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Bøger af H.G. Wells

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  • af H.G. Wells
    57,95 kr.

    Contains: The Time Machine; When The Sleeper Awakes; The Chronic Argonauts. In these 'scientific romances' H. G. Wells sees the present reflected in the future and the future in the present; his aim is to provoke rather than predict.

  • af H.G. Wells
    87,95 kr.

    Part of Alma Classics Evergreen series of popular classics, this new edition includes pictures and an extensive section on Wells's life and works.

  • af H.G. Wells
    245,95 kr.

    Five of H.G. Wells' best-loved stories collected in one omnibus.

  • af H.G. Wells
    57,95 kr.

    The narrator of The War of the Worlds is quick to discover that what appeared to be a falling star was, in fact, a metallic cylinder landing from Mars.In The War in the Air, naive but resourceful Bert Smallways is thrilled by speed and fascinated by the new flying machines.

  • af H.G. Wells
    87,95 kr.

    Here are two masterpieces of irony and imaginative vision from the father of science fiction. "The Time Machine" propels the Time Traveller into a distant, dismal future. "The Invisible Man" tells of a brash young scientist who becomes invisible, then insane. This volume features a new Afterword. Revised reissue.

  • af H.G. Wells
    87,95 kr.

    Shocking and suffused with contemporary fears regarding the morality of the latest advances in science and their possible implications for religion, The Island of Dr Moreau, here presented with extra material, is both a ruthless social satire and an exploration of human nature.

  • af H.G. Wells
    105,95 kr.

    A prescient look at mankind's future from the greatest science fiction writer of them all.

  • af H.G. Wells
    87,95 kr.

    Wells's masterpiece still retains its power to provoke and enthral. In the Time Traveller's miraculous new machine, we will be carried from a Victorian dinner table to 802,701 AD, when the Earth is divided between the gentle, ineffective Eloi, and the ape-like Morlocks;

  • af H.G. Wells
    57,95 kr.

    Brought together for the first time in this new Wordsworth edition, The Invisible Man and The Food of the Gods are two of Wells's most entertaining and thought-provoking works.

  • af H.G. Wells
    63,94 kr.

    En uhyggelig og meget fængslende roman om en videnskabsmands biologiske eksperimenter. Dr. Moreaus eksperimenter foregår på en fjern Stillehavsø og omgives med stor hemmelighedsfuldhed og mystik. Romanens fortæller, Prendick, havner på denne ø efter et skibsforlis. Øens 'indfødte' er skrækindjagende og uhyggeligt udseende væsener, som udviser en nærmest dyrisk og utæmmet adfærd, der sammen med deres papegøjeagtige sprog virker skræmmende. Men dr. Moreau, som er en slags guru for dem, kan styre dem; dog får han stadig større vanskeligheder ved det. Hvad er de for nogle væsener, disse 'indfødte'? Og hvad er det egentlig for nogle biologiske forsøg denne mystiske dr. Moreau udfører?H.G. Wells (1866-1946) var en britisk forfatter, der skrev i flere genrer, men som primært er kendt for sine bidrag inden for science fiction. Heriblandt er "Tidsmaskinen" (1895), "Den usynlige mand" (1897) og "Klodernes kamp" (1898) nogle af de mest berømte og også nogle af dem, der gentagne gange er blevet filmatiseret og været inspiration til andre forfattere og filmskabere.

  • af H.G. Wells
    100,95 kr.

  • af H.G. Wells
    139,95 kr.

    H.G. Wells at his best! The Island of Doctor Moreau is a chilling tale of secrets and shadows woven by the masterful pen of H.G. Wells, who is considered one of the fathers of science fiction. First published in 1896, this is the story of Edward Prendick, an Englishman who finds himself stranded on a remote island in the South Pacific after being shipwrecked. The island is home to Dr Moreau, an eminent physiologist from London who has fled England after his ghoulish experiments in vivisection had been publicly exposed. Prendick soon learns that Moreau has continued his experiments on the island of transforming animals into men with monstrous results. Worrying that he may be next on the list of subjects, Prendick flees into the jungle trying to escape whatever gruesome plan Moreau may have in store for him. The novel which has intrigued and horrified readers for generations deals with a number of philosophical themes, including interference with nature. the scientific quest to control and manipulate the natural world, pain and cruelty, moral responsibility, human identity, and, ultimately, human nature itself. Wells brought enormous inventiveness, an underlying social vision and moral concern to his strange tales and bizarre imaginings. A student of Darwinian biology, he formed his romantic conceptions of the scientific world at an early age. This is one of his earliest and most sinister novels in the science fiction genre and one of his best known works.

