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  • af Dirk Waren
    123,95 kr.

    What happens to the soul & spirit of unsaved people when they die? This refers to anyone who has not experienced spiritual regeneration through the gospel, which includes Old Testament saints. The Bible shows that the souls of these people go to Sheol at the point of physical decease. Sheol in the Old Testament is synonymous with Hades in the New Testament. These souls will be resurrected from Sheol/Hades one day, according to Revelation 20:11-15, which is why Sheol is described as the "intermediate state" by theologians since it refers to the condition of unredeemed souls between physical death and later resurrection. So what's the state of souls in Sheol/Hades? Jesus Christ's Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, if taken literally, suggests a conscious state wherein people either hang out in bliss with father Abraham or suffer constant fiery torment hoping for a mere drop of water for relief. SHEOL KNOW is an honest and thorough examination of the Scriptures to determine the precise nature of Sheol/Hades. Once you see what the God-breathed Scriptures fully say on the subject from Genesis to Revelation, and not just a single parable the Messiah told, you'll see the truth and "the truth shall set you FREE." This New Revised Edition is all-around superior to the original 2015 book.

  • af Dirk Waren
    138,95 kr.

  • af Dirk Waren
    78,95 kr.

    There's a huge difference between dealing with personal offenses as opposed to severe criminal acts. Tackling personal offenses is a matter of peace between people in the Church, as well as society in general (relatives, co-workers, neighbors, etc.), whereas your response to criminal acts is a matter of protecting yourself & others from wicked thugs and acquiring justice. The New Testament provides detailed instructions on how to handle PERSONAL OFFENSES committed by (1) fellow believers and (2) unbelievers. In this book you'll learn the brilliant principle of overcoming evil with good and how to employ it when people sin against you, which includes tough love when necessary. Yet the Bible distinguishes between personal offenses and CRIMINAL ACTS. How should you deal with serious criminal acts committed by whomever, wherever? Should you be a "doormat"? Should you just automatically forgive everyone for everything all the time, no conditions whatsoever, as is often taught in Christian circles? The LORD doesn't even do this! Understand that there's a difference between forgiving an offense and praying for an offender or casting cares (aka venting). Find answers to these questions and more with powerful truths straight from the balanced Scriptures; they'll set you FREE, as Christ declared in John 8:31-32.

  • af Dirk Waren
    73,95 kr.

    You hear a lot about "grace" in Christian circles, but what is it exactly? In the Bible it's translated from the Greek word charis, which means "graciousness, favor." Consider a teacher's pet in a positive sense. Why is a certain student the "teacher's pet"? Simple: That student has the teacher's FAVOR. Now apply this to the LORD's favor; that is, God's grace. Just as the teacher's pet has the teacher's favor so you and I can have God's favor. But how do we obtain God's favor? Simple: The Bible says "God opposes the proud, but shows favor (charis) to the humble" (James 4:6 & 1 Peter 5:5). What's the point? Don't be arrogant because God OPPOSES - RESISTS - the proud; rather cultivate humility because God gives his grace/favor to the humble. In short, humility attracts the LORD. Now humility is not self-loathing; it's a healthy and attractive quality. It's a pliable, teachable spirit. God's grace is applicable to (1) your eternal salvation and (2) to the believer on a personal level. In other words, once you receive the message of Christ, you can GROW IN GOD'S FAVOR, just as Christ did (Luke 2:52), and as Peter encouraged us to do (2 Peter 3:18). How do you grow in God's grace? This book shows you how.

  • af Dirk Waren
    88,95 kr.

    Are New Covenant believers obligated to obey the Mosaic Law (the Torah) as some insist? Should we keep the Saturday Sabbath? Should we limit our diet to kosher foods? Should we observe the Israelite Holy-days, like Passover and the other feasts? Should we get circumcised?The answer is an emphatic "No." The Scriptures clearly show that New Testament believers are NOT under the Law. The ceremonial and dietary laws have ceased because they were foreshadows pointing to the Reality, Jesus Christ. Ever since the Messiah came and fulfilled the Law, the Old Covenant has been obsolete."We have been released from the Law and serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code" (Romans 7:6). The only law believers are under is the law of Christ, which is the law of love, through which we automatically fulfill all of the moral Law.Read this book and know your FREEDOM in Christ. You'll easily be able to counter modern-day Judaizers who preach a "different gospel," like those from the Hebrew Roots movement.____________________Dirk Waren is the director of FOUNTAIN OF LIFE Teaching Ministry and author of several books. For more info, go to

  • af Dirk Waren
    118,95 kr.

    The Bible reveals that there are four stages of spiritual growth. Understanding them is fascinating and will help you SEE where you ARE spiritually and where you need to go. It will also help you to locate where others are so you can understand their position and relate to them accordingly. STAGE ONE is actually a stage of spiritual darkness where the individual is separate from God and in need of spiritual regeneration. The next three stages apply to the development of the believer. The Bible refers to these three stages in terms of childhood, youth and maturity (1 John 2:9-14). Too many Christians get stuck in STAGE TWO, which is the institutional stage of growth where believers learn the fundamentals and are dependent upon pastors for their spiritual health. STAGE TWO is strategic and essential, but it's unwise to get stuck there. This book shows you HOW to keep growing and provides the necessary tools.

  • af Dirk Waren
    128,95 kr.

