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Bøger af Dorothy L. Sayers

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  • af Dorothy L. Sayers
    120,95 kr.

    Da krimiforfatter Harriet Vane kommer under anklage for at have forgiftet sin tidligere elsker, forventer alle, at hun skal møde bødlen. Sagen virker åbenlys, og bevisbyrden er inkriminerende, men lord Peter Wimsey er blandt de mange tilskuere til retssagen. Han forelsker sig i den selvstændige, moderne kvinde og sætter sig for at bevise hendes uskyld. Efterhånden som nye omstændigheder kommer for dagens lys, bliver det tydeligt, at mordet handler om andet og mere end ulykkelig kærlighed og følelser af svigt.Giftmordet er den femte bog i serien om gentlemandetektiven Peter Wimsey og introducerer en af de vigtigste og mest interessante figurer i Dorothy L. Sayers‘ persongalleri, nemlig Harriet Vane. Denne forfatter af detektivromaner deler mange fællestræk med bogens egen forfatter og betragtes af mange som Sayers‘ alter ego.Dorothy L. Sayers (1893 – 1957) var digter, skuespilforfatter, essayist og en af de første kvinder, der fik tildelt en kandidat grad fra det prestigefyldte Oxford University. Det er dog først og fremmest som krimiforfatter, hun er blevet husket af eftertiden. Hendes serie om den engelske aristokratiske detektiv lord Peter Wimsey nyder status som sofistikeret krimiklassiker og hovedværk inden for den engelske gren af detektivromanen, der går under navnet the Golden Age of Detective Fiction, som blomstrede fra 1920‘erne og frem. Forfattere som Dorothy L. Sayers og Agatha Christie tog læseren med ind i en verden af søvnige landsbyer og prægtige landsteder, hvor elegante detektiver op klarede raffinerede mordmysterier. Flere af hendes bøger er filmatiseret.

  • - The First Lord Peter Wimsey Mystery
    af Dorothy L. Sayers
    108,95 kr.

  • af Dorothy L. Sayers, The Detection Club, Helen Simpson, mfl.
    108,95 - 168,95 kr.

    A unique anthology for crime aficionados - seven of the world's most notorious genuine murder mysteries retold by the most accomplished classic crime writers of their generation.A manipulative murderer who stalked the streets of Paris; a young wife who poisoned her eccentric husband; a bank cashier's mysterious suicide; a brutal double murder in New Zealand... Seven of the world's greatest crime writers turn their hand to some of the world's most spine-tingling mysteries - all of them astonishingly TRUE.This remarkable collection from the archives of the Detection Club follows The Floating Admiral, Ask a Policeman and Six Against the Yard back into print after more than 75 years, and shows some of the most accomplished authors of their generation retelling real-life murder mysteries with all the relish of the tastiest crime fiction.

  • af Dorothy L. Sayers, Agatha Christie, Ronald Knox, mfl.
    138,95 kr.

    A unique anthology for crime aficionados - six 'perfect murder' stories written by the most accomplished crime writers of the 1930s, designed to fox real-life Scotland Yard Superintendent Cornish, who comments on whether or not these crimes could have genuinely been solved.Is the 'perfect murder' possible? Can that crime be committed with such consummate care, with such exacting skill, that it is unsolvable - even to the most astute investigator?In this unique collection, legendary crime writers Margery Allingham, Anthony Berkeley, Freeman Wills Crofts, Ronald Knox, Dorothy L. Sayers and Russell Thorndike each attempt to create the unsolvable murder, which Superintendent Cornish of the CID then attempts to unravel...This clever literary battle of wits from the archives of the Detection Club follows The Floating Admiral and Ask a Policeman back into print after more than 75 years, and shows some of the experts from the Golden Age of detective fiction at their most ingenious.For true crime aficionados, this new edition includes an essay by Agatha Christie, one of the inaugural members of the Detection Club. Unseen since 1929, her article discusses the infamous Croydon Poisonings, a real-life perfect murder, the solution to which remains a mystery to this day...

  • af Dorothy L. Sayers, Agatha Christie, The Detection Club, mfl.
    118,95 kr.