  • af H.G. Wells
    92,95 - 342,95 kr.

    Trafford og Marjorie møder hinanden på dramatisk vis, da Trafford styrter ned med sit fly uden for det hus, Marjorie og hendes familie har lejet. Mod sine forældres ønsker gifter hun sig med ham, men ægteskabet kan ikke leve op til nogen af parternes forventninger. Marjorie er fuld af moderne ideer om, hvordan en selvstændig kvindes liv kan leves, og samtidig bliver Trafford mere og mere desillusioneret over sin tilværelse som forretningsmand. For at redde ægteskabet tager de til den canadiske ødemark for at overvintre i en ensom hytte alene sammen. Eksperimentet vil enten blive ægteskabets endeligt eller dets redning.”Ægteskab” udkom første gang i 1912.H.G. Wells (1866-1946) var en britisk forfatter, der skrev i flere genrer, men som primært er kendt for sine bidrag inden for science fiction. Heriblandt er ”Tidsmaskinen” (1895), ”Den usynlige mand” (1897) og ”Klodernes kamp” (1898) nogle af de mest berømte og også nogle af dem, der gentagne gange er blevet filmatiseret og været inspiration til andre forfattere og filmskabere.

  • af H.G. Wells
    73,95 - 347,95 kr.

    Amerikanske Direck rejser til Europa for at opleve den gamle verden og se, hvordan den adskiller sig fra den nye, hvor han er vokset op. Første stop er England, hvor han møder hr. Britling, der er så engelsk, som man kan være. Det, der starter som en interessant og hyggelig rejse, bliver imidlertid langt mere begivenhedsrig, end den muntre amerikaner havde drømt om. Mens han er i England, bryder første verdenskrig ud, og det gamle Europa, som han længtes efter at se, smuldrer mellem fingrene på de stridende stormagter.”Hr. Britling og verdenskrigen” udkom første gang i 1916, hvor ingen anede, hvor længe krigen ville rase, og hvordan verden ville se ud, når den var færdig.H.G. Wells (1866-1946) var en britisk forfatter, der skrev i flere genrer, men som primært er kendt for sine bidrag inden for science fiction. Heriblandt er ”Tidsmaskinen” (1895), ”Den usynlige mand” (1897) og ”Klodernes kamp” (1898) nogle af de mest berømte og også nogle af dem, der gentagne gange er blevet filmatiseret og været inspiration til andre forfattere og filmskabere.

  • af H.G. Wells
    272,95 kr.

    The book "" The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth "" has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies and hence the text is clear and readable.

  • af H.G. Wells
    232,95 kr.

  • af H.G. Wells
    74,95 kr.

    Anna Veronica er en viljestærk og lidenskabelig person, der sætter sig for at bryde ud af de snærende bånd, der holder alle kvinder nede i det edwardianske samfund, som hun vokser op i. Hun bryder med sin dominerende far og de rigide sociale konventioner, der hersker overalt i det miljø, hun er vokset op i, og rejser i stedet til det pulserende og moderne London. Her møder hun suffragetter, fritænkere og polyamorøse mennesker og forsøger at finde den frihed og mening med livet, som hun altid har stræbt efter."Anna Veronica" blev skarpt kritiseret, da den udkom, fordi fremstillede den kvindelige seksualitet på en måde, der var ganske uhørt i det postvictorianske England. I dag betragtes romanen til gengæld som en milepæl i litteraturen om moderne, frigjorte kvinder. Bogen blev oprindeligt udgivet på dansk i 1921.H.G. Wells (1866-1946) var en britisk forfatter, der skrev i flere genrer, men som primært er kendt for sine bidrag inden for science fiction. Heriblandt er "Tidsmaskinen" (1895), "Den usynlige mand" (1897) og "Klodernes kamp" (1898) nogle af de mest berømte og også nogle af dem, der gentagne gange er blevet filmatiseret og været inspiration for andre forfattere og filmskabere.

