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Bøger af Frances Fyfield

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  • af Frances Fyfield
    64,94 - 93,95 kr.

    Pip Carlton er en respekteret farmaceut og vellidt i sit lokalsamfund. Da hans kone Margaret pludseligt dør i sin søvn, vendes Pips verden på hovedet. Med støtte fra sin assistent kæmper han for at få livet til at hænge sammen igen. Han ignorerer rygterne i byen om Margarets mystiske død og er lettet over, at politiet affejer sladderen. Men Helen West, byens advokat og anklager, nægter at tro, at Margaret blot sov stille ind. Hendes partner, kriminalinspektør Geoffrey Bailey, deler ikke hendes mistanke og efter fundet af en ikke-detoneret bombe, får han travlt med at evakuere byens borgere. Men midt i al kaosset forbereder en ensom mand at myrde igen...Krimiserie om anklageren Helen WestFrances Fyfield er et pseudonym for Frances Hegarty. Hegarty (f. 1948) er en britisk forfatter og jurist og har arbejdet som anklager for Metropolitan Police i London og senere som landsanklager i England og Wales. Hendes år i politiet inspirerede hende til at skrive kriminalromaner og siden 1988 har hun udgivet flere end tyve bøger. Mest kendt er serien om anklageren Helen West, der udkom i seks bind i perioden 1988 - 1996. Serien blev filmatiseret og sendt som serie på BBC i 2002. Hegartys bøger er oversat til 14 sprog, og hun har vundet adskillige priser for sit forfatterskab.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    133,95 kr.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    163,95 kr.

    There's no place like home.When Sarah Fortune inherits an apartment from one of her many lovers, she moves in and begins to receive letters from someone claiming the apartment belongs to him instead. At first she believes the letters to be harmless, but as they grow more threatening, she can no longer ignore the fact that she is being hounded by a psychopath. Then Sarah meets Henry, a timid, lonely man whose racketeering landlord is trying to force him to break his lease: litter in the shared hallway, continual noise, poison set out for his cat. Confident that they'll be able to deal with one another's problems, Sarah suggests a house swap. But it soon becomes clear that the two acquaintances are connected by far more than shared frustration, and they will discover that "home" may not be as safe as they thought ...Fans of Patricia Highsmith will devour this domestic twist on Strangers on a Train.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    64,94 kr.

    Helen West, der er forhenværende statsadvokat, og hendes samlever, Geoffrey, der er kriminalinspektør, flytter sammen til den lille landsby Branston i Essex. De har ikke boet der ret længe, da man finder et nøgent kvindelig i skoven. Helens venindes mand bliver mistænkt for mordet, og hun kan ikke lade være med at blande sig i efterforskningen. Det kommer til at sætte hendes og Geoffreys forhold på en hård prøve ..."Ildprøven" udkom første gang på dansk i 1994.Frances Fyfield er pseudonym for den britiske advokat og krimiforfatter Frances Hegarty (f. 1948). Efter mange år som statsanklager debuterede hun i 1988 med første bind i krimiserien om Helen West. Hendes bøger er oversat til flere sprog, og hun har modtaget adskillige priser for sit arbejde.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    74,95 kr.

    Helen West har brug for at få styr på sit liv, og hun beslutter, at første skridt må være at få ryddet op i sit hjem med hjælp fra sin rengøringsdame Cath. Cath er fanget i et voldeligt ægteskab og Helen, der som anklager dagligt konfronteres med voldsramte kvinder, finder det lidt for let at vende det blinde øje til Caths situation. Men da sandheden om Caths ungdom og deltaljer om mordet på hendes bror dukker op til overfladen, begynder Helens private og professionelle liv at smelte sammen.Krimiserie om anklageren Helen WestFrances Fyfield er et pseudonym for Frances Hegarty. Hegarty (f. 1948) er en britisk forfatter og jurist og har arbejdet som anklager for Metropolitan Police i London og senere som landsanklager i England og Wales. Hendes år i politiet inspirerede hende til at skrive kriminalromaner og siden 1988 har hun udgivet flere end tyve bøger. Mest kendt er serien om anklageren Helen West, der udkom i seks bind i perioden 1988 - 1996. Serien blev filmatiseret og sendt som serie på BBC i 2002. Hegartys bøger er oversat til 14 sprog, og hun har vundet adskillige priser for sit forfatterskab.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    75,95 - 94,95 kr.

