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Bøger af Garth Nix

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  • af Garth Nix
    74,95 - 93,95 kr.

    På den anden dag brød intet igennem!Arthur er knap nok vendt hjem fra sit eventyr, før en ny dag truer. Hans familie rammes pludselig af gæld, og i hele hans verden går en økonomisk katastrofe i gang. Grumme Tirsdag og hans Groteske er på spil. Og Arthur må tilbage i Huset. Her venter der ham et mørkt eventyr. For han må gå den tunge vej ned i selve Den Grummes Grav …Syv dage, syv nøgler, syv dyder, syv synder – træd ind i en verden, der overgår al fantasi."Grumme Tirsdag" udkom første gang i 2007 og er anden del af syv i serien "Rigets Nøgler". Af forfatteren til den prisbelønnede Abhorsen-trilogi. Garth Nix (f. 1963) er en australsk ungdomsforfatter. Efter en kort karriere i australsk politik, tog han på en lang rejse i Europa. Da han kom tilbage besluttede han sig for at forfølge sin drøm om at leve af litteratur og har siden arbejdet både i forlagsbranchen og som populær fantasyforfatter. Udover en lang række bøger har han også skrevet scenarier til rollespilsfænomener, blandt andet Dungeons & Dragons.

  • af Garth Nix
    120,95 kr.

    BRUDT I TO, BEGRAVETGLEMT I JORDENS SKØDFOR AT LIGGE DER FOR EVIGTOG ØNSKE ALTINGS DØDSådan lyder sangen. Men den urgamle og dødsensfarlige kraft ligger ikke længere begravet under højen, og kun Lirael kan standse den. Hun og hendes ledsagere – Sam, Den Æreløse Hund og slaven Mogget. Kraften er fjende af alt Liv, og den skal stoppes, selvom Lirael ikke ved hvordan.Alt afhænger af Lirael. En tung, måske endda umulig, opgave for én, der indtil for nylig kun var bibliotekarassistent. Lirael må søge i både Livet og Døden efter en måde at bekæmpe ondskaben på. Før det er for sent …"Abhorsen" udkom første gang i 2006 og er tredje og sidste bind i Abhorsen-serien.Garth Nix (f. 1963) er en australsk ungdomsforfatter. Efter en kort karriere i australsk politik, tog han på en lang rejse i Europa. Da han kom tilbage besluttede han sig for at forfølge sin drøm om at leve af litteratur og har siden arbejdet både i forlagsbranchen og som populær fantasyforfatter. Udover en lang række bøger har han også skrevet scenarier til rollespilsfænomener, blandt andet Dungeons & Dragons.

  • af Garth Nix & Sean Williams
    93,95 kr.

    Siden tvillingeparret Jack og Jaide Shield flyttede til Portland, er der sket mange mærkelige ting for dem. Tvillingerne har opdaget deres egne magiske kræfter – og har set, hvor grueligt galt det kan gå, når de bruger dem. De har mødt katte, der kan tale, og mennesker med dybe, mørke hemmeligheder. Og de har indledt deres kamp mod en dødelig kraft, bedre kendt som Ondskaben.Men Jack og Jaide har ikke mødt Portlands særeste indbygger endnu. Det er et væsen, som kun kommer frem om natten, et uhyre, som overgår enhver menneskelig fantasi. Jaide og Jack har aldrig set det før ... men det kommer de til nu. Og når de gør, lurer ødelæggelse og ulykke lige i nærheden.Bogen udkom første gang i 2011 og er anden del af historien om Jaide og Jack. Kaostvillinger - Monsteret er andet bind i de anerkendte forfattere Garth Nix og Sean Williams hæsblæsende fantasyserie.Den australske forfatter Garth Nix (f. 1963) er kendt og elsket for sine fantasifulde universer. Han har vundet flere priser, blandt andet The Aurealis Award for bedste fantasyroman i 1995. Han er oversat til 28 sprog og ligger på bestsellerlisterne i flere lande. Nix står bag de store fantasyserier Det gamle rige (også kendt som Abhorsentrilogien) samt Rigets nøgler.Sean Williams (f. 1967) regnes ligesom Nix for en af Australiens mest originale science fiction- og fantasyforfattere. Han har vundet adskillige priser for sit forfatterskab, blandt andet The Aurealis Award for bedste novellesamling i 2007. Kaostvillinger er hans debut på dansk.

