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Bøger af Elizabeth Strout

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  • Spar 19%
    af Elizabeth Strout
    72,95 - 189,95 kr.

    Lucy Barton har svært ved at genvinde kræfterne efter en blindtarmsoperation. Hendes mor, som hun ikke har talt med i næsten tyve år, kommer og besøger hende på hospitalet på Manhattan. Småsladder om familie og bekendte fra den lille by i Illinois, hvor Lucy er vokset op, bringer dem lidt tættere på hinanden, men lige under overfladen syder de konflikter og længsler, der har formet hele Lucys tilværelse: hendes flugt fra en plaget opvækst, drømmen om at blive forfatter, hendes ægteskab, kærligheden til de to døtre. Mit navn er Lucy Barton er et lavmælt og skarpt kvindeportræt; et usentimentalt blik ind i en ussel og fattigdomsramt barndom i det amerikanske Midtvesten, og en livsklog og bevægende fortælling om forholdet mellem en mor og en datter.

  • Spar 24%
    af Elizabeth Strout
    72,95 - 151,95 kr.

  • Spar 24%
    af Elizabeth Strout
    118,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Elizabeth Strouts ikoniske og elskede karakter fra Olive Kitteridge er tilbage i denne selvstændige efterfølger, Olive, igen.Som alderdommen nærmer sig, ændrer Olives liv sig. Hun ser frem mod et liv uden sin mand Henry, med den ensomhed, som alderdommen kan føre med sig, men også med den nye, spirende kærlighed, som hendes nye livssituation giver grobund for.Gennem tretten historier følger vi Olives forsøg på at forstå sig selv, sin nye situation og de mennesker, der omgiver hende. Med indsigt og empati giver Elizabeth Strout stemme til en enestående karakter, som lytter til andre mennesker, når de har allermest brug for det. Igennem deres historier får vi indblik i en perlerække af menneskeliv i den lille by Crosby, Maine.”Strout har formået at få mig til at elske denne besynderlige kvinde, som jeg aldrig har mødt, og som jeg ikke vidste det mindste om. Hvor er hun en fantastisk forfatter.” The Guardian”Et intimt, mangefacetteret og rørende portræt.” New York Times Book Review”Olive er en genial karakter, ikke kun på grund af hendes evige krakileri, men fordi hun er lige så brutalt ærlig om sine egne fejl som hun er om andres. (…) Det store, forfærdelige rod som livet er, vælter ud over siderne i denne rørende bog.” The Wall Street Journal

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    95,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    107,95 kr.

    LONGLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2016 AND THE BAILEYS WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2016. A #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. An exquisite story of mothers and daughters from the Pulitzer prize-winning author of Olive Kitteridge Lucy is recovering from an operation in a New York hospital when she wakes to find her estranged mother sitting by her bed. They have not seen one another in years. As they talk Lucy finds herself recalling her troubled rural childhood and how it was she eventually arrived in the big city, got married and had children. But this unexpected visit leaves her doubting the life she's made: wondering what is lost and what has yet to be found.Look for Elizabeth Strout's highly anticipated new work of fiction, Olive, Again, which is available for pre-order now.

  • Spar 19%
    af Elizabeth Strout
    72,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Alt er muligt er et rørende portræt af mennesker i en provinsby i Midtvesten. En håndfuld uforglemmelige karakterer, som forsøger at orientere sig i livet og håndtere længsel, kærlighed, sorg og svigt. Elizabeth Strout skrev Alt er muligt sideløbende med sin anmelderroste roman Mit navn er Lucy Barton, og i denne nye, flerstemmige roman får alle de mennesker, Lucy og hendes mor taler om, deres helt eget liv: Her er to søstre: Den ene bytter sin selvrespekt ud med en velhavende mand, mens den anden leder efter svar i bøgerne - og finder en sjæleven, der forandrer hendes liv. Pedellen på den lokale skole mister sin tillid til andre, da han forsøger at hjælpe et menneske i nød. En voksen datter længes efter moderkærlighed fra en mor, der søger lykken i et andet land. Lucy Barton, hovedpersonen i forfatterens forrige roman, vender hjem til sin barndomsby for at besøge sine søskende efter 17 års fravær. Alt er muligt minder om Strouts prisvindende bestseller Olive Kitteridge, der blev filmatiseret og blev en dramaserie på HBO i 2014. Ligeså raffineret og kompleks udforsker den nye bog sjælens inderste kroge og spejler hvordan personerne kæmper med at forstå sig selv og andre. Elizabeth Strout gestalter lydhørt menneskets sårbarhed og længsel efter at blive forstået, samtidig med at hun indgyder håb om forsoning. Alt er muligt understreger Elizabeth Strouts position som en af USA’s mest respekterede og hyldede forfattere, blandt såvel kritikere som læsere, og er en selvstændig efterfølger til Mit navn er Lucy Barton.

