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Bøger af Georges Hathry

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  • af Georges Hathry
    511,95 kr.

    "La dîme: investissez dans le royaume des cieux" est un livre qui explore le concept de la dîme dans la religion chrétienne et propose une approche pratique pour investir dans le royaume des cieux. À travers de nombreux exemples bibliques, l'auteur démontre comment la dîme peut non seulement aider à renforcer notre relation avec Dieu, mais aussi à bénéficier de ses nombreuses bénédictions. En expliquant que la dîme est un investissement, ce livre nous invite à voir au-delà du simple acte de donner de l'argent et à considérer cela comme un moyen de participer activement à l'oeuvre de Dieu. Il souligne l'importance de donner, en reconnaissant que tout ce que nous avons provient de Dieu. En semant ces graines de foi, nous ouvrons la voie à des récoltes abondantes dans notre vie spirituelle et matérielle.

  • af Georges Hathry
    1.247,95 kr.

    Le livre "Investissements verts: Seize (16) clés pour réaliser des investissements dans les projets écoresponsables" est un guide complet qui vise à aider les investisseurs à comprendre et à mettre en oeuvre une approche d'investissement durable dans le domaine de l'environnement. Ce livre offre une vision complète de l'investissement vert, en fournissant aux investisseurs les connaissances et les outils nécessaires pour prendre des décisions éclairées et contribuer à la transition vers une économie plus durable. Les différentes options d'investissement dans le domaine des projets écoresponsables y sont traités. Des énergies renouvelables à la construction écologique en passant par l'agriculture biologique et la gestion des déchets, nous explorons les divers secteurs qui offrent des opportunités profitables à la fois financièrement et écologiquement. Il propose également une démarche concrète pour choisir les investissements les plus pertinents. Il présente les critères à prendre en compte, les méthodes d'analyse des risques et des rendements, ainsi que les outils indispensables pour évaluer l'impact environnemental et social des investissements verts.

  • af Georges Hathry
    962,95 kr.

    Do you want to invest in a sustainable and responsible future? Then the book "Finance Verte: Démarche de mise en place de la finance écoresponsable" is for you! Green finance is booming, and it's essential to understand how to implement an eco-responsible approach in the world of finance. In "Green Finance", you'll discover how to identify sustainable investment opportunities, how to implement a responsible investment strategy and how to evaluate the performance of your investments according to environmental, social and governance criteria.But this book doesn't just give you practical advice, it also offers inspiring case studies of companies that have succeeded in combining profitability and respect for the environment. You'll learn how these companies have made eco-responsible finance part of their DNA and become market leaders.

  • af Georges Hathry
    961,95 kr.

    This book invites us to rethink our traditional approach to transactions and financial management. It provides an understanding of the benefits and opportunities offered by cryptocurrency, in particular Bitcoin, in the business world. If you want to discover how businesses can benefit from using blockchain technology to improve their efficiency, transparency and the security of their financial transactions then this book may be of interest to you!This book is like a comprehensive guide for business leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals looking to understand Bitcoin's growing role in the business world and take advantage of its potential cryptocurrency benefits. It's a truly practical tool for implementing the use of Bitcoin in business. The book's case-based pedagogy makes it easy to understand the process of implementing the cryptocurrency system in business.

  • af Georges Hathry
    1.187,95 kr.

    In this book, you'll discover how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing business management. It explores the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the transformation of business management. He explains how AI is being used in different business areas, such as marketing, finance and human resources. He highlights the potential of AI to help businesses make more accurate data-driven decisions and predictive analytics. He then examines the challenges and opportunities of AI, particularly in terms of data protection and privacy. He warns against the risk of over-reliance on AI, and stresses the importance of the human in the decision-making process. It offers concrete examples of companies that have already adopted AI in their operations, and shares advice on how to kick-start a successful digital transformation. Finally, the book addresses ethical implications and liability issues. It encourages readers to reflect on the impact of AI on society and to adopt an ethical approach in their use of this technology.

  • af Georges Hathry
    787,95 kr.

    Why talk about discernment this year? Every year, we make many decisions in the management of our businesses. They all have an impact on the business. In this book, you'll discover inspiring examples of approaches and ways to develop the skills needed for discernment prior to making a business management decision. It highlights the crucial importance of discernment in the decision-making process. By exploring the twelve ways to improve business decision-making, you can gain an in-depth understanding of the different dimensions of discernment and their practical application in the business context.

  • af Georges Hathry
    743,95 kr.