  • af Garth Nix & Sean Williams
    93,95 kr.

    ""Der er noget på vej op af havet," advarede han sin søster. "Noget rigtig stort." Jaide så ud. Til at starte med kunne hun ikke se noget, men så kom strålen fra fyrtårnet fejende forbi og oplyste kortvarigt en enorm, monstrøs form, der var ved at trække sig selv op af det frådende hav for at komme op ad klippen. Tredive meter lange tentakler blev fulgt af en enorm oval krop på størrelse med en fisketrawler."Tvillingeparret Jack og Jaide er to helt almindelige børn i en helt almindelig forstad. Da deres far en dag vender hjem fra en af sine mange forretningsrejser, rører de ved et tilfælde en mystisk genstand i hans kuffert. Pludselig er der noget efter dem. Noget ondt. Og fra den dag er intet, som det var engang. Børnene er nødt til at flytte hjem til deres mystiske bedstemor i den lille kystby Portland. Her går det op for dem, at de ikke er som alle andre. Deres familie tilhører en hemmelig orden, der beskytter vores verden mod en ældgammel ondskab, og de to tvillinger besidder utæmmede magiske kræfter. Dem får de brug for nu, for ondskaben er fulgt efter dem til den lille by."Kaostvillinger" udkom oprindeligt i 2011.Kaostvillinger er første bind i de anerkendte forfattere Garth Nix og Sean Williams hæsblæsende nye fantasyserie.Den australske forfatter Garth Nix (f. 1963) er kendt og elsket for sine fantasifulde universer. Han har vundet flere priser, blandt andet The Aurealis Award for bedste fantasyroman i 1995. Han er oversat til 28 sprog og ligger på bestsellerlisterne i flere lande. Nix står bag de store fantasyserier Det gamle rige (også kendt som Abhorsentrilogien) samt Rigets nøgler.Sean Williams (f. 1967) regnes ligesom Nix for en af Australiens mest originale science fiction- og fantasyforfattere. Han har vundet adskillige priser for sit forfatterskab, blandt andet The Aurealis Award for bedste novellesamling i 2007. Kaostvillinger er hans debut på dansk.

  • af Garth Nix
    218,95 kr.

  • af Garth Nix
    118,95 kr.

    There is often trouble of a mythical sort in Bath. The booksellers who police the Old World keep a careful watch there, particularly on the entity who inhabits the ancient hot spring. Yet this time it is not from Sulis Minerva that trouble starts. It comes from the discovery of a sorcerous map, leading left-handed bookseller Merlin into great danger. A desperate rescue is attempted by his sister the right-handed bookseller Vivien and their friend, art student Susan Arkshaw, who is still struggling to deal with her own recently discovered magical heritage. The map takes the trio to a place separated from the world, maintained by deadly sorcery performed by an Ancient Sovereign and guarded by monstrous living statues of Portland Stone. But this is only the beginning, as the booksellers investigate centuries of disappearances and deaths and try to unravel the secrets of the murderous Lady of Stone, a serial killer of awesome powers. If they do not stop her, she will soon kill again. And this time, her target is not an ordinary mortal. A wintry return to the slightly alternate 1980s England of The Left-Handed Booksellers of London.Praise for Garth NixGarth Nix is one of the best world-builders in fantasy. (BRANDON SANDERSON)

  • af Garth Nix
    168,95 kr.

    Sir Hereward. Knight, artillerist, swordsman. Mercenary for hire. Ill-starred lover.Mister Fitz. Puppet, sorcerer, loremaster. Practitioner of arcane arts now mostly and thankfully forgotten. Former nursemaid to Hereward.Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz. Agents of the Council of the Treaty for the Safety of the World, charged with the location and removal of listed extra-dimensional entities, more commonly known as gods or godlets.Travellers. Adventurers. Godslayers . . . and this collection of their adventures - ill-fated or otherwise - is perfect for fans of Scott Lynch and Joe Abercrombie, George R. R. Martin and The Witcher. Packed with invention, incident, adventure and wit, these quick and entertaining escapades are not to be missed.Praise for Garth Nix'Garth Nix is one of the best world-builders in fantasy' Brandon SandersonReader Advisory: Though some of Garth Nix's books and stories are for children, this one is not. It is for adult readers.

  • af Garth Nix
    295,95 kr.

  • af Garth Nix
    116,95 kr.

  • af Garth Nix
    208,95 kr.

