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Bøger af Ernest Hemingway

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  • af Ernest Hemingway
    376,95 kr.

    The letters, many previously unpublished, of Volume 4 (April 1929-1931) trace Hemingway's ascendency to international renown. From the publication of A Farewell to Arms to the completion of his ground-breaking treatise on bullfighting, Death in the Afternoon, the letters constitute a rich account of the artist.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    95,95 kr.

    The Essential Hemingway is the perfect introduction to the astonishing, wide-ranging body of work by the Nobel Prize-winning author.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    105,95 kr.

    Ernest Hemingway's literary apprenticeship was served in journalism, a career that he pursued for over four decades. From his early work as a correspondent for the Toronto Star in Europe during the 1920s, through his inimitable articles for Esquire and his first-hand reports of the Spanish Civil War, to the mellow, ironic chronicle of his last African adventures, few correspondents have produced a more impressive body of work.By-Line presents a fascinating and revealing selection of Hemingway's journalism, and charts the development of one of the greatest novelists of the twentieth century.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    107,95 kr.

    Features hunters, wives, old men of wisdom, waiters, fighters, women loved, women lost: living on the raw edge, making love, and facing the inevitable reality of death. As an introduction to the author's work, or as an overview of the themes he developed in his novels, this work presents a collection of stories.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    100,95 kr.

    A fascinating look at the history and grandeur of bullfighting, Death in the Afternoon is also a deeper contemplation on the nature of cowardice and bravery, sport and tragedy, and is enlivened throughout by Hemingway's pungent commentary on life and literature.

  • Spar 30%
    af Ernest Hemingway
    93,95 - 208,95 kr.

    Antonio Ordóñez og Luis Miguel Dominguín er to af de helt store spanske tyrefægtere i 1950‘erne. I "Farlig sommer" kortlægges rivaliseringen mellem dem i sommeren 1959. Det er fortællingen om opkomlingen Ordóñez, der er såret efter at være blevet stanget, men som bliver ved med at kæmpe, og om den erfarne Dominguín, hvis stolthed og selvtillid drager ham ind i kampen mod den unge Ordóñez.Ernest Hemingway (1899–1961) var meget optaget af tyrefægtning og har i tidlige værker som "Solen går sin gang" (1926) skrevet fiktion over den dramatiske sportsgren. I "Farlig sommer" er fiktion skiftet ud med reportage.Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) en af det 20. århundredes vigtigste og mest indflydelsesrige USA-forfattere. Har ry som stoisk, macho og eventyrer. Fortællestilen er sproglig skrabet med få adjektiver - antydningens teknik - som tjente til inspiration for andre forfatetre. Han led af depressioner og begik selvmord i 1961. Nobelpris 1954.

  • Spar 25%
    af Ernest Hemingway
    93,95 - 262,95 kr.

    Døden kommer om eftermiddagen rummer kvintessensen af Hemingway og er skrevet først i 1930‘erne på hans livs og forfatterskabs højde. Bogen drejer sig om tyrefægtning, tapperhed og fejhed, om mod, teknik og historie. Men hovedtemaet forgrener sig til mange sidespor og lag, som alle tjener til at kaste nyt lys over mennekset og forfatteren Ernest Hemingway.Ernest Hemingway, 1899-1961, en af det 20. århundredes vigtigste og mest indflydelsesrige USA-forfattere. Har ry som stoisk, macho og eventyrer. Fortællestilen er sproglig skrabet med få adjektiver - antydningens teknik - som tjente til inspiration for andre forfatetre. Han led af depressioner og begik selvmord i 1961. Nobelpris 1954.

  • Spar 25%
    af Ernest Hemingway
    74,95 - 637,95 kr.