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    107,95 kr.

  • - From the author of My Name is Lucy Barton
    af Elizabeth Strout
    95,95 kr.

  • - A Novel
    af Elizabeth Strout
    143,95 kr.

    #1 NEW YORK TIMESBESTSELLER *; A simple hospital visit becomes a portal to the tender relationship between mother and daughter in this extraordinary novel by the Pulitzer Prizewinning author of Olive Kitteridge and The Burgess Boys.Soon to be a Broadway play starring Laura Linney produced by Manhattan Theatre Club and London Theatre Company *;LONGLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE *;NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The Washington Post *; The New York Times Book Review *; NPR *; BookPage *; LibraryReads *; Minneapolis Star Tribune *; St. Louis Post-Dispatch Lucy Barton is recovering slowly from what should have been a simple operation. Her mother, to whom she hasn't spoken for many years, comes to see her. Gentle gossip about people from Lucy's childhood in Amgash, Illinois, seems to reconnect them, but just below the surface lie the tension and longing that have informed every aspect of Lucy's life: her escape from her troubled family, her desire to become a writer, her marriage, her love for her two daughters. Knitting this powerful narrative together is the brilliant storytelling voice of Lucy herself: keenly observant, deeply human, and truly unforgettable.Praise for My Name Is Lucy Barton ';A quiet, sublimely merciful contemporary novel about love, yearning, and resilience in a family damaged beyond words.'The Boston Globe';It is Lucy's gentle honesty, complex relationship with her husband, and nuanced response to her mother's shortcomings that make this novel so subtly powerful.'San Francisco Chronicle';A short novel about love, particularly the complicated love between mothers and daughters, but also simpler, more sudden bonds . . . It evokes these connections in a style so spare, so pure and so profound the book almost seems to be a kind of scripture or sutra, if a very down-to-earth and unpretentious one.'Newsday';Spectacular . . . Smart and cagey in every way. It is both a book of withholdings and a book of great openness and wisdom. . . . [Strout] is in supreme and magnificent command of this novel at all times.'Lily King,The Washington Post ';An aching, illuminating look at mother-daughter devotion.'People

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    197,95 kr.

    "It's autumn in Maine, and the town lawyer Bob Burgess has become enmeshed in an unfolding murder investigation, defending a lonely, isolated man accused of killing his mother. He has also fallen into a deep and abiding friendship with the acclaimed writer Lucy Barton, who lives down the road in a house by the sea with her husband William. Together, Lucy and Bob go on walks and talk about their lives, their fears and regrets, and what might have been. Lucy, meanwhile, is finally introduced to the iconic Olive Kitteridge, now living in a retirement community on the edge of town. Together, they spend afternoons in Olive's apartment, telling each other stories. Stories about people they have known--'unrecorded lives, ' Olive calls them--reanimating them, and, in the process, imbuing their lives with meaning"--

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    230,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    132,95 kr.

    The compassionate, striking and exquisitely written debut novel of Booker-shortlisted writer Elizabeth Strout

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    150,95 kr.

    "With her trademark spare, crystalline prose--a voice infused with 'intimate, fragile, desperate humanness' (The Washington Post)--Elizabeth Strout once again turns her exquisitely-tuned eye to the inner workings of the human heart, this time following the indomitable heroine of 'My name is Lucy Barton' and 'Oh William!' through the early days of the pandemic. As a panicked world goes into lockdown, Lucy Barton is uprooted from her life in Manhattan and bundled away to a small town in Maine by her ex-husband and longtime friend, William. For the next several months, it's just Lucy, William, and their complex past together in a little house nestled against the moody, swirling sea. Rich with empathy and emotion, 'Lucy by the sea' vividly captures the fear and struggles that come with isolation, as well as the hope, peace, and possibilities that those long, quiet days can inspire. At the heart of this story are the deep human connections that unite us even when we're apart--the pain of a beloved daughter's suffering, the emptiness that comes from the death of a loved one, the promise of a new friendship, and the comfort of an old, enduring love."--

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    97,95 kr.

    Brought to you by Penguin.From the Pulitzer prize-winning author of MY NAME IS LUCY BARTON In March 2020 Lucy's ex-husband William pleads with her to leave New York and escape to a coastal house he has rented in Maine. Lucy reluctantly agrees, leaving the washing-up in the sink, expecting to be back in a week or two. Weeks turn into months, and it's just Lucy, William, and their complex past together in a little house nestled against the sea.Rich with empathy and a searing clarity, Lucy by the Sea evokes the fragility and uncertainty of the recent past, as well as the possibilities that those long, quiet days can inspire. At the heart of this miraculous novel are the deep human connections that sustain us, even as the world seems to be falling apart. (c) Elizabeth Strout 2022 (P) Penguin Audio 2022

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    100,95 kr.

    THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES AND NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER FROM THE PULITZER PRIZE-WINNING, BOOKER-SHORTLISTED AUTHOR'Stunning, deeply felt and profoundly intelligent' Guardian It's autumn in Maine, and the town lawyer Bob Burgess has become enmeshed in an unfolding murder investigation, defending a lonely, isolated man accused of killing his mother. He has also fallen into a deep and abiding friendship with the acclaimed writer, Lucy Barton, who lives nearby in a house next to the sea. Together, Lucy and Bob talk about their lives, their hopes and regrets, and what might have been.Lucy, meanwhile, befriends one of Crosby's longest inhabitants, Olive Kitteridge, now living in a retirement community on the edge of town. They spend afternoons together in Olive's apartment, telling each other stories. Stories about people they have known - "unrecorded lives," Olive calls them - reanimating them, and, in the process, imbuing their lives with meaning.Brimming with empathy and pathos, TELL ME EVERYTHING is Elizabeth Strout operating at the height of her powers, illuminating the ways in which our relationships keep us afloat. As Lucy says, "Love comes in so many different forms, but it is always love."'A superbly gifted storyteller and a craftswoman in a league of her own' Hilary Mantel'A terrific writer' Zadie Smith'Strout's ability to reveal the wonder in unrecorded lives continues to astonish' TelegraphOPRAH'S BOOK CLUB PICK: 'A beautiful read reminding us that there is extraordinary love in ordinary actions' Oprah Winfrey Elizabeth Strout, Shortlisted for the Booker Prize, 2022

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    165,95 kr.

    The new novel from the Booker-shortlisted, Pulitzer prize-winning Elizabeth Strout - available for pre-order now. TELL ME EVERYTHING is a hopeful, healing novel about new friendships, old loves, and the very human desire to leave a mark on the world. It's autumn in Maine, and the town lawyer Bob Burgess has become enmeshed in an unfolding murder investigation, defending a lon

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    132,95 kr.

    Acclaimed author Elizabeth Strout gives us thirteen rich, luminous narratives centred on a singular and formidable heroine, Olive Kitteridge.

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    105,95 kr.

    Two brothers' lives are irrevocably altered when their 19-year-old nephew is embroiled in a scandal of his own making

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    105,95 kr.

    From the Orange Prize-shortlisted author of AMY & ISABELLE, a deeply moving story of love, abandonment, and the peril of family secrets...

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    212,95 kr.

    "A medida que el miedo se apodera de su ciudad, Lucy Barton abandona Manhattan y se confina en un pueblo de Maine con su exmarido, William. Durante los siguientes meses quedarâan ellos dos, compaäneros despuâes de tantos aänos, a solas con su complejo pasado en una pequeäna casa junto a un mar impetuoso, una experiencia de la que saldrâan transformados."--

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    232,95 kr.

    Tyler Caskey is like a breath of fresh air to the West Annett community: he is young, charismatic, his sermons are brilliant and sensitive. Together with his beautiful wife, they fill the community with vitality. But everything can change and what was previously attractive and interesting, turns into suspicions and gossip. Young Mrs. Caskey dies. A death that overwhelms her husband and children. Tyler no longer finds the right words in the church, or any mercy for those he once inspired. Abide With Me shows us the different nuances of affective relationships, where each loss can change a life, and where hope always emerges in the darkest corners.

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    212,95 kr.

    "Titulo original: Oh William!"--Title page verso.

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    282,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    182,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    137,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Includes Elizabeth Strout's never-before-published essay about the origins of The Burgess BoysNAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The Washington Post • NPR • Good HousekeepingElizabeth Strout "animates the ordinary with an astonishing force," wrote The New Yorker on the publication of her Pulitzer Prize-winning Olive Kitteridge. The San Francisco Chronicle praised Strout's "magnificent gift for humanizing characters." Now the acclaimed author returns with a stunning novel as powerful and moving as any work in contemporary literature. Haunted by the freak accident that killed their father when they were children, Jim and Bob Burgess escaped from their Maine hometown of Shirley Falls for New York City as soon as they possibly could. Jim, a sleek, successful corporate lawyer, has belittled his bighearted brother their whole lives, and Bob, a Legal Aid attorney who idolizes Jim, has always taken it in stride. But their long-standing dynamic is upended when their sister, Susan-the Burgess sibling who stayed behind-urgently calls them home. Her lonely teenage son, Zach, has gotten himself into a world of trouble, and Susan desperately needs their help. And so the Burgess brothers return to the landscape of their childhood, where the long-buried tensions that have shaped and shadowed their relationship begin to surface in unexpected ways that will change them forever. With a rare combination of brilliant storytelling, exquisite prose, and remarkable insight into character, Elizabeth Strout has brought to life two deeply human protagonists whose struggles and triumphs will resonate with readers long after they turn the final page. Tender, tough-minded, loving, and deeply illuminating about the ties that bind us to family and home, The Burgess Boys is Elizabeth Strout's newest and perhaps most astonishing work of literary art.Praise for The Burgess Boys"What truly makes Strout exceptional . . . is the perfect balance she achieves between the tides of story and depths of feeling."-Chicago Tribune"Strout's prose propels the story forward with moments of startlingly poetic clarity."-The New Yorker "Elizabeth Strout's first two books, Abide with Me and Amy and Isabelle, were highly thought of, and her third, Olive Kitteridge, won the Pulitzer Prize in fiction. But The Burgess Boys, her most recent novel, is her best yet."-The Boston Globe

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    150,95 kr.

