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Bøger af Hannah Lynn

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  • af Hannah Lynn
    145,95 kr.

    Holly Berry har karriere, fast forhold og nok opsparing til snart at kunne investere i et lille hjem til hende og kæresten, Dan. Men da hun tager ham i at være utro, beslutter hun sig for at drage hjem til barndommens Cotswolds og et sted fyldt med søde minder.Bogstaveligt talt.Men da hun ankommer, går det op for Holly, at landsbyens charmerende lille konfekturebutik, Søde Fristelser, hvor hun arbejdede som teenager, er ved at gå nedenom og hjem. Hun beslutter at lægge alle sine (chokolade)æg i én kurv, vinke farvel til storbylivet og kaste sig over et nyt projekt.For hvor svært kan det trods alt være at drive en slikforretning?Nye begyndelser i konfekturebutikken er første bind i Hannah Lynns charmerede serie om flugten til et hyggeligt landsbyliv fuldt af latter, sød romantik og skæve personligheder, der styrker troen på, at de gode ting her i livet virkelig er værd at kæmpe for.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    144,94 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    145,95 kr.

    Hollys bedste venindes skal giftes og polterabend skal fejres med en uges festligheder i Sydfrankrig. Datteren Hope er dog stadig så lille, at det er svært for Holly at se sig ud af at rejse væk. Men eftersom Ben er den perfekte medforælder og hendes egen mor og far bor lige i nærheden, beslutter Holly sig for ikke at lade sig holde tilbage.Vil solskin og havluft hjælpe hende med at finde tilbage til sit gamle jeg? Eller vil det i stedet give anledning til den perfekte distraktion – chancen for en hed ferieaffære?Solrige dage i konfekturebutikken er femte bind i Hannah Lynns charmerede serie om flugten til et hyggeligt landsbyliv fuldt af latter, sød romantik og skæve personligheder, der styrker troen på, at de gode ting her i livet virkelig er værd at kæmpe for.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    145,95 kr.

    Efter en succesfuld sommer trives Hollys konfekturebutik for første gang, siden hun overtog den, og hun har store forventninger til fremtiden i Søde Fristelser. Det er dog ikke kun forretningen, der strutter af liv – snart skal hun forsøge at styre butikken med en baby på armen.Hvis bare kærlighedslivet også var til at styre. Men forholdet til Ben er langtfra en dans på roser, og da Giles atter dukker op, er Holly pludselig i færd med at skifte andet og mere end bleer …Store forventninger i konfekturebutikken er fjerde bind i Hannah Lynns charmerede serie om flugten til et hyggeligt landsbyliv fuldt af latter, sød romantik og skæve personligheder, der styrker troen på, at de gode ting her i livet virkelig er værd at kæmpe for.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    145,95 kr.

    Det er endelig lykkedes Holly Berry at købe konfekturebutikken Søde Fristelser og få en date med Bourton-on-the-Waters’ mest attraktive ungkarl. Men udfordringer truer i horisonten.Et bekendtskab fra fortiden udfordrer Hollys spæde romance, næsten før den er begyndt. Kan den reddes? Eller er Hollys drømmeliv på vej til at ryge i vasken?Kærlighed i konfekturebutikken er andet bind i Hannah Lynns charmerede serie om flugten til et hyggeligt landsbyliv fuldt af latter, sød romantik og skæve personligheder, der styrker troen på, at de gode ting her i livet virkelig er værd at kæmpe for.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    145,95 kr.