  • af Garth Nix
    288,95 kr.

  • - The newest adventure in the bestselling Old Kingdom series
    af Garth Nix
    88,95 - 166,95 kr.

    The long awaited new novel from multi bestselling Garth Nix set in the much-loved Old Kingdom. A thrilling, atmospheric dive into the history of the Abhorsen, exploring for the first time the adventures of Sabriel's parents, Terciel and Elinor.

  • af Garth Nix
    218,95 kr.

    More than a century has passed since Liliath crept into the empty sarcophagus of Saint Marguerite, fleeing the Fall of Ystara. But she emerges from her magical sleep still beautiful, looking no more than nineteen, and once again renews her single-minded quest to be united with her lover, Palleniel, the archangel of Ystara.A seemingly impossible quest, but Liliath is one of the greatest practitioners of angelic magic to have ever lived, summoning angels and forcing them to do her bidding.Liliath knew that most of the inhabitants of Ystara died from the Ash Blood plague or were transformed into beastlings, and she herself led the survivors who fled into neighboring Sarance. Now she learns that angels shun the Ystarans' descendants. If they are touched by angelic magic, the descendants' blood turns to ash. They are known as Refusers, and can only live the most lowly lives.But Liliath cares nothing for the descendants of her people. Four young Sarancians hold her interest: Simeon, a studious doctor-in-training; Henri, a dedicated fortune hunter; Agnez, an adventurous musketeer cadet; and Dorotea, an icon-maker and scholar of angelic magic. The four feel a strange kinship from the moment they meet, but do not know why, or suspect their importance. All become pawns in Liliath's grand scheme to fulfill her destiny and be united with the love of her life. No matter the cost to everyone else. . . .

  • af Garth Nix
    143,95 kr.

  • af Garth Nix
    283,95 kr.

  • af Garth Nix
    113,95 kr.

  • af Garth Nix
    173,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Garth Nix
    123,95 kr.

  • af Garth Nix
    129,95 kr.

    The apocalyptic conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Abhorsen series--an epic fantasy experience not to be missed.The Abhorsen Sabriel and King Touchstone are missing, leaving only Lirael--newly come into her inheritance as the Abhorsen-in-Waiting--to stop the Destroyer. If Orannis's unspeakable powers are unleashed, it will mean the end of all Life. With only a vision from the Clayr to guide her, and the help of her companions, Sam, the Disreputable Dog, and Mogget, Lirael must search in both Life and Death for some means to defeat the evil destructor--before it is too late. . . .

  • af Garth Nix
    123,95 kr.

  • af Garth Nix
    118,95 kr.

    After Centuries in Captivity, the Destroyer Is Nearly Free.The Abhorsen Sabriel and King Touchstone are missing, leaving only Lirael?newly come into her inheritance as the Abhorsen-in-Waiting?to stop the Destroyer. If Orannis's unspeakable powers are unleashed, it will mean the end of all Life. With only a vision from the Clayr to guide her and the help of her companions, Sam, the Disreputable Dog, and Mogget, Lirael must search in both Life and Death for some means to defeat the evil destructor?before it is too late. . . .The apocalyptic conclusion to the series of events that began with Sabriel and continued in Lirael, the New York Times bestselling Abhorsen is an electrifying reading experience not to be missed.

  • af Garth Nix
    79,95 kr.

  • af Garth Nix
    138,95 kr.

    Who Is Lirael? And What Is Her Destiny?Lirael has never felt like a true daughter of the Clayr. Now, two years past the time when she should have received the Sight that is the Clayr's birthright, she feels alone, abandoned, unsure of who she is. Nevertheless, the fate of the Old Kingdom lies in her hands. With only her faithful companion, the Disreputable Dog, Lirael must undertake a desperate mission against the growing shadow of an ancient evil.In this sequel to Sabriel, winner of the Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel, New York Times bestselling author Garth Nix weaves a spellbinding tale of discovery, destiny, and danger.

  • af Garth Nix
    99,95 kr.

