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Bøger af Derek Prince

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  • - At finde trøst og fred i en vanskelig tid
    af Derek Prince
    63,95 kr.

    At finde trøst og fred i en vanskelig tidHar du oplevet tabet af en elsket? Frygter du tanken om din egen død? Døden og det at dø er et vanskeligt emne – selv for dem, som lever i håbet om Jesus Kristus.I denne følsomme, men indsigtsfulde bog forklarer Derek Prince livets og dødens natur ud fra Biblens grundlæggende undervisning – og giver os god grund til håb på den anden side af sorg.Derek Prince har oplevet at blive enkemand to gange. Ud fra denne baggrund bringer han medfølelse og hjælp til at møde døden ved tabet af en elsket. Ved afslutningen af livets rejse kan vi se frem til herlighederne i det kommende liv. Dette stærke budskab kan give dig den inspiration, du behøver for at opleve Kristi sejr over døden!Derek Prince (1915-2003) er forfatter til mere end 50 bøger, 600 lydbånd og 110 videoer med undervisning, hvoraf mange er blevet oversat og udgivet på mere end 100 sprog. Hans daglige radioprogram fortsætter med at berøre mennesker i hele verden.

  • - Genoprettelse og forløsning
    af Derek Prince
    127,95 kr.

    Hvorfor er verdens opmærksomhed fokuseret på det lille land Israel?Hvordan kan mellemøsten opnå sand retfærdighed og fred?Hvordan har Israels historie og fremtid indflydelse på kristne i dag?Disse spørgsmål er blandt de mange, som Derek Prince tager fat på i dette grundige studium af Guds profetier angående Israels land og Israels folk. Grundig bibelsk analyse åbenbarer, hvordan Israels skæbne er sammenvævet med Kirkens skæbne. Israel er i dag i centrum af en stærk magtkonflikt, men Gud har oprettet bestemte pagter både med Israel og Kirken. Derfor må Israels genoprettelse være et alvorligt anliggende for kristne, hvis Skriftens troværdighed ikke skal drages i tvivl. Derek Prince kalder derfor kristne til at anerkende deres åndelige gæld til Israel og til at holde Israel oppe i bøn.Derek Prince (1915-2003) er forfatter til over 50 bøger og mere end 700 undervisninger på lyd- og videobånd. Meget af det er blevet oversat og udgivet på mere end 100 sprog. Hans radioprogrammer, bøger, lyd- og videobånd berører fortsat menneskers liv i hele verden.

  • af Derek Prince
    283,95 kr.

    Romans is one of the most beloved and important books in the Bible for understanding how to be established in Christ's righteousness, walk in faith, and grow in grace. Self-Study Bible Course on Romans is based on the acclaimed teachings of international Bible teacher Derek Prince. As Derek explains, this journey through Romans "will take you through the darkest depths of human depravity and then onto the glistening heights of God's grace and glory. Romans is a unique combination of the spiritual and intellectual without parallel in human literature. It unfolds the most sublime spiritual truths in terms of the most flawless logic." Through this Bible course, you will progress step-by-step through the chapters and major themes of Romans, including "The Roman Pilgrimage," "The Destiny of Israel and the Church," and "Walking Out Your Faith Under Pressure." Each absorbing study includes an introduction, memorization features, and study questions by which Derek guides you into deeper revelation of the righteousness of God and the life of faith as unfolded by the apostle Paul. You will experience personal transformation through a systematic exposure to the Word of God and the illumination of the Holy Spirit. Move beyond head knowledge to understand your salvation experientially. Truly, you are no longer under any condemnation because you are in Christ Jesus. All things work together for your good because you love God and have been called according to His purpose. Begin your pilgrimage in Romans today! Includes detachable Scripture memorization cards.

  • af Derek Prince
    158,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    158,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    258,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    78,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    123,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    111,95 - 188,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    188,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    158,95 kr.