    "Farvel til våbnene" er delvis skrevet over Hemingways egne oplevelser som ambulancefører på den italienske front. Den amerikanske løjtnant Frederic Henry møder den engelske sygeplejerske, Cathrine Barkley, og da Henry bliver såret kommer de ved et tilfælde til at være på det samme hospital i Milano. Her oplever de en fantastisk tid sammen, hvor de kan nyde livet og hinanden (i hemmelighed). Det bliver den diametrale modsætning af forholdene i krigen. Henry skal dog tilbage til fronten, men da de må trække sig tilbage opstår der nærmest anarki i den italienske hær og officererne er i fare for at blive henrettet. Det er takken for at have tjent et andet land, og Henry må flygte med miss Barkley til Schweiz. Der er helt klart et ønske om at sige farvel til krig, våben, død og ødelæggelse. I bogen er der en gennemgående afmagt overfor hvorfor man kæmper. Man ved ikke hvor længe det skal vare og hele situationen er ekstremt utilfredsstillende for de involverede.Det er en mesterligt skrevet roman om krigens forfærdelige verden, hvor man ikke ved hvem der er ven eller fjende. Men samtidig er det en livsglad fortælling om hvordan man alligevel klarer sig."Vor tids fineste kærlighedsroman" - Tom Kristensen "Farvel til våbnene er stadig den bedste, den allerbedste krigsbog i sin art og sin genre: Kærlighedshistorie og roman. Den har blandt andet den fordel, at man tror på den kærlighed, han fortæller om, og derfor tager Hemingways roman os om hjertet."- Berlingske AftenavisErnest Hemingway (1899 – 1961) f. i Oak Park i Chicago, Illinois. Hemingway var, og er, en af Amerikas betydeligste forfattere, der som journalist havde lært sig en enkelt stil, der blev karakteristisk for hans skønlitterære værker. I 1954 modtog Hemingway nobelprisen i litteratur.

  • Spar 25%
    af Ernest Hemingway
    93,95 - 224,95 kr.

    Edens have er en sanselig kærlighedshistorie om den unge amerikanske forfatter David Bourne og hans kone Catherine, der er på bryllupsrejse i 1920'ernes solbeskinnede og uspolerede Sydfrankrig. Han står på tærsklen til sit litterære gennembrud og er ivrig efter at begynde at skrive igen. Catherine opmuntrer og støtter ham, men gør samtidig alt for at forhindre hans kreativitet. I sin jalousi frister hun ham med en endnu yngre og smukkere kvinde, og en farlig erotisk leg for tre tager fart."Det er ikke alene Hemingway. Det er en af han smukkeste og mest bevægende fortællinger, så hemingwaysk i hver detalje, at det gør ondt under læsningen." Politiken"En betagende smuk kærlighedsroman" BT"Edens have er vintage Hemingway, mesteren, der skrev bedre end nogen anden"

  • Spar 30%
    af Ernest Hemingway
    93,95 - 208,95 kr.

    En berømt maler, den amerikanske Thomas Hudson, har slået sig ned på en ø for i ro og fred at hellige sig sin kunst, men de ydre omstændigheder og hans egen undergangsdrift fører ham mod katastrofen.I "Øen og havet", der er posthumt udgivet, møder vi en klassisk Hemingway-figur: den mandlige kunstner, stoisk og distanceret, der bliver mere og mere introvert i takt med, at hans drikkeri tager til. I bogen hører vi om hans aktiviteter under 2. Verdenskrig og hans oplevelser som maler.Ernest Hemingway, 1899-1961, en af det 20. århundredes vigtigste og mest indflydelsesrige USA-forfattere. Har ry som stoisk, macho og eventyrer. Fortællestilen er sproglig skrabet med få adjektiver - antydningens teknik - som tjente til inspiration for andre forfatetre. Han led af depressioner og begik selvmord i 1961. Nobelpris 1954.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    157,95 kr.

    Solen går sin gang, som var Hemingways første roman, beskriver en gruppe unge rodløse og desillusionerede amerikanske kunstneres hektiske, udsvævende liv i efterkrigstidens Paris og Spanien i 1920'erne. Krigen har berøvet dem troen på en højere mening. Kun en intens leven i nuet kan for en stund fortrænge meningsløsheden og den manglende tro på fremtiden."Solen går sin gang demonstrerer allerede en hel række af Hemingways kunstneriske virkemidler. Den knappe stil, den sigende tavshed, ærligheden, den omskabte følsomhed, den intense deskriptive evne. Der er scener i bogen fra Spanien og fra tyrefægtningerne, som er helt blændende prosa, sider af en egen hård, blank glansfuldhed, der næsten indkapsler dem i en slags mytisk poesi – så fortættet er stemningen bag de sikre konstateringer." – Hakon Stangerup, Nationaltidende"En af Hemingways mest bevægende romaner." – Bo Green Jensen, Weekendavisen

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    197,95 kr.

