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This manual provides guidance for planning and executing training on the 5.56-mm M16-series rifle (M16A1/A2/A3/A4) and M4 carbine. It is a guide for commanders, leaders, and instructors to develop training programs, plans, and lessons that meet the objectives or intent of the United States Army rifle marksmanship program and FM 25-100 (Training the Force). This manual is organized to lead the trainer through the material needed to conduct training during initial entry training (IET) and unit sustainment training. Preliminary subjects include discussion on the weapons' capabilities, mechanical training, and the fundamentals and principles of rifle marksmanship.
This regulation, Army Regulation 27-10 Legal Services "Military Justice," prescribes the policies and procedures pertaining to the administration of military justice and implements the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 2012, hereafter referred to as the MCM, and the rules for courts martial (RCMs) contained in the MCM.
Information age developments coupled with a revolution in military technology have profoundly influenced the depth, breadth, and height of the battlespace. In today's operational environment, capabilities of friendly and enemy forces to acquire and dominate each other by fires and maneuver are maximized by effectively using the electromagnetic spectrum. Exponential improvements of targeting capabilities occur almost daily in our technological age. Although extending the battlespace has evolved throughout the history of warfare, space and airborne platforms have improved the commander's capabilities to visualize the battlespace, target the enemy, and process and distribute information beyond any twentieth century expectations. Twenty-first century technologies have placed increasing demands on using airspace. Airspace has become a crucial resource that the combat commander must manage efficiently with increasing numbers and types of airspace users. Army airspace command and control (A2C2) is the Army's application of airspace control to coordinate airspace users for concurrent employment in the accomplishment of assigned missions. It provides the necessary command and control structure for the effective use of airspace. This field manual describes the doctrinal principles and fundamentals for organizing, planning, and using airspace. Beginning with the fundamentals of airspace management at the joint level and working through A2C2 management at each echelon of command, this manual is both a primer for airspace users and a primary reference for A2C2 staff planners. This manual provides the guidance to integrate, coordinate, synchronize, and regulate the Army's use of airspace. It focuses on how the Army uses airspace in planning and executing the commander's intent. Coordinating and integrating the use of the airspace is a force multiplier; it ensures that all battlefield operating systems are available to positively impact the course of the battle. Additionally, effective airspace management and control enhances force protection measures, minimizes the risk of fratricide to airspace users and ground combat units, and increases overall force effectiveness.
Field Manual (FM) 3-34.5/Marine Corps Reference Publication (MCRP) 4-11B, "Environmental Considerations," establishes and explains the principles of environmental support in full spectrum operations and the ways in which United States Army and United States Marine Corps (USMC) commanders develop and implement command environmental programs. This manual provides guidance on integrating environmental considerations into the conduct of operations. It defines environmental considerations and provides guidance on their integration into the operations process. This manual also provides guidance on the development of command environmental programs and standing operating procedures (SOPs) to support operations and training.
Field Manual (FM) 5-412, "Project Management, "is intended for use as a training guide and reference text for engineer personnel responsible for planning, scheduling, and controlling construction projects in the theater of operations (TO). It provides planning and management techniques to be applied when planning and scheduling a construction project. This manual also provides techniques and procedures for estimating material, equipment, personnel, and time requirements for project completion. Management definitions are as varied as the authors who write books about the subject. A good definition states that management is "the process of getting things done through people." Project management may be defined more specifically as "the process of coordinating the skill and labor of personnel using machines and materials to form the materials into a desired structure. "Project construction operations include planning, designing facilities, procuring materials and equipment, and supervising construction. An important Army management principle states that "continual improvement in systems, methods, and use of resources is required for continuous effectiveness in operations." In most large nontactical Army organizations, management engineering staffs help commanders and line operators design new ways to work faster, cheaper, and better.
