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Stormfulde højder er en vild, lidenskabelig fortælling om den intense, nærmest dæmoniske kærlighed mellem Catherine Earnshaw og hittebarnet Heathcliff, der bliver adopteret af Catherines far. Efter Mr Earnshaws død bliver Heathcliff tyranniseret og ydmyget af Catherines jaloux bror Hindley, som overtager gården, og da Catherine af materialistiske årsager gifter sig med en anden, beslutter Heathcliff sig for at forlade Wuthering Heights. Da han vender tilbage tre år senere, er han både rig og dannet og har planlagt en grusom hævn for sine tidligere lidelser. Han er ikke sen til at føre sine hævnplaner ud i livet, og hans handlinger får vidtrækkende konsekvenser for både ham selv og alle omkring ham. I dette litterære mesterværk er selvbedrag fatalt, hævnen bitter og kærligheden, der overskrider autoritet, konvention og død, destruktiv."Hvordan i alverden kunne en jomfru fjernt fra verdens vrimmel overhovedet konstruere en roman som stadigvæk holder som en af verdens bedste om følelsernes irrationelle musik, vanvid og inderlighed?" – Bo Tao Michaëlis, Politiken"Heathcliff og Cathy spøger stadig som et dekret i vores kærlighedshistorier, kulturens store og de helt personlige. Derfor er de et vigtigt studie for enhver kærlighedsforsker, professionel eller privat." – Lilian Munk Rösing, Information"Det er karsk og vild læsning, som gør let om hjertet." – Kathrine Lilleør, Berlingske
"He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."In the winter of 1801, a man named Lockwood rents a home in Northern England. When he meets his unfriendly landlord, Heathcliff, who lives in the old nearby manor Wurthering Heights, Lockwood is curious to know why he seems so troubled. By asking his housekeeper, Lockwood finds out much more than he bargained for.One of the most controversial and debated love stories of all times, 'Wuthering Heights' is one of those classics you just have to read. The emotional magnitude of this novel is great and far-reaching, and the writing is both provoking and seductive. 'Wuthering Heights' has been adapted for the screen several times, the complicated role of Heathcliff having been taken on by Timothy Dalton and Ralph Fiennes to name a few. To this is day, the most well-known adaptation of Emily Brontë's only novel, however, is the song by Kate Bush.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Emily Brontë (1818-1848) was an British poet and novelist. She was the second oldest of the three famous Brontë sisters, and in her short life she wrote only one novel, the classic 'Wuthering Heights' (1847).
This Top Five Classics illustrated edition of Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights includes the complete, unabridged text; 12 starkly beautiful woodcut illustrations by renowned artist Clare Leighton (which were the inspiration for the sets of the classic 1939 Laurence Olivier-Merle Oberon film adaptation), as well as a helpful introduction, detailed author bio, and bibliography.Wuthering Heights was released in 1847 in the shadow of the instantly successful Jane Eyre, published two months earlier by her older sister Charlotte. It enjoyed only mixed reviews--but the reactions were intense, foreshadowing the eventual stature the novel would claim in the pantheon of English literature, surpassing in many readers' eyes even her sister's magnum opus. Though Emily would not live to see it, Wuthering Heights would become synonymous with passionate gothic romance and tragic love, establishing Heathcliff and Catherine as the most poignantly doomed couple in fiction since Romeo and Juliet, but with even darker consequences for everyone involved.
When two souls collide, the impact can resonate for all eternity. So it was - and so it is - with Heathcliff and Cathy. But if they can't be together, the world that struggles to contain them will simply shatter and burn... Andrew Sheridan's gripping reinvention of Emily Brontë's classic novel Wuthering Heights is a searing and ferocious celebration of passion, of desire - and of the female imagination that created this indelible masterpiece. Exposing a very different but essentially truthful side to literature's most electric couple, it premiered at the Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester, in 2020, in a production directed by Bryony Shanahan, joint Artistic Director of the theatre.
