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Bøger af Diana Nixon

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  • af Diana Nixon
    118,95 kr.

    It doesn't hurt to dream, unless you know your dreams will never come true. Since childhood, Louise Woods has wanted to become a dancer. The day she arrives at Le Papillon - a private cabaret club where men come to enjoy the beauty of women dancing, her life completely changes. Louise lives in the club and the rules of living and working there cannot be ignored or broken. Either you do your best to please the clients, or you are out. No flirting, no secret affairs, just dancing. During her first public show, Louise meets a stranger who pays for the privilege to have her privately dance for him. He won't let her see his face, he won't even introduce himself, but he will make an offer that she won't be able to refuse. He won't make any hollow promises, but he will make her believe she is special... "I hate following the rules," he'll say, "but I do love breaking them." Will she dare to risk losing everything she has, just to make the darkest of the stranger's fantasies come true? Once the decision is made, there will be no way back...

  • af Diana Nixon
    123,95 kr.

    Games can be different. Some are innocent, others are dangerous. But there are also those that you will never learn how to play. Oliver Altier is a guy whose every day is a game, a game of passion. His only rule is: no strings attached, no guilt involved. Oliver thinks he knows everything about how to please women. Until one day, he meets Jillian Murano, a woman who is so much like him when it comes to relationships: she hates obligations, but she loves men, margaritas and fun. What will be different this time? Will passion and lust be enough to turn their games into something real? If they thought it would be nothing but another play, they should have thought twice before getting into something that will change them both, once and for all...

  • - Literary Magazine: June 2016
    af Diana Nixon
    143,95 kr.

    We are always ready to help those who need our help; authors dying to become a part of this huge writing & publishing world, and readers seeking new books to read. With the help of our hardworking team, you will learn everything you need to know about writing a book and turning it into a bestseller. Follow your dreams, do your best to make them come true and believe in yourself. Happy reading!

  • af Diana Nixon
    133,95 kr.

    Hearts don't beat forever. And neither did mine.The day I woke up with a donor's heart beating in my chest, everything changed.I felt like I wasn't myself anymore, more like I was forced to live the life of someone else.Even my dreams - they were not mine. I closed my eyes and saw the places and people I never knew. I woke up with the feeling of déjà vu and didn't know if that was just a game of my imagination or I was losing my mind. Getting a new job at the Bowen's complicated all of the above. They were strangers to me, but somehow, I felt like I knew them my whole life..."I thought I knew love, but I was wrong. Before you, it was just an illusion..."

  • af Diana Nixon
    108,95 kr.

    My Valentine's day couldn't be any worse: no date, no heart-shaped cards, one missed flight and tons of work to do.Great, just great. For a romance writer as I am, my personal life looks like a disaster. My only boyfriends are fictional. I've got only one coffee cup in the kitchen, and millions of readers who have no idea how terrible I am at everything they love about my books.Maybe that's why meeting Angelo Moretti turned out to be a pleasant bonus to my Italian book tour. I thought men like him didn't exist in reality. All of a sudden, he made me want to write a different story.A story where he would be my Valentine... THIS STORY IS A PART OF FOREVER YOURS HOLIDAY COLLECTION.ALSO IN THIS COLLECTION: * Bella's Wish by International Bestselling Author Linzi Basset* All's Fair in Love and Spells by Victoria Escobar* Broken Harts by Golden Flogger Award Winner Pandora Spocks

  • - Literary Magazine: Behind the Scenes of Reading and Writing - Volume 25
    af Diana Nixon
    128,95 kr.

    Inks & Scratches - FALL 2020. Meet the new authors and dive into the world of beautiful stories!

  • af Diana Nixon
    123,95 kr.

    Every day of Megan's life was carefully planned. Freedom and independence had been her best friends for years. Until one day she met Aiden, whose priorities were so much like hers.... What happens when attraction wins? What happens when poles apart become equal? What happens when the flames of passion burn everything in their way? Is there still a chance to resist the power of magnetism? The walls of inaccessibility will come crashing down. Everything she thought was unacceptable he will turn into pure pleasure.... Dive into the world of Hate at First Sight to see if hate can become something completely different....

  • - Evan Murray's story
    af Diana Nixon
    83,95 kr.

    Our lives are a cascade of events that pass faster than we would like them to. Time changes everything. Our habits, our views, our circle of friends. But there is one thing that remains the same over the years. Our memories. Through them we cherish the most unforgettable moments of our history. And they also retain some things that can't be forgotten.... But one day you realize that yesterday should be left in the past. Because tomorrow your new life begins, and you go back to the drawing board. A love story of Evan Murray and Tara Mackenzie. A story that should last forever.... But no one knows when forever ends....

  • af Diana Nixon
    153,95 kr.

