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Bøger af George Eliot

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  • af George Eliot
    126,95 kr.

    George Eliot's realist masterpiece, with an introduction by Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Jennifer Egan

  • af George Eliot
    128,95 - 323,95 kr.

    Dorothea is bright, beautiful and rebellious. Lydgate is the ambitious new doctor in town. Both of them long to make a positive difference in the world. But their stories do not proceed as expected and both they, and the other inhabitants of Middlemarch, must struggle to reconcile themselves to their fates and find their places in the world.

  • af George Eliot
    93,95 - 2.613,95 kr.

  • af George Eliot
    213,95 kr.

    Middlemarch er hovedværket i George Eliots forfatterskab. Den psykologiske indsigt i romanens karakterer og deres motiver gør romanen lige så medrivende i dag, som dengang den blev skrevet.Middlemarch er en typisk engelsk provinsby. Den danner den trygge, men snævre ramme om begivenhederne i romanen, der foregår i årene 1829-32, umiddelbart før de store reformlove, der ændrer valgsystemet og indvarsler en moderne tidsalder i England.I centrum for det store persongalleri står nogle unge mennesker og deres familie. Den begavede Dorothea Brooke gifter sig med den noget ældre præst og amatørvidenskabsmand Edward Casaubon, fordi hun ønsker at hjælpe ham med hans forskning. Den ambitiøse læge Tertius Lydgate drømmer om at revolutionere lægegerningen. Han forelsker sig i den underskønne Rosamond Vincy, mens Rosamonds døgenigt af en bror, Fred, sværmer for sin barndomskæreste, den jordbundne og snusfornuftige Mary Garth.Omkring dem myldrer det med andre personer med hver deres dagsorden. Gode og onde, selviske og idealistiske afsløres med samme skarpsind og beskrives med humor og forståelse.Middlemarch udkom oprindelig som føljeton i 1871-72. Den præsenteres her for et dansk publikum i Rosinantes klassikerserie i Claus Bechs nye oversættelse med forord af Bo Green Jensen.Pressen skriver:»Både i brist og storhed er George Eliots personer bygget op af psykologisk og dramatisk indsigt. George Eliot holder et forstørrelsesglas op over den provinsielle lilleverden, hvor sladderens løbeild til slut tager fart og sætter alle sind i brand og fortvivlelse.«– Ebbe Mørk, Politiken

  • af George Eliot
    73,95 kr.

    "Tiden er årene under Napoleonskrigene (1792-1815), og vi følger den beskedne og enfoldige væver Silas Marners liv i en lille landsby. Han havde en særlig position i en lille religiøs sekt i London, men forlod byen, da han blev svigtet af sin bedste ven, William Dane, der havde stjålet en pose penge og beskyldt Marner for det. Marner vier sit liv til at opfostre et hittebarn - pigen Eppie.Romanen sammen med Middlemarch er et af de centrale værker i George Eliots lysende forfatterskab."

  • af George Eliot
    193,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af George Eliot
    118,95 - 1.813,95 kr.

    Young Maggie Tulliver is devoted to her brother Tom, but as she grows older and discovers romantic love she comes into conflict with him and her family. She strives to reconcile moral claims and family loyalty with her own desires. Eliot's most autobiographical novel was also her most controversial, and this new edition examines its impact.

  • af George Eliot
    23,95 kr.

    Den unge David Faux er i lære som konditor, men mener selv at være skabt til et bedre - og især mere behageligt - liv. Han beslutter at emigrere til Vestindien ved hjælp af sin moders sparepenge. Hans indskrænkede broder Jacob viser sig at være en hindring for tilegnelsen af disse midler, men det lykkes dog David at få fat i dem, få rystet broderen af og drage ud i verden.Seks år senere nedsætter konditor og delikatessehandler Edward Freely, nylig hjemvendt fra Vestindien, sig med sin forretning i den lille by Grimworth, hvor han snart sætter det landlige borgerskabs madvaner på den anden ende, og er på vej til at gifte sig med en datter af en af byens bedsteborgere. Men hans grådighed og den indskrænkede Jacob bliver hans fald.

  • af George Eliot
    126,95 kr.

    From the author of MIDDLEMARCH and SILAS MARNER, a story of frustrated intelligence and longing, featuring the intelligent Maggie, who yearns to be loved, and her brother Tom, who is forced to study. When Maggie is cast out by Tom, she is ostracized by society, and must face the consequences of renunciation.

  • af George Eliot
    89,95 kr.

