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  • af Deepak Chopra
    117,95 kr.

    La creciente demanda y dependencia de las sustancias que alteran el estado de ánimo es uno de los males más alarmantes de nuestros tiempos. Desarrollamos adicciones de todo tipo: comida, alcohol, café, cigarro, medicinas, drogas, e incluso al trabajo y a las relaciones negativas. En este audiolibro el doctor Chopra nos ofrece una perspectiva diferente de las adicciones y un programa para reemplazar comportamientos adictivos por dicha y plenitud espiritual. "Logra vencer tus adicciones" se basa en la medicina Ayurveda y en el amplio conocimiento del doctor Chopra como endocrinólogo. Sus sabios consejos nos ayudan a comprender nuestras necesidades y a conocer la fuerza de nuestro espíritu para liberarnos de cualquier tipo de dependencia destructiva, así como descubrir nuevas y más satisfactorias opciones de vida.Este audiolibro está narrado en español latinoDeepak Chopra es médico, endocrinólogo, pionero en la Medicina Mente/Cuerpo. La revista Time lo llamó el "poeta-profeta de la medicina alternativa" y lo consideran una de las personalidades más representativas del siglo XX y XX. Millones de personas se han beneficiado con sus conocimientos.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    117,95 kr.

    En ocasiones, la inquietud y la certidumbre propias del mundo demandante y acelerado en que vivimos se traduce en la incapacidad de detener la gran maquinaria interna que nos bombardea con preocupaciones y problemas. El insomnio es uno de los síntomas de estrés más comunes de las sociedades contemporáneas. Cada noche miles de personas son víctimas de la peor de las torturas: no poder dormir. Cómo vencer el insomnio es el programa mente-cuerpo más completo para lograr un sueño reparador. En su singular enfoque, el doctor Deepak Chopra combina las más antiguas tradiciones curativas con los recientes avances de la medicina moderna y nos proporciona técnicas sencillas y eficaces para tranquilizar nuestro espíritu y recobrar el punto de equilibrio necesario para vivir sanamente.Este audiolibro está narrado en español latinoDeepak Chopra es médico, endocrinólogo, pionero en la Medicina Mente/Cuerpo. La revista Time lo llamó el "poeta-profeta de la medicina alternativa" y lo consideran una de las personalidades más representativas del siglo XX y XX. Millones de personas se han beneficiado con sus conocimientos.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    93,95 kr.

    "Esta surgiendo una nueva medicina, en la que la mente, la conciencia, el significado de la vida y la inteligencia es lo más importante. Chopra es un medico respetado y uno de los arquitectos de la nueva medicina." -Larry Dossey, autor de "Palabras que curan". "Al igual que Hipócrates, al Dr. Chopra se le ha aclamado por su nuevo enfoque que combina la antigua tradición de curación con las investigaciones mas modernas." -Irv Kupcinet, Chicago Sun Times "Me gustaría que el Dr. Chopra fuera mi vecino para que de vez en cuando me hiciera una visita de doctor." -Judith Hooper, Reseña de libros The New York Times "Toda la obra del Dr. Chopra contiene una gran belleza, un gran poder y está llena de sentido común." -Courtney Jonson, autor de "Henry James y la evolución de la conciencia"Este audiolibro está narrado en español latinoDeepak Chopra es médico, endocrinólogo, pionero en la Medicina Mente/Cuerpo. La revista Time lo llamó el "poeta-profeta de la medicina alternativa" y lo consideran una de las personalidades más representativas del siglo XX y XX. Millones de personas se han beneficiado con sus conocimientos.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    117,95 kr.

    En "El sendero del mago" Deepak Chopra nos ofrece la sabiduría de las leyendas y los mitos de Merlín el Mago, uno de los más grandes maestros de Occidente. Frecuentemente el ego domina nuestra vida y no nos permite acercarnos a lo milagroso. Para contrarrestar su influencia, este audiolibro genera un camino en tu percepción de la realidad material y abre tu mente al valor de la transformación personal. Al aplicar la sabiduría de siglos que contiene esta obra, puedes experimentar el éxito, así como la felicidad, y vivir una auténtica conexión espiritual. El Dr. Deepak Chopra es pionero en la medicina mente-cuerpo y autor de varios audiolibros donde combina sus conocimientos de médico endocrinólogo, con la medicina Ayurveda que proviene de la India.Este audiolibro está narrado en español latinoDeepak Chopra es médico, endocrinólogo, pionero en la Medicina Mente/Cuerpo. La revista Time lo llamó el "poeta-profeta de la medicina alternativa" y lo consideran una de las personalidades más representativas del siglo XX y XX. Millones de personas se han beneficiado con sus conocimientos.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    93,95 kr.

