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Bøger af Ginger Scott

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  • af Ginger Scott
    148,95 kr.

    I morgen vil hun vende tilbage til at være pigen i en hjemmelavet film, der er optaget og delt på nettet mod hendes vilje og med en arrogant, selvcentreret ekskæreste. I aften vil hun nyde, at der faktisk findes søde fyre. Og måske vil hun nyde, at hun er småforelsket – småforelsket i en fyr, som hun under ingen omstændigheder vil komme sammen med i virkeligheden – men alligevel småforelsket.18-årige Paige Owens har altid været egoistisk og hjerteløs og kun datet fyre, der kunne forbedre hendes position. Men hun sætter alt på spil for at hjælpe sin søster. Og da hun møder den fire år ældre Houston Orr, der er hendes diametrale modsætning og altid sætter hensynet til andre før sig selv, må Paige til at vælge, hvem hun vil være – og om hun tør lukke kærligheden ind i sit hjerte med alt, hvad det fører med sig. Den pige jeg var engang er tredje og sidste del af McConnell-trilogien. Hver bog fokuserer på nye karakterer og kan læses uafhængigt af hinanden. Om forfatteren
Ginger Scott er forfatter til adskillige ungdoms- og voksenbøger. Ud over en forkærlighed for romantik er Ginger også vild med sport, og hun blander ofte de to ting sammen i sine bøger. Ginger har skrevet for og været redaktør på aviser, magasiner og blogs i mere end 15 år. Hun har skrevet om sportsfolk, politikere, skuespillere, forskere, cowboys, kriminelle og byer – og hér fortæller hun en af de historier, der ikke er plads til i nyhedsstrømmen, selvom den er vigtig.

  • af Ginger Scott
    148,95 kr.

    Cass Owens er fast besluttet på at lægge sit gamle liv bag sig. Hun har ry for at være løs på tråden og er kendt som engangsknaldet, diagnosen og en, man har medlidenhed med ... Men alt det gemmer hun af vejen, da hun begynder på college. Her møder hun Ty Preeter, og hendes nye liv tegner til at blive perfekt. Ty ved, hvordan det er at være anderledes og han ser hende som Cass – og kun Cass. Det føles godt. Men kan man bare lægge fortiden bag sig? Cass bliver indhentet af sit gamle jeg og bliver nødt til at træde i karakter og tage kampen med fortidens spøgelser op. I hvert fald, hvis hun skal gøre sig håb om en fremtid. Cass må gøre op med sig selv, hvem der egentlig skriver hendes historie. Hende selv – eller dem, der elsker hende. ”Dig og alt derefter” er anden del af McConnell-trilogien. Hver bog fokuserer på nye karakterer og kan læses uafhængigt af de andre. Ginger Scott er forfatter til adskillige ungdoms- og voksenbøger. Ud over at have en forkærlighed for romantik, er Ginger også vild med sport, og hun blander ofte de to ting sammen i sine bøger. Ginger har skrevet for og været redaktør på aviser, magasiner og blogs i mere end 15 år. Hun har skrevet om sportsfolk, politikere, skuespillere, forskere, cowboys, kriminelle og byer – og hér fortæller hun en af de historier, der ikke er plads til i nyhedsstrømmen, selvom den er vigtig.

  • af Ginger Scott
    148,95 kr.

