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  • af Hong Wang & Dulu Wang
    260,95 kr.

    τÄïσ║ªσ╗¼µÿ»Σ╕¡σ£ïΦæùσÉìτÜ䵡ªΣ┐áΦ¿Çµâàσ░ÅΦ¬¬Σ╜£σ«╢∩╝îσ£¿Σ╕èσÇïΣ╕ûτ┤ÇΣ╕ëσ¢¢σìüσ╣┤Σ╗úµ¢╛τÖ╝Φí¿Φ┐çσñºΘçÅσ░ÅΦ¬¬πÇüΘ¢£µûçπÇüΦ⌐⌐Φ⌐₧τ¡ëΣ╜£σôüπÇéπÇèΘ╢┤Θ⌐ܵÿåΣ╛ûπÇïπÇüπÇèσ»╢σèìΘçæΘç╡πÇïπÇüπÇèσèìµ░úτÅáσàëπÇïπÇüπÇèΦçÑΦÖÄΦùÅΘ╛ìπÇïπÇüπÇèΘÉ╡Θ¿ÄΘèÇτô╢πÇïµÿ»τÄïσ║ªσ╗¼σë╡Σ╜£τÜ䵡ªΣ┐áµé▓µâàσ░ÅΦ¬¬∩╝îΘÇÜσ╕╕Φó½σÉêτ¿▒τé║"Θ╢┤-ΘÉ╡Σ║öΘâ¿"πÇé2000σ╣┤µ¥Äσ«ëσ░ĵ╝öµá╣µôÜΦ⌐▓τ│╗σêùµö╣τ╖¿τÜäΘ¢╗σ╜▒πÇèΦçÑΦÖÄΦùÅΘ╛ìπÇï∩╝îµ¢╛τì▓σ╛ù40σñÜσÇïσ£ïΘÜ¢Θ¢╗σ╜▒τìÄ∩╝îΣ╕ªµª«τì▓Σ║åτ¼¼73σ▒åσѺµû»σìíµ£ÇΣ╜│σñûΦ¬₧τëçτ¡ëσ¢¢ΘáàσñºτìÄπÇéπÇèτÄïσ║ªσ╗¼Θü╕Θ¢åπÇï∩╝îµö╢σàÑΣ║åτÄïσ║ªσ╗¼σàêτöƒτÜäσîàµï¼"Θ╢┤-ΘÉ╡Σ║öΘâ¿"σ£¿σàºτÜäΣ╕ìσÉîµÖéµ£ƒτÜäΣ╜£σôü∩╝îτÄïσ«ÅΣ╕ªσ░ìσà╢σüÜΣ║åΣ╕ÇΣ║¢σ┐àΦªüµò┤τÉåσÆîΦ¿éµ¡úπÇéµ£¼Σ╣ªΣ╕║πÇèτÄïσ║ªσ╗¼µ¡ªΣ╛áσ░ÅΦ»┤πÇïτ¼¼Σ╕ëσì╖∩╝îσîàµï¼σ¢¢Θâ¿Σ╜£σôü: πÇèσñºµ╝áΘ¢ÖΘ┤¢Φ¡£πÇïThe Swordswoman In The Gobi Desert,πÇèτ┤½Θ││ΘÅóπÇïPhoenix Courier Guards, πÇèτ╣íσ╕╢ΘèÇΘÅóπÇïEmbroidered Belt, Silver Dart,πÇèτçòσ╕éΣ┐áΣ╝╢πÇïStarring Actor, Hidden Hero.