    Sognare non fa male, a meno che tu non sappia che i tuoi sogni non si avvereranno mai. Fin dall'infanzia, Louise Woods ha voluto diventare una ballerina. Il giorno in cui arriva a Le Papillon - un club privato di cabaret dove gli uomini vengono per godersi la bellezza di donne che ballano, la sua vita cambia completamente. Louise vive nel club e le regole di soggiorno e lavoro lì non possono essere ignorate o infrante. O fai del tuo meglio per compiacere i clienti, oppure sei fuori. Nessun flirt, nessuna relazione segreta, solo ballare. Durante il suo primo spettacolo in pubblico, Louise incontra uno sconosciuto che paga per il privilegio di guardarla ballare per lui in privato. Non le permetterà di vedere il suo volto, ma le farà un'offerta che lei non potrà rifiutare. Non le farà vuote promesse, ma le farà credere di essere speciale .... Odio seguire le regole, lui dirà, ma amo infrangerle. Lei oserà rischiare di perdere tutto quello che ha, solo per far avverare le più oscure fantasie di questo straniero? Una volta presa la decisione, non ci sarà più ritorno.

  • - Literary Magazine: Behind the Scenes of Reading and Writing (Volume 18)
    af Diana Nixon
    128,95 kr.

    December 2018. Christmas Interviews, guest posts, hot new reviews and much more!

  • af Diana Nixon
    123,95 kr.

    A inteligente, linda e ambiciosa Scarlett Wilson nunca pensou que um problema pudesse ser tão irresistível. Depois de acordar na cama de um lindo estranho com nada além das vagas memórias de uma noite que eles passaram juntos, sua vida muda tremendamente. O que ela achou que seria o maior erro de sua vida, se tornou a única coisa que seu corpo e mente nunca a deixariam esquecer. Quem pensaria que a única testemunha das aventuras noturnas de Scarlett se tornaria o novo chefe da empresa de seu pai, a qual ela havia sonhado em comandar por tantos anos?O dono do rosto mais lindo e também do mais irritante temperamento, Dominick Altier, fará as mais selvagens de suas fantasias se tornarem realidade.Se apaixonar pelo diabo faz valer a pena desistir de sonhos e trair princípios? Será que estabelecer regras a ajudará a retomar dignidade? Ou será que perder uma jogada será o único modo de ganhar o jogo?

  • - Literary Magazine: Behind the Scenes of Reading and Writing - Volume 26
    af Diana Nixon
    128,95 kr.

    Inks and Scratches Christmas Issue 2020. Author Interviews, Guest Posts, HOT NEW REVIEWS!

  • af Diana Nixon
    123,95 kr.

    There are things that are so hard to say aloud. Especially when it comes to something that you never thought your heart was capable of feeling... In Ashton Bright's life, there is no place for feelings. A successful surgeon, he knows how to make hearts beat faster, yet his own heart is as cold as a scalpel. He doesn't know how to do romance, and even less does he know what love is. The day Nicola Holt comes to work as Ashton's assistant, everything he believed was right for him becomes wrong. For someone whose everyday job is saving lives, Ashton finds himself too weak to stand against Nicola's charm. But most of all, he hates that she makes him feel things - the things he once swore to never allow himself to be submerged in. "I have spent my whole life searching for what I have found in you. I do not want to let it go..."

  • af Diana Nixon
    133,95 kr.

    For centuries, the University of Dever has been a fount of knowledge, mysteries and magic. Every gifted person could find a home there. Until the day the gifts became evil.... Now Eileen, Christian and their friends need to find a way to save Dever and to protect its dwellers from the hermits who will stop at nothing to destroy the world they live in. But what if everything they believe in is just a myth? An illusion that was never supposed to become real.... What if the love they are bound with is just a dream that will vanish with the first rays of the morning sun?

  • - Literary Magazine: August 2015
    af Diana Nixon
    153,95 kr.

    A MESSAGE TO THE READERS By Diana Nixon, Editor in Chief Writing a book is a long way. But the journey of publishing it takes even longer. Today we are going to show you the other side of publishing, the side that authors would like to tell you a few words about. Current issue of Inks & Scratches is all about meeting new and well-known authors. All of them have something to share: either it's their experience in writing and publishing a story, or just a few random facts about themselves. Enjoy this wonderful trip into the world of reading and writing and remember - if you have something to say to the world, do it with a book! Happy reading! Diana Nixon

  • - A New Beginning (Russian Edition)
    af Diana Nixon
    128,95 kr.

    Life is not always easy. Especially when you are in love with the man whose life is so much different from yours. Power, money, respect - these are the things that a girl raised in an orphanage can only dream about. But sometimes, love is the only power that you need to get whatever you wish for... Louise Woods had always been a fighter. She had known since childhood that everything has a price. But freedom was the only thing that she could never have. Living in a world of lies and betrayal, will she sacrifice her love to become finally free? Or will she let her heart win? A new journey full of passion and forbidden dreams; it's a new dance, it's a new life. "We will start it all from the very beginning, from the very first kiss..."

