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Bøger af Diana Copland

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  • af Diana Copland
    168,95 kr.

  • af Diana Copland
    193,95 kr.

    David Snyder est éperdu de chagrin et cherche un endroit pour s'enraciner. Il achète donc une belle maison centenaire dans l'est de Washington. Malheureusement, sa nouvelle maison présente un bon nombre de problèmes : électricité, plomberie, chauffage… Tout ce que David ne sait pas faire. Sa mère lui donne la carte de visite d'un artisan local et il imagine un homme obèse et chauve, dans la cinquantaine. Cependant, Jackson Henry ne pourrait pas être plus éloigné de ce stéréotype.Jackson, cheveux bruns, musclé et beau gosse, a quitté une grande entreprise de construction à Seattle afin de s'occuper de sa mère malade. Cependant, sa ville natale a toujours un réseau actif de « traditionalistes » et trouver un emploi dans la construction est presque impossible pour un homme ouvertement gay. Déterminé à persévérer, il accepte des petits boulots d'homme à tout faire. Il est exactement ce dont David a besoin, à plus d'un titre.Ce dernier n'est pas prêt pour l'attirance qu'il ressent pour Jackson, vu la manière dont sa dernière relation a pris fin. Mais au fur et à mesure que les deux hommes apprennent à se connaître, il devient clair que le cœur sait souvent mieux et récompense ceux qui sont disposés à l'écouter.

  • af Diana Copland
    193,95 kr.

    Sequel to David, RenewedDelta Restorations: Novel TwoCute hipster and interior designer Michael doesn't do love-not after his ex screwed him over. Sex is a different story, though, and the gentle giant who's painting the mural in the old mansion they're restoring might be perfect hookup material. Gil is just Michael's type with his solid muscle, wicked sense of humor, and the hazel eyes that seem to see into Michael's soul.Trouble is, Gil does do love. He wants romance and forever, and he's set his sights firmly on Michael. Michael's not going there again.Yet when Michael is the victim of a vandal who's been plaguing the men working for Delta Restoration, Renovation, and Design, Gil is the first person he tells. No matter how he fights it, it's becoming harder and harder to deny he's crazy about the guy-even if that thought terrifies him. But the true fear sets in when the criminal behavior escalates, and Michael realizes he might have lost the chance to tell Gil how he feels-forever.

  • af Diana Copland
    163,95 kr.

    Delta Restorations: Novel OneWhen interior designer David Snyder buys a beautiful century-old house in eastern Washington, he is reeling with heartbreak and looking for somewhere to put down roots. Unfortunately his new home comes with a laundry list of problems: electrical, plumbing, heating... things David knows nothing about. When his mother offers him the business card of a local handyman, David pictures an overweight, balding man in his fifties. But Jackson Henry couldn't be further from that stereotype.Dark-haired, muscular, and handsome, Jackson left a large construction firm in Seattle to take care of his sick mother. However, his hometown still has an active "e;good old boy"e; network, and finding employment in construction is almost impossible for an openly gay man. Determined to persevere, Jackson takes odd jobs as a handyman. He's exactly what David needs-in more ways than one.David isn't ready for his attraction to Jackson, not considering the way his last relationship ended. But as the two men get to know each other, it becomes clear that the heart often knows best, and it rewards those willing to listen.

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