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Bøger af Delron Shirley

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  • - A Missionary Story
    af Delron Shirley
    198,95 kr.

    As you read So Send I You, you'll find the words "I," "me," and "my" a lot more times than I personally am comfortable with. Yes, So Send I Youis my story, but it could - and should - also be your story. The only reason that I have talked about myself is with the hope that you can also see yourself - or, at least, the self you have always dreamt of being - reflected in at least some of the stories I've shared. In this book, you will read how God uniquely called, methodically positioned, and strategically sent me into the lives of so many all around the world. Such selection, grooming, and commissioning is not the privilege of a select few. It's God's plan for all His children - including you. God has a very simple strategy for changing the world, and it can be spelled out with just three little letters: Y O U. My prayer is that these simple narratives will inspire you to present yourself to be the next one that Jesus sends to do His work in the world!

  • af Delron Shirley
    198,95 kr.

    Dr. Delron Shirley is founder and president of Teach All Nations Mission, an evangelical educational ministry. He also serves as an instructor at Charis Bible College where he was the director of the Missions School for several years. Delron has also served as a consultant for Every Home for Christ in their discipleship department. Before moving to Colorado, Delron served for twenty-five years as dean of World Harvest Bible College and Indiana Christian University under the late Dr. Lester Sumrall and worked as a chaplain in Yosemite National Park. The ministry of Teach All Nations Mission takes him and his wife throughout the world where they teach in conferences for national pastors and leaders. As a tireless writer, Delron has published numerous books, many of which have been translated into the languages of the countries where he ministers.

  • af Delron Shirley
    198,95 kr.

    One of the most difficult questions that has challenged ordinary men and the world's greatest thinkers and philosophers throughout the ages has been, "Why do bad things happen to good people and why do good things happen to bad people?" The answer to this conundrum lies in simply reprograming the way we think about inequity and the divine order of things. Join Bible teacher Dr. Delron Shirley as he explores the biblical truths that will help unravel this mystery

  • af Delron Shirley
    198,95 kr.

    Someone once said that the two most important days of a person's life are the day he is born and the day he discovers why he was born. Each of us has a divine destiny that God has orchestrated since before we were even born. Unfortunately, most people live their whole lives without actually finding - much less, fulfilling that purpose. In Becoming a Person of Legacy, discover how to make your life leave a lasting impact.

  • - Rethinking Christian Struggles
    af Delron Shirley
    198,95 kr.

    In A New Dawn Rises, Bible teacher Dr. Delron Shirley examines the accounts of some of the great spiritual struggles in the Bible from Jacob's all-night wresting match with an angel to Jesus' agonizing three hours in the Garden of Gethsemane. The conclusions that he draws from these stories can change the way that you view life and all the challenges it may bring your way.

  • af Delron Shirley
    178,95 kr.

    Probably the most famous quote in all the annals of missionary history is the greeting of newsman and adventurer Henry Stanley when he finally reached missionary and explorer David Livingstone in the remote interior of Africa, "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?" In this little study based on that historic encounter, Bible teacher and missionary Dr. Delron Shirley considers how we can really pick out who is a missionary. His real hope is that you can find yourself in these few short pages and join the call to fulfill the Great Commission of bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world in this generation.

  • af Delron Shirley
    198,95 kr.

  • af Delron Shirley
    178,95 kr.

    A ditty is actually a poem or a song, but I grewup with the Carolina colloquialism of a ditty being anyshort, pithy saying or writing. Having written only onenoteworthy poem in my life, I'm definitely not a poet, but I do hope that these few thoughts I'm sharing in thislittle book will prove to be short and pithy enough toinspire a little something into your life each day.I once read that it's plagiarism if you steal fromone person, but it's research if you steal from severalwriters. Another thing that I firmly believe is that noneof us really has an original thought. Every thought wehave is a result of all the input we have received. Formost of us, the old saying might apply very aptly: GIGO-- "garbage in, garbage out." If there is any goodthought that comes out of our minds, it is becausesome good influences have entered our hearts; themost important of those positive influences would bethe Word of God and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.As you read my little ditties each day, Iencourage you to enjoy each place where I haveplagiarized (ah, done some research) and each placewhere something other than garbage has come out dueto the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.Since some holidays do not occur on fixed dates, the message for each movable holiday is given on theearliest possible date on which it can be observed: Martin Luther King Day, January 15; State of the UnionAddress, January 25; Presidents' Day, February 15;Palm Sunday, March 15; Good Friday, March 20;Easter, March 22; Mothers Day, May 8; Pentecost, May10; Fathers Day, June 15; and Thanksgiving, November 22.

  • af Delron Shirley
    183,95 kr.

    Using the illustration of searching out the riches in a treasure chest, Bible teacher Delron Shirley takes you on a seventy-three-day journey into a deeper and fuller relationship with Jesus in Going Deeper in Jesus. In some rabbinic sects within Judaism, the number seventy-three represents perfection, wisdom, and even God Himself. Even though there is no magical significance to the number, the revelations from the Word of God that are explored in this little study will certainly thrust you forward on a quest that can bring you toward wisdom, perfection, and - yes - God Himself.