    “I to år, tre måneder og 16 dage har jeg ikke været mig selv. Så lang tid er det, siden det skete. Siden har jeg ikke været i stand til at gå i skole, jeg har reelt været fange i mit eget hjem, og jeg har været en skygge af mig selv. Nu er jeg begyndt på college og har lagt tusinder af kilometer mellem min fortid og min fremtid. For dig ville det måske være let at flytte hjemmefra, begynde på college og få venner, men for mig? For mig var det utænkeligt.” Selvom Rowe Stanton kæmper med store skyldfølelser og en tung sorg over det, hun har oplevet, vover hun alligevel at begynde på college. Allerede første dag møder hun Nate Preeter, der er skolens baseballstjerne. Hun forventer ikke, at han vil lægge mærke til en som hende, men det gør han. Han ser hende og prøver at forstå hendes fortid. Men kan hun overhovedet klare at være tæt på nogen, når hun i så lang tid ikke engang har kendt sig selv? Grib mig er første del af McConnell-trilogien. Hver bog fokuserer på nye karakterer og kan læses uafhængigt af hinanden. Ginger Scott er forfatter til adskillige ungdoms- og voksenbøger. Ud over en forkærlighed for romantik er Ginger også vild med sport, og hun blander ofte de to ting sammen i sine bøger. Ginger har skrevet for og været redaktør på aviser, magasiner og blogs i mere end 15 år. Hun har skrevet om sportsfolk, politikere, skuespillere, forskere, cowboys, kriminelle og byer – og hér fortæller hun en af de historier, der ikke er plads til i nyhedsstrømmen, selvom den er vigtig.

  • af Ginger Scott
    160,95 kr.

    It was supposed to be my year, but then he made a bet that I couldn't refuse...A star senior on the Tiff U volleyball team, it's been my goal to come back strong after an injury that nearly took me out of the game. But I'm Laney freaking Price, and I'm taking my shot to make it on the new pro women's team, despite the lack of support from my father.The problem? Cutter McCreary. He is the Captain of the Tiff U hockey team, all-around loveable guy, and a total player. And did I mention a complete thorn in my side since freshman year? Yeah...that guy. His charms don't tempt me. Until...a mix up with our housing situation forces us into a bit of a predicament. We were both promised a room. The same room.His proposal? A bet. We split the room in half-for now. Whoever falls in love with the other first has to move out. The winner gets to stay. But when strategic glances turn into late night talks, and fake kisses start to feel real, I'm finding myself without a game plan. And winning suddenly doesn't feel like the only thing that matters.

  • af Ginger Scott
    186,95 kr.

    This is a fictional book, but it's a mystery novel. It also is jam packed full of different events... That brings about a really bad serial killer amongst the living. He's unstoppable, but comes up with a new plan every time... In ways he takes out his victim's; and he gains a new identity on multiple occassions, too!

  • af Ginger Scott
    171,95 kr.

    This is a romantic novel between two women that are Lesbian lovers, and have just started dating, together. It's exciting, fun & interesting, too! Lots of sex & romance, but vacations that bring them even closer, together. With some makeup sex, because of a fight that breaks out between them both... During the time they're with each other on a trip, too!

  • af Ginger Scott
    144,95 kr.

    There's a suspicion going on around several different places that turns out to be a huge mystery; and has got everyone puzzled inside of towns, too! What is this man going to do next? How long is it before he's captured? Does he ever get released? Does he learn his lesson or what happens to him in the end? How far will he go?

  • af Ginger Scott
    183,95 kr.

    This is an intensifying book about multiple events that are related to working inside of a police department... Once a student graduates, and becomes a member of the force. Working along the side of other officers in her department, Ms. Sherry Reghsi gets involved in a relationship... After an extended amount of time? After she's sought help in counseling for a brutal attack on herself from a vicious serial killer who raped & beat, her? She is in love with another woman on her police department task force, but everyone is completely ok... With the couple being, together. Since it's not something that's unheard of, and they go to every end of town... Chasing down all kinds of criminals, but getting hurt in several incidents, too!

  • af Ginger Scott
    153,95 kr.

    This is a made-up book of different characters that is contained to horror. There is all kinds of circumstances they find themselves in. After they have all landed inside of prison in Bluegrass, Kentucky. It's a woman's prison, and they all love having lovers, together. What happens that is so devastating to most of these characters?

  • af Ginger Scott
    193,95 kr.