    Chopra escribió "Las siete leyes espirituales del éxito" en 1994 y a la fecha sigue siendo un éxito editorial. Millones de personas empezaron a practicar las Leyes diariamente con resultados positivos en sus vidas. Entre ellos, muchas parejas, padres de familia y padres solteros que le decían: "Al principio, nos costó mucho trabajo captar el valor de las Leyes y ponerlas en práctica. Tuvimos que luchar para romper los hábitos destructivos con los cuales crecimos. No queremos que nuestros hijos aprendan esos mismos hábitos nocivos y que luego tengan que enfrentar el sufrimiento de tener que cambiar como lo tuvimos que hacer nosotros." Siete Leyes Espirituales del Éxito / GUÍA para PADRES, es una herramienta para que los padres transmitan este conocimiento a sus hijos y practiquen las Leyes en familia. Este conocimiento se basa en las leyes naturales que gobiernan toda la creación y rompe con el mito de que el éxito se logra sólo a través de la planeación exacta, el trabajo arduo y el estimulo de la ambición. Con "Las siete leyes espirituales del éxito" el Dr. Deepak Chopra nos entrega la esencia de sus enseñanzas en siete sencillos principios para tener éxito en todas las áreas de nuestra vida. Estos siete principios son fáciles de aplicar y muy poderosos.Este audiolibro está narrado en español latinoDeepak Chopra es médico, endocrinólogo, pionero en la Medicina Mente/Cuerpo. La revista Time lo llamó el "poeta-profeta de la medicina alternativa" y lo consideran una de las personalidades más representativas del siglo XX y XX. Millones de personas se han beneficiado con sus conocimientos.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    193,95 kr.

    The basis for the PBS Special, What Are You Hungry For? is the breakthrough book that can bring weight under effortless control by linking it to personal fulfillment in every area of a reader's life.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    193,95 kr.

    As elegant as his bestselling How to Know God and as practical as his phenomenal The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, this groundbreaking new book from Deepak Chopra contains a dramatic premise: Not only are everyday coincidences meaningful, they actually provide us with glimpses of the field of infinite possibilities that lies at the heart of all things. By gaining access to this wellspring of creation, we can literally rewrite our destinies in any way we wish.From this realm of pure potential we are connected to everything that exists and everything that is yet to come. “Coincidences” can then be recognized as containing precious clues about particular facets of our lives that require our attention. As you become more aware of coincidences and their meanings, you begin to connect more and more with the underlying field of infinite possibilities. This is when the magic begins. This is when you achieve the spontaneous fulfillment of desire.At a time when world events may leave us feeling especially insignificant and vulnerable, Deepak Chopra restores our awareness of the awesome powers within us. And through specific principles and exercises he provides the tools with which to create the magnificent, miraculous life that is our birthright.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    173,95 kr.

    Bestselling author Chopra draws on cutting-edge scientific discoveries and the great wisdom traditions to provide a map of the afterlife.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    163,95 kr.

    The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success was a phenomenon that touched millions of lives. Its author, Deepak Chopra, received thousands of letters from parents who expressed the desire to convey the principles they had learned to their children, along with questions about how to do so. The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents is Dr. Chopra’s answer to those parents who wish to raise children with values that satisfy spiritual needs as well as create the experience of abundance. Exploring specific ways to practice the Seven Spiritual Laws as a family, Chopra explains how to convey these laws to children, and how to embody them in age-specific activities each day.The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents moves us beyond a focus on private triumphs and failures to experience the spiritual nature of communion with family, to share with those closest to us the infinite riches of innocence and love.The deepest nurturing you can give your child is spiritual nurturing.There are seven simple sayings that can have a profound impact on your child’s life. • Everything is possible.• If you want to get something, give something.• When you make a choice, you change the future.• Don’t say no—go with the flow.• Every time you wish or want, you plant a seed.• Enjoy the journey.• You are here for a reason.Raised with these insights, every child can obtain the success that comes from having the most valuable skills anyone can possess: the ability to love and have compassion, and the capacity to feel joy and spread it to others. In this essential work for every parent, Deepak Chopra reflects on his experiences as a father as well as his own spiritual journey and offers profound and practical ways for sharing these principles with your children. Also available as a Random House AudioBook

  • af Deepak Chopra
    163,95 kr.