    Middlemarch er en typisk engelsk provinsby omkring 1830. Handlingen i George Eliots kalejdoskopiske roman følger to hovedspor. I det ene gifter purunge Dorothea Brooke sig med den ældre præst og amatørvidenskabsmand Edward Casaubon for at hjælpe ham med hans forskning – et projekt og et ægteskab der viser sig at være goldt og glædesløst. I det andet følger vi Tertius Lydgate, ung og ambitiøs læge som ankommer til Middlemarch med store og ædle planer, men afspores af sit giftermål med den underskønne, men også meget jordbundne Rosamond Vincy. Omkring disse hovedspor myldrer et persongalleri af høj og lav, gode og onde, idealistiske og selviske, som beskrives og afsløres uden antydning af sentimentalitet, men med forståelse og humor. George Eliots psykologiske indsigt og sproglige mesterskab gør romanen til lige så medrivende læsning i dag som da den udkom i 1870-71. - George Eliot er et pseudonym for Mary Ann Evans (1819-1880). For mere information, se

  • af George Eliot
    246,95 kr.

    "Stress Analysis and Dimensional Changes in Cold Upsetting of Composites," George Eliot delves into the intricate world of material science and engineering, offering a comprehensive exploration of the stress dynamics and dimensional alterations that occur during the cold upsetting process of composites. Eliot, renowned for his profound expertise in the field, meticulously guides readers through the fundamental principles and advanced techniques essential for understanding the behavior of composite materials under cold upsetting conditions.This authoritative work combines theoretical insights with practical applications, providing engineers, researchers, and students with a valuable resource to comprehend the complexities of cold upsetting and its impact on composite structures. Eliot's lucid writing style and illustrative examples make this book accessible to a wide range of readers, from seasoned professionals seeking to enhance their expertise to students entering the field.With an emphasis on stress analysis and dimensional changes, Eliot addresses the challenges and opportunities in cold upsetting processes, offering a roadmap for optimizing manufacturing techniques and ensuring the integrity of composite materials. "Stress Analysis and Dimensional Changes in Cold Upsetting of Composites" stands as a definitive reference, showcasing George Eliot's mastery in elucidating the nuances of material behavior in the fascinating realm of cold upsetting.

  • af George Eliot
    158,95 kr.

    L'église de Shepperton offrait, il y a environ vingt ans, un aspect bien différent de celui qu'elle présente aujourd'hui. À la vérité, sa tour massive vous surveille encore; le cadran de l'horloge conserve l'expression amicale des anciens jours; mais, pour tout le reste, que de changements ! Un ample toit d'ardoise couronne le vieux clocher; les fenêtres sont hautes et symétriques; les portes extérieures sont en beau chêne poli, et celles de l'intérieur sont capitonnées d'une serge rouge pour amortir le bruit; jamais aucun lichen ne reviendra se fixer sur les murs; ils sont aussi lisses et aussi stériles que le sommet de la tête du Rév. Amos Barton après dix ans de calvitie...

  • - Journey to a Healthier You with these Refreshing Weight Loss Juices, juicing for weight loss, juice for total wellness, essential guilde for detoxify, juice recipes
    af George Eliot
    88,95 kr.

    This compilation of fresh juice recipes, titled "7 Best Juice Recipes for Weight Loss, " is ideal for anyone looking to reduce weight without sacrificing their health. Dieters who wish to reduce a few pounds and inches while maintaining a well-nourished, robust, and healthy physique will find it to be the ideal partner. The book includes seven different types of juicer recipes for all-fruit, rich in nutrients and plenty of vital vitamins and minerals. Capacities Low-calorie diets usually encourage weight loss. Preventive aging contains chlorophyll, which fights aging symptoms. Rich Immunity Booster For individuals looking to begin a juice diet or for those who are already on one and want to maintain their weight reduction, the 7 greatest juice recipes for weight reduction are ideal. === Scroll up and click the buy button to get your copy NOW.

  • af George Eliot
    166,95 kr.

    Silas Marner, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable book falls within the genres of Language and Literatures, English literature

  • af George Eliot
    230,95 kr.

    The author of "Felix Holt, The Radical" is George Eliot, a pen name for Mary Ann Evans. The narrative, which debuted in 1866, takes place in the fictitious English town of Treby Magna amid the political turmoil brought on by the 1832 Reform Act. Felix Holt, the protagonist of the book, is a thoughtful, morally-driven young man with extreme political beliefs. Felix gets involved in the lives of the Transome aristocrats, especially that of Esther Lyon, the stunning and idealistic daughter of a prosperous landowner. Despite their different socioeconomic backgrounds, Esther finds herself pulled to Felix as she learns about the injustices and social problems of the day. The story explores topics including the effects of industrialization, class conflict, and the fight for political reform by fusing social and political commentary. In addition to reflecting Eliot's own worries about social justice and the obligations of the privileged class, the novel also follows the characters as they struggle with their ideas and values in a changing world. "Felix Holt, The Radical" delves deeply and intricately into political and moral dilemmas, illuminating social conflicts and changes during a pivotal juncture in English history. The novel is praised for Eliot's perceptive characterizations and her attention to the important political and social issues of the day.