    In this compelling look at God's vision and design for the body of Christ, internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince describes the original blueprint for the church: loved, redeemed, transformed, and called. Discover deeper meaning through the pictures of God's church from Ephesians, including the assembly, the body of Christ, the workmanship, the family, the temple, the bride, and the army. Explore the daily lifestyle of the local church as well as the future of all God's people. Highlights include: The powerful, productive New Testament lifeGod's program of transformationOur place in God's exciting communityTrue fellowship among believersOur role in fulfilling the Great CommissionWe can be infused with a new sense of power and expectation as we learn what it means to be a vital member of the body of Christ. And we can help fulfill God's vision for the church by becoming dynamic ambassadors of His message to a lost world.

  • af Derek Prince
    158,95 kr.

    Do you have a clear purpose for your life? Or are you drifting through life, being carried here and there by the winds of habit and fashion, tossed by waves of circumstances over which you have no control? A person may have talent, intelligence, and special abilities but still live a life filled with frustration--accomplishing very little of permanent value--because they don't understand their purpose, and they lack a clear objective in life. Many people have the feeling that there should be more to life than they are experiencing. It doesn't have to be this way. One of the greatest benefits and blessings of the Christian life is that it provides us with a real purpose for living. This purpose is rooted in our faith in Christ. As we come to understand God's will for our lives, we look to Jesus as both our pattern and our inspiration. His supreme motivation in life was to do the Father's will. Both personal and practical, this book helps you to finally answer the question, "What is God's will for me?" Derek Prince presents clear steps to discovering God's plans for your life, revealing how you can... Gain a clear purpose and objective for livingReceive supernatural restorationLive free from deceptionBecome a channel of life to those around youFind deep peace and personal satisfaction Will you decide today to do God's will? Unless you meet this challenge, you could miss all that God has for you. Discover a new sense of purpose today and experience the fullness of God's will for your life. "My to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work." (John 4:34)

  • af Derek Prince
    158,95 kr.

    Do you long for God to speak to you, bringing guidance, strength, and comfort? Perhaps you have been praying for a word from God, but the heavens seem silent. Nothing is more important than knowing how to hear from God because our spiritual life depends on it. Without it, we can't know and obey His will for us, and we may go down the wrong path or miss His plans for us. The Bible teaches and guides us in essential matters, but instruction for God's specific, daily purposes for our lives comes from His Holy Spirit, who lives within us. Being able to hear from God is a growing, deepening process that leads us to into His perfect plans. Through his extensive study of the Scriptures and personal life experiences, internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince explains the practical steps you can take to hear from God, develop a close relationship with Him, remove obstacles to recognizing His voice, and understand the ways in which He communicates"--Back cover

  • af Derek Prince
    120,95 kr.

    "Legendary Bible teacher Derek Prince explains that Jesus' death on the cross not only provides forgiveness from sin--it also makes everything else work in our lives; by returning to the centrality of the cross, personally applying it our lives, we enter into God's power and provision for us"--

  • af Derek Prince
    73,95 kr.

    Sabe que? fuerzas influyen en su vida di?a a di?a? Se siente la mayor parte del tiempo bajo presio?n mental, emocional o financiera? Esta?n sus relaciones ma's cercanas en conflicto? Se pregunta por que? el e?xito les llega con facilidad a los dema?s, pero parece eludirle a usted? Las pruebas y los triunfos de la vida pueden parecer accidentales. En Bendicio?n o maldicio?n, Prince muestra co?mo las fuerzas detra's de las bendiciones y maldiciones podri?an estar en accio?n en su vida. // Do you know what forces are influencing your life from day to day? Do you feel under mental, emotional or financial pressure much of the time? Are your closest relationships in turmoil? Do you wonder why success comes easily to others but seems to elude you? Lifes trials and triumphs can seem accidental. In Blessing or Curse, Prince shows how the forces behind blessings and curses might be at work in your life. Drawing from Gods Word and real-life experiences, Prince will help you understand the causes of curses and teach you how to be set free from them, so that you can start enjoying the benefits of Gods blessings.

  • af Derek Prince
    198,95 kr.

