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Bøger af Derek Prince

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  • af Derek Prince
    137,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    232,95 kr.

    Click Here for Sample Chapter! Drawing form six decades of Scripture-based teaching and study in the original Greek and Hebrew, the late Derek Prince clearly explains the foundations for Christian faith, salvation, baptism, the Holy Spirit, laying on of hands, the believer's resurrection, and eternal judgment. The revised book, which has been translated and distributed worldwide in more than sixty languages, offers Christian everything they need to develop a strong, balanced, Spirit-filled life, including a comprehensive index of topics and a complete index of Scripture verses.

  • af Derek Prince
    177,95 kr.

  • - Rediscover the Creator's Purpose for Men
    af Derek Prince
    152,95 kr.

    Shows in simple terms what it takes to be a successful husband and father and to bless those closest to you--your wife and children.

  • - Sådan bevæger vi os længere end lovprisning og taksigelse til sand tilbedelse
    af Derek Prince
    164,95 kr.

    ”Jo mere jeg prøver at være god, jo værre er jeg stillet!”Hvis det lyder som dig, er der gode nyheder.Lær hemmelighederne ved:At gå ind i hans hvileAt have fællesskab med Gud Åbenbaring fra GudHvad man skal gøre, når man beder Guds vej til storhedÅndelig krigsførelseDerek viser også, hvordan man bliver befriet fra skyldens og syndens slaveri og opnår en indre fred og glæde, som intet andet kan kopiere.Gå ikke glip af begejstringen ved tilbedelse... på Guds måde!Derek Prince (1915-2003) blev uddannet på Eton og Cambridge, hvor han senere fik et professorat i filosofi. Medens han tjente i den britiske hær under 2. Verdenskrig, oplevede han et livsforvandlende møde med Jesus Kristus. Han viede derefter sit liv til Bibelen og blev internationalt anerkendt som en førende bibellærer. Dereks primære gave er at forklare Bibelen på en klar og enkel måde, og hans bøger omfatter blandt andet Kristenlivets grundprincipper, De skal uddrive dæmoner og Velsignelse og forbandelse: Du kan selv vælge.

  • - Om at finde din opgave i Guds rige
    af Derek Prince
    147,95 kr.

    Tiden er inde til at få tildelt din personlige opgaveVil du gerne vide hvilket arbejde, hvilket sted og hvilken tjeneste Gud har bestemt for dig?Ønsker du at komme ind i den særlige position, hvor ressourcer, ansvar og privilegier er skræddersyet til dig – både i dette liv og i evigheden?Er du villig til at modtage Guds kald?Er svaret ja; er du klar til at finde ud af, hvad dit kald er. Det er ikke kompliceret, og det er yderst praktisk. Med varme og tidløs visdom vil den elskede bibelærer Derek Prince hjælpe dig på vej:Lær dine gaver at kendeOpdag syv trin til at finde din plads i Guds tjenesteUdvikl din evne til at høre Helligåndens stemmeFå afsløret den største hindring for fuldførelsen af dit kaldAlle helvedes magter vil prøve at stoppe dig, men Jesus ønsker at føre dig til en position med ufatteligt ansvar og privilegium inden for sit rige.Når du retter dig ind efter det arbejde, han har til dig; vil du tage imod din opgave i disse sidste tider med tillid og det mod, der følger med at være KALDET TIL AT EROBRE.

  • - At bane vejen for en ny himmelsk realitet
    af Derek Prince
    197,95 kr.

    Syv skridt til vækkelseFor nogle år siden talte Herren disse ord til den internationale bibellærer og forfatter Derek Prince: ”Der vil komme en stor vækkelse i USA og England”. Derek blev overbevist om, at Gud ville sende en mægtig vækkelse – men ikke generelt til nationerne, han ville sende vækkelsen til kirken i nationerne. Derefter ville vækkelsen påvirke verden med evangeliet om Jesus Kristus før hans genkomst.Disse profetiske ord om vækkelse mangler endnu at blive opfyldt, hvilket betyder, at kirken i de kommende år vil komme til at opleve noget meget spændende. Fornyelsen, som Gud ønsker at bringe til USA og England – ja, til hele verden – ligger måske lige foran os.Enhver af os har en central rolle i denne kommende vækkelse. Hvordan skal vi forberede os til at blive brugt af Herren i den kommende, revolutionerende tid? Det er en kendsgerning, at tidspunktet for denne vækkelse vil afhænge af, hvornår vi er rede. Derek Prince vidste, der ville være mange faktorer, som skulle bidrage til den verdensomspændende vækkelse, som Gud har til hensigt at sende.I denne fængslende bog fokuserer han på syv væsentlige elementer i vækkelsens proces. Lær om disse vigtige elementer og om, hvordan du kan forberede dig til at medvirke i Den Kommende Vækkelse.