    Have you ever gone beyond your capacity? Have you experienced surprising mental strength to carry out a project or achieve an accomplishment of which you were proud? What did this achievement enable you to discover about yourself?The aim of this book, published at the start of 2024, is to introduce you to an experience-filled process that can inspire and propel you to unexpected heights and extraordinary achievements.Perhaps you'll realize that you can push your limits to an extreme level thanks to your mental strength? You can push your intellectual limits! You can push back your spiritual limits! You can push back your emotional limits! You can push your mental limits! You can push back your physical limits! You can push your creative limits! You can push back your financial limits! You can push back the limits that have been holding you back, so that you can create magnificent works of art that will have meaning and inestimable value in your life!

  • af Georges Hathry
    623,95 kr.

    This book "Gestion des RH 2.0 : Révolution de la gestion des ressources humaines des entreprises par l'intelligence artificielle" explores this revolution and its implications. It presents the various applications of artificial intelligence in human resources management and the benefits it offers companies.In particular, the use of artificial intelligence can facilitate the recruitment process by analyzing candidates' CVs and proposing the best profiles for a given position. It can also automate the process of evaluating staff performance. Thanks to artificial intelligence, it's possible to offer training programs tailored to the needs of each individual employee. This book offers a comprehensive perspective on the impact of artificial intelligence on corporate talent management. It explores the benefits, limits and ethical implications of this revolution, and suggests ways in which artificial intelligence can be used responsibly in this field.

  • af Georges Hathry
    623,95 kr.

    The book "Fossil Energy Exit & Corporate Strategy" plunges into the heart of the crucial intersection between the energy transition and strategic corporate choices. With an approach that combines the imperative need to exit fossil fuels with the strategic implications for business, this book offers a holistic view of the challenges and opportunities in this ever-changing landscape. The book begins by providing a compelling picture of the global issues associated with the intensive use of fossil fuels, highlighting the environmental impact and sustainability imperatives. It then explores the implications of this reality for corporate strategies, both in terms of potential risks and opportunities for leadership in the energy transition. Over the course of the chapters, the reader is guided through relevant case studies, in-depth analyses of global energy policies, and strategic advice for companies seeking to adapt to a post-fossil fuel world. The final section is devoted to COP 28.

  • af Georges Hathry
    698,95 kr.

    Welcome to an exciting journey where technology meets the art of selling, in our book "Sell More! Sell Better". In this ever-changing world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming the catalyst that propels sales strategies to new horizons, revolutionizing the way companies interact with their customers and drive growth.This book dives deep into the digital transformation of sales, exploring how Artificial Intelligence is redefining every aspect of the sales process, from lead generation to customer loyalty. We'll navigate through key concepts such as personalizing the customer experience, predictive analytics, intelligent chatbots, and much more, demonstrating how these technological advances are becoming essential allies for sales professionals. Dive into case studies from real companies that have transformed their approach to sales through AI, offering concrete lessons and actionable insights. Anticipate the future evolution of AI in sales!

  • af Georges Hathry
    743,95 kr.

    Digital transformation has revolutionized the global business landscape, and the finance function has not been immune to this rapid evolution. "Digital Transformation of the Finance Function" offers an in-depth exploration of the changes, challenges and opportunities that digitization brings to the financial heart of companies. The book is designed as a comprehensive guide for finance professionals, corporate decision-makers and anyone interested in understanding the implications of the digital revolution on financial management.Whether you're a finance professional, a business leader or a digital transformation enthusiast, this book offers practical insights and solutions for successfully navigating the new digital era of the finance function.

  • af Georges Hathry
    983,95 kr.

    In this book, you'll discover: What are the golden rules applied by the most profitable companies to achieve business profitability?These seven (7) golden rules are: the humility of the company's founders and managers, the ability to spend less and earn more, anticipating future events and developments, the ability to increase sales volume and take advantage of the exponential effect of small margins to improve profitability, proposing an original and unique offer in order to apply prices that enable a high net profit, the ability to control your activity and costs, and taking advantage of financial leverage to increase profitability.Through practical case studies of the most profitable companies, you'll be given the keys to applying them in your own business.

  • af Georges Hathry
    738,95 kr.

    In this book entitled: "The Seven Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for Your Business", you'll discover in depth how the strategic integration of artificial intelligence can fundamentally transform the overall performance and profitability of modern businesses. From cost management to process optimization, each chapter offers clear insights into how AI can become an essential catalyst for growth and competitiveness.Book Highlights:* In-depth exploration of the benefits of AI in sales growth;* Analysis of the impact of AI on cost optimization and financial viability;* Demonstration of the concrete benefits of AI for profit improvement;* Application of AI in different business functions, from production to marketing;* Practical advice for successfully integrating AI into business strategy."The Seven (7) Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for Your Business" offers a comprehensive guide for executives, managers and professionals looking to harness the full potential of AI.

  • af Georges Hathry
    853,95 kr.