  • af Diana Nixon
    153,95 kr.

    Foi amor à primeira vista; uma história que deveria durar para sempre. Um jovem coração que nunca conhecera o amor verdadeiro e uma alma solitária procurando algo real. Eu era aquela alma e Elizabeth Brown era meu lindo coração, inocente e cheio de paixão incondicional. Ela me fizera acreditar que o amor podia mudar qualquer coisa. E ele me mudou... Me quebrou, despedaçou.A traição que nunca eu esperara, foi como uma adaga direto no meu coração. Num piscar de olhos, meu amor foi substituído por ódio e dor infinitos que pensei que nunca conseguiria esquecer.Mas quem imaginaria que até corações machucados poderiam amar? Quem acreditaria que um novo fogo poderia começar a queimar em olhos desiludidos?"Farei ela se apaixonar por mim de novo. E então, irei arruiná-la, como ela me arruinou..."

  • - A Love Lines Novel
    af Diana Nixon
    143,95 kr.

    A new page of the Love Lines story that will reveal new secrets and mysteries buried in the walls of Dever. Eileen, Christian and Evan need to find an old spell to protect themselves and those they love from being killed. There is only one problem - no one knows where the spell is hidden.... A mysterious student comes to Dever. A boy whose eyes are always watching. Who is he? What secrets are hidden behind his smiles? Is he a friend or an enemy?... When they thought they knew everything about the super powers they possessed, they could have never imagined that in reality they didn't know a thing. The wind can turn into the worst hurricane they have ever seen. The water can destroy everything. The earth can swallow them alive. And the fire can burn them to ashes.... The illusions - the only thing they tried to run away from, will come back to ruin the world they live in, taking away everything they ever cherished and loved. When you think you are so close to getting what you want, think twice about your every step. Because what you think is the right thing to do may take away your life....

  • af Diana Nixon
    143,95 kr.

    I used to think that my life was a picture of perfection. I had everything a twenty-five-year-old woman could wish for: a loving family, friends, a dream job and a fiancé who thought the world of me. Until the day I lost it all... Including my ability to see. The car accident took away not just my vision, but also a part of me that I was sure I would never be able to get back.And then I met him... Stanley Burke. A kind of a man I thought didn't exist anymore: understanding, loving, supportive and generally too good to be true.Without effort, he breathed life into my frozen heart, making it beat faster than ever before. He became a light that my eyes would never see again. He made me feel things that were long lost and forgotten.Only I couldn't give him what he deserved.Because in my pitch-dark world, there was no place for love... "I've never been so scared of losing someone in my entire life... Then again, I've never had anyone as important as you are to lose..."

  • - Literary magazine: Behind the Scenes of Reading and Writing - Volume 22
    af Diana Nixon
    128,95 kr.

    Inks and Scratches Christmas Issue. Interviews, HOT NEW REVIEWS and Much More!

  • af Diana Nixon
    153,95 kr.

    Another dark romantic mystery from the Saint No More series by the USA Today & International bestselling author, Diana Nixon. Not all souls are pure. Some are made of scars, sins, and sorrows. And mine? It's dipped in all of the above. Four years ago, losing my high school love wrecked me to the core.I was sure I'd never find a reason to live my life without Khloe. But then, I met someone...A girl whose scars were as deep as mine. She covered them with ink, dark eyeshadow, and long black robes. But underneath her darkness, there was the light I craved to touch.We licked each other's wounds and healed our bleeding hearts.And at some point, we went too far...She said she was falling in love with me, and I told her to leave, too scared to feel things and betray my undying love for Khloe.And now, the girl I've been resisting for so long is back in town, all grown up and stunningly dazzling.And me?I'm still obsessed with the idea of sinning with her... A new-adult dark mystery romance that continues to tell about love, hatred, betrayal, family secrets, young love, and second chances. A PERFECT NEXT READ for the fans of L. J. Shen, Tijan, Colleen Hoover, Jamie McGuire, Anna Todd, Ivy Smoak & Tarryn Fisher. GRAB YOUR COPY NOW!

  • af Diana Nixon
    153,95 kr.

    In the mysterious world of magic, where nothing is what it seems, only blood never lies. It binds generations, endowing their descendants with powers and knowledge. Sometimes it heals, and sometimes, it becomes a curse that turns you into someone you never wanted to be... Eileen and her friends did their best to destroy the Dragons brotherhood, one of the most dangerous organizations that ever existed. Could they have imagined how bad the consequences of their actions would be? Now, they are forced to watch one of their friends die. If only Evan were not bound to Eileen and Amanda, who will have to go through the hell of his death with him... But what if death could be just an illusion? An illusion where every step you take brings you closer to the new life where nothing will ever be the same... Will the powers of love and magic be enough to survive?.. Or will destroying the world of supernatural become the only way to keep their hearts beating?..