  • - Living Out Our Greatest Calling and Blessing
    af Derek Prince
    134,95 kr.

    Can We Really Know God? Renowned international Bible teacher Derek Prince affirms that we can know God and that there is a clear path to doing so. He unfolds from Scripture what it means to know God intimately, become united with Him in His purposes, and commit ourselves to living for Him fully. Prince explains our need to know God personally and experientially so that we can have true life and fellowship with Him--and then understand what He is calling us to be and do. "There is a calling for every saved person," he says, "a special way of life, a special task, a special responsibility." This book describes the various steps to knowing God and having a right relationship with Him--and reveals what proceeds from that close relationship. We experience real strength and stability only from knowing God. As we earnestly seek Him, His wisdom, and His ways above all else, we will increasingly come to understand His mind and heart. Those whom Christ has redeemed are God's own special people, and He has made us a kingdom of priests to help bring the peaceful rule of His kingdom to individuals and nations. The dark forces of the enemy are encroaching on the world in many ways, blinding people to their true purpose and enslaving them in empty pursuits. God calls us to take part--through intercession and sharing the gospel message--in bringing them His light and setting them free so that they, too, can know God and live wholeheartedly for Him.

  • af Derek Prince
    156,95 kr.

    Internationally respected Bible teacher Derek Prince offers the definitive guide to effective, life-changing prayer. Through examining the teachings of Jesus and the Old Testament prophets, Prince hands you the keys to biblical prayer while unlocking the answers to these essential questions and more: - How can I be certain my prayers will be answered?- How can I discover God's will for my life?- How can I pray confidently?- What is my authority in Christ through prayer?- How can I be sure my prayers are biblical?- What is the nature and purpose of prayer?- What is the purpose of fasting and how does it relate to prayer?- What is intercessory prayer?In addition to the answers to these questions, you will discover insight and understanding that will help you cultivate a new life as one of God's prayer warriors. With help from this seasoned veteran, you can begin praying more confidently and effectively, starting today.

  • - Modtag det allerbedste fra Gud
    af Derek Prince
    56,95 kr.

    Alle gode og fuldkomne gaver kommer ned fra oven, fra lysenes fader.Jakobs brev 1:17Ønsket og længslen i Guds hjerte er at give dig hans allerbedste. Derek Prince lærer dig hvordan du modtager Guds mange gaver, blandt andet hvordan du:Finder behag i Helligåndens venskab.Hører Guds stemme.Prioriterer ud fra Biblen.Bliver styrket i troen.Lader dig overvælde af velsignelser.Ved at indarbejde disse principper i dit liv, kan du begynde at modtage fra Gud – giveren af alle gode gaver.

  • - At træde ind i Guds fuldkomne muligheder
    af Derek Prince
    164,95 kr.

    Alting er muligtTro åbner tilgængeligheden af Guds muligheder.Gennem tro har Gud på mirakuløs vis, givet os evnen til at modtage opfyldelsen af sine løfter.Tro er midlet til et velsignet liv.Jo mere tro vi udøver jo mere nyder vi et rigt og fuldkomment liv i Kristus.„Tro er … overbevisning om det, der ikke ses.“ (Hebr. 11:1).Tro løfter os udover vores egne evners sfære og bringer os evigtgyldige kendsgerninger og redskaber.Er det så underligt at i Bibelen konstant understreger at troen er af allerstørste vigtighed?I Troens Kraft besvarer den berømte bibellærer Derek Prince dine spørgsmål om det uomgængelige element i det kristne liv: Hvad er tro? Hvorfor er tro nødvendig? Hvad kan jeg gøre hvis jeg ikke har tro? Hvordan lever jeg et sammenhængende liv i tro? Med klart redegjorte sandheder og mange praktiske eksempler, er denne bog en stærk kilde til at modtage fordelene ved et trosfyldt liv. Opdag principper der vil give dig mulighed for at gøre det, der ellers ville være muligt. Se, hvordan alle dine behov kan opfyldes; både åndelige, følelsesmæssige, legemlige, og økonomiske. Lær, hvordan du løbende udvikler og styrker din tro på Gud. Når du lever et liv i tro på Gud, vil du i sandhed vide, at ”Alt er muligt for den, der tror” (Mark. 9:23).Bogen indeholder specifikke trosproklamationer, med tilsvarende skrifter til daglig brug.