ATTP 3-21.9, "SBCT Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad," describes how the Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT) Infantry rifle platoons and squads fight. ATTP 3-21.9 discusses how they operate as Infantry, mounted in their Stryker Infantry carrier vehicles (ICVs), with the ICV in support, and as part of the Stryker rifle company. The content includes principles, tactics, techniques, procedures, terms, and symbols that apply to small-unit operations. ATTP 3-21.9 is intentionally designed as a companion manual to FM 3-21.8. Many of the subjects covered in FM 3-21.8 are not only mutually applicable to the Stryker platoons and squads but also nearly identical and need not be republished. Because of this, ATTP 3-21.9 focuses on the unique characteristics and capabilities of the Stryker platoons and squads. Major areas reduced, or not included in this manual, are covered in detail in FM 3-21.8 and include-Dismounted tactical movement; Employing fires; Troop-leading procedures (TLP); Sustainment; Air defense; Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) operations; Composite risk management; Fratricide avoidance; Urban operations (UO); Sniper operations; Patrols; Employment of the dismounted element's weapons; Platoon and squad fire planning; Air assault operations; Defeating improvised explosive devices (IED); Obstacle reduction and employment; Dismounted fighting positions. These are basic skills that Stryker small units and their leaders must understand, practice, and execute. Their absence from ATTP 3-21.9 in no way diminishes their importance. Rather, they are fundamental skills applicable to all Infantry units and leaders.
This publication, "Army Health System Support to Maneuver Forces, ATP 4-02.3" addresses Army Health System (AHS) support to maneuver forces as we have seen in Field Manuals (FM) 4-02.4, FM 4-02.6, and FM 4-02.21. Army Health System resources (personnel and equipment) are organic to a variety of organizations within the brigade combat teams (BCTs). The numbers of personnel, medical equipment, and unit capabilities for providing organic AHS support also varies depending upon the parent formation/organization. It is essential for AHS planners to understand how AHS resources are arrayed across the battlefield and the capabilities and limitations of the various medical assets that are used across the range of military operations in support of the warfighting functions in the conduct of unified land operations and in pursuit of decisive action in any operational environment (OE). To facilitate this understanding, this publication uses the infantry brigade combat team (IBCT) base table of organization and equipment (TOE) for illustrative purposes only. Variances will exist between what is included in this publication and the actual modified TOEs of deployed units. These variances may be due to updates of areas of concentration (AOCs), military occupational specialties (MOSs), and military grades and modifications made to unit's TOE which result in the unit's modified TOE or updates to the base TOEs reflecting Total Army Analysis findings and judgments. Where significant differences exist in the base TOEs of the BCTs, an explanation of these differences is provided.
The purpose of this field manual (FM) is to provided doctrine and training procedures for unit field sanitation teams (FST). In addition, a training program in the application of personal protective measures (PPM) is included for personnel appointed as members of the FST for each company, troop, or battery. This publication contains a proposed 20hour master training schedule which may be adjusted as necessary; a text that may serve as reference material for the FST instructor; and supporting illustration for the instructors assigned the training task. This publication provides guidance to the commanders, unit leaders, and soldiers for implementing unit field sanitation and preventive medicine (PVNTMED) measures in the field. This publication is written to further aid the commander and his unit leaders in the continuing effort of reducing the disease and nonbattle injury (DNBI) rates during deployments.