    Johnny Bishop crashed into my life like a hurricane. Not once, but twice.The first time, we were teenagers. He was the star quarterback destined to save our small town's high school team. I was the music nerd desperate to shine, but always falling short.Until him.Johnny was good at football, but he was great at music. And when I realized we shared a love of performing, I fell for his charm. I drank in his words and was hypnotized by the way he sang. I was never fully in the spotlight with him, but the way he held onto me and kept me close felt good enough. His star was bright enough for both of us, and his dreams were worth all the risks, even if they were my dreams first.But when he left our town--leaving me in it--the damage in his wake was devastating. I spent a decade trying to piece together my broken heart. A decade trying to avoid his music, a nearly impossible feat considering he was selling out arenas and piling up Grammys. While he tore through city after city, I built a quiet life as a music teacher in my hometown.I'd made peace with the fact that a now famous rockstar once held my hand and told me he loved me. But when he shows up unannounced, begging for help, I'm sucked right back into his gravitational pull.I want to hate him. I want to punish him for turning his back on me. But I can't when he's so broken. And the more time we spend in our present talking about our past, the more I start to wonder if maybe Johnny left to save us all from the storm.Maybe that story about me and the famous rockstar has a lot more story to be told.What to expect:¿¿Second chance¿¿Friends to lovers¿¿Coming of age¿¿Football¿¿Small town¿¿Rock star

  • af Ginger Scott
    178,95 kr.

    This is a book that is a book of all fictional characters, and no names used are supposed to be named after anyone... This is a horror novel, but packed full of excitement. There's lots of twists & turns, inside that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Wondering what's going to happen next? This is for all my heroes out there in the real World.

  • af Ginger Scott
    193,95 kr.

    First, I had to remember how to breathe. Then, I had to learn how to survive. Two years, three months and sixteen days had passed since I was the Rowe Stanton from before, since tragedy stole my youth and my heart went along with it.When I left for college, I put a thousand miles between my future and my past. I'd made a choice-I was going to cross back to the other side, to live with the living. I just didn't know how.And then I met Nate Preeter.An All-American baseball player, Nate wasn't supposed to notice a ghost-of-a-girl like me. But he did. He shouldn't want to know my name. But he did. And when he learned my secret and saw the scars it left behind, he was supposed to run. But he didn't.My heart was dead, and I was never supposed to belong to anyone. But Nate Preeter had me feeling, and he made me want to be his. He showed me everything I was missing.And then he showed me how to fall.

  • af Ginger Scott
    213,95 kr.

    This has got some twists, turns, excitement & danger! This book is a horror novel that is not a true story, but based from fiction... There's an evil human lurking around that wants to hurt eveyrone he can? What will he do next? How many victm's does he have? How many survivors are there around that's left behind after he's done killing?

  • af Ginger Scott
    178,95 kr.

    *RIVERDALE meets INCEPTION in this twisty and unique YA coming-of-age romance.*Quarterback.Class president.Burnout.We all have our identities.Most of the time, they come from our circumstances. They're made by others-shoes for us to walk in whether they fit or not.But what if?What if we could take off those shoes?What if we could wear a different pair?What if those boxes we put ourselves in are better...worse?And what if, when we do...we're trapped there for good?They all call me Cowboy.She's the damsel who doesn't need to be rescued.And him...he's the villain.This is our story. And this is how we want it to be told.

  • - The Blind Killer
    af Ginger Scott
    233,95 kr.

    This is the second book of the series of the blind killer who is Mr. Joseph Carpenter? He's a very violent, vicious, evil, human being who loves killing as many people as he possibly can? He's wicked to the core, too! He's relocated now, but where is he living at?

  • af Ginger Scott
    183,95 kr.