    En un Londres ligeramente alternativo en 1983, Susan Arkshaw está buscando a su padre, un hombre al que nunca ha conocido. El jefe del crimen, Frank Thringley, podría ayudarla, pero Susan no tiene tiempo para hacerle ninguna pregunta a Frank antes de que el pinchazo de un alfiler plateado le convierta en polvo ante la mirada del escandalosamente atractivo Merlín.Merlín es un joven librero zurdo (uno de los luchadores), que junto a los libreros diestros (los intelectuales), son una extensa familia de seres mágicos que vigilan el mítico y legendario Viejo Mundo en su colisión con el mundo moderno, además de encargarse de una cadena de varias librerías misteriosas.La búsqueda del padre de Susan comienza con los apellidos de su madre posiblemente mal recordados o mal escritos, un boleto de la sala de lectura y una pitillera de plata grabada con algo que podría ser un escudo de armas.Merlín tiene una misión propia, encontrar la entidad del Viejo Mundo que usó criminales comunes para matar a su madre. Mientras él y su hermana, la librera diestra Vivien, se interponen en el camino de una investigación policial fallida o encubierta de años pasados, encuentran que esta búsqueda se superpone extrañamente con la de Susan. ¿Quién o qué era su padre? Susan, Merlín y Vivien deben averiguarlo, ya que el Viejo Mundo irrumpe peligrosamente en el Nuevo.Garth Nix es autor best seller del The New York Times y escritor a tiempo completo desde el 2001. También ha sido agente literario, consultor de marketing, editor, publicistas, vendedor de libros, librero y soldado a media jornada del ejército australiano.Más de seis millones de ejemplares de sus novelas se han vendido por todo el mundo y su obra ha sido traducida a cuarenta y dos idiomas. Tras el éxito de Magia angelical, esta es su segunda novela publicada en este sello editorial.

  • af Garth Nix
    108,95 kr.

  • af Garth Nix
    108,95 kr.

    A spellbinding short story collection from bestselling fantasy author Garth Nix.

  • af Garth Nix
    123,95 kr.

    Sabriel, the daughter of the Mage Abhorsen, has lived outside the Wall of the Old Kingdom - far away from the uncontrolled power of Free Magic, and away from the Dead who won't stay dead. Now her father is gone missing and she is called upon to cross back into that world to search for him. Leaving her safe life, Sabriel throws herself in to a quest tensed with magical dangers, with companions she's unfamiliar of. Nothing is as it seems within the boundary of the Old Kingdom. She has to confront an evil and comes face to face with her hidden destiny.

  • af Garth Nix
    173,95 - 188,95 kr.

  • af Garth Nix
    126,95 kr.

    What began with Sabriel 25 years ago comes to an unforgettable conclusion to the Old Kingdom Trilogy in Abhosren by master of fantasy and globally bestselling Garth Nix, now available in a special anniversary edition with original art by Leo and Diane Dillon.The last hope for the living.The Abhorsen Sabriel and King Touchstone are missing, leaving only Lirael?newly come into her inheritance as the Abhorsen-in-Waiting?to stop the Destroyer. If Orannis's unspeakable powers are unleashed, it will mean the end of all Life. With only a vision from the Clayr to guide her and the help of her companions?Sam, the Disreputable Dog, and Mogget?Lirael must search in both Life and Death for some means to defeat the evil destructor . . . before it is too late.?Nix brings his trilogy to a literally earth-shattering conclusion. Action explodes from the very first pages. Breathtaking, bittersweet, and utterly unforgettable.? ?Kirkus Reviews (starred review) ?This title has a cinematic sweep; the tense, climactic confrontation pulls from the very beginning into a tightly constructed, satisfying conclusion.? ?BCCB

  • af Garth Nix
    153,95 kr.

    Return to the world of Sabriel for its 25th anniversary with this special edition of the second book of the Old Kingdom series, Lirael, from master of fantasy and globally bestselling author Garth Nix with original cover artwork by Leo and Diane Dillon.A spellbinding tale of discovery, destiny, and danger in the sequel to Sabriel.Lirael has never felt like a true daughter of the Clayr. Now, two years past the time when she should have received the Sight that is the Clayr's birthright, she feels alone, abandoned, unsure of who she is. Nevertheless, the fate of the Old Kingdom lies in her hands. With only her faithful companion, the Disreputable Dog, Lirael must undertake a desperate mission against the growing shadow of an ancient evil.Dive into a tale of dark magic and destiny.?Riveting. Readers who like their fantasy intense in action, magisterial in scope, and apocalyptic in consequences will revel in every word.? ?Kirkus Reviews (starred review) ?Haunting and unusual, exhaustively and f lawlessly conceived. A must-read for fans of the first book, Lirael will also fascinate readers new to the series.? ?SLJ

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