This manual provides engineer doctrine for operating at the BCT level and below and within the framework of unified land operations. The engineer support doctrine for the BCT is focused on tactical-level maneuvers. The engineer organizations that are organic to the BCT are optimized to perform combat engineering tasks (primarily mobility with limited capabilities in countermobility and survivability). Geospatial engineering support is provided by organic terrain teams. Additional engineering support (combat and general) comes from engineer organizations that are task-organized to the BCT or that provide support from echelons above brigade (EAB) organizations. This manual is aligned with current BCT doctrine and describes engineer support for the armored BCT, infantry BCT, and Stryker BCT. Although the armored cavalry regiment and engineer company are not specifically addressed, the basic principles of this manual also apply to those organizations. This manual also provides greater detail for commanders and staffs at brigade echelons and below to ensure the synchronization of engineer capabilities across the range of military operations. Many of the tactical tasks associated with combat and general engineering support have remained constant although current and proposed future operational environments have dramatically shifted with the emergence of new threats (such as improvised explosive devices [IEDs]) and an increased emphasis on stability operations. Another significant change involves Army reorganization and restructuring of the force and the effects that they have on doctrine and operations. Changes that directly affect this manual include the-Restructure of engineer organizations within each of the three types of BCTs and within the armored cavalry regiment; Likelihood that the operations conducted will be with unified action partners. (The primary focus of joint engineer operations is to achieve the commander's intent by coordinating engineer support throughout the joint area of operations.); Alignment of engineer doctrine that supports BCTs; Consequential changes in the basic Army organizational structure and equipment of engineer organizations.
This manual, "Army Container Operations," has been prepared by the USACASCOM as a consolidated container reference incorporating policy, doctrine, and procedures needed to conduct container operations across the range of military operations. Existing Army policies and doctrine relating to intermodal containerization date back to 1975. Publications are being revised in view of lessons learned from operations in the Persian Gulf, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, and other conflicts. The transition from a forward deployed Army to a CONUS-stationed force demands new approaches to operations. Improving force projection depends on maximizing strategic lift, improving force closure, and updating doctrine which incorporate new ways of doing business. Army units should consult this Field Manual when conducting intermodal container operations. The DOD relies on commercial sealift to move 85 percent of cargo during contingency operations. The US and world merchant fleets are dominated by large, fast containerships with supporting corporate infrastructure. Experience in ODS revealed that DOD was unprepared to use effectively, containers and containerships to move UE and ammunition. This contributed, in conjunction with port saturation and lack of ITV, to the slow deployment of CS/CSS forces and resulted in significant delays in moving Class V resupply. Also large numbers of small, slow breakbulk vessels were used instead of containerships which resulted in significant costs in time and money. This manual provides guidance for container users who ship commodities within the DOD intermodal container system. The DOD system includes intermodal containers and container services, either DOD-owned or leased, or commercially provided. It also includes other ANSI/ISO configured equipment held by DOD activities before, during, and after intermodal shipment in the DTS.
This field manual (FM 6-02.53), "Tactical Radio Operations," serves as a reference document for tactical radio systems. (It does not replace FMs governing combat net radios, unit tactical deployment, or technical manuals [TMs] on equipment use.) It also provides doctrinal procedures and guidance for using tactical radios on the modern battlefield. This FM targets operators, supervisors, and planners, providing a common reference for tactical radios. It provides a basic guidance and gives the system planner the necessary steps for network planning, interoperability considerations, and equipment capabilities.
This field manual, "Signal Soldier's Guide (FM 6-02.43)," is a pocket reference guide for signal Soldiers at all echelons. It is intended to help signal Soldiers understand and implement Army communications systems operations in a modular force construct. This manual addresses the roles and responsibilities of the signal Soldier and signal planning during the military decision making process. It also provides an overview of the Global Information Grid, LandWarNet and its transport systems, network operations and spectrum management. It also addresses the transformed signal structure from the maneuver battalion through theater level and the support provided between echelons.
Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (ATTP) 4-33, "Maintenance Operations," describes Operating Force Maintenance Operations, and includes detailed information on how maintenance operations have changed with the transformation from a four-level maintenance system to two-level maintenance. It focuses on how maintenance operations are conducted at the operational and tactical-level. Its primary focus is on maintenance organizations and their missions, but also addresses the roles and functions of strategic level maintenance organizations that provide logistics and individual Soldier support services. The intended audience for this manual includes the following: Commanders at all levels - to give them a better understanding of how maintenance support operations are organized and provided; Commanders and Staff of sustainment organizations - to inform them of the integration of transforming maintenance support operations into Army missions; Soldiers of all grades - to give them a broad knowledge of the Army's tactical maintenance support operations structure and how it works. The manual applies to Active Army, the Army National Guard (ARNG)/Army National Guard of the United States (ARNGUS), and the United States Army Reserve (USAR) unless otherwise states.