    Arizona Wakefield was a beat without a melody. Living a half-breathing life in a half-finished neighborhood with parents who always wore half-hearted smiles, the high school senior only had one thing that let her color outside her family's perfectly drawn lines-her drums. Jesse Barringer was a song without a chorus. The son of a washed-up rock star who's also one hell of a deadbeat dad, he was given two things from his father-musical genius and a genetic link to the bipolar disorder that drives him mad. One night in a garage at the end of a cul-de-sac in the middle of a bankrupt California neighborhood, Jesse's melody found Arizona's rhythm. An angry boy with storm-colored eyes found a blonde angel in Doc Martens with missing lines in her own story. Where her rhythm stopped, his words took over, and together, they wrote one hell of a story.** Drummer Girl is a mature YA/New Adult romance that touches on mental health, drug abuse and includes mature sexual situations.

  • af Ginger Scott
    233,95 kr.

    This is a Horror Novel. It's about a blind man who's become a very bad individual, but is a Serial Killer! He's from Branson, Missouri, and he's been living around the area... For about three and a half years now, too! It's in the middle of Spring when he shows up in the middle of the night... Inside of a stranger's home, but begins attacking them. He's very weird, creepy & scary looking also, because of different things about him that makes him stand out. He's a very quiet person most of the time, too!

  • af Ginger Scott
    158,95 kr.

    I DIN VILDESTE FANTASMcConnell #4Casey Coffield har en lang liste af personlige fejl: Han kommer altid for sent, han skylder sin bedste ven, Houston, mere end godt er, og han når aldrig sine mål. Og så er han for resten droppet ud af McConnell. Det sidste synes han egentlig ikke selv er så slemt, men hans familie insisterer på, at det også skal på listen.På papiret er Casey altså en fiasko. Men når han er DJ på byens hotteste klubber, er han direkte uimodståelig. Han har en krop som en bokser og et smil, der vækker alle de rigtige følelser – kvinderne flokkes om ham, og de falder for hans charme ... hurtigt.Alle undtagen Murphy.Den uimponerede Murphy Sullivan er lige dele country og rock'n'roll. Hun har lilla hår, grå øjne og en skurrende stemme. Og så har hun åbenbart en historie med Casey. Det kan Casey godt nok ikke huske, men Murphy har skrevet en sang om ham. Det er bestemt ikke en kærlighedssang, men den er god. Rigtig god, faktisk.Casey beslutter sig for at finde ud af, hvad der har inspireret Murphy til at skrive sangen – måske kan det være en måde at få sat en streg over nogle af hans personlige fejl. Og måske kan det også åbne dørene til hans store gennembrud i musikbranchen.I din vildeste fantasi er fjerde del af McConnell-serien. Den kan læses selvstændigt, men hvis du allerede har læst Den pige jeg var, vil du sikkert genkende Caseys bedste ven, Houston, og hans kæreste, Paige.

  • af Ginger Scott
    213,95 kr.

    This is about a teenager that's tried as an adult, because he's been locked up after committing violent, brutal attacks against some of his family members. Murdering them all, and lying to the police. About what he'd done? Having pre-meditated murder plans for his whole entire family. Who does he kill next? Does he ever get caught? What happens to this man after he's found out about by the cops?

  • af Ginger Scott
    488,95 kr.

    Casey Coffield har en lang liste af personlige fejl: Han kommer altid for sent, han skylder sin bedste ven, Houston, mere end godt er, og han når aldrig sine mål. Og så er han for resten droppet ud af McConnell. Det sidste synes han egentlig ikke selv er så slemt, men hans familie insisterer på, at det også skal på listen. På papiret er Casey altså en fiasko. Men når han er DJ på byens hotteste klubber, er han direkte uimodståelig. Han har en krop som en bokser og et smil, der vækker alle de rigtige følelser – kvinderne flokkes om ham, og de falder for hans charme ... hurtigt. Alle undtagen Murphy. Den uimponerede Murphy Sullivan er lige dele country og rock'n'roll. Hun har lilla hår, grå øjne og en skurrende stemme. Og så har hun åbenbart en historie med Casey. Det kan Casey godt nok ikke huske, men Murphy har skrevet en sang om ham. Det er bestemt ikke en kærlighedssang, men den er god. Rigtig god, faktisk.Casey beslutter sig for at finde ud af, hvad der har inspireret Murphy til at skrive sangen – måske kan det være en måde at få sat en streg over nogle af hans personlige fejl. Og måske kan det også åbne dørene til hans store gennembrud i musikbranchen. 'I din vildeste fantasi' er fjerde del af McConnell-serien. Den kan læses selvstændigt, men hvis du allerede har læst 'Den pige jeg var', vil du sikkert genkende Caseys bedste ven, Houston, og hans kæreste, Paige.