  • af George Eliot
    231,95 kr.

    In "Frequency Selective Surfaces Unit Cell Design: Miniaturization and Angular Stability," esteemed author George Eliot delves into the intricate world of Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) with a focus on the revolutionary concepts of miniaturization and angular stability. This comprehensive guide is a testament to Eliot's profound expertise in electromagnetics, as he navigates readers through the complexities of designing FSS unit cells with precision and efficiency.The book opens doors to a new era in electromagnetic engineering, exploring the challenges and opportunities presented by miniaturization. Eliot provides invaluable insights into the nuanced art of scaling down FSS unit cells while maintaining optimal functionality. As technological advancements continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, Eliot's work serves as a beacon for researchers, engineers, and enthusiasts eager to master the intricacies of modern electromagnetic design.Moreover, Eliot explores the crucial aspect of angular stability, shedding light on strategies to enhance the performance of FSS unit cells across varying angles. With a meticulous blend of theory and practical applications, this book is a must-read for professionals and academics seeking to deepen their understanding of FSS technology. George Eliot's authoritative voice and meticulous approach make this work an indispensable resource for anyone passionate about advancing the frontiers of electromagnetic engineering.

  • af George Eliot
    89,95 kr.

    Felix Holt, austere, idealistic, and passionate, is pitted against the self-satisfied local landlord Harold Transome in this story set in a Midland borough at the time of the Great Reform Bill of 1832. Every class of society is included in Eliot's vivid picture of political ferment.

  • af George Eliot
    106,95 kr.

    This work contains both the text of Daniel Deronda and a study upon it. The novel uses the hero, Deronda, to examine the English Jews, a society within a society. Gwendolen comes to regard Daniel as her moral and spiritual mentor, but the revelation of his Jewish birth draws him away from her.

  • - The Lifted Veil
    af George Eliot
    80,95 kr.

  • af George Eliot
    107,95 kr.

    Set in the late 15th-century Italy, in the Renaissance Florence of Macchiavelli and the Medicis, this story reconstructs a turning-point in the intellectual history of Europe by charting the career and martyrdom of the charismatic religious leader Savanarola. This is a study edition.

  • af George Eliot
    92,95 kr.

    Dorethea aspires to a high spiritual life, but is stifled by her environment.

  • af George Eliot
    79,95 kr.

    With wide format pages to give generous margins for notes, the editor presents the latest George Eliot scholarship in an introduction, and also includes notes, text summary, selected criticism and chronology of George Eliot's life and times. This book contains 18 essays (1879) by George Eliot (1819-80) which are mostly character studies loosely based on the mode of Theophrastus, the Greek philosopher, head of the Peripatetic School after Aristotle. The author writes in the character of the batchelor son of a Tory Midlands country parson and reflects on various contemporary types, such as the carping and arrogant Lentulus and the ever-youthful though ageing Ganymede.

  • af George Eliot
    74,95 kr.

  • af George Eliot
    81,95 kr.

  • af George Eliot
    88,95 kr.

  • af George Eliot
    243,95 kr.

    A historical novel set in Renaissance Italy, telling the story of the title character, a strong-willed woman who defies convention and pursues her own ambitions in a male-dominated society.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • - Poems
    af George Eliot
    355,95 kr.

    George Eliot is one of the most important writers of the Victorian era, known for her novels such as Middlemarch and The Mill on the Floss. However, she also wrote poetry, which has often been overlooked. This collection brings together all of Eliot's known poems, offering readers a chance to appreciate her verse and explore a lesser-known side of her work.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af George Eliot
    379,95 kr.

    Experience the full depth and complexity of George Eliot's literary genius with this stunning collection of her works. From haunting sonnets to stirring ballads, Eliot's poetry will capture your heart and ignite your imagination.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af George Eliot
    395,95 kr.

    One of George Eliot's most celebrated works, Daniel Deronda is a complex and stirring novel about love, identity, and morality. Set in Victorian England, the story follows the titular character, a young man of mysterious origins, as he navigates the societal pressures and personal dilemmas of his time. Eliot's beautiful prose and incisive social commentary make this a timeless classic.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

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