    In this book, you'll discover that the internal audit plan is a very important document for guaranteeing the effectiveness of your company's internal audit. The internal audit plan is based on a reliable process for identifying, analyzing and assessing risks. For this reason, it is based on the risk mapping of the risk management system, on management's view of the company's risks, on the analytical review of expenses, and on the analysis of business activity, profitability and financial position. The follow-up of audit recommendations also enables risks for which action plans to implement audit recommendations have not been implemented to be incorporated into the internal audit plan. This methodological approach is a guarantee of performance for your company's internal audit team.

  • af Georges Hathry
    1.138,95 kr.

    In this book, you'll discover the key factors in the success and development of your business. The stories told will make it easy for you to understand and apply the advice and tools proposed .If you want to grow your business, then these seven (7) keys will get you there.The seven (7) keys to growing your business are :1. Vision: Where do you want your company to get to?2. Strategy: How will you get there?3. The team: Who will get you there?4. Customers: How to satisfy them?5. Finances: how to control them?6. Control: how to anticipate risks and control measures ?7. Reporting and management: how to analyze your company's situation and make the right decisions for its development?

  • af Georges Hathry
    1.063,95 kr.

    This book presents a methodological approach to identifying the best possible investment opportunities on the Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM).The twelve (12) best listed companies in our study represent real opportunities that can help you make the most of your investments in the regional financial market. The return on equity invested in these BRVM-listed companies is far higher than investment rates on savings accounts, term deposits and insurance contracts.

  • af Georges Hathry
    458,95 kr.

    You have a number of investment options to choose from in order to increase your income. The one we suggest is an opportunity to own a listed company. The profitability of your investment will be far superior to other investment options. All you need to do is take the time to analyze the business, profitability, financial situation, management team and risks of the companies you want to invest in.This book sets out a simple, easy-to-understand process for doing just that.

  • af Georges Hathry
    588,95 kr.

    I manager non finanziari interagiscono costantemente con il dipartimento finanziario nel corso delle loro attività. Hanno bisogno di comprendere la situazione finanziaria dell'azienda in cui lavorano per contribuire alla sua performance finanziaria. Questo libro vi aiuterà a leggere e interpretare il conto economico e lo stato patrimoniale della vostra azienda per valutarne la situazione finanziaria e l'efficacia delle strategie attuate. Troverete casi di studio pratici che vi aiuteranno ad applicare l'approccio presentato.

  • af Georges Hathry
    543,95 kr.

    Non-financial managers are constantly interacting with the finance department as part of their activities. They need to understand the financial situation of the company in which they work, in order to contribute to its financial performance. This book will enable you to read and interpret your company's income statement and balance sheet, in order to assess its financial situation and the effectiveness of the strategies implemented. You'll also find practical case studies to help you apply the approach presented.

  • af Georges Hathry
    623,95 kr.

  • af Georges Hathry
    623,95 kr.

  • af Georges Hathry
    543,95 kr.

    This book introduces you to the challenges of implementing renewable energy projects in companies. It helps you understand renewable energies and their characteristics. It helps you discover the objectives of using renewable energies for your company. It discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using renewable energies. It presents a methodological approach to optimizing energy consumption costs by implementing renewable energy projects. You'll also find practical case studies of renewable energy projects implemented in companies and in certain countries around the world.

  • af Georges Hathry
    543,95 kr.

    Your company's development requires you to set up an information system that enables you to produce, distribute, analyse and interpret daily information from your departments and services. This information on day-to-day activity and operations forms the fundamental basis on which you can make the relevant management decisions. This book explains how to set up a daily reporting system. This system makes it possible to stop each working day and report at the end of the day to general management on the various aspects of the business and operations, in order to facilitate the day-to-day running of the company. It deals with the analysis of daily performance and the overall daily management of the company on the basis of the overall daily dashboard drawn up by the management controller. The end-of-day reporting system is an approach that will enable you to take full control of your business. It will help you anticipate risks and implement action plans quickly to achieve your company's objectives.

  • af Georges Hathry
    743,95 kr.

    This book proposes sixteen (16) paths that can lead you through the process of realizing your goals and projects. It presents strength of character and discipline as a highly effective means of leading you to great achievements. He stresses the importance of setting goals and visualizing them. He insists on having a strategy to reach your goals. It highlights the power of prayer in your quest for fulfillment. It presents the process of achieving your goals as the most important. It reminds us of the fruit of self-confidence and humility to succeed in your undertakings. It emphasizes the importance of your relationships and network in achieving your goals. It reminds us of the role played by values and the place of family. You'll discover sport and physical exercise as a means of changing your psychological state. This book is about the unlimited capacities of human beings. You'll find a technique for developing your ability to communicate well by taking the time to analyze and understand your interlocutors. It also discusses the strength of character you need to pick yourself up every time you fall down. Finally, it presents failure as a path to success.

