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Bøger af Frede Blaabjerg

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    af Anders Borup, Erik Holm, Frede Blaabjerg, mfl.
    587,95 kr.

    Pumper indgår i mange sammenhænge og mange teknikere arbejder med pumper, det være sig inden for projektering, drift eller vedligehold af pumpeanlæg. Pumpe Ståbi henvender sig netop til dem.I Pumpe Ståbi kan man læse om de basale emner, f.eks. væskestrømning, pumpetyper mv., og man kan bruge bogen når man skal dimensionere rør og tætninger. Beslægtede emner, f.eks. el-motorer, måleteknik og korrosion, behandles indgående.Indhold:Matematik, statistik og økonomiEnhederVæskers fysiske egenskaberVæskestrømningCentrifugalpumperFortrængningspumper (positive pumper)Andre pumpetyperAkseltætningerTrykstød i rørledningerArmaturerPumpestationerRørledningerEl-motorer og styringMåleteknikKorrosion og materialerVedligehold af pumpesystemerKøb af pumperInstallation af pumperEksempler på anvendelse af centrifugalpumperOversigt over normer for centrifugalpumperGrafiske symboler for pumper og ventiler

  • af Frede Blaabjerg
    1.264,95 kr.

    Rising shares of renewable energy are needed to stave off catastrophic climate change, but also bring about the challenge of intermittency, jeopardizing power quality. Instead of large central generation units, many distributed generators and loads need to be managed in order to integrate renewable energy with power systems. Artificial intelligence (AI) can meet this challenge with adaptive control and demand side management. When managing distributed and changing network components, AI can give control computers human-level performance, helping to solve key issues with intermittency, power quality and distributed generation and loads including EV. Use of AI for power systems has therefore become a research hotspot. This reference book systematically treats the applications of AI in power electronics and renewable energy systems. The book begins with an introduction to AI in power systems, then subsequent chapters cover the use of AI for electric machine fault diagnosis, for power electronic reliability, design, and control, in dual-active-bridge converters; AI for distribution network voltage control, signal stability control, and energy management of hybrid systems as well as for renewable energy systems with AI. The book ends with conclusions and an outlook for AI in power systems. Numerous worked examples throughout the text help readers understand the operating and controlling guidelines. Written by a team of well-known scientists and power system experts, AI for Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems is a valuable resource for researchers and PhD students, as well as experts in industry and utilities involved with electric power systems.

  • af Frede Blaabjerg & Dan M. Ionel
    610,95 kr.

    This book focuses on renewable generation technology and provides a detailed overview of the state-of-the-art technology today, while exploring possibilities for the future. Written by leading experts in the field of power electronics, this book covers a broad range of renewable energy topics such as fuel cells, wave energy, batteries, and their

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