    Hr. Logo er en kendt person hos politiet og anklagemyndigheden. Ikke sjældent bliver han sigtet og anklaget for overfald, men bliver hver gang frikendt på grund af manglende beviser. Han er en frustrerende bekendt for anklager Helen West, der hellere end gerne ser ham bag tremmer, men endnu en gang har måttet se domstolen lade ham gå. Hr. Logo er ikke den eneste frustration i Helens liv. Det romantiske forhold til kriminalinspektør Geoffrey Bailey er gået i hårdknude, og hun har modtaget en reprimande på sit arbejde. Hvad Helen ikke ved er, at disse begivenheder ikke blot er irriterende omstændigheder for i hende. De skubber også Hr. Logos vrede og mørke lidenskab til dødelige ekstremer. Krimiserie om anklageren Helen WestFrances Fyfield er et pseudonym for Frances Hegarty. Hegarty (f. 1948) er en britisk forfatter og jurist og har arbejdet som anklager for Metropolitan Police i London og senere som landsanklager i England og Wales. Hendes år i politiet inspirerede hende til at skrive kriminalromaner, og siden 1988 har hun udgivet flere end tyve bøger. Mest kendt er serien om anklageren Helen West, der udkom i seks bind i perioden 1988 - 1996. Serien blev filmatiseret og sendt som serie på BBC i 2002. Hegartys bøger er oversat til 14 sprog, og hun har vundet adskillige priser for sit forfatterskab.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    133,95 kr.

    An unforgettable psychological thriller reminiscent of Emma Donoghue's Room and V. C. Andrews' Flowers in the AtticKatherine and David have the perfect life: they are beautiful, rich, debonair, and gifted. But cracks begin to form beneath the smooth exterior when David suspects that one of their two children is not his. There is no other reason why chubby, petulant Jeanetta does not conform to David's standards of perfection and order.Soon, David's mood swings become more violent and irrational. In an attempt to exercise some control over his world, he sends Jeanetta to the playroom . . . and locks the door. With harrowing precision, Fyfield tells the story of a family's descent into madness.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    64,94 - 94,95 kr.

    På overfladen ser Sarah Fortunes liv perfekt ud. Hun er en smuk og succesfuld karrierekvinde med job i et prestigefyldt advokatfirma. Men de færreste ved, at hun er ved at kede sig ihjel. Efter sin utro mands død afhjælper hun kedsomheden ved at holde ensomme mænd med intimt selskab om aftenen. Denne ordning passer Sarah fortræffeligt, lige indtil hun en dag bliver indblandet i en alvorlig sag om fundet af et lig på den engelske kyst. Krimiserie om den smukke og succesfulde advokat Sarah FortuneFrances Fyfield er et pseudonym for Frances Hegarty. Hegarty (f. 1948) er en britisk forfatter og jurist og har arbejdet som anklager for Metropolitan Police i London og senere som landsanklager i England og Wales. Hendes år i politiet inspirerede hende til at skrive kriminalromaner og siden 1988 har hun udgivet flere end tyve bøger. Mest kendt er serien om anklageren Helen West, der udkom i seks bind i perioden 1988 - 1996. Serien blev filmatiseret og sendt som serie på BBC i 2002. Hegartys bøger er oversat til 14 sprog, og hun har vundet adskillige priser for sit forfatterskab.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    75,95 - 120,95 kr.

    Den midaldrende, velhavende Eileen Cartwright er en kvinde der ved, hvordan man får det, man vil have. Og nu vil hun have sin advokat. Der er bare et enkelt problem. Advokaten er en gift mand. Eileen begynder at udtænke en plan for, hvordan hun skaffer konen af vejen og til at hjælpe sig får hun en amatør til at udføre det beskidte arbejde. Han bliver hurtigt fanget af politiet, og kriminalinspektør Geoffrey Bailey og anklager Helen West mistænker med det samme Eileen for at stå bag, men hun har tilsyneladende planlagt mordet på konen så godt, at det er svært for dem at bevise hendes skyld. Krimiserie om anklageren Helen WestFrances Fyfield er et pseudonym for Frances Hegarty. Hegarty (f. 1948) er en britisk forfatter og jurist og har arbejdet som anklager for Metropolitan Police i London og senere som landsanklager i England og Wales. Hendes år i politiet inspirerede hende til at skrive kriminalromaner og siden 1988 har hun udgivet flere end tyve bøger. Mest kendt er serien om anklageren Helen West, der udkom i seks bind i perioden 1988 - 1996. Serien blev filmatiseret og sendt som serie på BBC i 2002. Hegartys bøger er oversat til 14 sprog og hun har vundet adskillige priser for sit forfatterskab.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    77,95 kr.

