. Psychological research has now demonstrated that optimism is a skill that can be learned, in the same way that working out in a gym enlarges your muscles. Optimists do certain things differently. As well as being happier, scientific research shows that they're much healthier physically, and live an astounding seven to thirteen years longer than pessimists.

  • - 1: Theory, Research, and Treatment
    af Dawson Church
    747,95 kr.

    Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of energy psychology (EP) that are of interest to heathcare professionals and researchers. It contains original empirical research into the efficacy of EP methods; theoretical, experimental and basic science papers illuminating the mechanisms of action of EP; clinical insights on the application of EP to various populations, and interfaces with other interventions; book reviews, and abstracts published in other journals that are of relevance to the EP field. Its goal is to further the development of EP as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences. In this issue: - Touching Your Brain - Salivary RNA Assays Reveal Differential Gene Expression After EFT - Energy Psychology Practitioners: Who They Are, What They Do, and Who They Help - Comparing World Health Organization Guidelines to Client Experiences of EFT - Mindful Energy Psychology - Using Tapas Acupressure Technique for Self-Esteem

  • - 2
    af Dawson Church
    747,95 kr.

    IN THIS ISSUE: Integrative PTSD Treatment at Fort Hood EFT and CBT for Gender Violence in the Congo Treating Trauma Using Shamanic and Non-local Methods Is Acupressure an Active Ingredient in EFT?: A Dismantling Study How PTSD Affects the Body As Well As the Mind ABOUT THE JOURNAL: Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of energy psychology (EP) that are of interest to heathcare professionals and researchers. It contains original empirical research into the efficacy of EP methods; theoretical, experimental and basic science papers illuminating the mechanisms of action of EP; clinical insights on the application of EP to various populations, and interfaces with other interventions; book reviews, and abstracts published in other journals that are of relevance to the EP field. Its goal is to further the development of EP as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences."

  • - 1 (Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment)
    af Dawson Church
    747,95 kr.

    Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of energy psychology (EP) that are of interest to heathcare professionals and researchers. It contains original empirical research into the efficacy of EP methods; theoretical, experimental and basic science papers illuminating the mechanisms of action of EP; clinical insights on the application of EP to various populations, and interfaces with other interventions; book reviews, and abstracts published in other journals that are of relevance to the EP field. Its goal is to further the development of EP as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences. This is a special issue devoted to controversies about EP. It contains articles arguing for and agains EP as an evidence-based practice, and editorials commenting on the exclusion of EP from gatekeeping sites that facilitate the distribution of therapeutic methods clients and patients. IN THIS ISSUE: The Next Revolution in Mental Health Is Acupoint Stimulation an Active Ingredient in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)? A Controlled Trial of Teacher Burnout A Comparison of Emotional Freedom Techniques-Insomnia (EFT-I) and Sleep Hygiene Education (SHE) for Insomnia in a Geriatric Population Subjective Dimensions of Meaning in the Clinical Encounter: Unifying Personhood and Disease"

  • - Theory, Research, and Treatment
    af Dawson Church
    747,95 kr.

    Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of energy psychology (EP) that are of interest to healthcare professionals and researchers. It contains original empirical research into the efficacy of EP methods; theoretical, experimental and basic science papers illuminating the mechanisms of action of EP; clinical insights on the application of EP to various populations, and interfaces with other interventions; book reviews, and abstracts published in other journals that are of relevance to the EP field. Its goal is to further the development of EP as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences. Special 10th Anniversary Issue articles on these topics: Energy Psychology as a Disruptive Technology - Mystical Experiences in Women With Cancer - Enhancing Understanding of Muscle Testing - The Phoenix Protocol for Anxiety

  • af Dawson Church
    747,95 kr.

  • - 1: Theory, Research, and Treatment
    af Dawson Church
    747,95 kr.

    Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of energy psychology (EP) that are of interest to healthcare professionals and researchers. It contains original empirical research into the efficacy of EP methods; theoretical, experimental and basic science papers illuminating the mechanisms of action of EP; clinical insights on the application of EP to various populations, and interfaces with other interventions; book reviews, and abstracts published in other journals that are of relevance to the EP field. Its goal is to further the development of EP as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences. Special 10th Anniversary Issue with Guest Editorials on these topics: Gatekeepers and Paradigm Shifts - A Retrospective History of Energy Psychology - Early Challenges and Rewards in the Presentation of a Novel Therapy - Getting Energy Psychology Accepted in Mainstream Psychotherapy in Europe - Energy Psychology in Developing Countries - The Next Great Evolutionary Leap

  • af Dawson Church
    747,95 kr.

    Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of energy psychology (EP) that are of interest to healthcare professionals and researchers. It contains original empirical research into the efficacy of EP methods; theoretical, experimental and basic science papers illuminating the mechanisms of action of EP; clinical insights on the application of EP to various populations, and interfaces with other interventions; book reviews, and abstracts published in other journals that are of relevance to the EP field. Its goal is to further the development of EP as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences. Topics in this issue - Smile and the Whole World Smiles with You - Research on Acupoint Tapping Therapies Proliferating around the World - Therapists' Experiences With AIT (Advanced Integrative Therapy) - Building Ethical Mindfulness to Maximize Your Practice of EFT

  • - 2: Theory, Research, and Treatment
    af Dawson Church
    747,95 kr.

    Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of energy psychology (EP) that are of interest to heathcare professionals and researchers. It contains original empirical research into the efficacy of EP methods; theoretical, experimental and basic science papers illuminating the mechanisms of action of EP; clinical insights on the application of EP to various populations, and interfaces with other interventions; book reviews, and abstracts published in other journals that are of relevance to the EP field. Its goal is to further the development of EP as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences. In this issue: Humans having Premonitions of Disaster - What Traits are Highly Desirable in an EFT Practitioner? - Changes in Anxiety, Depression and EEG After Treatment with Access Bars

  • af Dawson Church
    747,95 kr.

    Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of energy psychology (EP) that are of interest to healthcare professionals and researchers. It contains original empirical research into the efficacy of EP methods; theoretical, experimental and basic science papers illuminating the mechanisms of action of EP; clinical insights on the application of EP to various populations, and interfaces with other interventions; book reviews, and abstracts published in other journals that are of relevance to the EP field. Its goal is to further the development of EP as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences. Topics in this issue - How Your Beliefs Shape Your Body - Treating Complex PTSD with Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT) - Reiki Is Associated with Changes in Blood Cell Quality

  • af Dawson Church
    747,95 kr.

  • - 1: Theory, Research, and Treatment
    af Dawson Church
    747,95 kr.

    Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of energy psychology (EP) that are of interest to heathcare professionals and researchers. It contains original empirical research into the efficacy of EP methods; theoretical, experimental and basic science papers illuminating the mechanisms of action of EP; clinical insights on the application of EP to various populations, and interfaces with other interventions; book reviews, and abstracts published in other journals that are of relevance to the EP field. Its goal is to further the development of EP as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences. In this issue: Set Points and Peak States - EFT is an Effective Treatment for Mothers with Birth Anxiety - EFT Reduces Anxiety in Dental Patients

  • - Theory, Research, and Treatment
    af Dawson Church
    747,95 kr.

    Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of energy psychology (EP) that are of interest to healthcare professionals and researchers. It contains original empirical research into the efficacy of EP methods; theoretical, experimental and basic science papers illuminating the mechanisms of action of EP; clinical insights on the application of EP to various populations, and interfaces with other interventions; book reviews, and abstracts published in other journals that are of relevance to the EP field. Its goal is to further the development of EP as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences. Topics in this issue - The Astonishing Power of Belief - Using EFT for Panic Disorder - Strategies for Integrating EFT in a Medical Practice

  • - Theory, Research, and Treatment
    af Dawson Church
    747,95 kr.

    Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of energy psychology (EP) that are of interest to healthcare professionals and researchers. It contains original empirical research into the efficacy of EP methods; theoretical, experimental and basic science papers illuminating the mechanisms of action of EP; clinical insights on the application of EP to various populations, and interfaces with other interventions; book reviews, and abstracts published in other journals that are of relevance to the EP field. Its goal is to further the development of EP as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences. Topics in this issue - The Pandemic of Compassion - Positive Psychology and Mindful Breathing for Test-Taking Anxiety - Practitioner Views on How To Make EFT Mainstream

  • - Theory, Research, and Treatment
    af Dawson Church
    747,95 kr.

    Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of energy psychology (EP) that are of interest to healthcare professionals and researchers. It contains original empirical research into the efficacy of EP methods; theoretical, experimental and basic science papers illuminating the mechanisms of action of EP; clinical insights on the application of EP to various populations, and interfaces with other interventions; book reviews, and abstracts published in other journals that are of relevance to the EP field. Its goal is to further the development of EP as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences. Topics in this issue - Swimming With Dolphins - Biofield Science and the Study of Human Behavior - EFT and Hypnosis for PTSD Resulting from Sexual Assault - Dismantling the Components of Energy Psychology for Public Speaking Anxiety

  • - Theory, Research, and Treatment
    af Dawson Church
    747,95 kr.

    Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of energy psychology (EP) that are of interest to healthcare professionals and researchers. It contains original empirical research into the efficacy of EP methods; theoretical, experimental and basic science papers illuminating the mechanisms of action of EP; clinical insights on the application of EP to various populations, and interfaces with other interventions; book reviews, and abstracts published in other journals that are of relevance to the EP field. Its goal is to further the development of EP as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences. Topics in this issue - Meditation, Enlightenment, and Human Thriving - Words to Tap By: The Use of Language in Energy Psychology Protocols - Energy Psychology Practices in Correctional Settings - EcoMeditation and EFT Produce Elevated Brain-wave Patterns and States of Consciousness

  • af Dawson Church
    707,95 kr.

    Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of Energy Psychology (EP) that are of interest to healthcare professionals and researchers. It contains original empirical research into the efficacy of EP methods; theoretical, experimental and basic science papers illuminating the mechanisms of action of EP; clinical insights on the application of EP to various populations, and interfaces with other interventions; book reviews, and abstracts published in other journals that are of relevance to the EP field. Its goal is to further the development of EP as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences. Topics in this issue-Living in flow; Energy Psychology, bilateral stimulation, and mindful breathing for trauma and chronic pain: A theoretical framework and case history; Single-session reductions in emotional distress in an addiction clinic after Thought Field Therapy treatment; and Advanced Integrative Therapy: Origins, research, theory, and practice.

  • af Dawson Church
    197,95 kr.

    Award Winner in the Science category of the 2020 Best Book Awards sponsored by American Book Fest Award-winning author and thought leader Dawson Church, Ph.D., blends cutting-edge neuroscience with intense firsthand experience to show you how you can rewire your brain for happiness-starting right now. Neural plasticity-the discovery that the brain is capable of rewiring itself-is now widely understood. But what few people have grasped yet is how quickly this is happening, how extensive brain changes can be, and how much control each of us has over the process. In Bliss Brain, famed researcher Dawson Church digs deep into leading-edge science, and finds stunning evidence of rapid and radical brain change. In just eight weeks of practice, 12 minutes a day, using the right techniques, we can produce measurable changes in our brains. These make us calmer, happier, and more resilient. When we cultivate these pleasurable states over time, they become traits. We don't just feel more blissful as a temporary state; the changes are literally hard-wired into our brains, becoming stable and enduring personality traits. The startling conclusions of Church's research show that neural remodeling goes much farther than scientists have previously understood, with stress circuits shriveling over time. Simultaneously, "The Enlightenment Circuit"-associated with happiness, compassion, productivity, creativity, and resilience-expands. During deep meditation, Church shows how "the 7 neurochemicals of ecstasy" are released in our brains. These include anandamide, a neurotransmitter that's been named "the bliss molecule" because it mimics the effects of THC, the active ingredient in cannabis. It boosts serotonin and dopamine; the first is an analog of psilocybin, the second of cocaine. He shows how cultivating these elevated emotional states literally produces a self-induced high. While writing Bliss Brain, Church went through a series of disasters, including escaping seconds ahead of a California wildfire that consumed his home and office and claimed 22 lives. The fire triggered a painful medical condition and a financial disaster. Through it all, Church steadily practiced the techniques of Bliss Brain while teaching them to thousands of other people. This book weaves his story of resilience into the fabric of neuroscience, producing a fascinating picture of just how happy we can make our brains, no matter what the odds.

  • af Dawson Church
    212,95 kr.

    Your genes respond to your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. The way you use your mind shapes your brain, turning genes on and off in ways that can dramatically affect your health and wellbeing. In this best-selling, award-winning book, researcher Dawson Church reveals the exciting applications of the new science of Epigenetics (epi=above, i.e. control above the level of the gene) to healing. Citing hundreds of scientific studies, and telling the stories of dozens of people who have used his ideas for their own healing, he shows how you can apply these discoveries in your own life. He explains how electromagnetic energy flows in your body and affects your cells, and how the new fields of energy medicine and energy psychology can help cases that are beyond the reach of conventional medicine. He shows how your hormonal, neurological, connective tissue, and neutrotransmitter systems all work in harmony to conduct a coordinated flow of information throughout your body. As you take conscious control of the process, you produce a positive effect on your health, becoming an "epigenetic engineer" of your own wellbeing. Practical and scientific, this book has transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people. This new edition is updated with the latest research and clinical breakthroughs.

  • af Dawson Church
    45,95 kr.

    ¡ESTE AUDIOLIBRO es una IMPRESIONANTE HERRAMIENTA para el DESARROLLO PERSONAL y la SALUD! ¡Ya diste el salto y decidiste aprender más acerca de EFT (Técnicas de Liberación Emocional)! No estás solo. Más de un millón de personas han elegido el "Mini Manual de EFT" como un primer recurso para la sanación. Tú lo puedes practicar solo, sin necesidad de otras personas. EFT es internacional, se practica en hospitales, clínicas de psicoterapia y campos deportivos, etc., con excelentes resultados comprobados. También lo utilizan los coaches de negocios, las familias y en muchos otros lugares.Este audiolibro está narrado en español latinoEl Dr. Dawson Church es un científico galardonado que ha escrito tres libros de éxito: "El Genio en tus Genes", donde por primera vez demostró, que las emociones impulsan la expresión génica; "Mind to Matter", "De Mente a Materia", en donde demuestra que el cerebro crea gran parte de lo que pensamos como "realidad objetiva"; "Bliss Brain", donde explica que los estados mentales más elevados, remodelan rápidamente el cerebro para la felicidad.Gary Craig. Es Fundador de Técnicas de Liberación Emocional, EFT. Estudió ingeniería en la Universidad de Stanford. Desde los 13 años ha estado intensamente interesado en el desarrollo personal, mediante la psicología. Es autodidacta en ese campo. Considera que la esencia de EFT, que aprendió del Dr. Roger Callahan, es un método importante para lograr los más altos niveles de sanación.

  • - Healing Its Roots in Brain, Body and Memory
    af Dawson Church
    267,95 kr.

  • af Dawson & Ph.d. Church
    747,95 - 757,95 kr.

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