  • af H.G. Wells
    125,95 kr.

    Tasked with finding rare Aepyornis eggs, a rugged Englishman ventures to a remote swamp on the island of Madagascar. A destitute man tells a wealthy businessman about his years as a maker of artificial diamonds. An inventor living in rural Wales discovers the secret of time travel. Scientific and Horrific Stories is a collection of short fiction by H. G. Wells.

  • af H.G. Wells
    69,95 kr.

    Des aliens venus de Mars envahissent l'Angleterre. A bord d'enormes machines a trois pieds dotes de rayons ardents, ils traversent le pays, pulverisent sur leur passage les batiments, carbonisent les humains, se nourrissent de leur chair, et repandent un gaz toxique dans les rues. La fin de la civilisation humaine a sonne. Le debut d'une guerre sanglante et infernale est engagee. La Guerre des mondes est le chef-d'A uvre fondateur de la science-fiction moderne. Ce livre incontournable a fait l'objet de nombreuses adaptations : en 2005 au cinema par Steven Spielberg avec en tete d'affiche Tom Cruise, et a la radio par le legendaire Orson Welles, en 1938, dans une diffusion restee celebre pour avoir fait sortir les americains de chez-eux, paniques, afin d'observer l'invasion d'aliens dans le ciel. La Guerre des mondes s'eleve ainsi au rang des romans les plus influents de tous les temps, aux cotes de ceux de Frank Herbert ( Dune ) et de George Orwell ( 1984 ).-

  • - or, What Are We Fighting For?
    af H.G. Wells
    73,94 kr.

    H.G. Wells, a prominent political thinker as well as a first-rate novelist, set down in The Rights of Man a stirring manifesto, and his words laid the groundwork for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which enshrined human rights in law for the first time, changing the course of history for ever and granting fundamental rights to billions.

  • af H.G. Wells
    38,95 kr.

    Un savant a invente une machine extraordinaire capable de se deplacer a travers les siecles. Alors qu'il atterrit en 802 701, il decouvre une Terre bien differente : elle ressemble a un grand jardin paradisiaque ou ne subsiste ni mauvaises herbes, ni animaux. Elle est habitee seulement par un peuple d'androgynes, doux et pacifiques, les Elois, qui passent leur temps a jouer et a manger des fruits au milieu d'une verdure abondante.Pourtant, sous cette apparente serenite semble se cacher un lourd secret. Des puits extremement profonds parsement les lieux et emettent d'etranges sons metalliques, et la nuit, de terrifiantes creatures font surfaces et enlevent les Elois dont ils se nourrissent...Il s'agit la d'un chef-d'A uvre de la science-fiction, devenu un veritable classique du genre. La Machine a explorer le temps est encore aujourd'hui une inepuisable source d'inspiration, et sera maintes fois adapte au cinema, entres autres par Simon Wells, l'arriere-petit-fils de H. G. Wells. George Orwell ou Jules Verne s'en inspireront pour rediger a leur tour des monuments de la science-fiction.-

  • af H.G. Wells
    232,95 kr.

    He was the first to popularize the concept of time travel. He disturbed--and fascinated us with a frightening doctor's island. He wrote of an invisible man, of men on the moon, and of a war of the worlds. He has influenced countless other writers, artists, and even scientists. H. G. Wells is one of the most acclaimed science fiction writers who ever lived, and five of his classic tales are collected in this book for readers to treasure.H. G. Wells includes The Time Machine, The Island of Dr Moreau, The Invisble Man, The War of the Worlds, The First Men in the Moon, and The Food of the Gods. Readers new to this remarkable author will delight in these amazing stories, while fans of Wells will enjoy the insightful introduction by an expert on the author's life and work. All will appreciate the leather cover, gilded edges, printed endpapers, ribbon bookmark, and other features on this unique gift book.No library is complete without the works of H. G. Wells, the father of science fiction!