This volume is one in a continuing series of books now being prepared by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress under the Country Studies-Area Handbook Program.
FM 3-35, "Army Deployment and Redeployment," is the Army's authoritative doctrine for planning, organizing, executing, and supporting deployment and redeployment. This manual represents the culmination of our efforts to consolidate all deployment doctrine (FM 100-17, FM 100-17-3, FM 3-35.4, FM 100-17-5, and FM 4-01.011) into a single manual to align Army deployment doctrine with joint deployment doctrine. FM 3-35 has five chapters and 12 appendices. Chapter 1 presents an overview of force projection and the deployment process. Chapter 2 spells out activities units engage in prior to being alerted for deployment. Chapter 3 outlines the procedures involved in the movement of units from home station to the port of embarkation (POE) and from the POE to the port of debarkation (POD). Chapter 4 details the process of reception, staging, onward movement, and integration (RSOI). Chapter 5 explains redeployment. New appendices were developed in response to requests from the field. These appendices cover installation support, duties of the Mobility Officer, organization and operation of an arrival/departure airfield control group, unit movement officer (UMO), and unit movement plan, and the influence of senior commanders on deployment. Joint Publication 3-35 describes the joint process in terms of planning; pre-deployment; movement; and joint reception, staging, onward movement, and integration (JRSOI). On the other hand, the Army process is defined by the phases of pre-deployment; movement (includes the fort to port and port to port segments); and RSOI. Planning occurs continuously throughout the entire process. In the current operating environment of persistent conflict, the rotation of Army forces is similar to the deployment process described in this manual.
This manual, FM 4-20.116, "Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Reference Data for Airdrop Platform Loads," provides a ready-reference planning guide for loads rigged for airdrop. It illustrates the rigged load and contains dimensional data, weight, and center of balance (CB) for each load. Information is also provided on aircraft, extraction parachutes and reference tables of miscellaneous information on materials used to fabricate and maintain air items and to rig airdrop equipment
Food is fuel for the Soldier. Providing nutritious and high quality subsistence to Soldiers is paramount to the Army's success and mission accomplishment on the battlefield. Field feeding directly affects the morale, combat effectiveness, and health of the combat Soldier. The objective of the Army Field Feeding System (AFFS) is to provide Soldiers the right meal at the right place at the right time. Achieving this objective is an ever-evolving challenge because of modular force packaging that supports brigade-centric operations. The Army tailors modular force components based on the scope of the Army or joint mission. The modular Army force is faster, more agile and adaptive, multifunctional, lethal and capable of conducting full spectrum operations. Class I operations and field feeding systems must continue to evolve to ensure Army food service operations continue to serve as a ready and relevant force component. This Army tactics, techniques, and procedures (ATTP) provides field food service doctrine through methods, techniques, and procedures for providing subsistence to Soldiers during the full spectrum of military operations. Commanders, logistic staff planners, food advisors, Class I managers, food operations managers, subsistence supply handlers, and food service specialists are the intended audience for this manual. Because no two missions are the same, personnel must adapt the doctrine in this manual to fit the needs of the given situation and mission. Since this manual was last published, the Army has conducted many combat and stability operations that have greatly affected the way Class I is provided to Soldiers. This manual incorporates these lessons learned. Where appropriate, this manual references other food service doctrinal publications, such as Army Regulation (AR) 30-22, Department of the Army (DA) Pamphlet 30-22, and field manual (FM) 10-23-2. Army Food Program policy and operational procedures are also contained in these publications and should be used in conjunction with this manual to plan and conduct field food service and Class I operations during field training exercises, operational deployments, and contingency operations. Part one of this manual provides an in-depth overview of the AFFS, modular subsistence sustainment, personnel responsibilities, and Class I supply planning considerations. Part two of this manual discusses the Army family of rations and field kitchen equipment. Both areas continue to evolve based on current and future military operations. Part three of this manual provides guidance and operational procedures for field kitchen operations, Class I supply operations, and contingency operations (CONOPS). In the appendixes are several checklists that provide additional Class I supply and food service training, planning, and maintenance guidance.