När hittebarnet Heathcliff får följa med Mr Earnshaw hem till det stora huset på Wuthering Heights är det början på hans nya liv. Heathcliff och Mr Earnshaws dotter Catherine finner varandra direkt, men trots att Heathcliff är älskad av fadern och systern kan brodern inte acceptera honom som en del av familjen. Heathcliff växer upp olycklig och svåråtkomlig och när hans fosterfar avlider försvåras hans liv ytterligare. Hans enda lycka och den enda som fortfarande älskar honom är Catherine, men deras vägar skiljs och Catherine gifter sig med en annan. När Heathcliff får höra om Catherines äktenskap med sin forne rival förmörkas hans värld och hämnden blir hans enda drivkraft.Emily Jane Brontë (1818-1848) var en brittisk författare och är känd för sin enda publicerade roman, “Svindlande höjder”, som publicerades 1847 under pseudonymen Ellis Bell. Tillsammans med sina systrar Charlotte och Anne spenderade Emily sin ungdom med att bygga upp fantasifulla världar dit de kunde drömma sig bort. Emily dog 1849, troligtvis på grund av sjukdomen tuberkulos.
En los sombríos páramos de Yorkshire, donde el viento silba entre los brezos y las emociones son tan intensas como el clima implacable, se desarrolla una historia de amor y venganza que desafía el tiempo. "Cumbres Borrascosas" nos sumerge en la trágica saga de los Earnshaw y los Linton, dos familias ligadas por el destino en una mansión embrujada por pasiones oscuras.La narrativa comienza con el misterioso regreso de Heathcliff, un joven enigmático y atormentado, a la finca de los Earnshaw, Wuthering Heights. Su presencia despierta la curiosidad y la inquietud, ya que su pasado está envuelto en sombras y su corazón alberga un amor obsesivo por Catherine Earnshaw, la mujer que le fue arrebatada.A través de los ojos del señor Lockwood, un inquilino recién llegado, exploramos los secretos enterrados en los rincones de la mansión y las relaciones destructivas que la rodean. El relato se va desentrañando a través de los testimonios de quienes conocieron a Heathcliff y Catherine, revelando la pasión desbordante, la traición y los oscuros secretos que han marcado a estas almas atormentadas.La trama se enreda con amores prohibidos, rivalidades ardientes y decisiones que trascienden la moral convencional. Heathcliff y Catherine son personajes complejos, atrapados en un torbellino de emociones que los lleva a la cima de la desesperación. Pero, ¿es posible redimirse cuando el odio y la venganza te consumen?A medida que las generaciones avanzan, la tragedia de "Cumbres Borrascosas" perdura, dejando cicatrices en los corazones de aquellos que se atreven a amar demasiado. La novela de Emily Brontë se revela como un viaje oscuro y fascinante a través de las pasiones humanas, una historia inmortal que sigue resonando en los corazones de los lectores actuales que buscan la verdad cruda y la complejidad emocional en sus lecturas.Emily Brontë (1818-1848) fue una poeta y escritora inglesa. Cumbres Borrascosas es su única novela y su obra más destacada, considerada un clásico de la literatura inglesa victoriana y universal. También publicó un libro de poesías junto a sus hermanas, Charlotte (autora de Jane Eyre) y Anne (autora de Agnes Grey). Al igual que sus hermanas, murió debido a una tuberculosis.