    Hvem ringer klokkerne for hører til Hemingways mest berømte og læste romaner. Den foregår over 3-4 døgn under Den Spanske Borgerkrig, hvor en amerikansk spængningsekspert i samarbejde med en lokal partisangruppe har til opgave at sprænge en bro i luften. Sideløbende med den realistiske og nøgterne skildring af krigens gru og meningsløshed er indflettet en intens, følelsesfuld kærlighedshistorie. Romanen udtrykker det gennemgående tema i Hemingways forfatterskab: Der eksisterer ingen højere mening, man kan kun forsøge at udnytte sine evner bedst muligt og leve intenst i nuet, og den største, den sandeste og mest værdifulde oplevelse er kærligheden."Læseren føler sig som altid, når Hemingway er på højden, rent fysisk nærværende, lugter lugtene, mærker trykket over sindene, spændingen og fortættetheden ... Hemingways saglige, direkte, præcise stil ætser igen billederne på en gang dybt og klart ind i bevidstheden. Denne stil anskueliggør som en ingeniørtegning og beånder som en digters tale." – Hakon Stangerup, Nationaltidende"Hvor erotikken er i forgrunden røber forfatteren, at her er vi ved den eneste tro, han har. Livets sandheder kan ikke udgrundes. Forstanden vildleder os kun. Men følelsen, denne ene følelse, disse få øjeblikke giver os al den opklaring, vi kan få over en verden af meningsløshed og død ..." – Jacob Paludan, Aarhus Stiftstidende

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    96,95 kr.

    The Norton Library edition of A Farewell to Arms features the complete text of Hemingway's 1929 novel. Mark Cirino provides an insightful introduction and targeted explanatory notes to help readers engage with the themes and achievements of the novel.The Norton Library is a growing collection of high-quality texts and translations-influential works of literature and philosophy-introduced and edited by leading scholars. Norton Library editions prepare readers for their first encounter with the works that they'll re-read over a lifetime.Inviting introductions highlight the work's significance and influence, providing the historical and literary context students need to dive in with confidence.Endnotes and an easy-to-read design deliver an uninterrupted reading experience, encouraging students to read the text first and refer to endnotes for more information as needed.An affordable price (most $10 or less) encourages students to buy the book and to come to class with the assigned edition .

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    192,95 kr.

    New illustrations by Tim Foley accompany this timeless classic by Ernest Hemingway First published in 1929, A Farewell to Arms has endured as one of Hemingway’s most popular works. The novel was his first bestseller, which solidified him as a serious writer and a fixture in the American literary canon.   Set against the brutal backdrop of the First World War, the novel is narrated by Lieutenant Frederic Henry, who is an American medic in the ambulance corps of the Italian Army. Frederic’s friend, Surgeon Rinaldi, is infatuated with a lover by the name of Miss Catherine Barkley. Upon encountering Miss Barkley, Frederic is immediately taken with her and tries to kiss her, unsuccessfully. Grieving the death of her fiancé, she begins to feel an illusory attachment to Frederic while Rinaldi fades into obscurity.   Soon after, Frederic is wounded in battle and taken to a hospital in Milan to heal. In addition to his physical ailments, the horrors of war also begin to take a toll on Frederic mentally, leaving him detached. Following a hasty knee surgery, he is delighted to learn that Miss Barkley has been transferred to his hospital. Despite his emotional bankruptcy, his relationship with Catherine intensifies. Still, tragedy lies ahead, and not even love can save them.   This tour de force is quintessential Hemingway—bullets and shrapnel, straight to the heart. With stunning illustrations by Tim Foley (The Sun Also Rises, Clydesdale, 2022), this is sure to be the perfect addition to any Hemingway fan’s collection.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    245,95 kr.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    156,95 - 304,95 kr.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    96,95 kr.

    The Norton Library edition of The Sun Also Rises features the complete text of the first edition, first printing (1926). Verna Kale's artful introduction highlights how the novel is steeped in the recent history of World War I and explores how Hemingway uses the scandalous social lives of his characters to probe gender norms.The Norton Library is a growing collection of high-quality texts and translations-influential works of literature and philosophy-introduced and edited by leading scholars. Norton Library editions prepare readers for their first encounter with the works that they'll re-read over a lifetime.Inviting introductions highlight the work's significance and influence, providing the historical and literary context students need to dive in with confidence.Endnotes and an easy-to-read design deliver an uninterrupted reading experience, encouraging students to read the text first and refer to endnotes for more information as needed.An affordable price (most $10 or less) encourages students to buy the book and to come to class with the assigned edition.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    380,95 kr.

    In Our Time by Ernest Hemingway explores deep themes of alienation, loss, and the stark realities of war and personal conflict, reflecting Hemingway's signature "iceberg theory" of storytelling. This collection of stories, praised for its concise language and subtle emotional depth, showcases Hemingway's early exploration of human experiences like grief, separation, and the disillusionment with romanticized notions of heroism. Hemingway's narratives delve into life's brutalities and the rituals that define masculinity and human relationships, set against backdrops of violence, war, and the inherent disappointments of domestic life. The collection, portrays a world devoid of illusion, where even revered figures are humanized by their vulnerabilities. Hemingway's use of recurring motifs, such as the juxtaposition of life and death and symbols of safety like water and darkness, enriches the collection's exploration of a world "out of season," capturing the pervasive sense of alienation in the early 20th century.This case laminate collector's edition includes a Victorian-inspired dust jacket.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    118,95 kr.