The purpose of this manual is to provide tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for corps artilleries (corps artys), division artilleries (div artys), and field artillery (FA) brigades. It is intended as a general "how to" guide to assist in force standardization with sufficient flexibility to adapt to local conditions as reflected in unit tactical standing operating procedures (TSOP). A firm grasp of FA and fire support (FS) doctrine and TTP, tempered by experience and military skills, should be the basis for decisive and effective action. This manual addresses TTP and the supporting infrastructure relevant to corps arty, div arty, and FA brigade operations in support of deep, close, and rear combat across the spectrum of full-dimensional operations. Included are: The integration, synchronization, and execution of FA missions in consonance with the force commander's concept of operations and scheme of FS. The manual also provides an overview of linkages to fire support elements (FSEs) and deep operations coordination cells (DOCCs). Internal FA command and control (C2) and sustainment operations. Support of joint/allied/multinational FS efforts and connectivity to higherlevel sensors, intelligence sources, etc. Field Manual (FM) 3-09.22 (6-20-2) provides TTP applicable to Army corps artys, div artys, and FA brigades equipped under the L-series tables of organization and equipment (TOEs) in 2000 and assigned to armored, mechanized, light infantry, airborne, and air assault divisions in active or reserve component formations. It also serves as an interface document for supporting or supported United States Marine Corps (USMC) artillery formations.
This manual discusses the employment of airborne brigades, battalions, and regiments in airborne operations within the context of the AirLand Battle. It sets forth tactical and administrative support doctrine for the employment of Army forces in joint airborne operations. It discusses command and staff procedures, tactics, and techniques used in the planning and execution of parachute operations at brigade and lower echelons.
This regulation implements, in part, the Department of Defense Reorganization Act; changes to the Manual for Courts-martial.
The Army embraced knowledge management (KM) as a discipline in 2003. How the Army manages information and facilitates the movement of knowledge has changed dramatically in recent years. This includes the growth of KM within the Army and refinement of associated technology-both hardware and software. Recognizing that the ability to efficiently manage knowledge is essential to effective mission command, the Army authorized the Army Knowledge Management Qualification Course (AKMQ-C), with additional skill identifier (ASI) to prepare Soldiers for KM's complex challenges. KM sections at brigade through theater army headquarters now work with commanders and staffs to help manage knowledge within their organizations; bridging the art of command and the science of control through KM. KM can be summarized in the phrase "Know, Show, Grow!" Know = tacit "head knowledge"; Show = knowledge that is written down and documented (explicit knowledge) to be shared with others; Grow = collaboration toward innovation which sparks new knowledge. What individuals and small elements know that could help others cannot be widely shared without the means to share it. The sheer volume of available information makes it difficult to identify and use that which is relevant. Knowledge management provides the means to efficiently share knowledge, thus enabling shared understanding and learning within organizations. To do this, KM creates, organizes, applies, and transfers knowledge and information between authorized people. It seeks to align people, processes, and tools-to include information technology-within the organization to continuously capture, maintain, and re-use key information and lessons learned to help units learn and adapt and improve mission performance. KM enhances an organization's ability to detect and remove obstacles to knowledge flow, thereby fostering mission success. Because collaboration is the key contributor to KM, it is imperative that everyone be involved in the process, from the generating force that trains and sustains the Soldier to the operating force, which ensures Soldiers survive and thrive every day in every circumstance or location. The contributions of everyone are important because anyone may be the source of an idea that may become the catalyst for a solution that accomplishes missions and saves lives. Though the focus of this document is operations, KM can be used by organizations and individuals to accomplish many tasks. This manual and its successors are intended to provide the guidance on how to use KM successfully to benefit Soldiers at the tip of the spear as well as commanders and staff, in present and future operational environments, in an era of persistent conflict. This