    In this volume, essential ideas from the work of Deepak Chopra, M.D., are arranged to create a transcendent experience for the reader - a journey into healing. Along the path, we discover that what we think and feel can actually change our biology. We learn to go beyond self-imposed limitations that create disease, and to seek that place inside ourselves that is at one with the infinite intelligence of the universe, the source of life. By the final pages of this book, the reader's consciousness will have been altered by the experience of the journey itself. Such change has the power to transform our lives, to grace us with the gifts of lasting peace and perfect health.The final pages of this book contain techniques for the Mindfulness Meditation, which can access the silent space between your thoughts and tap into the inner wisdom that will make all your dreams come true.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    213,95 kr.

    You don't have to believe in God in order to experience God.--- Deepak ChopraThe celebrated author of Ageless Body, Timeless Mind and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success has written his most ambitious and important work yet, a runaway international bestseller that has inspired hundreds of thousands of readers to rethink their concept of God.According to Chopra, the brain is hardwired to know God. The human nervous system has seven biological responses that correspond to seven levels of divine experience. These are shaped not by any one religion (they are shared by all faiths), but by the brain's need to take an infinite, chaotic universe and find meaning in it. How to Know God describes the quest each of us is on, whether we realize it or not. For, as Chopra puts it, "God is our highest instinct to know ourselves." This book makes a dramatic and enduring contribution to that knowledge.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    193,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A remarkable fusion of Eastern wisdom and Western practicality that offers strategies for clearing away the obstacles to love your life, for restoring the boundless soul of love, and for finding romance that will last a lifetime. Drawing on the Vedic texts of India and other great wisdom traditions, Dr. Deepak Chopra describes the seven stages of love, beginning and culminating in ecstasy. At each stage we hear stories like those of Clare, who only falls in love with unattainable men; of Frankie and Della, whose eight-year-old marriage has become a battleground of distrust; and of Gail and Jarrett, who near retirement without understanding how they will fit together into their new lives. As we see these couples overcome their obstacles, and as we work through a series of specific exercises, we anchor these lessons in our own experience. We all know the only way to enjoy the ecstasy of true romance for a lifetime is first to discover love within ourselves, but this task has often proved too difficult. Until now. In The Path to Love, you will find an astonishing blueprint to the uncharted territory of your own heart. First, Dr. Chopra orients us with timeless wisdom and contemporary real-life examples, then guides us step by step on the path to love. And once we discover the love inside ourselves, we start to see it everywhere—in lovers, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends—until our own lives become self-sustaining acts of passion, romantic and fulling and miraculous.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    193,95 kr.

    Fifteen years after his number-one New York Times best seller Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Deepak Chopra revisits "the forgotten miracle" - the body's infinite capacity for change and renewal. You cannot take advantage of this miracle, Chopra says, unless you are willing to completely reinvent your body, transforming it from a material object to a dynamic, flowing process.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    163,95 kr.

    New York Times bestselling author Deepak Chopra, with his son Gotham, expertly guides us through the seven essential laws that govern the realm of superheroes, explaining their relevance, their importance, and?perhaps most important?how to apply them to our daily lives. These seven transformative laws will help us all uncover greater happiness, courage, balance, creativity, compassion, and purpose.

  • af Kristina Tracy, M.D. Chopra & Deepak
    126,95 kr.

    Helps children to discover seven 'Keys' to living a happy and meaningful life. This title includes seven sections that presents a Key, as well as a beautifully illustrated example emphasising how it works in the world.

  • - A Spiritual Guide for Teens
    af Deepak Chopra
    173,95 kr.