  • af Derek Prince
    217,95 kr.

    If you are looking for meaning and purpose in life, this book is for you!Do you want to know what God intends for your life and what your future looks like? In Search of Truth is the result of Derek Prince's own search for the answer to that question. Beginning with Abraham, the only person called the "friend of God" in the Scriptures, you proceed, step by step, through the unfolding destiny of the human race.Find answers to questions such as:What is God's purpose for Israel and my life?How can I receive answers to my prayers?Who is the 'Prophet like Moses' mentioned in the Bible?What is God's plan for prosperity?How can I have victory over sin and receive supernatural power?What will happen in the last days before Messiah's return?Derek Prince sought answers to these questions in ancient and modern philosophy, and also in oriental mysticism. He was educated as a scholar of classical languages (Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and Aramaic) at Eton College and Cambridge University in England and later at Hebrew University, Israel. However, it was in the study of the Bible, while serving with the British Army during World War II, that he found his answer. From that time on, he devoted himself to studying and teaching the Word of God.In the late 1950s, while serving as head of a teacher training college in Kenya, Derek Prince prepared a manual to help others who were searching as he had been. That book, the Self-Study Bible Course, has sold millions of copies in English and many other languages. In Search of Truth is an expanded and revised version of that original course.In Search of Truth begins with Abraham, the only person called the "friend of God" in the Scriptures. From there the seeker proceeds, step by step, through the unfolding destiny of the human race. This book is for the serious student who wants to find out the meaning and purpose of life.

  • af Derek Prince
    247,95 kr.

    STUDY ONE OF THE MOST BELOVED AND IMPORTANT BOOKS IN THE BIBLERomans is one of the most beloved and significant books in the Bible for understanding how to be established in Christ's righteousness, walk in faith, and grow in grace. Self-Study Bible Course on Romans is based on the acclaimed teachings of international Bible teacher Derek Prince. As Derek explains:"This journey will take you down into the darkest depths of human depravity and then up to the glistening heights of God's grace and glory... Romans is a unique combination of the spiritual and intellectual realms without parallel in human literature. It unfolds the most sublime spiritual truths in terms of the most flawless logic."Through the twenty-five lessons of this Bible course, you will progress step-by-step through the chapters and major themes of Romans, including the 'Roman pilgrimage', the destiny of Israel and the church, and how to live out your faith under pressure.Each absorbing study includes an introduction, memorization features, and study questions by which Derek guides you into deeper revelation of the righteousness of God and the life of faith as unfolded by the apostle Paul. You will experience personal transformation through a systematic exposure to the Word of God and the illumination of the Holy Spirit.Move beyond head knowledge to understand your salvation and spiritual inheritance experientially. Truly, you are no longer under any condemnation because you are in Christ Jesus. All things work together for your good because you love God and have been called according to His purpose.Begin your pilgrimage in Romans today!

  • af Derek Prince
    107,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    447,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    97,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    107,95 kr.

    Jesus did not say, "If you fast," but rather, "When you fast." As you read Derek Prince's biblical teaching on fasting, you will discover answers to such questions as: Why should I fast?What happens during a fast?What are the rewards of fasting?How long should I fast?How should I break a fast?

  • af Derek Prince
    107,95 kr.

    Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Every Christian knows it is imperative to keep the tongue under control but, sooner or later, finds he cannot do so himself. Derek Prince provides clear, biblical steps to discipline the tongue so your words will be spoken for God's glory and your blessing!

  • - Missionsbefalingen
    af Derek Prince
    56,95 kr.