manual, "Knowledge Management Operations," provides doctrinal knowledge management (KM) guidance. It provides doctrine for the organization and operations of the KM section, and establishes the doctrinal principles, tactics, techniques, and procedures necessary to effectively integrate KM into the operations of brigades and higher. FM 6-01.1 applies to KM activities in Army headquarters from brigade through Army service component command. ("Brigade" includes brigade combat teams, support brigades, functional brigades, and multifunctional brigades.) It applies to the KM section as well as to commanders, staffs, and Army leaders who will have a role in improving KM effectiveness or implementing KM procedures in their organizations. FM 6-01.1 applies to the Active Army, Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, and U.S. Army Reserve unless otherwise stated. The Army currently leads the effort to develop doctrine for KM; thus Army headquarters serving as the headquarters of a joint force land component command or joint task force may adapt this field manual with appropriate modifications until joint doctrine or guidance is provided.
This publication, "Army Health System," provides the capstone doctrine for the Army Health System (AHS) in support of the modular force. The Army Health System is the overarching concept of support for providing timely medical support to the tactical commander. It discusses the current medical force structure modernized under the Department of the Army (DA) approved Medical Reengineering Initiative and the Modular Medical Force that is designed to support the brigade combat teams and echelons above brigade units. As the Army's capstone medical doctrine statement, this publication identifies medical functions and procedures that are essential for operations covered in other Army Medical Department (AMEDD) proponent manuals. This publication depicts Army Health System operations from the point of injury, illness, or wounding through successive roles of care within the theater and evacuation to the continental United States (CONUS) support base. It presents a stable body of operational doctrine rooted in actual military experience and serves as a foundation for the development of AMEDD proponent manuals on how the AHS supports the modular force. The AHS is a component of the Department of Defense (DOD) Military Health System. It is responsible for the operational management of the health service support (HSS) and force health protection (FHP) missions for training, predeployment, deployment, and post deployment operations. The AHS includes all mission support services performed, provided, or arranged by the AMEDD to support HSS and FHP mission requirements for the Army and as directed, for joint, intergovernmental agencies, and multinational forces. Although Joint doctrine describes the capabilities of the Military Health System as a taxonomy of care, this description does not adequately address how the AMEDD must organize and equip its forces to successfully accomplish the health care delivery in the noncontiguous operational environment. Therefore, the AHS is in consonance with and supports the concept of the taxonomy of care, but AMEDD support is discussed in terms of capability packages specifically designed to support Army formations. Although the Military Health System is an interrelated system which may share medical services, capabilities, and specialties among the Service components, it is not a joint mission command system. Each Service component develops its medical resources to support its Service-specific mission. This results in the development of different types of organizations with varying levels of capability, mobility, and survivability. Although joint medical resources may have similar nomenclature to describe the unit, they are not usually interchangeable.
This Army Regulation, 40-400, "Patient Administration," prescribes policies and mandate tasks governing the management and administration of patients. It includes Department of Defense and statutory policies regarding medical care entitlements and managed care practices. It also implements North Atlantic Treaty Organization and American British, Canadian, and Australian approved standardization agreements.
This manual, FM 4-20.107, "Airdrop Derigging and Recovery Procedures," gives the latest approved doctrine for derigging, recovery, and evacuation of airdrop supplies and equipment. It is to be used by acting recovery NCOICs or OICs for a unit receiving airdrop supplies. This manual provides critical instructions for recovery of airdrop supplies and equipment. The instructions include: derigging, recovery, and evacuation responsibilities; identification of airdrop items and components; methods of collecting and handling parachutes and related airdrop equipment for recovery and evacuation; derigging and recovery support requirements; and derigging and recovery under special conditions.