    A fifteen-year-old boy is walking through a swirling fog on his way to school when a voice calls out, "e;Come here. We need to talk."e; Out of the mist emerges an old man with a white beard. He is a fantastic figure, as wizardly as Merlin, as wise as Socrates, as peaceful as Buddha. Whoever he is, the old man has appeared on that very day to change the boy's life. "e;You are old enough to learn about things,"e; he says mysteriously. "e;And who is going to teach you but me?"e; The old man gives the boy four days of "e;soul training,"e; a time of riddles, tricks, parables, and incredible twists that brings out surprising answers to each of four burning questions about spirituality: Do I have a soul? How do wishes come true? What is the supreme force in the universe? How can I change the world? "e;The old man with the white beard showed me the spiritual side of life,"e; writes Deepak Chopra, "e;where real passion and excitement come from. So before you begin, take a deep breath. This story could turn out to be yours."e;

  • - A Story of Enlightenment
    af Deepak Chopra
    228,95 kr.

    Deepak Chopras story is an inspiring gift for those who truly care and have the courage to seek.Michael Baigent, author of The Jesus PapersThe founder of The Chopra Center and the preeminent teacher of Eastern philosophy to the Western World, Deepak Chopra gives us the story of the man who became Messiah in his phenomenal New York Times bestseller Jesus. The author who illuminated the life of Buddha now offers readers an unparalleled portrait of Jesus Christ, from carpenters son to revolutionary leader, that is fresh and inspiringa remarkable retelling of the greatest story ever told.

  • - The hidden key to total well-being
    af Deepak Chopra & Rudolph E. Tanzi
    144,95 kr.

    'You are not simply the sum output of your genome. You are the user and inventor of your genome.'For years it was accepted knowledge that genes were fixed components of our bodies, and that we as individuals were incapable of altering our genetic make-up. Yet groundbreaking research suggests that changes in lifestyle and diet can greatly influence our genetic predispositions to disease and certain physical and psychological behaviours. Moreover, the adoption of ancient Vedic practices such as yoga and meditation can create genetic mutations that allow us to lead longer and healthier lives. Super Genes includes meditation and breathing practical exercises, as well as information on how to manage risk factors for disease. Combining scientific research with insights from ancient traditions, Deepak Chopra and Rudolph Tanzi show how we need not be at the mercy of our genetic inheritance. Instead, they argue, we have the power to rewire our super genes for health and happiness.

  • - Unleashing the explosive power of your mind to maximize health, happiness and spiritual well-being
    af Deepak Chopra & Rudolph E. Tanzi
    166,95 kr.

    Two pioneers in health - Dr Deepak Chopra and Prof Rudolph E. Tanzi, one of the world's foremost experts on the causes of Alzheimer's - share a bold new understanding of the brain and a prescriptive plan for how we can use it to achieve physical, mental and spiritual well-being. In his bestselling books Ageless Body, Timeless Mind and Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul, Deepak Chopra reveals 'the forgotten miracle' - the body's infinite capacity for change and renewal. Now, Chopra focuses his attention on a part of the body undergoing intense study and radical reevaluation: the brain. No one is better able to share the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience than preeminent neurologist Rudolph E. Tanzi and, together, Chopra and Tanzi present a new vision of the brain together with a practical plan for how to use it to achieve higher levels of success and fulfilment. They contend that by using techniques and skills such as mindfulness, intention and meditation, we can create new neural pathways in the brain. Thus, we can transform it into our most powerful tool for achieving health, happiness and enlightenment.

  • - The Great Debate Between Science and Spirituality
    af Deepak Chopra & Leonard Mlodinow
    193,95 kr.

    Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Stephen Hawking have had a major impact on the loud and popular debate between 'aggressive atheists' and religion. The huge sales of their bestselling books show just how much interest people have in their ideas. Now Deepak Chopra is entering this debate, sparring with leading physicist, Professor Leonard Mlodinow (the co-author, with Stephen Hawking, of The Grand Design).In Is God an Illusion?, Chopra argues that there is design in our universe and a deep intelligence behind life. Without defending organised religion, he debunks randomness as an explanation for how Nature evolves and shows how consciousness comes first and matter second.On the other side, Mlodinow argues the viewpoint of science, specifically what modern quantum physics can tell us about our world. In his view, physics, genetics and cosmology will shed far more light on the big questions than rethinking ancient spiritual concepts can ever do.A major work of our time, Is God an Illusion? will not only offer more food for thought for those fascinated by the two sides of this modern conundrum - it will also place Deepak Chopra firmly in the ring of some of the most remarkable, and bestselling, thinkers of our era.