    En los tupidos bosques de pinos de una región montañosa española, un grupo de milicianos se dispone a volar un puente esencial para la ofensiva republicana. La acción cortará las comunicaciones por carretera y evitará el contraataque de los sublevados. Robert Jordan, un joven voluntario de las Brigadas Internacionales, es el dinamitero experto que ha vendido a España para volar dicho puente. Allí, en las montañas, descubrirá los peligros y la intensa camaradería de la guerra. Y d escubrirá también a María, una joven rescatada por los milicianos de manos de las fuerzas sublevadas de Franco, de la cual se enamorará enseguida. Mientras atraviesan las montañas, Robert Jordan irá conociendo lo sucedido durante los primeros días de la sublevación hasta el momento en que se precipite la tragedia colectiva en que están inmersos. "Por quién doblan las campanas es la novela que le dio a Hemingway lo mejor y lo peor que puede recibir alguien con mentalidad de atleta: un triunfo insuperable." Juan Villoro ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Nobel Prize Winner 1954 In 1937 Ernest Hemingway traveled to Spain to cover the civil war there for the North American Newspaper Alliance. Three years later he completed the greatest novel to emerge from "the good fight," For Whom the Bell Tolls. The story of Robert Jordan, a young American in the International Brigades attached to an antifascist guerilla unit in the mountains of Spain, it tells of loyalty and courage, love and defeat, and the tragic death of an ideal. In his portrayal of Jordan's love for the beautiful Maria and his superb account of El Sordo's last stand, in his brilliant travesty of La Pasionaria and his unwillingness to believe in blind faith, Hemingway surpasses his achievement in The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to Arms to create a work at once rare and beautiful, strong and brutal, compassionate, moving, and wise. "If the function of a writer is to reveal reality," Maxwell Perkins wrote Hemingway after reading the manuscript, "no one ever so completely performed it." Greater in power, broader in scope, and more intensely emotional than any of the author's previous works, it stands as one of the best war novels of all time.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    124,95 kr.

    In Ernest Hemingway's masterful novella, The Old Man and the Sea, join Santiago, an aging Cuban fisherman, on his epic struggle against nature's furyand his own inner demons. A timeless tale of resilience, determination, and the enduring bond between man and the sea.

  • - Navigate Life's Challenges and Thrive in Every Aspect
    af Ernest Hemingway
    172,95 kr.

    Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation? In "The Life You Deserve," you'll find the roadmap to crafting the life you've always dreamed of-a life filled with purpose, happiness, and boundless potential.This empowering book takes you on a quest to uncover your deepest desires, set clear and achievable goals, and navigate the challenges that life presents with resilience and positivity. Through a blend of research-backed insights, practical advice, and real-life stories of personal growth, you'll learn how to: - Cultivate self-awareness to understand your true passions and values.- Harness the power of goal setting to turn your dreams into actionable plans.- Overcome obstacles, doubts, and fears that may be holding you back.- Foster a positive mindset that empowers you to overcome challenges.- Take consistent and purposeful action to achieve your goals.- Nurture meaningful relationships and build a supportive network.- Achieve work-life balance and prioritize self-care.- Embrace change as a catalyst for growth.- Celebrate your successes and maintain a grateful outlook on life."The Life You Deserve" is not just a book; it's a guide to living your best life, authored by someone who has dedicated their life to personal development and helping others achieve their goals. Whether you're seeking to improve your career, relationships, well-being, or overall quality of life, this book provides the tools, inspiration, and motivation to transform your journey into a remarkable adventure.If you're ready to take control of your destiny, unlock your full potential, and create the life you truly deserve, then this book is your trusted companion on that transformative path. It's time to turn your dreams into reality and craft the life that has always been within your reach.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    107,95 - 117,95 kr.