This Army techniques publication (ATP), "Army Techniques Publication for Forward Arming and Refueling Points," describes forward arming and refueling point (FARP) operations for aviation units. It provides aviation commanders, staff elements, aviation support battalions (ASBs), and forward support company (FSC) personnel with a comprehensive overview of the purpose, organization, and operation of a FARP. It also includes planning considerations for FARP setup and transportation planning considerations for Class III and V products. The principles in this ATP apply to all aviation units potentially involved in forward arming and refueling missions. The Combined Arms Support Command is the proponent for these operations and the military occupational specialties related to fueling and ammunition operations. This ATP specifies the unique procedures that ammunition, arming, and refueling personnel perform during FARP and rapid refuel operations in the primary assembly area (AA). The FARP enables commanders to extend their reach within the brigade combat team (BCT), division, or corps areas of operation (AO) during attack, air assault, or aviation support missions. The FARP's ability to provide fuel and ammunition where and when needed on the battlefield is vital to the success of Army aviation combat missions.
This manual, "Military Petroleum Pipeline Systems (FM 5-482)," provides the fundamentals of planning and construction of military petroleum pipelines. The manual also provided detailed information for construction personnel on the installation and repair of military pipeline systems. It delineates unit responsibilities, whenever possible, due to the large number of unites with specialized skills required to establish a bulk-fuel distribution system. This manual can be used by any planner at company level and above. However, it was developed primarily for engineer commanders and staff to design petroleum pipeline distribution systems. Use of this manual is also applicable to quartermaster commanders and staff for the operation of these bulk Class III systems.
This FM, "Information Collection," provides essential and enduring doctrine for Army forces conducting information collection activities. This FM aligns information collection with current Army doctrine. The modular force structure with the brigade combat team as the centerpiece of the deployed force also moves many information collection assets to lower echelons. The latter is a major shift from previous ways of operating. This manual covers the principles and fundamental considerations for information collection planning and execution in operations. Although it recognizes and discusses the impact of systems that support information collection activities, this manual emphasizes fundamentals and concepts rather than equipment or systems. The doctrine contained herein is intended to be broad enough to apply to all operational themes-from a peacetime military engagement to a major combat operation-and applicable at battalion through corps echelons deployed in an area of operations, although each organization employs tactics, techniques, and procedures appropriate to its level. This manual is designed for officers and Soldiers assigned to units that direct or conduct information collection activities as well as commanders and staffs of corps, division, brigade combat teams, support brigades, and battalions. It applies to the Active Army, the Army National Guard, Army National Guard of the United States, and the United States Army Reserve unless otherwise stated; and U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command institutions and components. This FM forms the foundation for instruction on information collection activities within the Army's educational system.
This publication provides the United States Army and United States Marine Corps (USMC) commanders, artillerymen, and meteorology (MET) crew members with tactics, techniques, and procedures for the employment of MET sections. This publication describes the equipment and tasks required to develop MET data from the selection of the MET station location to the dissemination of the MET data.