  • - Supercharge your immune system and stay well for life
    af Rudolph E. Tanzi, M.D. Chopra & Deepak
    103,95 - 166,95 kr.

  • - A Story of the Last Prophet Large Print
    af Deepak Chopra
    288,95 kr.

    In this riveting novel, beloved international bestselling author Deepak Chopra captures the spellbinding life story of the great and often misunderstood Prophet. Islam was born in a cradle of tribal turmoil, and the arrival of one God who vanquished hundreds of ancient Arabian gods changed the world forever. God reached down into the life of Muhammad, a settled husband and father, and spoke through him. Muhammad's divine and dangerous task was to convince his people to renounce their ancestral idols and superstitious veneration of multiple gods. From the first encounter, God did not leave Muhammad alone, his life was no longer his own, and with each revelation the creation of a new way of life formed and a religion was born. Muhammad didn't see himself as the son of God or as one who achieved cosmic enlightenment. His relatives and neighbors didn't part the way when he walked down the parched dirt streets of Mecca. There was no mark of divinity. Orphaned by age six, Muhammad grew up surrounded by dozens of cousins and extended family to become a trusted merchant. Muhammad saw himself as an ordinary man and that is why what happened to him is so extraordinary. Rooted in historical detail, Muhammad brings the Prophet to life through the eyes of those around him. A Christian hermit mystic foretells a special destiny, a pugnacious Bedouin wet nurse raises him in the desert, and a religious rebel in Mecca secretly takes the young orphan under his spiritual wing. Each voice, each chapter brings Muhammad and the creation of Islam into a new light. The angel Gabriel demands Muhammad to recite, the first convert risks his life to protect his newfound faith, and Muhammad's life is not a myth but an incredible true and surprisingly unknown story of a man and a moment that sparked a worldwide transformation.

  • - A Spiritual Adventure
    af M.D. Chopra & Deepak
    173,95 kr.

  • af Deepak Chopra
    198,95 kr.

    The Chopra Centre for Well Being is a retreat that serves as a beautiful, nurturing place where people can come to heal their physical pain, find emotional freedom, empower themselves, and connect to their inner spiritual life. The food is at the heart of this mission. This book offer you recipes from this extraordinary place of healing.

  • - A Story of God's Messenger and the Revelation That Changed the World
    af Deepak Chopra
    163,95 kr.

    Born into the factious world of war-torn Arabia, Muhammad's life is a gripping and inspiring story of one man's tireless fight for unity and peace. In a world where greed and injustice ruled, Muhammad created change by affecting hearts and minds. This title focuses on the life of Muhammad.

  • - A Story of Enlightenment
    af Deepak Chopra
    173,95 kr.

    Very little is known or recorded about Jesus in his formative years. From his unceremonious birth in Bethlehem to his ultimate betrayal in Jerusalem, this book presents an account of the most remarkable story of all time.

  • - A Story of Enlightenment
    af Deepak Chopra
    128,95 kr.

    A New York Times bestseller, BUDDHA is a beautiful story told by one of the world's most inspirational writers.

  • - A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit
    af Deepak Chopra & David Simon M.D.
    233,95 kr.

    Winner of the Nautilus Award"This book takes yoga out of the mysterious and into the wonderful world of the practical. You will want to start your yoga practice immediately after reading the first pages of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga."-Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, author of The Power of Intention, Manifest Your Destiny, and Real Magic"The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga is a spiritual gem, the kind of book that seems to take you by the hand and guide you into clarity and peace."-Marianne Williamson, author of A Return to Love, Everyday Grace, and IlluminataThe remarkable benefits of yoga, which include improved flexibility, balance, muscle tone, endurance, and vitality, only hint at the extraordinary power of this deeply spiritual practice. When adhered to and practiced mindfully, yoga can unlock your full creative potential, your capacity for love and compassion, and your ability to find success in all areas of life.The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga brings spirituality back to yoga. Chopra and Simon show how the Seven Spiritual Laws play a crucial role in yoga's path to enlightenment while providing you with a wealth of meditation techniques, mantras, breathing exercises, and marvelous yoga poses. Whether you are a newcomer to yoga or an experienced practitioner, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga is a portal to yoga's deeper spiritual dimension and a beautiful step to a happier, more harmonious, and more abundant life.

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