    Er dit liv stadig på linje med Kristus?Jesus befaler alle at gå ud og gøre mennesker fra alle nationer til hans disciple. Befalingen er ikke kun givet til prædikanten eller evangelisten. Er du villig til at gøre andre til disciple?Eller er du frygtsom og siger: ’Det kan jeg ikke gøre’? Derek Prince siger i denne bog: ”Det er måske én af de største farer, der møder os som kristne – at være bange for at gå fremad i tro. Vi ønsker i stedet at være på den sikre side. Vi tør ikke tage den risiko”.Hvis du føler, at du ikke kan dele de gode nyheder om Jesus med dine venner eller din familie, så vil denne bog udfordre dig til at overveje din holdning. Den vil opmuntre dig til at bruge de resurser, Gud har givet dig, til at fuldføre Kristi sidste befaling.Derek Prince (1915-2003) er forfatter til mere end 50 bøger, 600 lydbånd og 110 videoer med undervisning, hvoraf mange er oversat og udgivet på mere end 100 sprog. Hans daglige radioprogram fortsætter med at berøre mennesker i hele verden.

  • af Derek Prince
    177,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    177,95 kr.

    Protect Yourself in the End-Times Confusion What is the greatest danger for believers at the end of the age? Is it persecution? Natural disasters? Financial collapse? Internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince warns that the most pressing danger is not any of these but rather deception. Satanic deception in the forms of false teaching, counterfeit signs and wonders, and other spiritual treachery is a Battle of the Ages that began in the garden of Eden and is intensifying to its greatest pitch in these end times. The danger of deception in this battle is high, even if we are confident that we are "safe." Derek explains, "Anyone who denies his vulnerability to deception is already deceived, for Jesus has foretold it, and He does not err." We are living in a dangerous time in which we require God's supernatural warnings and wisdom. We must learn to recognize our own self-deception and to discern the end-time plots of the enemy before being drawn in to his tricks and schemes. The Battle of the Ages will equip you to: Test the source of supernatural signs and wondersDiscern truth from falsehoodLearn the characteristics of candidates for deceptionKnow the safeguards against deceptionBreak free from pride, a stronghold of SatanResist the schemes of Satan and share in Jesus's triumph over himRecognize the mixture of the false church within the true churchDistinguish the Holy Spirit from counterfeit spiritsKeep your heart pure and surrendered to GodPowerfully share the gospel to bring in a great harvestYou can uncover Satan's strategies, effectively engage in spiritual warfare, free others from the enemy's grip--and win the battle over deception and destruction.

  • af Derek Prince
    162,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    182,95 kr.

    "In a very practical way, renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince shows how to address your difficulties and have your needs supplied by applying the specific biblical promises appropriate for each situation. Discover promises for wisdom, guidance, favor at work, good relationships, financial prosperity, healing, peace of mind, and many others"--

  • - At finde trøst og fred i en vanskelig tid
    af Derek Prince
    56,95 kr.

    At finde trøst og fred i en vanskelig tidHar du oplevet tabet af en elsket? Frygter du tanken om din egen død? Døden og det at dø er et vanskeligt emne – selv for dem, som lever i håbet om Jesus Kristus.I denne følsomme, men indsigtsfulde bog forklarer Derek Prince livets og dødens natur ud fra Biblens grundlæggende undervisning – og giver os god grund til håb på den anden side af sorg.Derek Prince har oplevet at blive enkemand to gange. Ud fra denne baggrund bringer han medfølelse og hjælp til at møde døden ved tabet af en elsket. Ved afslutningen af livets rejse kan vi se frem til herlighederne i det kommende liv. Dette stærke budskab kan give dig den inspiration, du behøver for at opleve Kristi sejr over døden!Derek Prince (1915-2003) er forfatter til mere end 50 bøger, 600 lydbånd og 110 videoer med undervisning, hvoraf mange er blevet oversat og udgivet på mere end 100 sprog. Hans daglige radioprogram fortsætter med at berøre mennesker i hele verden.

  • - Genoprettelse og forløsning
    af Derek Prince
    127,95 kr.