    Der er endelig faldet ro over Holly Berrys tilværelse, men er hun i stand til at komme sine nærmeste til undsætning, når tingene begynder at gå galt for dem?Hollys familie har altid været der for hende, og da hendes far bliver opsagt, er hun kun glad for at kunne hjælpe. Men ligefrem at ansætte sin far var ikke helt den løsning, hun havde i tankerne. Da hun samtidig forsøger at engagere sig mere i kæresten Bens familie, fyldes luften omgående med spændinger. Vil komplikationer i familien få hendes blomstrende forhold til at visne, eller er dette blot næste skridt på vejen til at leve lykkeligt til deres dages ende?Forviklinger i konfekturebutikken er tredje bind i Hannah Lynns charmerede serie om flugten til et hyggeligt landsbyliv fuldt af latter, sød romantik og skæve personligheder, der styrker troen på, at de gode ting her i livet virkelig er værd at kæmpe for.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    149,95 - 241,95 kr.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    149,95 - 311,95 kr.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    148,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    113,95 kr.

    A daughter pulled between two worlds and a mother willing destroy both to protect her...Demeter: a goddess of life, living half of one.Demeter did not always live in fear. Once, she loved the world and the humans who inhabited it. After an act of devastating violence, though, she hides herself away among the grasses and wildflowers. Her only solace is her daughter¿Before she was Persephone, she was Core. Core is as bright as summer and devoted to her mother, even during their millennia in exile from Olympus. But she craves freedom. Naïve and determined, she secretly builds a life of her own¿and as she does so, she catches the eye of a powerful god¿The daughters of Olympus will have the last word¿Then Hades kidnaps Core and renames her as Queen of the Underworld. In the land without sun, she realizes she may have a chance to gain back what she thought she¿d lost forever. But Demeter will destroy anything¿even the humans she holds so dear¿to bring her daughter back. A mother who has lost everything and a daughter with more to gain than she ever realized, they will irrevocably shape the world: all in the name of something as human as love.A lush, emotional read perfect for fans of Madeleine Miller and Claire Heywood, this is the story of Persephone and Demeter.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    113,95 kr.

    Sisterhood is worth fighting for¿In ancient Themiscyra, Hippolyte rules as queen of the Amazons with her sister Penthesilea at her side. Feared throughout Greece, their skills on the battlefield are unrivalled. But when a ship lands on their shores, it brings something more dangerous than the threat of war: Theseus, the legendary king of Athens.Swept away by a love unlike any she's ever known, Hippolyte leaves her people. In her stead, Penthesilea leads the Amazons with a ferocity that spreads terror across the Aegean.But not all men of myth are heroes, and, back in Athens, Hippolyte finds herself trapped in her new life. She's a queen without her people, a warrior without her army, and a mother separated from her family. But she remains an Amazon, and she's ready to fight. And across the sea, Penthesilea is ready to do the same¿Perfect for readers of Madeleine Miller and Claire Heywood, this mythic retelling is a rich, thrilling story of war and peace, love and betrayal, and, most of all, sisterhood.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    188,95 kr.

    "Demeter did not always live in fear. Once, the goddess of spring loved the world and the humans who inhabited it. After a devastating assault, though, she becomes a shell of herself. Her only solace is her daughter, Persephone. A balm to her mother's pain, Persephone grows among wildflowers, never leaving the sanctuary Demeter built for them. But she aches to explore the mortal world--to gain her own experiences. Naèive but determined, she secretly builds a life of her own under her mother's watchful gaze. But as she does so, she catches the eye of Hades, and is kidnapped...Forced into a role she never wanted, Persephone learns that power suits her. In the land of the living, though, Demeter is willing to destroy the humans she once held dear--anything to protect her family. A mother who has lost everything and a daughter with more to gain than she ever realized, their story will irrevocably shape the world."--

  • af Hannah Lynn
    144,94 - 318,95 kr.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    144,94 - 338,95 kr.

  • - Includes books 1-3 plus EXCLUSIVE novella.
    af Hannah Lynn
    298,95 kr.