    The Bible declares: "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." If this is so, why are so many believers in bondage to dos & don'ts religion? Religious bondage is legal-ism, which is counterfeit Christianity. Jesus Christ said that "the truth will set you free" and his purpose is to "give life to the full," but LEGALISM DOES THE EXACT OPPOSITE - it puts people into bondage and saps life. It's a mass epidemic in the body of Christ and it's the reason why so many non-believers view Christians as joyless sourpusses or dull, impotent milksops. Yet nothing could be further from the truth: True Christianity empowers, sets free and gives life! How can you detect legalism in yourself and others? How can you purge it when you detect it? LEGALISM UNMASKED provides all the answers you'll need. It's the ultimate guide to legalism! This is the NEW REVISED EDITION with 30 pages of additional material.

  • af Dirk Waren
    148,95 kr.

    Did you ever wonder about angels-what they are and what's their purpose? The Bible says that heavenly angels are here to serve people; and each person has angels assigned to him or her. One of their functions is to protect us; another is to assist us in what we do. But what is our responsibility in angels ministering to us in these ways? What about fallen angels? What's their purpose? How do we keep from being oppressed or hindered by them? What about the curious Nephilim and the "sons of God" from Genesis 6? What about possession and exorcism? ANGELS: Their Purpose and Your Responsibility provides answers to these questions and many more straight from the Holy Scriptures.

  • af Dirk Waren
    148,95 kr.

    Hell is a hot topic! The Bible teaches that unredeemed people will stand before God on Judgment Day and those whose names are not found in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire. The Bible calls this the "second death." What is the nature of this second death? Will these people suffer fiery torment forever and ever, as has been taught since the time of Augustine in the early 5th Century? Or will they be BURNED UP-literally destroyed forever with no hope of resurrection? And what about universalism, the idea that everyone will ultimately be saved? The author used to subscribe to the eternal torture doctrine until he honestly studied the Scriptures and discovered what they plainly teach on the subject-EVERLASTING DESTRUCTION. The biblical evidence is actually overwhelming! Read HELL KNOW and see for yourself. HELL KNOW has been a hit on the internet for years. This is the NEW REVISED EDITION (2016) with 26 pages of NEW MATERIAL.

  • af Dirk Waren
    83,95 kr.

    Every believer needs to establish a sound spiritual FOUNDATION because it sets the groundwork for their entire walk with the LORD. Just as a good foundation is required for a sound building, so a proper spiritual foundation is vital for a victorious Christian life. Those who fail to lay a proper foundation are doomed to spiritual immaturity because they have nothing by which to judge what is right or wrong, scriptural or unscriptural, wise or foolish. Simply put, a healthy biblical understructure eliminates feeble spirituality.Believers who neglect to form a wise foundation can shipwreck their faith altogether, as Paul put it in 1 Timothy 1:19, and find themselves back in the world-in spiritual darkness and separate from God. That's why this book exists. It'll help believers lay a quality understructure so that their faith isn't shipwrecked at some point down the road.The Bible details the six basic doctrines of Christianity in Hebrews 6:1-2 where they are described as "elementary." This means "the initial (starting) point" in the Greek. In other words, these six doctrines come first and are therefore the chief teachings of Christianity. They're "basic" only in the sense that they're foundational and consequently have priority over other doctrines. They are the SIX CHIEF DOCTRINES of Christianity.

  • af Dirk Waren
    80,95 kr.

    Hell is a hot topic! The Bible teaches that unredeemed people will stand before God on Judgment Day and those whose names are not found in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire. The Bible calls this the "second death." What is the nature of this "second death"? Will these people suffer fiery torment forever and ever, as has been taught since the time of Augustine in the early 5th Century? Or will they be BURNED UP-literally destroyed forever with no hope of resurrection? The author used to subscribe to the eternal torture doctrine until he honestly studied the Scriptures and discovered what they plainly teach on the subject-literal EVERLASTING DESTRUCTION. The biblical evidence is overwhelming! Read HELL KNOW and see for yourself. This is the Condensed Version of HELL KNOW, which cuts out the excessive details and sticks to the compelling biblical evidence. Not only is it more straightforward and affordable, it's freshly edited to boot.

  • af Dirk Waren
    80,95 kr.

    What happens to the soul & spirit of unsaved people when they die? This refers to anyone who has not experienced spiritual regeneration through the gospel, which includes Old Testament saints. The Bible shows that the souls of these people go to (or went to) Sheol at the point of physical decease. Sheol corresponds to Hades. These souls will be resurrected from Sheol one day (Revelation 20:11-15), which is why Sheol/Hades is described as the "intermediate state" since it refers to the condition of unredeemed souls between physical death and later resurrection. So what's the state of souls in Sheol/Hades? Jesus' story of the rich man and Lazarus, if taken literally, suggests a conscious state where people either hang out in bliss with father Abraham or suffer constant fiery torment hoping for a mere drop of water for relief. SHEOL KNOW is an honest and thorough examination of the Scriptures to determine the precise nature of Sheol/Hades. Once you see what God's Word FULLY SAYS on the subject from Genesis to Revelation and not just a single tale that Jesus told, you'll see the truth and, as Christ said, "the truth shall set you FREE." This is the Condensed Version of SHEOL KNOW, which cuts out the excessive details and sticks to the compelling biblical evidence. Not only is it more straightforward and affordable, it's freshly edited to boot.

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