Den nye forpagter på Thrushcross Grange et sted i Yorkshire, mr. Lockwood, besøger engang i 1801 ejeren, en mr. Heathcliff på naboejendommen Wuthering Heights. På grund af vejret bliver mr. Lockwood - åbenbart meget mod mr. Heathcliffs vilje – nødt til at blive og overnatte på Heights. Han indlogeres på et tomt værelse, hvor han bl.a. finder en gammel dagbog fra en vis Catherine Earnshaw, og da han er faldet i søvn, har han et underligt mareridt - eller er det virkelighed? –, hvor en kvinde forsøger at komme ind gennem vinduet … Dette, sammen med den underlige stemning, der hersker mellem beboerne på Wuthering Heights, får mr. Lockwood til at undre sig over, hvad der er sket på stedet før hans ankomst, og da han fæster Ellen Dean som sin husholderske, finder han i hende én, der har været med gennem det hele, og som tilmed er en glimrende fortæller.Af hende får han historien om hittebarnet Heathcliffs og Catherine Earnshaws voldsomme og uudslukkelige kærlighed, som aldrig bliver til noget på grund af Heathcliffs herkomst og Catherines tvungne ægteskab med nabosønnen, den vege Edgar Linton. I fortvivlelse over dette drager Heathcliff bort fra egnen for flere år senere at vende tilbage som en rig og dannet mand, klar til at hævne sig på alle sine fjender - en rå og altopslugende hævn, der strækker sig over henved tyve år og ødelægger tilværelsen for alle de involverede og deres børn."Stormfulde Højder" var Emily Brontës eneste roman. Hun døde af tuberkulose i 1848, året efter dens første fremkomst. Denne udgave er baseret på den første danske oversættelse fra 1851.
Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.La poderosa y hosca figura de Heathcliff domina Cumbres Borrascosas, novela apasionada y tempestuosa cuya sensibilidad se adelantó a su tiempo. Los brumosos y sombríos páramos de Yorkshire son el singular escenario donde se desarrolla con fuerza arrebatadora esta historia de venganza y odio, de pasiones desatadas y amores desesperados que van más allá de la muerte y que hacen de ella una de las obras más singulares y atractivas de todos los tiempos. Cumbres Borrascosas es la novela más conocida de su autora, la escritora inglesa Emily Brontë y ha sido llevada al cine con gran éxito en varias ocasiones.Emily Jane Brontë (Yorkshire, 30 de julio de 1818) fue una escritora inglesa cuya obra más célebre es Cumbres Borrascosas, considerada un clásico de la literatura inglesa. Esta novela se publicó bajo el pseudónimo masculino de Ellis Bell debido a las dificultades que sufrían las mujeres en el siglo XIX en cuanto a su reconocimiento literario.rn
WUTHERING HEIGHTSby Emily BrontëEDITION: Cactus Classics Large Print - 16 Point FontFONT: 16 point GaramondBOOK TRIM SIZE: 6" x 9" (15.2 cm x 22.9 cm)COVER: GlossyPAPER: CreamTABLE OF CONTENTS: YesCactus Classics Large Print (16 point size) editions are typeset with the Garamond font. These editions have a glossy cover, cream paper interior, wide margins, generous white space and good spacing between lines of text.ABOUT THE BOOK AND AUTHORWuthering Heights was written by Emily Brontë (1818-1848) and was first published in 1847 under her pen name Ellis Bell.It follows the life of Heathcliff from childhood to his death in his late thirties, including life with his adopted family, his status as a servant, leaving when the woman he loves decides to marry another man and his revenge on those he believed ruined his life. Wuthering Heights is considered to be a love story as well as one of revengeEmily Brontë and two of her sisters, Anne Brontë and Charlotte Brontë, jointly wrote a book of poems which was originally published in 1846 under their pen names Ellis, Acton and Currer Bell.OTHER CACTUS CLASSICS LARGE PRINT BOOKSBelow are our Large Print books by Charlotte Brontë, Anne Brontë and Emily Brontë.BY CHARLOTTE BRONTË ISBN: 9781773600161 - Jane Eyre (Cactus Classics Large Print) ISBN: 9781773600178 - Shirley (Cactus Classics Large Print) ISBN: 9781773600192 - The Professor (Cactus Classics Large Print) ISBN: 9781773600185 - Villette (Cactus Classics Large Print)BY ANNE BRONTË ISBN: 9781773600147 - Agnes Grey (Cactus Classics Large Print) ISBN: 9781773600154 - The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Cactus Classics Large Print)BY EMILY BRONTË ISBN: 9781773600208 - Wuthering Heights (Cactus Classics Large Print)BY ANNE, EMILY AND CHARLOTTE BRONTË(published under their pen names Acton, Ellis and Currer Bell) ISBN: 9781773600215 - Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell (Cactus Classics Large Print)
The unapologetic intensity with which Emily Brontë wrote this story ensures that it will forever be considered one of the greatest works of English literature. A passionate tale of a chaotic and often violent love, Wuthering Heights transcends your average romance and, with its Gothic undertones, takes the listener on a journey through one man''s lustful hunt for revenge.Believing he has been spurned by Cathy Earnshaw, the only woman he has ever loved, Heathcliff abandons the wild moors of Wuthering Heights, fervently wishing to reestablish himself as the wealthy gentleman he believes Cathy seeks. Having been successful in his ventures, he later returns to the adoptive family who raised him and hungrily seeks to punish those who once rejected him.