The transformation of the Army into a strategically responsive, expeditionary force that is dominant across the full spectrum of operations requires significant cultural, doctrinal and organizational change as well as advanced technological solutions. Such changes and technology must support the Army at every point on the spectrum of operations and must be suitable for the current as well as future forces. These changes and technologies must offer far-reaching capabilities that enable the Capstone Concept for Joint Operations (CCJO) and the Army's Future Force Capstone Concept. Simply improving existing platforms, doctrine, organizations and Army culture does not support the transformation envisioned in either of the aforementioned conceptual documents. Achieving this robust water transport capability requires new ways and means - enabled by truly transformational doctrine, organizations, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel and facilities (DOTMLPF) and policy. The major shift in Army watercraft operation focuses on our ability to rapidly project and sustain operational forces within and through the littoral areas of the world. Expeditionary units and enabling technologies provide the commander the water transport capability to achieve positional advantage over operational and tactical distances. These water transport assets are not limited to operating in major or minor ports, but can also operate in austere port environments or over bare beaches. To maximize effectiveness, combat forces must be able to move autonomously, plan and rehearse while en route, and arrive in an immediately employable configuration. Transformation also emphasizes an improved link between operations and logistics, resulting in precise, reliable distributed support and sustainment to the warfighter. Future watercraft, and the units that employ them, must be fast, efficient, and agile; able to move with precision in a quickly changing environment. They must be capable of moving intact current and future force units forward of the strategic port; delivering platforms laden with retail supply; or delivering humanitarian and disaster relief materiel, all the while staying fully aware of the current and future operational situation. Army water transport forces provide the combatant commanders the maneuver capability to rapidly move forces, support and sustainment to the right place, at the right time, and in the right quantities. As the Army transforms, potential adversaries will adopt anti-access strategies. State or non-state forces will rely on anti-access measures to delay or counter the application of U.S. military capabilities. Future adversaries will marshal their limited assets and focus them on the most likely points of entry into the region. Traditionally, these are major air and seaports or major geographical choke points that must be navigated to achieve entry. Joint Force enabling concepts, units and technologies must provide the operational commander lift assets that bypass these known points, diminishing any asymmetrical advantage held by an adversary. They must allow the commander to pick the time and place of their choosing to initiate action and, thereby, to seize and hold the initiative in a tactical environment. Army watercraft and Army soldier-mariners must be fully trained, equipped and capable of operating in this dynamic joint environment.
Competent leaders of character are necessary for the Army to meet the challenges in the dangerous and complex security environment we face. As the keystone leadership manual for the United States Army, FM 6-22 establishes leadership doctrine, the fundamental principles by which Army leaders act to accomplish their mission and care for their people. FM 6-22 applies to officers, warrant officers, noncommissioned officers, and enlisted Soldiers of all Army components, and to Army civilians. From Soldiers in basic training to newly commissioned officers, new leaders learn how to lead with this manual as a basis. FM 6-22 is prepared under the direction of the Army Chief of Staff. It defines leadership, leadership roles and requirements, and how to develop leadership within the Army. It outlines the levels of leadership as direct, organizational, and strategic, and describes how to lead successfully at each level. It establishes and describes the core leader competencies that facilitate focused feedback, education, training, and development across all leadership levels. It reiterates the Army Values. FM 6-22 defines how the Warrior Ethos is an integral part of every Soldier's life. It incorporates the leadership qualities of self-awareness and adaptability and describes their critical impact on acquiring additional knowledge and improving in the core leader competencies while operating in constantly changing operational environments. In line with evolving Army doctrine, FM 6-22 directly supports the Army's capstone manuals, FM 1 and FM 3-0, as well as keystone manuals such as FM 5-0, FM 6-0, and FM 7-0. FM 6-22 connects Army doctrine to joint doctrine as expressed in the relevant joint doctrinal publications, JP 1 and JP 3-0. As outlined in FM 1, the Army uses the shorthand expression of BE-KNOW-DO to concentrate on key factors of leadership. What leaders DO emerges from who they are (BE) and what they KNOW. Leaders are prepared throughout their lifetimes with respect to BE-KNOW-DO so they will be able to act at a moment's notice and provide leadership for whatever challenge they may face. FM 6-22 expands on the principles in FM 1 and describes the character attributes and core competencies required of contemporary leaders. Character is based on the attributes central to a leader's make-up, and competence comes from how character combines with knowledge, skills, and behaviors to result in leadership. Inextricably linked to the inherent qualities of the Army leader, the concept of BE-KNOW-DO represents specified elements of character, knowledge, and behavior described here in FM 6-22.
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