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  • af Faruq Zamani
    223,95 kr.

    Leonard Woolley, an archaeologist from Britain, returned to Iraq in 1922, almost 4,000 years after the nuclear ancient catastrophe, to uncover ancient Mesopotamia.An imposing ziggurat standing out in the desert plain drew him to the nearby site of Tell el-Muqayyar, where he began excavating. As old walls, artifacts, and inscriptions were unearthed, he realized he was digging up ancient Ur-Ur of the Chaldees.Twelve years of his work were conducted through a joint expedition between the British Museum in London and the University of Pennsylvania Museum in Philadelphia. For those institutions, Sir Leonard Woolley found some of the most dramatic objects and artifacts in Ur. However, what he discovered may well surpass anything ever exhibited before.In the course of removing layers of soil deposited by desert sands, the elements, and time from the ruins, the ancient city began to take shape-here were the walls, there were the harbors and canals, the residential quarters, the palace, and the Tummal, the elevated sacred area. Woolley's discovery of a cemetery dated thousands of years ago included unique 'royal' tombs discovered by digging at its edge is the find of the century.The excavations in the city's residential sections established that Ur's inhabitants followed the Sumerian custom of burying their dead right under the floors of their dwellings, where families continued to live. It was thus highly unusual to find a cemetery with as many as 1,800 graves in it. From predynastic (before Kingship began) to Seleucid times, they were concentrated mainly within the sacred precinct. The graves were buried on top of each other, burials were interred in another grave, and some graves were apparently re-interred. To date graves more accurately, Woolley's workers dug trenches of up to fifty feet deep to cut through layers.

  • af Faruq Zamani
    518,95 kr.

  • af Faruq Zamani
    223,95 kr.

    The earliest history of Babylon is little known. Among the many cities flourishing in southern Iraq, the town first appears in texts in the third millennium BC. Until the last century of the third millennium, few references existed to Babylon; however, offerings made to the temple of Enlil in Nippur during this period (when Babylon was part of an empire ruled by Ur) suggest a city already of some size and wealth. From relative obscurity in the middle of the 18th century BC, Babylon emerged as the political center of southern Mesopotamia. It held this position almost continuously for the next 1,400 years.Near Baghdad, around 85 kilometers south of the Euphrates, is the site of Babylon. The area is located north of the great alluvial plain of southern Iraq, a landscape of silts deposited by the Tigris and Euphrates into a vast rift created by tectonic movement as the Arabian plate slips beneath the neighboring Eurasian plate. In addition to defining modern-day Iraq's northern and eastern boundaries, the Taurus and Zagros mountain ranges were created by the same collision. As a result, Mesopotamia encompasses several environmental zones, but Babylon itself is found in the flat alluvial plain in southern Iraq. In addition to containing one of the world's earliest cities3, the table is subject to several significant environmental constraints that have shaped human settlements since long before the foundation of Babylon. Rain-fed agriculture is beyond the reach of this area due to its high temperatures. Despite the little precipitation this part of Iraq receives, it is uneven and unreliable: the bulk of a season's rain can fall in a single downpour, damaging crops as severe droughts.4 Human habitation is dependent on the two great rivers, and the permanent settlement requires irrigation. Upon establishment, However, on the levees of canals, such a system could benefit from the rich alluvial soils and support highly productive agriculture. In explaining the region's early urbanization and accompanying economic development, many contend that the region's ability to produce large agricultural surpluses played a significant role, though in what way is hotly contested. Herodotus was undoubtedly impressed. As a grain-bearing country, Assyria [meaning Mesopotamia] is the richest globally, he writes in his description of the fifth century BC. Figs, grapes, olives, or other fruit trees are not grown there, but the grain fields tend to produce crops two hundredfold and three hundredfold in exceptional years. At least three inches wide are the wheat and barley blades. Millet and sesame grow to an astonishing size, as I know, but those who have not visited Babylon have refused to believe even what I have already described as its fertility. Sesame oil is the only oil they use, and date palms, most of which bear fruit, provide them with food, wine, and honey.

  • af Faruq Zamani
    168,95 kr.

  • af Faruq Zamani
    238,95 kr.

    Mankind lived in Paradise for a long time, , God said to unnamed colleagues: "Is it possible that he may also take from the Tree of Life and live forever?" Having eaten the Fruit of Knowledge, but forbidden from reaching for the Fruit of the Tree of Life. Following Adam's eating of the Fruit of Knowledge..Since then, man has sought Immortality withheld by God. Yet throughout the millennia, it has gone unnoticed that while concerning Yahweh's Tree of Knowing: Adam became a part of us after eating it, no such statement has been made regarding "From the fruit of the Tree of Life, we can live forever..Was it because the promise of "Immortality," made to Mankind as a distinctive attribute of the gods, was nothing more than a grand illusion?A king of Uruk, Gilgamesh, son of Ninsun and Lugalbanda, was the first to try and find out.While the tales of Enmerkar and Lugalbanda are enchanting and intriguing, the post-Diluvial Luga has to be one of the most compelling! Gilgamesh was the demigod who ruled Uruk from 2750 to 2600 BCE and had the longest and most detailed records. Throughout Gilgamesh's long Epic, he searches for Immortality, believing that since two-thirds of him are gods and one-third are humans, he should not "peer over the wall" as a mortal.Genealogically, he was more than just a demigod, more than a fifty-fifty god. King Lugalbanda, son of Lnanna and High Priest of Uruk, possessed the "divine" determinative. Gilgamesh was described as having the "essence of Ninurta" (Enlil's foremost son) because of his mother, Nin. Sun ('Lady Who Irrigates') was the daughter of Ninurta and his spouse, Batu. Anu's youngest daughter Bau was of a noble family.

  • af Faruq Zamani
    218,95 kr.

    Igigi unrest leading to the Zu Incident was just a harbinger of other troubles to come-troubles inherent in long-term interplanetary missions, and female companionship was one of the significant problems.The problem was less acute with the Earth-stationed Anunnaki since they contained females from the first landing party (some named and assigned tasks in Enki's autobiography). In addition, a group of nurses led by their daughter of Anu was sent to Earth. She was known as Ninmah (= 'Mighty Lady'); her role on Earth was that of Sud (= 'One who gives succor'): she served as the Anunnaki's Chief Medical Officer and was crucial to any subsequent events.Its ancient tide echoed its opening words: Inuma ilu awilum ('When the gods became like men'): however, there was also trouble among the Earth-based Anunnaki, especially those assigned to mining duties. Several unintended consequences resulted from the Anunnaki's Mutiny in the Atra-Hasis Epic, which tells of an uprising by the Anunnaki who refused to work in the gold mines.While the gods, like men, bore the toil and work. There was great toil for the gods, and the result was heavy; there was much distress.The very Akkadian term, Awilu, means 'employee,' rather than simply 'Man,' as it is usually translated. In the Epic tale, the man takes over the work of the gods. Despite the absence of men on Earth, the gods toiled as though they were men. Enki and Ninmah achieved that feat, but it was not a story with a happy ending, as far as Enlil was concerned.

  • af Faruq Zamani
    218,95 kr.

  • af Faruq Zamani
    218,95 kr.

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