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Bøger af François Sauvageot

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  • af François Sauvageot
    483,95 kr.

    The obligation or duty of confidentiality may be defined as the obligation imposed on a person, either by law or by contract, to refrain from disclosing or communicating certain sensitive information (technical, commercial, financial, or even the existence of negotiations or a contractual relationship), precisely defined and identified as such, to the public or to third parties, on pain of incurring various penalties (mainly civil and criminal). The obligation of confidentiality can therefore be analysed as an obligation not to do or to abstain (not to divulge, reveal or communicate sensitive information), of result, most often unenforceable and whose non-fulfilment is therefore mainly resolved in damages. The purpose of this study is to present the sources and the regime of the obligation of confidentiality (§1), its main debtors within the company in business law (§2), the sanctions attached to its breach (§3) as well as the new regime and the contributions of the law n°2018-670 of 30 July 2018 on the protection of business secrecy (§4).

  • af François Sauvageot
    523,95 kr.

    The purpose of this study is to set out the system and procedure for authorization of sureties, endorsements and guarantees in public limited companies, and the prospects for its future development. It covers the exceptions to the banking monopoly (1), the law applicable to the authorization procedure (2), the scope of the authorization required under article L 225-35 of the French Commercial Code (3), the guarantees subject to authorization and their classification (4), the procedures for granting authorization (5), then the procedure and conditions for granting Board authorization (6), and finally the sanctions applicable in the absence of authorization (7). In addition, the possibility of determining the amount of the guarantee by reference to the amount of the underlying commitment guaranteed, the guarantee ceiling and/or any liability limitation clause stipulated therein will be discussed (8). Lastly, the cases in which a clause limiting or eluting liability may be disregarded will be recalled, as will the possible impact of such disregard on the validity of the authorization granted (9).

  • af François Sauvageot
    221,95 kr.

    Cet ouvrage rassemble 29 petits problèmes et un problème qui ont été posés au concours d'entrée (à dominante mathématique) à l'École Normale Supérieure de Cachan. Les énoncés sont corrigés de manière très détaillée et surtout indépendemment les uns des autres. Les corrections sont suivies de commentaires qui les éclairent, les prolongent ou les mettent en liaison avec d'autres. Il ne s'agit ni véritablement d'exercices, ni de cours, mais plutôt de mathématique organisée suivant des thèmes, avec une réelle volonté de les présenter de facon transverse aux cours dogmatique: les problèmes font en général appel simultanément à des connaissances variées. Ce livre sera bien évidemment utile aux étudiants et enseignants des classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles, mais il est aussi à recommander aux étudiants préparant les concours du de l'agrégation de mathématiques tant pour les épreuves écrites que pour les épreuves orales.

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