πÇèσñºµ╝áΘ¢ÖΘ┤¢Φ¡£πÇïτÖ╝Φí¿µû╝1944σ╣┤∩╝îσ░ÅΦ¬¬µÅÅΦ┐░Σ║åµ╕ൣ¥σ╣┤Θûôσ£¿µû░τûåµêêσúüτüÿΣ╕Çσ╕╢τÖ╝τöƒτÜäµòàΣ║ïπÇéσÑ│Σ┐áσ«óΘ¡ÅΦè│Θ¢▓σ£¿τé║µÉ¡µòæΦó½σè½µîüτÜäσÑ│µÇºσÉîτò╢σ£░µâíΘ£╕σÆîσ£ƒσî¬Θ¼Ñτê¡τÜäΘüÄτ¿ïΣ╕¡µä¢Σ╕èΣ║åΘÇÖσÇïσÑ│µÇºτÜäσôÑσôÑπÇéσ╛îΣ╛åσÑ╣µäÅΦ¡ÿσê░∩╝îσÑ╣Σ╜£τé║Σ╕ÇσÇïΦó½τ£╛Σ║║σ┤çµï£τÜäσÑ│Φï▒Θ¢äσì╗Θ¢úΣ╗Ñτì▓σ╛ùτ£ƒµ¡úτÜäµä¢µâà∩╝îµû╝µÿ»σÑ╣Σ╛┐ΘÜ▒Φ║½µ▓Öµ╝á∩╝îτ╡éτöƒσ¡ñΦ║½∩╝îΦíîΣ┐áΣ╜£τ╛⌐πÇéπÇèτ┤½Θ││ΘÅóπÇïτÖ╝Φí¿µû╝1946σ╣┤∩╝îµÅÅΦ┐░Σ║åΣ╕ÇσÇïµôàΘò╖Θú¢ΘÅóτÜäσÑ│Σ┐áσ£¿Σ╕ÇσÇïΣ┐áσ«óτÜäσ╣½σè⌐Σ╕ïµôèµòùΣ║åσ«┐µò╡∩╝îΣ║îΣ║║τ╡ɵêÉΦë»τ╖úπÇéΣ╜åτö▒µû╝µ╖ƵàÿτÜäτ╢ôµ¡╖∩╝îµ¢╛µ£ëτî£σ┐îσÆîµéöµü¿∩╝îΣ╜┐σ╛ùΣ╗ûσÇæΘ¢ûτä╢τ¢╕µä¢∩╝îΣ╜åσ╖▓τ╢ôτ£ïτá┤τ┤àσí╡∩╝îµèæΘ¼▒σ»íµ¡íπÇéπÇèτ╣íσ╕╢ΘèÇΘÅóπÇïτÖ╝Φí¿µû╝1947σ╣┤∩╝îµÅÅσ»½Σ║åµ╕ൣ½σîùΣ║¼µ¡ªΦù¥Φ╢àτ╛ñσì╗Σ╕ìΦ½│Σ╕ûΣ║ïτÜäΘÉ╡ΦçéΦï▒Θ¢äσèëσ╛ùΘú¢Φêçσ£¿Φ▒¬ΘûÇσÅùΦÖÉσ╛àτÜäσ░Åσª╛σ░ÅΦè│σÆîσÑ│ΘÅóσ╕½τ¢ºσ»╢σ¿ÑΣ╣ïΘûôτÜäµä¢µâàτ│╛Φæ¢σÆîµé▓µàÿτÜäσæ╜ΘüïπÇéπÇèτçòσ╕éΣ╛áΣ╝╢πÇïτÖ╝Φí¿µû╝1948σ╣┤∩╝îµÅÅσ»½Σ║åµ╕ൣ¥σ╣┤ΘûôΣ╕ÇΣ╕¬σ╣┤Φ╝òΣ┐áσ«óµ╜¢σàÑσîùΣ║¼∩╝îσàѵê▓τÅ¡σ¡╕µê▓∩╝îµ║ûσéÖσ£¿µ╝öσç║µÖéσê║µ«║Φ▓¬σ«ÿ∩╝îΣ╗Ñσá▒µ«║τê╢Σ╣ïΣ╗çτÜäµòàΣ║ïπÇé Jianghu Publishing µ▒ƒµ╣ûσç║τëêτñ╛

  • af Hong Wang & Dulu Wang
    223,95 kr.