    El viejo y el mar (The Old Man and the Sea) es una historia escrita por Ernest Hemingway en 1951 en Cuba y publicada en 1952. Fue su último trabajo de ficción importante publicado en vida y posiblemente su obra más famosa. Es considerada como uno de los trabajos de ficción más destacados del siglo XX, reafirmando el valor literario de la obra de Hemingway. La novela ha sido llevada al cine en numerosas ocasiones. Recibió el Premio Pulitzer y el Nobel de Literatura al año siguiente por su obra completa. La obra se desarrolla en La Habana -Cuba- y su protagonista se llama Santiago, aunque todo el mundo lo llama El viejo. Santiago es un pescador ya envejecido que lleva 84 días sin conseguir pesca alguna. Un buen día, decide salir solo de pesca y consigue atrapar un enorme pez espada con el que tendrá que luchar puesto que éste lo arrastra mar adentro debido a su gran tamaño. La lucha con el pez dura tres días, en los que Santiago recuerda su vida pasada, recuerda cuando la suerte estaba de su lado y conseguía una gran pesca. También, recuerda a Manolín, un muchacho que le había estado ayudando hasta hace poco a pescar. Manolín ya no le ayudaba porque sus padres le alejaron de él por su mala racha en el oficio.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    212,95 kr.

    "The Sun Also Rises" is Ernest Hemingway's quintessential exploration of the post-World War I generation's disillusionment, love, and existential searching set against the vibrant backdrop of 1920s Europe.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    93,95 kr.

    A timeless exploration of post-World War I disillusionment and the "Lost Generation." Set in Paris and Spain, the novel follows a group of expatriates navigating love, desire, and existential uncertainty. Hemingway's spare prose captures the characters' emotional turmoil and the societal shifts of the era. A quintessential work of modernist literature, this novel delves into themes of identity, purpose, and the search for meaning in a changing world. A masterpiece of love, loss, and resilience Authentic portrayal of disillusionment and existential angst. Historical post-World War I fiction. A timeless classic that captures the characters' emotional turmoil and the societal shifts of the era. Explores themes such as masculinity, identity, and love. A perfect gift for literature enthusiasts.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    102,95 kr.

    ""Three Stories & Ten Poems"" is a collection of early works by Ernest Hemingway, first published in 1923. This compilation includes three short stories and ten poems that reflect the author's emerging style and thematic concerns. Hemingway's succinct prose and poignant storytelling are evident in the stories, capturing themes of disillusionment, love, and the harsh realities of life. The poems, though less known compared to his prose, showcase Hemingway's poetic sensibility, exploring themes of nature, war, and human emotions with a concise and evocative voice. ""Three Stories & Ten Poems"" provides readers with a glimpse into the formative years of Hemingway's literary career, offering an early insight into the themes and writing style that would later define his renowned body of work.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    167,95 kr.

    ""The Sun Also Rises"" is a classic novel by Ernest Hemingway that paints a poignant portrait of the post-World War I generation. Set primarily in the vibrant ambiance of 1920s Paris and the enchanting landscapes of Spain, the narrative follows a group of disillusioned expatriates as they grapple with the aimlessness and disillusionment pervading their lives. Amidst the backdrop of bullfighting, parties, and encounters with love and loss, the characters navigate a world haunted by the scars of war, grappling with the disintegration of traditional values and the search for meaningful existence. Hemingway's spare and evocative prose captures the emotional complexities and existential crises of the Lost Generation, exploring themes of love, masculinity, and the pursuit of authenticity. ""The Sun Also Rises"" remains a timeless meditation on the human condition, etching an indelible mark on the landscape of modern literature.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    182,95 kr.

    Classic short stories from a master of American fiction exploring relationships, war, and sportsmanship. Men Without Women (1927) is the second collection of short stories written by American author Ernest Hemingway. The volume consists of 14 stories, 10 of which had been previously published in magazines. The subject matter of the stories in the collection includes bullfighting, prizefighting, infidelity, divorce, and death. "The Killers", "Hills Like White Elephants", and "In Another Country" are considered to be among Hemingway's better works. Stories included are: "The Undefeated", "In Another Country", "Hills Like White Elephants", "The Killers", "Che Ti Dice La Patria?","Fifty Grand", "A Simple Enquiry", "Ten Indians", "A Canary for One", "An Alpine Idyll", "A Pursuit Race", "Today is Friday", "Banal Story", "Now I Lay Me".

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    222,95 kr.

    The Sun Also Rises is a 1926 novel by American writer Ernest Hemingway, that portrays American and British expatriates who travel from Paris to the Festival of San Fermín in Pamplona to watch the running of the bulls and the bullfights.The novel is a roman à clef: the characters are based on real people in Hemingway's circle, and the action is based on real events, particularly Hemingway's life in Paris in the 1920s and a trip to Spain in 1925 for the Pamplona festival and fishing in the Pyrenees.The Sun Also Rises established Hemingway as one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    357,95 kr.


  • af Ernest Hemingway
    87,95 kr.

    The classic by Ernest Hemingway, translated into Chinese.

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