    Follow the adventures and mishaps of Eric Sibley and his family in this charmingly heart-warming and hilarious series. This boxset contains the first three books in the series, along with an EXCLUSIVE short story set in the Peas and Carrots world. Praise for Peas, Carrots and an Aston Martin"I absolutely loved this book! It's funny, uplifting, contains a whole host of unforgettable characters and I can't wait to read the sequel! I was looking for something to cheer me up and this fit the bill. A highly recommended 5 star read.""Peas, Carrots and a Aston Martin was brilliant from start to finish just downloaded the second book would definitely recommend to anyone.""Will have you laughing one moment and misty eyed the next. This was a joy to read. Her characters a vividly drawn and strangely relatable. Recommend.""I loved this book! Had me gripped from the first page. A real feel-good factor. Might need a tissue at some points. Hugely recommended." "This ticked all the boxes as you can really relate to the main character and feel all their emotions. l can't wait to start the next book." "Peas, Carrots and an Aston Martin is a charming, bittersweet and humorous story. I am so happy that this is the start of a series and I am really looking forward to reading the next book.""OMG! I have not stopped laughing. Eric's frustrations fall off the page, Faulty Towers eat your heart out. Definitely read more in the series""This was a delight! Such good fun with a warm sincere message at the heart.""I loved the characters within this book, they were so deliciously lovely, quirky and believable, even when at their most absurd.""It's a book that oozes charm.""Wonderful book to get lost in. Adored the characters and loved the way the book was written - very easy to read and I loved, laughed & cried in equal measures - great!""So many funny moments, the prose is witty and bouncy, and I can't wait to read more from the Author"Praise for Peas, Carrots and a Red Feather Boa"Loved the easy storytelling style of this book.""I very much enjoyed the continuation of the Sibley family saga.""A genuinely lovely story.""Normal life brought to life in a way that pulls us in, throws us up and down, and then really spits us out at the end!""A worthy sequel to Peas, Carrots and an Aston Martin."Praise for Peas, Carrots and Six More Feet "Absolutely loved this series of books.""As good as the first two in series. Can't wait for the next.""I would thoroughly recommend these books to anyone who enjoys contemporary family life fiction.""As enjoyable as the first two, with all the poignancy I have come to expect.""Reading the third in this series is like visiting old friends; you feel comfortable and welcome and can't wait to catch up on all their news!"

  • af Hannah Lynn
    144,94 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    318,95 kr.

    Special delivery for Miss Holly BerryA successful summer has seen Holly's shop thriving for the first time since she bought it, and she has high hopes for the future of Just One More. However, it is not only her business prowess that has been growing. In a little over a month she will be trying to run the shop with a baby on her hip.If only her love life was so easily managed. With things far from solid with Ben, and Giles back on the scene, Holly might find herself changing more than nappies...Catch up with your favourite sweet shop owner in this charming and heartwarming story, perfect for fans of Holly Martin, Jessica Redland and Polly Babbington.A delightful, well written tale, full of wonderful characters in a charming setting. I loved it!" Katie Fforde

  • af Hannah Lynn
    188,95 kr.

    "In ancient Themiscyra, Hippolyte rules as queen of the Amazons with her sister Penthesilea at her side. Feared throughout Greece, their skills on the battlefield are unrivalled. But when a ship lands on their shores, it brings something more dangerous than the threat of war. It brings Theseus, the legendary king of Athens... Swept away by a love unlike any she's ever known, Hippolyte leaves her people and, in her stead, Penthesilea leads the Amazons with a ferocity and impulsiveness that spreads terror across the Aegean. But men of myth are not the golden heroes we'd wish them to be, and, back in Athens, Hippolyte finds herself trapped in her new life. She's a queen without her people, a warrior without her army, and a mother without her family. But she remains an Amazon, and she's ready to wage her own war. And across the sea, Penthesilea is willing to do the same"--

  • af Hannah Lynn
    193,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    143,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    143,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    108,95 kr.

    From an award winning author comes a story of feminist revenge perfect for readers of Madeleine Miller and Natalie HaynesAll murders must be avenged.While the rest of Greece mourns for the war that has taken their husbands away, Clytemnestra fears the day it will bring Agamemnon back. When he husband willingly sacrifices their eldest daughter to appease the gods, Clytemnestra vows to do whatever it takes to protect her remaining children. But history turns strong women into monsters, and in saving her family she risks losing them altogether and becoming the most hated woman in Greece...