  • af Georges Hathry
    828,95 kr.

    Questo libro vi offre sedici (16) modi per aiutarvi a raggiungere i vostri obiettivi e progetti. Presenta la forza di carattere e la disciplina come modi altamente efficaci per raggiungere grandi obiettivi. Sottolinea l'importanza di fissare gli obiettivi e di visualizzarli. Insiste sulla necessità di avere una strategia per raggiungere i propri obiettivi. Sottolinea il potere della preghiera nella ricerca della realizzazione. Presenta il processo di raggiungimento degli obiettivi come il più importante. Ci ricorda l'importanza della fiducia in se stessi e dell'umiltà per riuscire nelle proprie imprese. Ribadisce l'importanza delle relazioni e della rete di contatti per raggiungere i propri obiettivi. Ci ricorda il ruolo dei valori e il ruolo della famiglia. Scoprirete lo sport e l'esercizio fisico come mezzo per cambiare il vostro stato psicologico. Questo libro tratta delle capacità illimitate degli esseri umani. Troverete una tecnica per sviluppare la vostra capacità di comunicare bene, prendendovi il tempo di analizzare e capire le persone con cui state parlando. Il libro parla anche della forza di carattere necessaria per rialzarsi ogni volta che si cade. Infine, presenta il fallimento come una via per il successo.

  • af Georges Hathry
    823,95 kr.

    Este livro oferece-lhe dezasseis (16) formas de o ajudar a atingir os seus objectivos e projectos. Apresenta a força de carácter e a disciplina como formas altamente eficazes de alcançar grandes feitos. Sublinha a importância de definir objectivos e de os visualizar. Insiste na necessidade de ter uma estratégia para atingir os seus objectivos. Destaca o poder da oração na sua busca de realização. Apresenta o processo de realização dos objectivos como o mais importante. Recorda-nos a importância da auto-confiança e da humildade para sermos bem sucedidos nos nossos esforços. Reitera a importância das suas relações e da sua rede para atingir os seus objectivos. Recorda-nos o papel desempenhado pelos valores e o lugar da família. Descobrirá o desporto e o exercício físico como um meio de mudar o seu estado psicológico. Este livro fala das capacidades ilimitadas do ser humano. Encontrará uma técnica para desenvolver a sua capacidade de comunicar bem, dedicando tempo a analisar e a compreender as pessoas com quem está a falar. O livro aborda também a força de carácter necessária para se levantar sempre que cai. Por último, apresenta o fracasso como um caminho para o sucesso.

  • af Georges Hathry
    828,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen sechzehn (16) Wege, die Sie auf dem Weg zur Verwirklichung Ihrer Ziele und Pläne begleiten können. Es stellt Charakterstärke und Disziplin als sehr effektive Mittel dar, die Sie zu großen Leistungen führen können. Er betont, wie wichtig es ist, sich Ziele zu setzen und diese zu visualisieren. Er betont, dass Sie eine Strategie haben sollten, um Ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Er hebt die Kraft des Gebets in Ihrem Streben nach Erfüllung hervor. Er stellt den Prozess, der zur Erreichung Ihrer Ziele führt, als den wichtigsten dar. Er erinnert an die Früchte des Selbstvertrauens und der Bescheidenheit, um in Ihren Unternehmungen erfolgreich zu sein. Er verweist auf die Bedeutung Ihrer Beziehungen und Ihres Netzwerks für die Erreichung Ihrer Ziele. Er erinnert an die Rolle, die Werte spielen, und an den Stellenwert der Familie. Sie werden Sport und körperliche Übungen als Mittel zur Veränderung Ihres psychologischen Zustands kennenlernen. Dieses Buch handelt von den unbegrenzten Fähigkeiten des Menschen. Sie finden hier eine Technik, mit der Sie Ihre Fähigkeit, gut zu kommunizieren, entwickeln können, indem Sie sich die Zeit nehmen, Ihre Gesprächspartner zu analysieren und zu verstehen. Das Buch behandelt auch die Charakterstärke, die Sie brauchen, um jedes Mal wieder aufzustehen, wenn Sie fallen. Schließlich stellt es das Scheitern als einen Weg auf dem Weg zum Erfolg dar.

  • af Georges Hathry
    543,95 kr.

    This book presents the challenges of climate change on planet Earth. It will help you understand the impacts, risks, consequences and causes of global warming. You'll also find proposed solutions to the phenomenon of climate change in countries around the world caused by human activity. It's a tool to help you integrate greenhouse gas reduction objectives into your corporate strategy. It highlights the benefits of carbon footprint reduction actions on corporate profitability. Examples of corporate projects with an impact on the climate and the environment are shared.

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