  • af Diana Nixon
    188,95 kr.

    The traces of supernatural powers have always been crossing the world of human beings. Many people know about the existence of healers, mind readers, oneiromancers and wizards. But for centuries their lives have been kept secret and no one has ever heard about Dever, a kingdom of mysteries and magic. Neither has Eileen Clark, whose life has never been different from the one other teenagers have. Everything changes the day Eileen receives an invitation to join the ranks of Dever's students. Nothing will ever be the same again... New life, new friends, new enemies... And love so powerful that no magic will be able to destroy...

  • af Diana Nixon
    123,95 kr.

    ***USA Today BESTSELLER***I had been a rebel as long as I could remember. Following the rules had never been my major. But breaking the rules of Le Papillon meant saying good-bye to my life. No flirting, no secret affairs, just dancing.I lived as if in a dollhouse, where everything was decided for me. Even my name - I had to change it for the sake of my new life that didn't promise anything but an everlasting obedience.No one cared about what I wanted. Clients were kings; only their wishes mattered. All I was allowed to do was to please them with my show and make them fork out for a private dance.Was there a way out of this prison? I had no idea. I went against my heart and pretended to be a good girl. Why? Because I wanted to live. And love, maybe...

  • af Diana Nixon
    123,95 kr.

    The secrets of the heavens had always been carefully guarded. Until one day when the angels realized that what they used to believe in was nothing but a cruel game between heaven and hell. And Claire's life is a part of that game too.... She is a guardian angel. She always thought that her existence was perfect. But perfection is a very relative term, and no one is protected from making mistakes. Everything changes the moment Claire gets a new assignment. Guarding humans has never been easy, and this time won't be an exception. Alan Rosenford is a spoilt party-boy, whose life is a hurricane of risk and adrenaline rush. His soul is damaged, his heart is bleeding, and there are so many things he prefers to keep private.... The words they have never said before .... The sins they have never committed.... How much does forgiveness of the heavens cost? Or maybe even the heavens make mistakes?...

  • - Literary Magazine: Behind the Scenes of Reading and Writing
    af Diana Nixon
    128,95 kr.

    Inks and Scratches Spring 2020. Check out the new author interviews and book reviews!

  • - a book of poetry
    af Diana Nixon
    78,95 kr.

    A book of poems written from the POV of one of Heavens Trilogy leading characters, Natalie. A beautiful addition to a fantasy series that will take you into the world of mysteries and love beyond description...

  • af Diana Nixon
    153,95 kr.

    A brand NEW dark romantic mystery from the Saint No More series by the USA Today & International bestselling author, Diana Nixon. Not all love stories end in happily ever after. Some crash at the start or never pass the first kiss. And mine? It died with me... For a long time, I'd been dead to everyone except my brother. It wasn't my choice but a necessity in order to save the girl I loved insanely. I did everything to protect her from the evil of my ugly heritage. And then, I watched her marry a different man. It wasn't her fault we fell apart. Still, I felt like there was no cure for my torn heart. But one day, I ran into someone I thought I'd never see again. The woman whose laughter had been my lullaby for years. We'd met long before I stepped over the edge of my sanity. And when I'd lost everything and everyone I loved, she blew into my life like a breath of fresh air that I'd been lacking. She loved me unconditionally and shushed the devils that ruined me to the core. The only problem was, I wasn't worthy of her. For all my wrongs would keep me from becoming the perfection she deserved to have kiss her good night... A new-adult dark mystery romance that continues to tell about love, hatred, betrayal, family secrets, young love, and second chances. A PERFECT NEXT READ for the fans of L. J. Shen, Tijan, Colleen Hoover, Jamie McGuire, Anna Todd, Ivy Smoak & Tarryn Fisher. GRAB YOUR COPY NOW!

  • af Diana Nixon
    123,95 kr.

    Everyone knows that Aaron Blake is not the marriage type. He doesn't do romance. He loves dirty games and women, but most of all, he loves his work. The day Josseline Altier becomes his personal assistant his priorities come crashing down, turning his well-planned life into a complete disaster. She's uncontrollable and too self-assured for her young age. She's not going to follow anyone's orders, especially if they come from a man whose shameless eyes don't miss a single chance to slide down her curves. But one day, everything changes. One accidental picture in a morning newspaper will force Aaron and Josseline to make a decision, the consequences of which neither of them is ready to deal with. It was supposed to be just a false romance, a pretense to spark the rumors. But nothing can stop the fire of irresistible attraction burning in their eyes. One look, one touch, one kiss... How far the game will go?

  • - Literary Magazine: Volume 21
    af Diana Nixon
    128,95 kr.

    Inks and Scratches: Fall 2019. Interviews, Hot New Reviews and much more!

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