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Bøger af Ellis Peters

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  • - 3
    af Ellis Peters
    96,95 kr.

    Past misdeeds find present and deadly reckonings in the third chronicle of Brother Cadfael, Ellis Peters' marvellously created medieval detective.

  • - The Rose Rent, The Hermit of Eyton Forest, The Confession of Brother Haluin
    af Ellis Peters
    166,95 kr.

    The fifth omnibus edition of Ellis Peters' compulsive and bestselling medieval mysteries.

  • - 20
    af Ellis Peters
    96,95 kr.

    In his twentieth chronicle Brother Cadfael is involved in an investigation of a uniquely personal nature, for as he observes, 'Before I was a Brother I was a father.

  • - 19
    af Ellis Peters
    96,95 kr.

    In his nineteenth chronicle Brother Cadfael is charged to investigate the theft of the Abbey's most sacred treasure.

  • - Saint Peter's Fair, The Leper of Saint Giles, The Virgin in the Ice
    af Ellis Peters
    166,95 kr.

    Three masterly mysteries featuring the mediaeval sleuth and herbalist, Brother Cadfael, set in Shrewsbury.

  • - The Pilgrim of Hate, An Excellent Mystery, The Raven in the Foregate
    af Ellis Peters
    168,95 kr.

    The fourth edition of Ellis Peters' compulsive and bestselling medieval mysteries

  • - The Sanctuary Sparrow, The Devil's Novice, Dead Man's Ransom
    af Ellis Peters
    166,95 kr.

    Third Omnibus edition of Ellis Peters' compulsive and bestselling medieval mysteries

  • af Ellis Peters
    148,95 kr.

    1139, England. Sommeren er på sit højeste i Shrewsbury, og byens årlige marked står for døren. Handelsmænd fra nær og fjern rejser dertil i jagten på en god handel.Men da der opstår stridigheder mellem de lokale borgere og klostret om, hvordan afgifter skal fordeles, forsvinder handelsmanden Thomas af Bristol sporløst fra pladsen. Senere på dagen finder man hans lig, og Broder Cadfael må endnu en gang forlade sin fredelige urtehave for at agere detektiv i sagen.

  • af Ellis Peters
    148,95 kr.

    December 1138, England. Borgerkrigen raserer på de sydlige bredder, og på Shrewsbury kloster slikker man stadig sårene efter krigens hærgen. Broder Cadfael bruger sine dage på at studere helbredende medicin, mens han sirligt passer sin velholdte urtehave.Da den hovedrige godsejer Gervase Bonel forgiftes af en stormhatteolie falder mistanken på Cadfael selv. Stormhatten gror nemlig i Broder Cadfaels urtehave, og olien er hans egen urtemedicin. Han må med livet som indsats finde sandheden om den forbandede olie. Hvem stjal den? Og hvem ønskede godsejeren død?

  • af Ellis Peters
    148,95 kr.

    1138, England. Tronstridighederne raser mellem kong Stephen og kejserinde Maud, og broder Cadfael kan ikke længere gemme sig i sin urtehave, da krigen banker på klostrets mure. Han må selv tage del i fejden. Ikke langt fra Shrewsbury Slot hænger 94 af kejserinde Mauds loyale soldater, dræbt for forræderi. Med tungt hjerte indvilger broder Cadfael i at begrave de døde, kun for at gøre et ubehageligt fund: et mystisk lig, som ikke er blevet hængt, men kvalt. Cadfael sætter sig for at søge sandheden om det mistænkelige lig, men han har kun få ledetråde: en pige klædt i drengetøj, en forsvundet skat og en ødelagt blomst. Men er det nok til at komme på sporet af den nådesløse morder?

  • af Ellis Peters
    148,95 kr.

    1137, England. Alt ånder fred og idyl i urtehaven ved klostret Shrewsbury, hvor benediktinermunken Broder Cadfael passer sit havearbejde. Freden forstyrres dog brat, da han hidkaldes til en vigtig mission: I følgeskab med en gruppe munke sendes Cadfael til Wales, hvor den lyssky klosterforstander Robert har i sinde at indsamle de hellige rester fra helgenen Skt. Winifreds. Men i Wales møder munkene stor modstand fra lokalbefolkningen.Da udgravningens største modstander findes død med en mystisk pil boret i brystet, begynder spekulationerne at røre på sig. Har selveste Skt. Winifred ført pilen? Broder Cadfael ved bedre, men han må bruge alt sit vid for at udpege den sande morder.

  • af Ellis Peters
    158,95 kr.

  • af Ellis Peters
    158,95 kr.

    "The second chronicle of Brother Cadfael, of the Benedictine Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, at Shrewsbury " --Title page.

  • af Ellis Peters
    228,95 kr.