    Dulu Wang (1909-1977) was a famous Chinese Chivalry (Martial Art) novelist in the nineteen thirties and forties who wrote many novels including Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Pentalogy (Dancing Crane, Singing Phoenix舞鹤鸣鸾记 aka鶴驚昆侖, 1940; Precious Sword, Golden Hairpin寶劍金釵, 1938; Sword Spirit, Pearl Light劍氣珠光, 1939; Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 臥虎藏龍, 1941; and Iron Knight, Silver Vase 鐵騎銀瓶, 1942) which was adapted into a film under the title "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"by Ang Lee and his colleagues in 2000. Its spectacular action, rhapsodic landscapes and tragic romance have touched audiences in Asia, North America and around the world and won over 40 awards and was nominated for 10 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and won Best Foreign Language Film, Best Art Direction, Best Original Score and Best Cinematography. In 2019, the film was ranked the 51st in 100 best films of the 21st century list by Guardian.Dulu Wang is considered one of the five greatest wuxia (which literally means "martial hero") fiction writers of the Northern School in the Republican. He was less interested in writing about ruthless killings; instead he focused on his characters'' development, their emotions, friendship, and passions. Wang had great sympathy for women who suffered cruel oppression by the society and its feudal system, and his novels featured many strong female characters, warriors, and heroines. Most of his stories featured tragic endings. His perfect combination of chivalry, romance and tragedy in his novels have thrilled many critics and readers and this style have influenced many authors.During 1925-1949 Wang published more 90 novels and thousands of articles and poems.This book, Precious Sword, Golden Hairpin, is Volume 2 of Wang''s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Pentalogy and was published in 1938 and edited and modified by Hong Wang in 2020.More Wang''s books will be in the Collected Works of Dulu Wang series.王度廬是中國著名的武俠言情小說作家,在上個世紀三四十年代曾發表过大量小說、雜文、詩詞等作品。《鶴驚昆侖》、《寶劍金釵》、《劍氣珠光》、《臥虎藏龍》、《鐵騎銀瓶》是王度廬創作的五部內容相互關聯,又各自獨立的武俠悲情小說,通常被合稱為"鶴-鐵五部"。2000年李安導演根據該系列改編的電影《臥虎藏龍》,曾獲得40多個國際電影大獎,並榮獲了第73屆奧斯卡最佳外語片等四項大獎。《寶劍金釵》是"鶴-鐵五部"的第二部,原名《寶劍金釵記》,初載於1938年的《青島新民報》,後由上海勵力出版社印行,改題《寶劍金釵》。本社出版的《王度廬選集》,收入了王度廬先生的包括"鶴-鐵五部"在內的不同時期不同類型的部分作品,王宏並對其做了一些必要整理和訂正,該選集中的各部小說將在近期陸續出版。Jianghu Publishing 江湖出版社

  • af Hong Wang & Dulu Wang
    222,95 kr.

    Dulu Wang (1909-1977) was a famous Chinese Chivalry (Martial Art) novelist in the nineteen thirties and forties who wrote many novels including Crane-Iron Pentalogy (Dancing Crane, Singing Phoenix舞鹤鸣鸾记 aka鶴驚昆侖, 1940; Precious Sword, Golden Hairpin寶劍金釵, 1938; Sword Spirit, Pearl Light劍氣珠光, 1939; Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 臥虎藏龍, 1941; and Iron Knight, Silver Vase 鐵騎銀瓶, 1942) which was adapted into a film under the title "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"by Ang Lee and his colleagues in 2000. Its spectacular action, rhapsodic landscapes and tragic romance have touched audiences in Asia, North America and around the world and won over 40 awards and was nominated for 10 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and won Best Foreign Language Film, Best Art Direction, Best Original Score and Best Cinematography. In 2019, the film was ranked the 51st in 100 best films of the 21st century list by Guardian.Dulu Wang is considered one of the five greatest wuxia (which literally means "martial hero") fiction writers of the Northern School in the Republican. He was less interested in writing about ruthless killings; instead he focused on his characters'' development, their emotions, friendship, and passions. Wang had great sympathy for women who suffered cruel oppression by the society and its feudal system, and his novels featured many strong female characters, warriors, and heroines. Most of his stories featured tragic endings. His perfect combination of chivalry, romance and tragedy in his novels have thrilled many critics and readers and this style have influenced many authors.During 1925-1949 Wang published more 90 novels and thousands of articles and poems.This book, Sword Spirit, Pearl Light, is Volume 3 of Wang''s Crane-Iron Pentalogy and was published in 1939 and edited and modified by Hong Wang in 2020.More Wang''s books will be published in the Collected Works of Dulu Wang series.王度廬是中國著名的武俠言情小說作家,在上個世紀三四十年代曾發表过大量小說、雜文、詩詞等作品。《鶴驚昆侖》、《寶劍金釵》、《劍氣珠光》、《臥虎藏龍》、《鐵騎銀瓶》是王度廬創作的五部內容相互關聯,又各自獨立的武俠悲情小說,通常被合稱為"鶴-鐵五部"。2000年李安導演根據該系列改編的電影《臥虎藏龍》,曾獲得40多個國際電影大獎,並榮獲了第73屆奧斯卡最佳外語片等四項大獎。《劍氣珠光》是"鶴-鐵五部"的第三部,原名《劍氣珠光錄》,初載於1939年的《青島新民報》,後由上海勵力出版社印行,改題《劍氣珠光》。本社出版的《王度廬選集》,收入了王度廬先生的包括"鶴-鐵五部"在內的不同時期不同類型的部分作品,王宏並對其做了一些必要整理和訂正,該選集中的各部小說將在近期陸續出版。Jianghu Publishing 江湖出版社

  • af Hong Wang & Dulu Wang
    269,95 kr.