  • af Hannah Lynn
    188,95 kr.

    "All murders must be avenged. While the rest of Greece mourns for the war that has taken their husbands away, Clytemnestra fears the day it will bring Agamemnon back. When the husband willingly sacrifices their eldest daughter to appease the gods, Clytemnestra vows to do whatever it takes to protect her remaining children. But history turns strong women into monsters, and in saving her family she risks losing them altogether and becoming the most hated woman in Greece.."--

  • af Hannah Lynn
    188,95 kr.

    EL FENÓMENO EDITORIAL QUE HA ARRASADO EN EUROPABendecida y condenada con una belleza superior a la de todas las mortales, Medusa busca la protección de Atenea uniéndose al grupo de sacerdotisas en su templo; pero cuando la mirada de Poseidón recae sobre ella, ni siquiera ese lugar sagrado consigue mantenerla a salvo del poderoso dios de los mares.El joven Perseo se embarca en una misión aparentemente imposible. Armado con valentía y determinación, su única oportunidad para obtener el reconocimiento que le corresponde como hijo de Zeus está en manos de sus medios hermanos inmortales.Medusa y Perseo pronto se convierten en peones en la confrontación de dioses rencorosos y egoístas. Furiosa por el ultraje ocurrido en su templo, Atenea responsabiliza a Medusa de su propia desgracia y le lanza una maldición que no solo recae en ella, sino en toda su familia, por lo que no tiene más remedio que huir y esconderse. Pero ¿podrá hacerlo sin convertirse en el monstruo que dicen que es?Los mitos hablan de héroes que se cubren de gloria y de sanguinarios monstruos que desafían a los hombres, pero la auténtica historia de Medusa ha permanecido oculta durante mucho tiempo. Es el momento de conocer su verdad. Un poderoso relato sobre una de las figuras mitológicas más enigmáticas y cautivadoras.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    143,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    113,95 kr.

    For readers of Madeleine Miller and Claire Heywood comes the story of the most infamous monster of Greek mythology: Medusa.First, they loved her. Then, they abused her. Finally, they made her a villain.Gifted and burdened with stunning beauty, young Medusa seeks sanctuary with the Goddess Athena. But when she catches the eye of the lecherous but mighty Poseidon, she is beyond protection. Powerful men rarely answer for their actions, after all.Meanwhile, Perseus embarks on a seemingly impossible quest, equipped with only bravado and determination...Medusa and Perseus soon become pawns of spiteful and selfish gods. Faced with the repercussions of Athena's wrath, blamed for her assault, Medusa has no choice but to flee and hide. But can she do so without becoming the monster they say she is?Medusa's truth has long been lost. History tells of conquering heroes, of men with hearts of gold. Now it is time to hear the story of how history treats women who don't comply.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    188,95 kr.

    "For readers of Madeleine Miller and Claire Heywood comes the story of the most infamous monster of Greek mythology: Medusa. First, they loved her. Then, they abused her. Finally, they made her a villain. Gifted and burdened with stunning beauty, young Medusa seeks sanctuary with the Goddess Athena. But when she catches the eye of the lecherous but mighty Poseidon, she is beyond protection. Powerful men rarely answer for their actions, after all. Meanwhile, Perseus embarks on a seemingly impossible quest, equipped with only bravado and determination... Medusa and Perseus soon become pawns of spiteful and selfish gods. Faced with the repercussions of Athena's wrath, blamed for her assault, Medusa has no choice but to flee and hide. But can she do so without becoming the monster they say she is? Medusa's truth has long been lost. History tells of conquering heroes, of men with hearts of gold. Now it is time to hear the story of how history treats women who don't comply"--

  • af Hannah Lynn
    93,95 kr.

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