    In her sixteenth chronicle of the medieval monk-detective Brother Cadfael, Ellis Peters throws a variety of puzzles at her hero. In the summer of 1143, Brother Cadfael is torn from his herbarium to investigate the deaths of two visitors.

  • af Ellis Peters
    253,95 kr.

    In the summer of 1144, a strange calm has settled over England. The armies of King Stephen & Empress Maud, the two royal cousins contending for the throne, have temporarily exhausted each other. On the whole, Brother Cadfael considers peace a blessing & agrees to accompany a friend to Wales. When Cadfael is captured by an army of Danish mercenaries, he finds himself in the midst of a brotherly quarrel that could plunge an entire kingdom into deadly chaos.

  • af Ellis Peters
    348,95 kr.

  • af Ellis Peters
    213,95 kr.

  • af Ellis Peters
    213,95 kr.

  • af Ellis Peters
    228,95 kr.

    The year is 1141 and civil war continues to rage. When the sheriff of Shropshire is taken prisoner, arrangements are made to exchange him for Elis, a young Welshman. But when the sheriff is brought to the abbey, he is murdered. Suspicion falls on Elis, who has fallen in love with the sheriff's daughter. With nothing but his Welsh honor to protect him, Elis appeals to Brother Cadfael for help. And Brother Cadfael gives it, not knowing that the truth will be a trial for his own soul.

  • af Ellis Peters
    228,95 kr.

    In the autumn of 1140 the Benedictine monastery at Shrewsbury finds its new novice Meriet Aspley a bit disturbing. The younger son of a prominent family, Meriet is meek and biddable by day, but his sleep is rife with nightmares so violent that they earn him the name of "Devil's Novice". Shunned by the other monks, Aspley attracts the concern of Brother Cadfael. Then a body appears, that of a young priest last seen at the Aspley estate. Can Meriet be involved in the death? As events take a sinister turn, it falls to Brother Cadfael to detect the truth.

  • af Ellis Peters
    233,95 kr.

    While Cadfael has bent Abbey rules, he has never broken his monastic vows--until now. Word has come to Shrewsbury of a treacherous act that has left 30 of Maud's knights imprisoned. All have been ransomed except Cadfael's secret son, Olivier. Conceived in Cadfael's soldiering youth and unaware of his father's identity, Olivier will die if he is not freed.

  • af Ellis Peters
    233,95 kr.

    When an obnoxious former Nazi land-worker is murdered in the small English village of Comerford, Chad Wedderburn, classics master and hero of the Resistance in WWII, is accused of the murder. But none of his students believes he is guilty, including Dominic Felse, who discovered the body. Dominic resolves to discover the true murderer.

  • af Ellis Peters
    96,95 kr.

  • af Ellis Peters
    258,95 kr.

    A despised priest is drowned in a pond in this medieval mystery filled with ';lively period detail' (Kirkus Reviews). In a mild December in the year of our Lord 1141, a new priest comes to the parishioners of the Foregate outside the Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Father Ailnoth brings with him a housekeeper and her nephewand a disposition that invites murder. Brother Cadfael quickly sees that father Ailnoth is a harsh man who, striding along in his black cassock, looks like a doomsaying raven. The housekeeper's nephew, Benet, is quite differenta smiling lad, a hard worker in Cadfael's herb garden, but, as Brother Cadfael soon discovers, an impostor. And when Ailnoth is found drowned, suspicion falls on Benet, though many in the Foregate had cause to want this priest dead. Now Brother Cadfael is gathering clues along with his medicinals to treat a case of unholy passions, tragic politics, and perhaps divine intervention.

  • af Ellis Peters
    268,95 kr.

    To save his estranged son, a monk risks breaking his vows in this ';moving and suspenseful' entry in the Silver Dagger Awardwinning medieval mystery series (Booklist). For Brother Cadfael in the autumn of his life, the mild November of our Lord's year 1145 may bring a bitterand deadlyharvest. England is torn between supporters of the Empress Maud and those of her cousin Stephen. The civil strife is about to jeopardize not only Cadfael's life, but his hopes of Heaven. While Cadfael has sometimes bent the abbey's rules, he has never broken his monastic vowsuntil now. Word has come to Shrewsbury of a treacherous act that has left thirty of Maud's knights imprisoned. All have been ransomed except Cadfael's secret son, Olivier de Bretagne. Conceived in Cadfael's soldiering youth and unaware of his father's identity, Olivier will die if he is not freed. Like never before, Cadfael must boldly defy the abbot. The good brother forsakes the order to follow his heartbut what he finds will challenge his soul.

  • af Ellis Peters
    268,95 kr.