  • af Ginger Scott
    183,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Ginger Scott
    198,95 kr.

  • af Ginger Scott
    183,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Ginger Scott
    193,95 kr.

  • af Ginger Scott
    183,95 kr.

    A coming-of-age romance inspired by Great ExpectationsMy life was irrevocably changed the moment I stepped foot inside Elena Alderman's grand front doors. A lifeless tomb on the edge of Chicago's Southside, the Alderman home sat in one of the city's oldest and wealthiest neighborhoods, and Elena Alderman was the queen. She was also mad. Not the kind of madness that's readily apparent. No, her psychopathy was far more surgical-more...insidious. She was surrounded by beautiful things-most notably her grand piano and her adopted son, Henry. I fell in love with both. My gift blossomed when my fingers touched her black and white keys. But my life began when I became haunted by the boy. Henry Alderman was a handsome blend of arrogance and seduction, and as we grew up together, I found it more and more impossible to separate him from my thoughts. I envied his life. I imagined how my name-Lily-would look with his. I became his closest friend...and more. I gave him my kiss, locked away his secrets, and loved him even when it was hard to.But we were just a game. Elena Alderman made the rules. And when she decided to change them, she broke everything. Almost.

  • af Ginger Scott
    183,95 kr.

    My mom always said it was just something about the way he moved. The same swagger Archie Valentine wore in the ring when he took his opponents down followed him like a halo everywhere he went. But make no mistake about it-he was no angel. He was like a drug. My mother was his addict.I never understood love could make you blind and convince you to drink the poison. Not until I met Memphis Delaney. At first, it was the familiar form. He's a fighter, built like a god from the past, the kind of man the universe doesn't make anymore. His eyes hide a story, and every time I'm in his presence I want to keep reading him until I get to the end. And then...there's the way he moves. His boxing is violent but beautiful, and his body is a seductive weapon. When he's in the ring, he wears the stare of a man committed to the battle until his very last breath. He could end me; turn me into her. Too much of him will leave me as a shadow, and I've lost so much of myself already.But I have discipline. It came the hard way. Lessons learned, scars left behind, and trust stripped away from life. I will breathe his air, but I won't fall for a man like him. The only boxer who's ever going to break my heart is the one who gave me my name.

  • af Ginger Scott
    193,95 kr.

    Fractions of seconds can do lots of damage. One decision can ruin lives. A blink can be tragic. And loving a Hollister...can hurt like hell.I would know.They say the average person can hold their breath under water for two full minutes when pushed to the extremes. Will Hollister has been holding his for years. The oldest of two elite swimming brothers, Will was always a dominant force in the water. But in life, he preferred to let his younger brother Evan be the one to shine.Evan got the girl, and Will...he got to bury all of the secrets. A brother's burden, the weight of it all nearly left him to drown.The daughter of two Olympians, my path was set the day my fingertips first touched water. My future was as crystal clear as the lane I dominated in the pool-swim hard, win big, love a Hollister.My life with Evan burned bright. He gave me arms to come home to, and a smile that fooled the world into believing everything was perfect. But it was Will who pushed me. Will...who really knew me.And when all of the pieces fell, it was Will who started to pick them up.In the end, the only thing that matters are those few precious seconds-and what we decide to do while we still have them in our grasp.

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