~Straight up: Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights.~The twist: an introduction by you.~ Annotated literary pairing for a truly immersive experience.Emily Bronte's only novel, Wuthering Heights, remains one of the most enduring and admired English novels of all time.The dark, wind swept romance of troubled orphan Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw. A tormented and haunting story of doomed love.Presented with perfect pairing partners for epicurean pleasure, this Tar & Feather Classic also features an introduction where you are the author- creating a truly bespoke gift or addition to your personal library.
The Flame Tree Collectable Classics are chosen to create a delightful and timeless home library. Each stunning edition features deluxe cover treatments, ribbon markers, luxury endpapers and gilded edges. The unabridged text is accompanied by a Glossary of Victorian and Literary terms produced for the modern reader.
In 1801, Lockwood, a wealthy young man from the South of England who is seeking peace and recuperation, rents Thrushcross Grange in Yorkshire. He visits his landlord, Heathcliff, who lives in a remote moorland farmhouse, Wuthering Heights. There Lockwood finds an odd assemblage: Heathcliff who seems to be a gentleman, but his manners are uncouth; the reserved mistress of the house who is in her mid-teens; and a young man who seems to be a member of the family, yet dresses and speaks as if he is a servant. After his visit to the Heights, Lockwood becomes ill, and is confined to his bed for some length of time. The Grange housekeeper, Ellen Dean, who is looking after him, tells him the story of the family at the Heights during his convalescence.
He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.Book #3 of 15 in the SDE Classics Romance CollectionCatherine Earnshaw, at a lover's crossroad, must choose between her love for the proletariat Heathcliff and her love for the genteel Edgar Linton. Choosing based on societal standards, she decides to preserve her position of class in society.A multi-generational story, Wuthering Heights follows Heathcliff from young man to old age, all against the background of the mystical estate named Wuthering Heights.
"Jane Eyre" follows the emotions and experiences of its eponymous heroine, including her growth to adulthood and her love for Mr. Rochester, the Byronic master of Thornfield Hall. Jane spent her childhood living with her uncle and aunt at Gateshead Hall, where she was emotionally and physically abused by her aunt and cousins. After finishing school at Lowood Institution for poor and orphaned girls, where she gain friends and role models she starts working as a governess at Thornfield Hall, where she falls in love with her employer, Edward, but their love has a lot of obstacles to beat. "Wuthering Heights" - In 1801, Lockwood, a wealthy young man from the South of England who is seeking peace and recuperation, rents Thrushcross Grange in Yorkshire. He visits his landlord, Heathcliff, who lives in a remote moorland farmhouse, Wuthering Heights. There Lockwood finds an odd assemblage: Heathcliff who seems to be a gentleman, but his manners are uncouth; the reserved mistress of the house who is in her mid-teens; and a young man who seems to be a member of the family, yet dresses and speaks as if he is a servant. After his visit to the Heights, Lockwood becomes ill, and is confined to his bed for some length of time. The Grange housekeeper, Ellen Dean, who is looking after him, tells him the story of the family at the Heights during his convalescence.
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