    The twelfth-century Welsh monk is caught up in civil war and captured by Danish mercenaries, in the Silver Dagger Awardwinning medieval mystery series. In the summer of 1144, a strange calm has settled over England. The armies of King Stephen and the Empress Maud, the two royal cousins contending for the throne, have temporarily exhausted each other. On the whole, Brother Cadfael considers peace a blessing. Still, a little excitement never comes amiss to a former soldier, and Cadfael is delighted to accompany a friend on a mission of diplomacy to his native Wales. But shortly after their arrival, the two monks are caught up in another royal feud. The Welsh prince Owain Gwynedd has banished his brother Cadwaladr, accusing him of the treacherous murder of an ally. The reckless Cadwaladr has retaliated by landing an army of Danish mercenaries, poised to invade Wales. As the two armies teeter on the brink of bloody civil war, Cadfael is captured by the Danes and must navigate the brotherly quarrel that threatens to plunge an entire kingdom into chaos.

  • af Ellis Peters
    268,95 kr.

    Strangers seek refuge at the abbey as floodwaters rise, a body falls, and a relic vanishesin this ';top drawer' mystery featuring the twelfth-century monk (Chicago Sun-Times) In the chill, rainy autumn of 1144, two groups of visitors seek the hospitality of the Abbey of St. Peter and St. Paul, and Brother Cadfael fears trouble has come in with them. Among the first arrivals is Brother Tutilo, a young Benedictine with a guileless face andto Brother Cadfael's shrewd eyesa mischievous intelligence. The second group, a ribald French troubadour, his servant, and a girl with the voice of an angel, seems to Brother Cadfael a catalyst for disaster. All of Cadfael's fears become manifest as rising floodwaters endanger the abbey's most sacred relic, the remains of Saint Winifred. When the bones disappear and a dead body is found, Brother Cadfael knows carnal and spiritual intrigues are afoot. Now, in a world that believes in signs and miracles, Brother Cadfael needs his prayers answeredas well as some heavenly guidance to crucial cluesto catch a killer hell-bent on murder.

  • af Ellis Peters
    268,95 kr.

    The medieval monk digs for clues when a body is unearthed by a plow: ';His detecting talents are as dazzling as ever' (Publishers Weekly). When a newly plowed field recently given to the Benedictine Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul yields the body of a young woman, Brother Cadfael is quickly thrown into a delicate situation. The field was once owned by a local potter named Ruald, who had abandoned his beautiful wife, Generys, to take monastic vows. Generys was said to have gone away with a lover, but now it seems as if she had been murdered. With the arrival at the abbey of young Sulien Blount, a novice fleeing homeward from the civil war raging in East Anglia, the mysteries surrounding the corpse start to multiply.

  • af Ellis Peters
    268,95 kr.

    Medieval monk Brother Cadfael races to save a young man he believes is falsely accused of robberyin the Silver Dagger Awardwinning mystery series. In the gentle Shrewsbury spring of 1140, the midnight matins at the Benedictine abbey suddenly reverberate with an unholy sounda hunt in full cry. Pursued by a drunken mob, the quarry is running for its life. When the frantic creature bursts into the nave to claim sanctuary, Brother Cadfael finds himself fighting off armed townsmen to save a terrified young man. Liliwin, a wandering minstrel who performed at the wedding of a local goldsmith's son, has been accused of robbery and murder. The cold light of morning, however, will show his supposed victim, the miserly craftsman, still lives, although a strongbox lies empty. Brother Cadfael believes Liliwin is innocent, but finding the truth and the treasure before Liliwin's respite in sanctuary runs out may uncover a deadlier sin than thieverya desperate love that nothing, not even the threat of hanging, can stop.The Sanctuary Sparrowis the seventh book in the Chronicles of Brother Cadfael, featuring a ';wily veteran of the Crusades.' The historical mystery series earned Ellis Peters a Crime Writers' Association Silver Dagger Awardand a legion of devoted fans (Los Angeles Times).

  • af Ellis Peters
    247,95 kr.

    From the Edgar Awardwinning author: When a troubled novice is blamed for a priest's disappearance, Brother Cadfael seeks to save his souland his life. Outside the pale of the Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, in September of 1140, a priestly emissary for King Stephen has been reported missing. But inside the pale, what troubles Brother Cadfael is a proud, secretive nineteen-year-old novice. Brother Cadfael has never seen two men more estranged than the Lord of Aspley and Meriet, the son he coldly delivers to the abbey to begin a religious vocation. Meriet, meek by day, is so racked by dreams at night that his howls earn him the nickname ';the Devil's Novice.' Shunned and feared, Meriet is soon linked to the missing priestly emissary's dreadful fate. Only Brother Cadfael believes in Meriet's innocence, and only the good sleuth can uncover the truth before a boy's pure passion, not evil intent, leads a novice to the noose.

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