    This new edition, which is reproduced from a first printing of the book, is introduced by the author Martin Edwards, archivist of the Detection Club, and includes a never-before-published Preface by Agatha Christie, 'Detective Writers in England', in which she discusses her fellow writers in the Detection Club.Lord Comstock is a barbarous newspaper tycoon with enemies in high places. His murder in the study of his country houseposes a dilemma for the Home Secretary. In the hours before his death, Lord Comstock's visitors included the government Chief Whip, an Archbishop, and the Assistant Commissioner for Scotland Yard. Suspicion falls upon them all and threatens the impartiality of any police investigation. Abandoning protocol, the Home Secretary invites four famous detectives to solve the case: Mrs Adela Bradley, Sir John Saumarez, Lord Peter Wimsey, and Mr Roger Sheringham. All are different, all are plausible, all are on their own - and none of them can ask a policeman...This classic whodunit adopted a completely new approach: Milward Kennedy proposed the title, John Rhode plotted the murder and provided the suspects, and four of their contemporaries were asked to lend their well-known detectives to the task of providing solutions to the crime. But there was to be another twist: the authors would swap detectives and use the characters in their sections of the book. Thus Gladys Mitchell and Helen Simpson swapped Mrs Bradley and Sir John Saumarez, and Dorothy Sayers and Anthony Berkeley swapped Lord Peter Wimsey and Roger Sheringham, enabling the authors to indulge in skilful and sly parodies of each other.The contributors to ASK A POLICEMAN are: John Rhode, Helen Simpson, Gladys Mitchell, Anthony Berkeley, Dorothy L. Sayers, Milward Kennedy with Agatha Christie and Martin Edwards.

  • - kriminalroman
    af Dorothy L. Sayers
    143,95 kr.

    Døden kommer hurtigt til dem, der viser sig for interesserede i, hvad der foregår bag et berømt London-baseret reklamebureaus facade. Flere må dø, før lord Peter Wimsey kommer på sporet af mændene bag hemmeligheden. De er parate til at dræbe hvem som helst, når som helst for at bevare denne hemmelighed. Annoncer, der dræbte er ottende intenst spændende krimiperle i Dorothy L. Sayers’ serie om gentlemandetektiven Peter Wimsey. Den udkom i 1933 og foreligger nu på dansk i en sprogligt revideret oversættelse. Om forfatteren: Dorothy L. Sayers er en af de største og mest betydningsfulde krimiforfattere i den klassiske kriminalroman; den periode der bliver kaldt The Golden Age of Detective Fiction. Hendes 11 bind lange serie om gentlemandetektiven lord Peter Wimsey er legendarisk.

  • af Dorothy L. Sayers
    72,95 kr.

    In this new edition of Dorothy Sayers's Whose Body?, readers are introduced to the star of her mystery series, Lord Peter Wimsey. In this first book of Sayers's series, Peter, an amateur sleuth, is intrigued and mystified by the sudden appearance of a naked body in the bathtub of an architect. Meanwhile, another man, a financier, is reported missin

  • af Dorothy L. Sayers, John Carlin, John Berger, mfl.
    113,95 kr.

    Can beauty save the world?These days criticism of art--whether visual, musical, or literary--is often marked by a suspicion of beauty. What happened to the belief that the creativity of the artist reflects the creativity of the Maker of heaven and earth, and that art can therefore be a channel for divine truth? Anyone who has joined with others to sing Bach's Saint Matthew Passion or stood before a painting by Raphael or Chagall can attest to this. At such moments, art binds people together. This issue of Plough focuses on art that leads to such community: through theater, painting, music, and the objects and architecture of everyday life. And while art fosters community, building community is itself a work of creativity.Also in this issue: original poetry by Cozine Welch Jr.; reviews of new books by Eliza Griswold, Alissa Quart, Eugene Vodolazkin, and Nathan Englander; and art by Denis Brown, JR, Valérie Jardin, Isaiah King, Isaiah Tanenbaum, George Makary, Oriol Malet, Alex Nwokolo, Ashik and Jenelle Mohan, Raphael, Aaron Douglas, Winslow Homer, Vincent van Gogh, Wassily Kandinsky, and Jason Landsel. Plough Quarterly features stories, ideas, and culture for people eager to put their faith into action. Each issue brings you in-depth articles, interviews, poetry, book reviews, and art to help you put Jesus' message into practice and find common cause with others.

  • af Dorothy L. Sayers
    138,95 kr.

    This book contains four short plays by Sayers on a religious theme. The Zeal of Thy House was written for Canterbury Cathedral and dramatises an episode in its construction. The Devil to Pay is a reworking of the Faust legend. He That should Come is a nativity play, originally written for radio, in natural language. The Just Vengeance is about the spirit of a fallen airman, returning to Lichfield Cathedral, for which it was written. This new version from Oxford City Press is based on a high quality scan, carefully hand-checked to remove any scribbles, creases and age spots.

  • af Dorothy L. Sayers
    1.045,95 kr.

  • af Dorothy L. Sayers
    291,95 kr.