  • af Delron Shirley
    178,95 kr.

    "Mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow." "Even the simplest of children can count the seeds in an apple, but even the wisest of men cannot count the apples in a seed." Yes, we are all aware of the mystery of multiplication in a seed. And most of us have learned to apply - or, at least, to try to apply - that principle to our finances. But maybe we have failed to recognize many other biblical truths about seeds and the harvest they produce. In Seeds and Harvest, you'll explore the truth that the harvest doesn't always come in the same form as the seed, the principle that we don't always reap from the same field where we have sown, the reality that we can even reap from seeds that others have sown - and much more.

  • - Shapers of the Destinies of Nations
    af Delron Shirley
    198,95 kr.

    In Of Kings and Prophets, Bible teacher Dr. Delron Shirley invites you into his time machine to travel back through the corridors of time to visit the era of the Old Testament kings and prophets in the nations of Israel and Judah - the men who shaped the destinies of their nations. In walking through the encounters, interactions, and conflicts in the lives of these historical figures, we are constantly reminded of the words of the New Testament writer who said that everything that happened in the lives of these men serves as an example and a caution to us so that we can have hope that we can make a difference in our own generation. (Romans 15:4, I Corinthians 10:11)

  • af Delron Shirley
    273,95 kr.

    The Bible is a book that begs to be discovered -- and lived by. That is exactly what this set of study manuals is designed to help you do. It is a four-year spiritual journal with a daily devotional study though the Word of God. These manuals consist of a yearlong walk through the New Testament and a three-year excursion through the Old Testament based on studying one chapter each weekday for the fifty-two weeks in a year. The expedition through the book of Psalms will be repeated annually on the weekends. Each entry includes one verse to memorize. It is difficult to select just one verse each day because most chapters contain many verses which we should, as the psalmist said, hide in our hearts. Next comes a short distillation of the basic principle of the chapter and a brief outline of the chapter. The Bible study is followed by a simple prayer intended to bring the truth of the chapter into practical application. A section for the reader's notes follows where you can log your own personal revelations and insights about the chapter. A space for noting your own personal spiritual journal (which could include prayer requests, answered prayers, and testimonies) rounds out the daily devotion. Twenty minutes a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year will produce one brand new man in each friend who seriously applies himself to the program and the program to himself.

  • af Delron Shirley
    273,95 kr.

    The Bible is a book that begs to be discovered -- and lived by. That is exactly what this set of study manuals is designed to help you do. It is a four-year spiritual journal with a daily devotional study though the Word of God. These manuals consist of a yearlong walk through the New Testament and a three-year excursion through the Old Testament based on studying one chapter each weekday for the fifty-two weeks in a year. The expedition through the book of Psalms will be repeated annually on the weekends. Each entry includes one verse to memorize. It is difficult to select just one verse each day because most chapters contain many verses which we should, as the psalmist said, hide in our hearts. Next comes a short distillation of the basic principle of the chapter and a brief outline of the chapter. The Bible study is followed by a simple prayer intended to bring the truth of the chapter into practical application. A section for the reader's notes follows where you can log your own personal revelations and insights about the chapter. A space for noting your own personal spiritual journal (which could include prayer requests, answered prayers, and testimonies) rounds out the daily devotion. Twenty minutes a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year will produce one brand new man in each friend who seriously applies himself to the program and the program to himself.

  • af Delron Shirley
    273,95 kr.

  • af Delron Shirley
    178,95 kr.

    Each new day comes with its own challenges and blessings. In Daily Ditties from Delron's Desk, you'll enjoy a little pick-me-up to get your day started. So sit back with a warm cup of coffee or tea and see what's in store for you today.

  • af Delron Shirley
    198,95 kr.

    The biblical character Jacob woke up one morning to realize that he was standing at the very gate of heaven but hadn't realized it. (Genesis 28:17) How often do we have the same experience of being at a strategic place yet not recognizing its significance? In this short study, Bible teacher Dr. Delron Shirley leads us through the process of recognizing the interfaces in our lives-doors that lead us into the world around us, windows that open up the blessings of heaven to us, and gates that allow us to destroy the influence of hell in the society we live in.

  • af Delron Shirley
    198,95 kr.

    Each new day comes with its own challenges and blessings. In Daily Ditties from Delron's Desk Volume III, you'll enjoy a little pick-me-up to get your day started. So sit back with a warm cup of coffee or tea and see what's in store for you today.

  • af Delron Shirley
    173,95 kr.

    The very mention of the word fills our hearts and head with thoughts -- joyous memories, visions of childhood delights, scenes of family gatherings, smells of fresh pastries, tastes of delicious holiday treats, recollections of special friends, strains for favorite carols, and "warm fuzzies" of ever- greens, mistletoe, roaring fires, fancy wrappings, shiny decorations, and happy faces. Yes, Christmas is all about thoughts. And we invite you to snuggle up with a hot chocolate and delve into our thoughts about Christmas -- and the Christ child whose coming we are celebrating.

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