    Do You Long to Lay Hold of God's Grace and Mercy?Do you sometimes feel trapped by a set of religious rules? Does your walk with God feel more like a checklist than a relationship? Do you feel as though you don't really measure up?This book is for you.Trusted Bible teacher Derek Prince shows you that being a Christian is not about being perfect. In fact, he says, we can never live up to the letter of the law. It is only when we let go of our constant striving for perfection that we encounter true perfection. How can that be? This one book will help you discover what really matters so you can embrace the grace of a loving, compassionate God.It's time to stop striving, to walk away from the lies of legalism and to experience the freeing power of His all-encompassing grace. "Sin shall not have dominion over you. Why? Because you are not under the Law, but under grace." -- Derek Prince

  • af Derek Prince
    178,95 kr.

    Take your place in God's plan for the finale of the ages. As a believer, you interact every day with invisible spiritual powers in heavenly places. Hierarchies of angels are engaged in war on a scale that most Christians cannot imagine, and you are being drawn into the action. Why? Because Jesus' followers on earth will be key players in the outcome. With superb biblical exposition and practical application, Derek Prince offers the guidance you need to take your place in this monumental conflict. As you build the character of a warrior, you will become more and more like Jesus Christ, your commanding officer. You will gain confidence and learn what you need to know to endure to the end. The message from God for every person who accepts the challenge is this: "Walk before Me and be perfect." This book will help you fulfill your role in the day-to-day trials you face now and in the greater battles to come. Derek Prince (1915-2003), founder of Derek Prince Ministries International, wrote more than fifty books. He was educated at Eton College and Cambridge University, England, and he studied Hebrew and Aramaic at Cambridge and at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. His daily radio broadcast, Keys to Successful Living, still reaches more than half the world.

  • af Derek Prince
    98,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    93,95 - 158,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    178,95 kr.

    "The Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour."--1 John 2:18We see evidence of the Antichrist and his spirit in the chaos, fear, hate, deceit, arrogance and cruelty both in news headlines and in the world around us. Our ancient enemy is cunning, and his subtle deceptions can infiltrate an unsuspecting heart--and church. When we don't know or take seriously the daily relevance of the Bible's teaching on Satan and the end times, we can unwittingly get swept up in his schemes.In this eye-opening book, trusted Bible scholar Derek Prince reveals what the Scriptures really say about Satan, the Antichrist and the mark of the Beast--and why Jesus Christ as the Lamb is so important. Derek also gives you the tools you need to- defend against confusion and fear- guard your heart with purity and assurance- hold fast in the midst of great oppositionToday and in the days ahead, a destiny-determining choice lies before you: Will you give in to the nature and deception of the Beast? Or will you stand firm in the nature of the Lamb, preparing yourself for the day He returns?

  • af Derek Prince
    193,95 kr.

  • af Derek Prince
    178,95 kr.

    How to Overcome the Evil of These Dark DaysAs the time approaches for Jesus' return, the spiritual battle between good and evil is heating up. Evidence is all around: corruption, shootings, genocide, civil wars, false prophets, increased persecution. The enemy is on the move.Yet God is on the move, too, in powerful ways--and we can join Him in His work. The Bible says that we overcome evil with good. With piercing insight and practical application, Derek Prince will help you understand not only the intensified warfare environment in which we live, but also how you can help unleash God's goodness in the world. You'll learn how to re-equip and wield the weapons God has given you and how to walk in your authority in Jesus Christ.For "we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." It's time to stand up and fight, to bring hope and light to these turbulent days and join Jesus in the triumph of good over evil.Derek Prince (1915-2003) is the author of more than 50 books and 600 audio and 100 video teachings, many of which have been translated and published in more than 100 languages. He founded Derek Prince Ministries International, and his daily radio broadcast, Derek Prince Legacy Radio, still reaches listeners around the world. His concise way of explaining the Bible has helped millions build a foundation of faith.

  • af Derek Prince
    158,95 kr.

    Where there is hope, there is life, victory, and endless possibility! Where there is hope, there is fertile soil for abundant life, miracles, answered prayers, and blessings. While there has been much teaching on the subject of faith, hope often goes unnoticed. But faith can only possess what we hope for (Heb. 11:1). Hope is...

  • af Derek Prince
    88,95 kr.