  • af H.G. Wells
    142,95 kr.

  • af H.G. Wells
    327,95 kr.

  • af H.G. Wells
    382,95 kr.

  • af H.G. Wells
    225,95 kr.

    In 1937, H. G. Wells proposed a predigital, freely available World Encyclopedia to represent a civilization-saving World Brain.In a series of talks and essays in 1937, H. G. Wells proselytized for what he called a "World Brain," as manifested in a World Encyclopedia--a repository of scientifically established knowledge--that would spread enlightenment around the world and lead to world peace. Wells, known to readers today as the author of The War of the Worlds and other science fiction classics, was imagining something like a predigital Wikipedia. The World Encyclopedia would provide a summary of verified reality (in about forty volumes); it would be widely available, free of copyright, and utilize the latest technology. Of course, as Bruce Sterling points out in the foreword to this edition of Wells's work, the World Brain didn't happen; the internet did. And yet, Wells anticipated aspects of the internet, envisioning the World Brain as a technical system of networked knowledge (in Sterling's words, a "hypothetical super-gadget"). Wells's optimism about the power of information might strike readers today as naïvely utopian, but possibly also inspirational.

  • af H.G. Wells
    97,95 kr.

    B. J. Harrison reads two late 19th-century science fiction classics by H. G. Wells."The Time Machine," an ultimate classic, introduced the term "time machine" as we now know it. A man referred to as the Time Traveller moves hundreds of thousands of years ahead in time and finds Earth battling against the sun for survival .In "The Invisible Man," a scientist invents a way to become invisible and successfully applies this procedure on himself. The problem is that he does not know how to undo the process, which leaves an invisible and extremely violent man on the loose. Both stories have made it into film and television versions, most notably the Oscar-nominated film The Time Machine (1960) directed by George Pal and the film The Invisible Man (1933) directed by James Whale.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), aka H. G. Wells, was an English writer and social critic. Wells wrote in a variety of genres and styles, most famously science fiction. Once called "the Shakespeare of science fiction", his works are full time travel, mad scientists and alternate universes. Wells' short stories and novels have appeared on the screen countless times as film and television adaptations. One of these is "War of the Worlds" (2005) starring Tom Cruise, a film version of Wells’ novel The War of the Worlds.

  • af H.G. Wells & N. Gangulee
    339,95 - 1.375,95 kr.

  • - (Illustrated Edition)
    af H.G. Wells
    105,95 kr.

    With an all-new illustrations, experience this classic pioneering tale of science fiction by H.G. Wells. West Sussex. A mysterious man in a long-sleeved trench coat, gloves, and a wide-brimmed hat arrives at Mr. and Mrs. Hall's inn. His face is almost entirely concealed (much like most of his personality and identity), except for a fake pink nose. He keeps to himself, working in his rooms during the day, only leaving at night. Griffin's peculiar habits quickly make him the talk of the town. After his landlady demands he pay his rent, he reveals his invisibility to her. In an altercation, the invisible man is forced out of the inn without his scientific equipment and notebooks. He sheds his clothing, but arms himself with an iron pipe. After being trailed by a stranger who accidentally pushes him into the bushes, the invisible man commits his first murder. Soon he meets Thomas Marvel and recruits him to be his assistant. But Marvel has other plans and reports Griffin to the police. Outcast and deranged, the invisible man takes shelter in the house of Dr. Kemp, a former acquaintance from medical school. There, he reveals his true identity, the origins of his invisibility, and his plot for revenge. Meanwhile, Kemp has already reported Griffin to the authorities, and tragedy ensues. Originally published in 1897, The Invisible Man is considered a landmark work of H.G. Wells and helped established him as the father of science fiction. Prepare to be captivated by the stunning new art by renowned illustrator, Howie Green, in this handsome new edition of a time-honored tale.

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