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Bøger af Emily Ratajkowski

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  • af Emily Ratajkowski
    128,95 - 166,95 kr.

    A deeply honest investigation of what it means to be a woman and a commodity from Emily Ratajkowski, the archetypal, multi-hyphenate celebrity of our time.

  • af Emily Ratajkowski
    253,95 kr.

    INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER"e;My Body offers a lucid examination of the mirrors in which its author has seen herself, and her indoctrination into the cult of beauty as defined by powerful men. In its more transcendent passages . . . the author steps beyond the reach of any 'Pygmalion' and becomes a more dangerous kind of beautiful. She becomes a kind of god in her own right: an artist."e;-Melissa Febos, The New York Times Book ReviewA "e;MOST ANTICIPATED"e; AND "e;BEST OF FALL 2021"e; BOOK FOR * VOGUE * TIME * ESQUIRE * PEOPLE * USA TODAY * CHICAGO TRIBUNE * LOS ANGELES TIMES * SHONDALAND * ALMA * THRILLEST * NYLON * FORTUNEA deeply honest investigation of what it means to be a woman and a commodity from Emily Ratajkowski, the archetypal, multi-hyphenate celebrity of our timeEmily Ratajkowski is an acclaimed model and actress, an engaged political progressive, a formidable entrepreneur, a global social media phenomenon, and now, a writer. Rocketing to world fame at age twenty-one, Ratajkowski sparked both praise and furor with the provocative display of her body as an unapologetic statement of feminist empowerment. The subsequent evolution in her thinking about our culture's commodification of women is the subject of this book. My Body is a profoundly personal exploration of feminism, sexuality, and power, of men's treatment of women and women's rationalizations for accepting that treatment. These essays chronicle moments from Ratajkowski's life while investigating the culture's fetishization of girls and female beauty, its obsession with and contempt for women's sexuality, the perverse dynamics of the fashion and film industries, and the gray area between consent and abuse.Nuanced, fierce, and incisive, My Body marks the debut of a writer brimming with courage and intelligence.

  • af Malene Skov Dinesen, Emily Ratajkowski & Amalie Therkelsen Agerbæk
    282,95 - 295,95 kr.

    De fleste, der arbejder med dataindsamling, har et repertoire af velkendte og velafprøvede metoder at ty til. De klassiske metoder som interviews og spørgeskemaundersøgelser ligger på rygraden og kan give solide data og viden. Men der kan opstå behov for noget nyt, der kan pirre nysgerrigheden og udfordre metodebevidstheden.KREATIVE METODER TIL DATAINDSAMLING tilbyder konkrete greb og redskaber, som kan give dataindsamleren:• En anden type viden og mere nuancerede svar fra informanterne.• Et bredere repertoire af metoder til at variere, supplere og nuancerede klassiske dataindsamlingsmetoder.• Nye muligheder for at kombinere metoder og skabe helt nye varianter.Bogen er til alle, der arbejder med dataindsamling i evalueringer, undersøgelser, brugerinddragelse mv. Ledere, der søger nye metoder til at facilitere og indsamle perspektiver fra deres medarbejdere, kan også hente inspiration og ny viden her.

  • af Emily Ratajkowski
    168,95 - 208,95 kr.

    Emily Ratajkowski er kendt i hele verden som model, skuespiller, for sit bikinimærke og som politisk aktiv. Hun blev verdenskendt, da hun som 21-årig optrådte nøgen i Robin Thickes kontroversielle musikvideo til sangen Blurred Lines. Med andre ord har hun hele sit voksenliv tjent penge på sit udseende – og været ok med det.Men er det kvindeundertrykkende eller et frigørende statement at stå ved sin krop?I bogen kortlægger hun sine tanker om, hvordan det er at bo i en krop, der hele hendes liv er blevet omtalt, betragtet og vurderet af verden omkring hende – særligt med mænds øjne.MIN KROP er en personlig og hudløs fortælling om at være berømt og sexet og samtidig have stærke holdninger til feminisme, seksualitet, samtykke, selvværd og magt. Bogen tager udgangspunkt i Ratajkowskijs eget liv og undersøger, hvordan kvinders skønhed er feticheret, og hvordan vores kultur både er besat af og foragter kvinders krop og seksualitet. Hun viser de perverterede dynamikker omkring køn og magt med eksempler fra i mode- og filmindustrien – og gråzonen mellem samtykke og overgreb.MIN KROP er en begavet debut fra en forfatter, der holder fast i de svære nuancer og skriver med nysgerrighed, ærlighed og klarhed.

  • af Emily Ratajkowski
    183,95 kr.

    INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER"My Body offers a lucid examination of the mirrors in which its author has seen herself, and her indoctrination into the cult of beauty as defined by powerful men. In its more transcendent passages . . . the author steps beyond the reach of any 'Pygmalion' and becomes a more dangerous kind of beautiful. She becomes a kind of god in her own right: an artist."-Melissa Febos, The New York Times Book ReviewA "MOST ANTICIPATED" AND "BEST OF FALL 2021" BOOK FOR * VOGUE * TIME * ESQUIRE * PEOPLE * USA TODAY * CHICAGO TRIBUNE * LOS ANGELES TIMES * SHONDALAND * ALMA * THRILLEST * NYLON * FORTUNEA deeply honest investigation of what it means to be a woman and a commodity from Emily Ratajkowski, the archetypal, multi-hyphenate celebrity of our timeEmily Ratajkowski is an acclaimed model and actress, an engaged political progressive, a formidable entrepreneur, a global social media phenomenon, and now, a writer. Rocketing to world fame at age twenty-one, Ratajkowski sparked both praise and furor with the provocative display of her body as an unapologetic statement of feminist empowerment. The subsequent evolution in her thinking about our culture's commodification of women is the subject of this book. My Body is a profoundly personal exploration of feminism, sexuality, and power, of men's treatment of women and women's rationalizations for accepting that treatment. These essays chronicle moments from Ratajkowski's life while investigating the culture's fetishization of girls and female beauty, its obsession with and contempt for women's sexuality, the perverse dynamics of the fashion and film industries, and the gray area between consent and abuse.Nuanced, fierce, and incisive, My Body marks the debut of a writer brimming with courage and intelligence.

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