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Bøger af Felipe Tudela

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  • - The New Formula for a Prosperous Global Economy
    af Felipe Tudela
    208,95 kr.

    Could a Dramatic Shift In The Way The World Economy is Structured Make You Rich? How A Smarter Free Economics System Could Enrich All Individuals While Bringing Great Wealth to Nations. "Billions of people could have better lives if Tudela's principles were implemented." -Michael Strong, co-founder of Conscious Capitalism, lead author of Be the Solution: How Entrepreneurs and Conscious Capitalists Can Solve All the World's Problems. "An essential book that every politician and every businessman should read as soon as possible. It is an instant classic." -Guy Milliere, Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute, New York. If you have ever asked yourself why some countries are wealthier than others, you'll find the final answer in A More Prosperous Planet, The New Formula for a Prosperous Global Economy. This book explains the simple formula along with the three vital elements that must be present for a nation to become wealthy, and why they must also be present for you to attain prosperity. Throughout the book, the reader is treated to a grand historical analysis where cause and effect are easy to spot. The result is an eye opening discovery that creates a profound understanding of the meaning of freedom, the current conditions of societies, and the path to more enlightened and robust economies. Readers will learn about: -The hidden driver of economic history and social revolutions: the force behind personal and entrepreneurial wealth creation success. -Why third-world countries, contrary to appearances, are today more backwards than 17th century England, and what could easily be done- to put them on the road to prosperity, growth, and success. -Why, perhaps most shockingly, a growing gap between the rich and the poor is needed for a country or an individual to grow and prosper. -What politicians don't want people to know about elections, votes, and the political process, and how it affects you. -The IMF, the World Bank, and the death of money: what should be known about them to protect and increase individual wealth. -Bitcoin, digital currencies, and the new world economics. -The simple formula for the wealth of countries and for your own prosperity.

  • af Felipe Tudela
    145,95 kr.

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