    Lucy Barton is a writer, but her ex-husband, William, remains a hard man to read. "William," she confesses, "has always been a mystery to me." Another mystery is why the two have remained connected after all these years. They just are.

  • af Elizabeth Strout
    417,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Pulitzer Prize winner Elizabeth Strout explores the mysteries of marriage and the secrets we keep, as a former couple reckons with where they’ve come from—and what they’ve left behind. BOOKER PRIZE FINALIST • ONE OF THE TEN BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR: Maureen Corrigan, NPR’s Fresh Air “Elizabeth Strout is one of my very favorite writers, so the fact that Oh William! may well be my favorite of her books is a mathematical equation for joy. The depth, complexity, and love contained in these pages is a miraculous achievement.”—Ann Patchett, author of The Dutch HouseI would like to say a few things about my first husband, William. Lucy Barton is a writer, but her ex-husband, William, remains a hard man to read. William, she confesses, has always been a mystery to me. Another mystery is why the two have remained connected after all these years. They just are. So Lucy is both surprised and not surprised when William asks her to join him on a trip to investigate a recently uncovered family secret—one of those secrets that rearrange everything we think we know about the people closest to us. What happens next is nothing less than another example of what Hilary Mantel has called Elizabeth Strout’s “perfect attunement to the human condition.” There are fears and insecurities, simple joys and acts of tenderness, and revelations about affairs and other spouses, parents and their children. On every page of this exquisite novel we learn more about the quiet forces that hold us together—even after we’ve grown apart. At the heart of this story is the indomitable voice of Lucy Barton, who offers a profound, lasting reflection on the very nature of existence. “This is the way of life,” Lucy says: “the many things we do not know until it is too late.” ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR: The New York Times Book Review, The Washington Post, Time, Vulture, She Reads

  • Spar 24%
    af Elizabeth Strout
    72,95 - 189,95 kr.

    Lucy er i 60’erne og har for nylig mistet sin anden mand, David. I kølvandet på tabet tænker hun tilbage på ægteskabet med ham, men også med sin første mand, William. Omvæltningerne står i kø for William: Han lider af frygtelige mareridtslignende tilstande, hans tredje hustru forlader ham, ligesom de to foregående har gjort, han har mistet troen på sit arbejde, og hans mor viser sig at have et barn, som han aldrig har kendt til. Sammen tager Lucy og William på en rejse tilbage til Williams rødder og den søster, han aldrig har kendt til.Åh William! er Elizabeth Strouts tredje, selvstændige roman om Lucy Barton. Det er en roman om at finde og miste livets store kærlighed og om de dybe spor livets tætte relationer sætter i os.

  • - A Novel
    af Elizabeth Strout
    376,95 kr.

  • - A Novel
    af Elizabeth Strout
    177,95 kr.

    NATIONAL BESTSELLER *; From the Pulitzer Prizewinning, #1New York Timesbestselling author ofOlive Kitteridgecomes a ';superb' (O: The Oprah Magazine) novel that ';confirms Strout as the possessor of an irresistibly companionable, peculiarly American voice.' (The Atlantic Monthly)In the late 1950s, in a small New England town, Reverend Tyler Caskey has suffered a terrible loss and finds it hard to be the person he once was. He struggles to find the right words in his sermons and in his conversations with those facing crises of their own, and to bring his five-year-old daughter, Katherine, out of the silence she has observed in the wake of the family's tragedy. Tyler's usually patient and kind congregation now questions his leadership and propriety, and accusations are born out of anger and gossip. Then, in Tyler's darkest hour, a startling discovery will test his parish's humanityand his own will to endure the trials that sooner or later test us all.Praise forAbide With Me';Strout's greatly anticipated second novel . . . is an answered prayer.'Vanity Fair';Deeply moving . . . In one beautiful page after another, Strout captures the mysterious combinations of hope and sorrow. She sees all these wounded people with heartbreaking clarity, but she has managed to write a story that cradles them in understanding and that, somehow, seems like a foretaste of salvation.'The Washington Post';Graceful and moving . . . The pacing of Strout's deeply felt fiction about the distance between parents and children gives her work an addictive quality.'People(four stars)

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