    τÄïσ║ªσ╗¼µÿ»Σ╕¡σ£ïΦæùσÉìτÜ䵡ªΣ┐áΦ¿Çµâàσ░ÅΦ¬¬Σ╜£σ«╢∩╝îσ£¿Σ╕èσÇïΣ╕ûτ┤ÇΣ╕ëσ¢¢σìüσ╣┤Σ╗úµ¢╛τÖ╝Φí¿Φ┐çσñºΘçÅσ░ÅΦ¬¬πÇüΘ¢£µûçπÇüΦ⌐⌐Φ⌐₧τ¡ëΣ╜£σôüπÇéπÇèΘ╢┤Θ⌐ܵÿåΣ╛ûπÇïπÇüπÇèσ»╢σèìΘçæΘç╡πÇïπÇüπÇèσèìµ░úτÅáσàëπÇïπÇüπÇèΦçÑΦÖÄΦùÅΘ╛ìπÇïπÇüπÇèΘÉ╡Θ¿ÄΘèÇτô╢πÇïµÿ»τÄïσ║ªσ╗¼σë╡Σ╜£τÜ䵡ªΣ┐áµé▓µâàσ░ÅΦ¬¬∩╝îΘÇÜσ╕╕Φó½σÉêτ¿▒τé║"Θ╢┤-ΘÉ╡Σ║öΘâ¿"πÇé2000σ╣┤µ¥Äσ«ëσ░ĵ╝öµá╣µôÜΦ⌐▓τ│╗σêùµö╣τ╖¿τÜäΘ¢╗σ╜▒πÇèΦçÑΦÖÄΦùÅΘ╛ìπÇï∩╝îµ¢╛τì▓σ╛ù40σñÜσÇïσ£ïΘÜ¢Θ¢╗σ╜▒τìÄ∩╝îΣ╕ªµª«τì▓Σ║åτ¼¼73σ▒åσѺµû»σìíµ£ÇΣ╜│σñûΦ¬₧τëçτ¡ëσ¢¢ΘáàσñºτìÄπÇéπÇèτÄïσ║ªσ╗¼Θü╕Θ¢åπÇï∩╝îµö╢σàÑΣ║åτÄïσ║ªσ╗¼σàêτöƒτÜäσîàµï¼"Θ╢┤-ΘÉ╡Σ║öΘâ¿"σ£¿σàºτÜäΣ╕ìσÉîµÖéµ£ƒτÜäΣ╜£σôü∩╝îτÄïσ«ÅΣ╕ªσ░ìσà╢σüÜΣ║åΣ╕ÇΣ║¢σ┐àΦªüµò┤τÉåσÆîΦ¿éµ¡úπÇéµ£¼Σ╣ªΣ╕║πÇèτÄïσ║ªσ╗¼µ¡ªΣ╛áσ░ÅΦ»┤πÇïτ¼¼Σ╕ëσì╖∩╝îσîàµï¼σ¢¢Θâ¿Σ╜£σôü: πÇèΘçæσë¢τÄëσ»╢σèìπÇï"Vajra Sword", πÇèσ»╢σêÇΘú¢πÇï"Flying Sabre",πÇèτ┤½Θ¢╗Θ¥ÆΘ££πÇï"Purple Light, Blue Frost"∩╝îσÆîπÇèΘ¢ìµ¡úΣ╕Äσ╣┤τ╛╣σ░ºπÇï"The Emperor and the Supreme