    Dorothy L Sayers' great lay contemporaries in the Church of England were T. S. Eliot, C.S. Lewis and Charles Williams, but none of them wrote a book quite like The Mind of the Maker. In this crisp, elegant exercise in theology, Sayers illuminates the doctrine of the Trinity by relating it to the process of writing fiction, a process about which she could speak with complete authority. She illustrates her thesis with many examples drawn from her own books, and even illuminates the Christian heresies by analysing certain failures of creation which regularly occur in literature. This marvellous classic describes the creative process in terms of the arts and shows that literature can cast light on theology and vice versa.

  • - Selected Short Stories
    af Dorothy L. Sayers
    116,95 kr.

    The very best of Dorothy L. Sayers's Lord Peter Wimsey short stories in one volume, edited and introduced by crime writer David Stuart Davies.

  • af Dorothy L. Sayers
    107,95 kr.

    One of the first women to graduate from Oxford University, Dorothy Sayers pursued her goals whether or not what she wanted to do was ordinarily understood to be "feminine." Sayers did not devote a great deal of time to talking or writing about feminism, but she did explicitly address the issue of women's role in society in the two classic essays collected here.Central to Sayers's reflections is the conviction that both men and women are first of all human beings and must be regarded as essentially much more alike than different. We are to be true not so much to our sex as to our humanity. The proper role of both men and women, in her view, is to find the work for which they are suited and to do it.Though written several decades ago, these essays still offer in Sayers's piquant style a sensible and conciliatory approach to ongoing gender issues.

  • af Dorothy L. Sayers
    701,95 kr.

  • - kriminalroman
    af Dorothy L. Sayers
    130,95 kr.

    Dette bind er den 6 i rækken af Rosenkile & Bahnhofs reviderede og sprogligt ajourførte udgivelser af serien om gentlemandetektiven Lord Peter Wimsey. Peter Wimsey finder fem falske spor foregår i Skotland, nærmere betegnet Galloway, som er populær blandt kunstnere på grund af sine landskaber. Sandy Campbell er en talentfuld maler, men også en notorisk stridbar drukkenbolt. Da han bliver fundet død i et vandløb, med et halv-færdigt maleri af banken overfor, antages det først, at han ved et uheld er faldet og har slået hovedet. Lord Peter Wimsey er i området på fiskeferie, og han påpeger uoverensstemmelser, der gør det umuligt for Campbell selv at have arbejdet på maleriet. Og han konkluderer at Campbell er blevet myrdet… Om forfatteren: Dorothy L. Sayers er en af de største og mest betydningsfulde krimiforfattere i den klassiske kriminalroman; den periode der bliver kaldt The Golden Age of Detective Fiction. Hendes 11 bind lange serie om gentlemandetektiven lord Peter Wimsey er legendarisk.

  • - kriminalroman
    af Dorothy L. Sayers
    130,95 kr.

    Da krimiforfatter Harriet Vane kommer under anklage for at have forgiftet sin tidligere elsker, forventer alle, at hun skal møde bødlen.Sagen virker åbenlys, og bevisbyrden er inkriminerende, men lord Peter Wimsey er blandt de mange tilskuere til retssagen. Han forelsker sig i den selvstændige, moderne kvinde og sætter sig for at bevise hendes uskyld.Efterhånden som nye omstændigheder kommer for dagens lys, bliver det tydeligt, at mordet handler om andet og mere end ulykkelig kærlighed og følelser af svigt. Giftmordet er den femte bog i serien om gentlemandetektiven Peter Wimsey og introducerer en af de vigtigste og mest interessante figurer i Dorothy L. Sayers’ persongalleri, nemlig Harriet Vane. Denne forfatter af detektivromaner deler mange fællestræk med bogens egen forfatterog betragtes af mange som Sayers’ alter ego. Giftmordet udkom første gang på dansk i 1940 og foreligger nu i en revideret oversættelse.Dorothy L. Sayers (1893 – 1957) var digter, skuespilforfatter, essayist og en af de første kvinder, der fik tildelt en kandidat grad fra det prestigefyldte Oxford University. Det er dog først og fremmest som krimi forfatter,hun er blevet husket af eftertiden. Hendes serie om den engelske aristokratiske detektiv lord Peter Wimsey nyder status som sofistikeret krimiklassiker og hovedværk inden for den engelske gren af detektivromanen, der går under navnet The Golden Age of Detective Fiction, som blomstrede fra 1920’erne og frem. Forfattere som Dorothy L.Sayers og Agatha Christie tog læseren med ind i en verden af søvnige landsbyer og prægtige landsteder, hvor elegante detektiveropklarede rafinerede mordmysterier. Flere af hendes bøger er filmatiseret.

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