    Pip Carlton is a devoted husband and a highly respected pharmacist, cherished by his loyal customers in Herringbone Parade. When his wife dies in her sleep, without cause and without pain, he is distraught. Comforted by his caring assistant, Pip struggles to take up the threads of his life, ignoring the rumours about Margaret's death, relieved that the police are content to shrug off the mystery.But Helen West, Solicitor and Crown prosecutor, fresh from hospital herself, refuses to believe that Margaret simply slipped into her final slumber. Others are more difficult to convince, including Helen's awkward and pragmatic partner, Detective Superintendent Geoffrey Bailey, and the only people who share her suspicions are a confused and lonely boy and the drug addict who dies so mysteriously in Geoffrey's arms.Memories in the Parade are inflamed by the discovery of an unexploded bomb and in the midst of the evacuation of the streets, one lone man, armed with strange love potions prepares to murder again.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    98,95 kr.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    82,95 kr.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    82,95 kr.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    77,95 kr.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    77,95 kr.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    77,95 kr.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    82,95 kr.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    139,95 kr.

    The further adventures of Di Porteous and Sarah Fortune from the much-acclaimed Gold Digger, Casting the First Stone and A Painted Smile

  • af Frances Fyfield
    199,95 kr.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    108,95 kr.

    A year after her husband's death, young widow and art collector Diana Porteous listlessly roams the beach near her home. Her friend and agent Saul takes action, introducing her to his stylish, anarchic sister, Sarah, to pep her up.They plan that Di should rediscover her talents as a thief, as well as art expert, to recover stolen paintings - and begin with Steven, the neighbour's son, who is amassing works of art in a strange building in London, including work stolen from his mother.But if Di is interested in his illicit treasures, he is equally fascinated by hers - and in the secrets still held in that house by the sea. . .

  • af Frances Fyfield
    98,95 kr.

    Sarah Fortune is bored to death - but few know, and less would guess, how the beautiful and successful redheaded solicitor escapes the stultifying tedium of her career. Since the death of her unfaithful husband, Sarah has found a practical way of transforming the lives of lonely men that also suits her warm and defiant nature.Kind, witty and obese lawyer Malcolm Cook is the first to benefit from Sarah's generosity - he shrugs off years of weight and loneliness. But then she meets Charles Tysall, an important client of the firm, whose charisma and enormous wealth conceal an implacable will and a misogynist's mad obsession.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    108,95 kr.

    Douglas Petty is a man who enjoys his reputation as an unreconstructed male with a penchant for too much wine and too many women. Inheriting his father's eccentric estate and dog sanctuary quietened him a little, and marriage to Amy a little more. Even so, it seemed out of character for him a sue a tabloid newspaper for libel when it printed a scurrilous story about him.His lawyers told him he had a good chance of winning the case, mainly because Amy's testimony would clearly refute the story. But then Amy is involved in a horrendous train crash and while the authorities assume she died in the resulting fire, there is no body to prove it. And if she wasn't killed why has she disappeared and, with no money and no other family, where is she?In a story of mesmerising suspense, Amy slowly reveals why she cannot return to her beloved home, and why she can never escape from the lies she was told as a child.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    128,95 kr.

    Isabel Burley returns to her childhood home to look after her mother, Serena, who is suffering from Alzheimer's disease. There she finds a bemused, angry, charming old woman, prey to the threats of failing memory, the inability to run her own home - and the local villains who are eyeing her isolated home.As the villains inexorably move in, Isabel finds herself struggling with another threat from within. She thinks she has gone home to do some good, but is she really looking for the love she lacked as a child? Alienated by her mother's growing eccentricity, the two women become locked in a relationship of love, hatred and simmering violence, with roots that go deep into the past.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    108,95 kr.

    Beautiful, volatile Jessica has long since burned her boats in the village by the sea where she was born. She longs to return, but first she needs to secure the love of the powerful man who has spurned her obsessive adoration.Sarah Fortune, her older, cynical friend, is keen to distance herself from her usual haunts and welcomes the chance to leave London in the hope that she might she be able to effect a reconciliation between Jessica and her mother. Pennyvale both charms and distracts her with hints of scandal and buried secrets, but it soon begins to disquiet her as cracks of distrust and jealousy show in the polite fa ades. Sarah is excited when Jessica tells her she is coming home, but she never arrives. Sarah's instinctive knowledge of Jessica leads her back to the capital, fearful of what she will find. What she discovers reveals a truth more chilling than she could have imagined, but she has to return to Pennyvale to fully understand how Jessica was finally brought home, and why...