    Hvorfor er verdens opmærksomhed fokuseret på det lille land Israel?Hvordan kan mellemøsten opnå sand retfærdighed og fred?Hvordan har Israels historie og fremtid indflydelse på kristne i dag?Disse spørgsmål er blandt de mange, som Derek Prince tager fat på i dette grundige studium af Guds profetier angående Israels land og Israels folk. Grundig bibelsk analyse åbenbarer, hvordan Israels skæbne er sammenvævet med Kirkens skæbne. Israel er i dag i centrum af en stærk magtkonflikt, men Gud har oprettet bestemte pagter både med Israel og Kirken. Derfor må Israels genoprettelse være et alvorligt anliggende for kristne, hvis Skriftens troværdighed ikke skal drages i tvivl. Derek Prince kalder derfor kristne til at anerkende deres åndelige gæld til Israel og til at holde Israel oppe i bøn.Derek Prince (1915-2003) er forfatter til over 50 bøger og mere end 700 undervisninger på lyd- og videobånd. Meget af det er blevet oversat og udgivet på mere end 100 sprog. Hans radioprogrammer, bøger, lyd- og videobånd berører fortsat menneskers liv i hele verden.

  • af Derek Prince
    287,95 kr.

    Romans is one of the most beloved and important books in the Bible for understanding how to be established in Christ's righteousness, walk in faith, and grow in grace. Self-Study Bible Course on Romans is based on the acclaimed teachings of international Bible teacher Derek Prince. As Derek explains, this journey through Romans "will take you through the darkest depths of human depravity and then onto the glistening heights of God's grace and glory. Romans is a unique combination of the spiritual and intellectual without parallel in human literature. It unfolds the most sublime spiritual truths in terms of the most flawless logic." Through this Bible course, you will progress step-by-step through the chapters and major themes of Romans, including "The Roman Pilgrimage," "The Destiny of Israel and the Church," and "Walking Out Your Faith Under Pressure." Each absorbing study includes an introduction, memorization features, and study questions by which Derek guides you into deeper revelation of the righteousness of God and the life of faith as unfolded by the apostle Paul. You will experience personal transformation through a systematic exposure to the Word of God and the illumination of the Holy Spirit. Move beyond head knowledge to understand your salvation experientially. Truly, you are no longer under any condemnation because you are in Christ Jesus. All things work together for your good because you love God and have been called according to His purpose. Begin your pilgrimage in Romans today! Includes detachable Scripture memorization cards.

  • af Derek Prince
    192,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    162,95 kr.

    In this compelling look at God's vision and design for the body of Christ, internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince describes the original blueprint for the church: loved, redeemed, transformed, and called. Discover deeper meaning through the pictures of God's church from Ephesians, including the assembly, the body of Christ, the workmanship, the family, the temple, the bride, and the army. Explore the daily lifestyle of the local church as well as the future of all God's people. Highlights include: The powerful, productive New Testament lifeGod's program of transformationOur place in God's exciting communityTrue fellowship among believersOur role in fulfilling the Great CommissionWe can be infused with a new sense of power and expectation as we learn what it means to be a vital member of the body of Christ. And we can help fulfill God's vision for the church by becoming dynamic ambassadors of His message to a lost world.

  • af Derek Prince
    162,95 kr.

    Do you have a clear purpose for your life? Or are you drifting through life, being carried here and there by the winds of habit and fashion, tossed by waves of circumstances over which you have no control? A person may have talent, intelligence, and special abilities but still live a life filled with frustration--accomplishing very little of permanent value--because they don't understand their purpose, and they lack a clear objective in life. Many people have the feeling that there should be more to life than they are experiencing. It doesn't have to be this way. One of the greatest benefits and blessings of the Christian life is that it provides us with a real purpose for living. This purpose is rooted in our faith in Christ. As we come to understand God's will for our lives, we look to Jesus as both our pattern and our inspiration. His supreme motivation in life was to do the Father's will. Both personal and practical, this book helps you to finally answer the question, "What is God's will for me?" Derek Prince presents clear steps to discovering God's plans for your life, revealing how you can... Gain a clear purpose and objective for livingReceive supernatural restorationLive free from deceptionBecome a channel of life to those around youFind deep peace and personal satisfaction Will you decide today to do God's will? Unless you meet this challenge, you could miss all that God has for you. Discover a new sense of purpose today and experience the fullness of God's will for your life. "My to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work." (John 4:34)

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