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Bøger af Devika Sharma

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  • af Mette Sandbye, Signe Uldbjerg Mortensen, Christina Jerne, mfl.
    430,95 kr.

    Ny kulturteori præsenterer samtidens væsentlige kulturteoretiske strømninger. Bogen kan læses som en bredtfavnende introduktion til aktuel kulturteori. Eller den kan læses som en teoretisk opdateret introduktion til temaer, der er vigtige i den aktuelle kultur. Ny kulturteori er en teoretisk grundbog, men teorierne leverer også inspiration, begreber og redskaber til analyse af aktuelle kulturelle fænomener. Alle bogens 25 kapitler supplerer teorierne med konkrete eksempler. Samlet giver de en omfattende, nuanceret og opdateret viden om nye strømninger og aktuelle temaer på det kulturteoretiske felt.Kultur kan ikke betragtes løsrevet fra andre samfundsmæssige fænomener, og kulturteori er afgørende for at forstå politiske, økonomiske og sociale aspekter af vores samtid. "Kulturteori" præsenteres her som teoridannelser, der kan skabe ny indsigt og refleksion i de dele af humaniora og samfundsvidenskaberne, der er optaget af samtidens kulturproduktion, smal eller bred.Alle kapitlerne er skrevet af eksperter, som har stræbt mod at præsentere de aktuelle begreber, tendenser og diskussioner på en nuanceret og tilgængelig måde. Hvert kapitel ledsages af anbefalinger til videre læsning og er også i den forstand en indgang til videre fordybelse og udforskning.Bogen er redigeret af Birgit Eriksson, professor i kulturstudier ved Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur på Aarhus Universitet og af Bjørn Schiermer, professor i sociologi på Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi på Oslo Universitet.

  • af Devika Sharma
    327,95 kr.

    Challenges of Traditional Crop Disease DiagnosisTraditional crop disease diagnosis is a process used to identify diseases in crops. It is typically done by visually inspecting crops, or by using laboratory tests. Traditional crop disease diagnosis has a number of challenges, which can lead to reduced crop yields.ChallengesSome of the major challenges of traditional crop disease diagnosis include:· Time: The traditional crop disease diagnosis process can be time-consuming, which can lead to not having enough time to control the disease.· Technology: Traditional crop disease diagnosis technology is often expensive and not readily available.· Experience: Traditional crop disease diagnosis requires experience, which is not available to all farmers.SolutionsThere are a number of ways to address the challenges of traditional crop disease diagnosis. Some of these include:· Automation: By automating the traditional crop disease diagnosis process, time and costs can be reduced.· New technologies: By developing new technologies, traditional crop disease diagnosis can be made more accurate and easier.· Training: By providing farmers with training in traditional crop disease diagnosis, their skills can be improved.

  • af Devika Sharma
    112,95 kr.

    SECOND EDITION Follow a journey of self-discovery with Scatterbrained. This book intertwines poems and illustrations, inviting readers into my encounters and reflections. Divided into eight sections, it explores mental health, personal development, and the complexities of life. Each poem reveals transformative moments and profound realizations, offering an intimate glimpse into my inner world.Sensitive topics such as depression, trauma, and anxiety are candidly addressed, ensuring a meaningful and empathetic reading experience. For support, find the suicide crisis hotline specific to your county. Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Let this book be your companion, offering solace, understanding, and a profound connection to the human experience.

  • af Devika Sharma
    172,95 kr.

    It was hard to imagine the post-apocalyptic world that only existed in the movies, had suddenly become reality in the city of Matana. With the Budlyt-19 virus continuing to spread, leading pharmaceutical companies battle for the antidote and the wealth they would be rewarded with in return. Little did Nadia know she would unwillingly be entangled in the pharmaceutical corruption of LithLabs after receiving cryptic messages from an anonymous source. Taken against her own will, Nadia becomes the test subject of a gruelling medical trial and is injected with a deep purple dose of Budlyt-19.Friends turn to foes, loyalty turns to betrayal and antidote turns to obsession in a capitalist pursuit of Matana. Will Nadia ever escape the hands of corruption? Or will the colour purple stay true to its meaning of wealth, power and ambition for the corrupt.Unique in storyline and creation, this book project was written and illustrated by over 100 contributors from around the globe. Created in the midst of a global pandemic, the strongest chapters were born from the toughest times.

  • af Devika Sharma & Ravi Beech
    102,95 kr.

    This recipe book is a valuable resource for people looking to enjoy the flavours of Indian-Western cooking without the meals being high in sodium, saturated fat and sugar. With heart disease being the second leading cause of death in Canada (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2017) and the number one cause of death in the United States (American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee, 2018), reducing the risk for this health issues is important. There are many factors like lifestyle (e.g. diet, exercise, healthy body weight, smoking, stress), demographics and other health issues that can affect the development of these conditions. While some risk factors cannot be controlled, making positive dietary changes may reduce the risk of developing heart disease (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2017). This book aims to deliver flavourful, low sodium, high fibre, protein packed and healthy fat meals and snacks - nutrients that are important to maintain good health.

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