    Are you longing for a breakthrough in your life?Sometimes the process is tough-just like the labor involved in giving birth. Many find it too hard and give up in discouragement. It doesn't have to end that way.Birth of a Breakthrough by Derek Prince provides Biblical inspiration to keep you from missing your moment of victory. You can move through the labor pains to the fulfillment of God's plan. Isn't that what you are longing for?No one said it would be easy. But with God's help, you can do it. So, grit your teeth, set your face, and experience your very own Birth of a Breakthrough.

  • af Derek Prince
    198,95 kr.

    What are demons? How do they gain entry? Do Christians ever need deliverance from demons? If you are struggling with problems that never seem to go away, has it occurred to you that demons might be at work?In this practical, comprehensive handbook on deliverance, author and Bible expositor Derek Prince addresses the fears and misconceptions often associated with the subject of demons. He describes nine characteristic activities of demons, seven ways demons gain access to people's lives and nine steps leading you to deliverance.By sharing his own struggles with unseen forces, he encourages believers to become equipped to take action against these evil beings. He exposes their characteristics, activities and entry points and offers solid, down-to-earth advice on how to receive and minister deliverance--and how to remain free.This expanded edition of the classic work features a brand-new study course for groups or individuals. Each chapter includes review questions, life application questions, a memory verse and a faith response.Derek Prince (1915-2003) was the author of more than 80 books and 600 audio and 110 video teachings, many of which have been published in more than 100 languages. He founded Derek Prince Ministries International, and his daily radio broadcast, Derek Prince Legacy Radio, still reaches listeners around the world. Learn more at

  • af Derek Prince
    158,95 kr.

    The fall of Lucifer set up the epic "battle of all ages." And you are positioned right in the middle of this historic struggle. International Bible teacher Derek Prince reveals Satan's grand schemes for putting people in bondage and seducing Christians from reaching their full spiritual potential.

  • af Derek Prince
    98,95 kr.

    Como ciudadano del reino de Dios por la fe en Cristo, usted está automáticamente en guerra con el reino de Satanás. Necesita reconocer esta realidad, llegar a estar espiritualmente equipado, y aprender a luchar contra el reino de Satanás.El legendario autor y maestro de la Biblia, Derek Prince, examina el concepto de la guerra espiritual como un aspecto inequívoco de la vida cristiana. Gracias a esta crucial enseñanza, usted podrá...Descubrir por qué existe la guerra espiritualEntender cómo opera el reino de SatanásDescubrir las armas de la guerra espiritualAtar al "hombre fuerte" y liberar a las personas de la atadura demoníacaDerribar los "lugares altos" que le hacen ser espiritualmente vulnerableVivir en el triunfante poder del Espíritu SantoNo sea una baja de la guerra espiritual. Llegue a ser poderoso en Dios para resistir los ataques de Satanás, ¡Derribando fortalezas! As a citizen of the kingdom of God through faith in Christ, you are automatically at war with the kingdom of Satan. You need to recognize this reality, become spiritually equipped, and learn how to fight against Satan's kingdom. Legendary author and Bible teacher Derek Prince examines the concept of spiritual warfare as an unmistakable aspect of Christian living. Thanks to this crucial teaching, you will...Learn why spiritual warfare existsUnderstand how Satan's kingdom operatesDiscover the weapons of spiritual warfareBind the "strong man" and release people from demonic bondageTear down the "high places" that make you spiritually vulnerableLive in the overcoming power of the Holy Spirit Don't be a casualty of spiritual warfare. Become mighty in God for resisting Satan's attacks and Pulling Down Strongholds

  • af Derek Prince
    138,95 kr.

    If you have questions about God and the Bible, this accessible guide from highly respected Bible teacher Derek Prince will help you develop a fundamental understanding of Scripture. By completing the fourteen in-depth lessons, you will find answers to questions such as: How can I know I will go to heaven when I die? How can I have victory over sin? What does the Bible say about physical healing? What is God's plan for prosperity? How can I receive answers to my prayers? Each study features an introduction, memory verses, a series of Scripture-based questions related to the topic, an answer key, and notes on the correct answers. > Above all, Self-Study Bible Course will lead you to Christlikeness and enable you to enter into an intimacy with God you may never have known before.

  • af Derek Prince
    178,95 kr.

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