  • af Frances Fyfield
    108,95 kr.

    Elisabeth is a picture restorer. This gives her the solitude and independence she needs - living and working alone in her flat. Despite her skills and reliability, Elizabeth undercharges for her work - valuing the worth of the paintings rather more than herself. Her ambitions are modest: beauty to look upon, unintrusive friendships and complete privacy. But when a mysterious and obviously wealthy man commissions her to restore his fabulous collection, an uncharacteristic combination of curiosity and financial need prompts her to accept his offer. Elisabeth soon realises her error, as the past and the present combine to make privacy her nemesis. As she becomes hostage to her patron, her lover and her friend realise they know nothing about her, or where she might be.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    128,95 kr.

    When Theo Calvert was driven out of the family home by his wife's cloying piety he had determined that his daughters would follow him. But in the face of the law, the girls' health and his wife's intransigence, he failed. But, if he lost the battle for their souls in life, he would make amends in death, craftily shaping his will to benefit them so long as they did not follow their mother's example. His daughters felt they had lost either way, especially Anna. She had promiscuously turned her back on her mother's teachings, but watched in horror as her sister Therese followed those same lessons and naively accepted the faith which Anna was certain had ruined their lives. In her rebellion against such blind belief she at first doesn't notice the worm in their midst when the convent where Therese has settled employs a new gardener. And when she does wake up to the danger she realises she may have left it too late to save their legacy and their lives.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    98,95 kr.

    Sarah Fortune inherited her flat from one of her many lovers. Now a son has appeared claiming it is his, morally if not strictly legally, and he is using illegal means to persuade Sarah to give it up: abusive letters threatening her personal harm. As it becomes more difficult to ignore these missives, Sarah comes across Henry, a timid, lonely man whose upstairs neighbour is using every trick in the racketeer landlord's book to make him leave his home: litter in the shared hallway, continual noise, poison set out for his cat. It seems that if they swap accommodation for a while they may be able to deal with each other's problems. But these two strangers have unknown connections in common: a well-meaning widow, a struggling therapist, and a man who sets fire to other people's property for a living . . .

  • af Frances Fyfield
    108,95 kr.

    Rachel Doe is a shy accountant at a low ebb in life when she meets charismatic Ivy Schneider, nee Wiseman, at her evening class and her life changes for the better.Ivy is her polar opposite: strong, six years her senior and the romantic survivor of drug addiction, homelessness and the death of her child. Ivy does menial shift work, beholden to no one, and she inspires life; as do her farming parents, with their ramshackle house and its swan-filled lake, the lake where Ivy's daughter drowned. As Rachel grows closer to them all she learns how Ivy came to be married to Carl, the son of a WWII prisoner, as well as the true nature of that marriage to a bullying and ambitious lawyer who has become a judge and who denies her access to her surviving child. Rachel wants justice for Ivy, but Ivy has another agenda and Rachel's na ve sense of fair play is no match for the manipulative qualities of the Wisemen women.

  • af Frances Fyfield
    98,95 kr.

    Someone has stolen the only person John Smith has ever loved - his twin brother Cannon. Johnny will stop at nothing to get him back but Cannon doesn't feel the same way any more. He's married now, and he loves his wife. In a desperate effort to avoid Johnny's destructive brotherly affections, Cannon enlists the aid of Sarah Fortune, a lawyer who has turned helping the needy and eccentric into something of an art form.Sarah hides Cannon's wife for him, but she cannot quite trust Cannon's judgement. Is Johnny really intent on inflicting unendurable pain on the woman who has hi-jacked his brother's affections? Sarah doesn't really believe in evil, and it is that lack of faith which makes her shockingly vulnerable ...

  • af Frances Fyfield
    118,95 - 153,95 kr.

    The warmth of him, the glorious warmth, was fading by the minute.In a huge old school house by the sea, full of precious paintings, Thomas Porteous is dying. His much younger wife Di holds him and mourns. She knows that soon, despite her being his sole inheritor, Thomas's relatives will descend on the collection that was the passion of both of their lives.And descend they do. The two needy daughters, who were poisoned against their father by their defecting mother, are now poison themselves. With the help of an unlikely collection of loners and eccentrics, Di sets a trap to hoist the family members on their own greed. And on the night they are lured to the house, Di will be ready.Or will she?

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