Commander"πÇèΘçæσë¢τÄëσ»╢σèìπÇïτÖ╝Φí¿µû╝1948σ╣┤∩╝îµÅÅΦ┐░Σ║åµ╕ൣ¥Σ╕¡µ£ƒΣ╕ÇΣ║¢Σ┐áσ«óσåƵ¡╗σê║µ«║Σ╕¡σ£ïµ¡╖σÅ▓Σ╕èµ£ÇσñºτÜäΦ▓¬σ«ÿσÆîτÅàτÜäµòàΣ║ïπÇéπÇèσ»╢σêÇΘú¢πÇïτÖ╝Φí¿µû╝1948σ╣┤∩╝îσ░ÅΦ¬¬µÅÅΦ┐░Σ║åΣ┐áσ«óΦúÿµûçτàÑσ£¿τé║Σ║åσë╖ΘÖñΘ鬵âíΦÇîσ░ïµë╛Σ╕ǵèèσëèΘÉ╡σªéµ│ÑτÜäσ»╢σêÇτÜäΘüÄτ¿ïΣ╕¡σÉ╣σ╛Ƶï╝µ«║∩╝îµÉ¡µòæΣ║åσ╣┤Φ╝òτäíσè⌐τÜäµàêτªºσºÉσª╣σÆîσà╢Σ╗ûσÅùµ¼║µ╖⌐τÜäσ⌐ªσÑ│∩╝îΦ¡╖σ╛ùΣ║åΣ╕ÇσÇïσ╣│µ░æσºæσ¿ÿµä¢µâà∩╝îµ£Çσ╛îσ╛ùσê░σ»╢σêÇτÜäµòàΣ║ïπÇéπÇèσ»╢σêÇΘú¢πÇïσÅ»Φâ╜µÿ»τ¼¼Σ╕ÇΘ⿵èèσàÑσ««σëìτÜäµàêτªº∩╝îΣ╜£τé║Σ╕ÇΣ╜ìτ┤öτ£ƒπÇüµ╡¬µ╝½ΦÇîσÅêΣ╕ìτäí"ΘçÄσ┐â"τÜäµùùµùÅσºæσ¿ÿσèáΣ╗ѵÅÅτ╣¬τÜäσ░ÅΦ¬¬πÇéπÇèτ┤½Θ¢╗Θ¥ÆΘ££πÇïτÖ╝Φí¿µû╝1944σ╣┤∩╝îµòàΣ║ïτÖ╝τöƒσ£¿µ╕àΣ╗ú∩╝îµÅÅΦ┐░Σ║åσ╣╛σÇïΣ┐áσ«óσÆîµÖ«ΘÇÜΦÇüτÖ╛σºôτé║Φó½Φ¬úΘÖ╖ΦÇ╗τÜäσ╣┤τ╛╣σ░ºσ╛⌐Σ╗çτÜäµòàΣ║ïπÇéσ╣┤τ╛╣σ░ºµÿ»σ║╖τåÖσÆîΘ¢ìµ¡úσ╣┤Θù┤ΘçìΦªüσ░çΘáÿ∩╝îµ¢╛σ╣│σ«ÜΘ¥Æµ╡╖σÅ¢Σ╣▒∩╝îσ£¿µïÑτ½ïΘ¢ìµ¡úσ╕¥σì│Σ╜ìµù╢σÅæµîÑΘçìΦªüΣ╜£τö¿πÇéπÇèΘ¢ìµ¡úΣ╕Äσ╣┤τ╛╣σ░ºπÇïτÖ╝Φí¿µû╝1947σ╣┤∩╝îµ£¼µ¢╕µÅÅσ»½Σ║åµ╕ൣ¥σ║╖τåÖσ╣┤Θù┤∩╝îΘ¢ìµ¡ú∩╝êσàüτª¢∩╝ëΣ╕║σñ║σÅûτÜçΣ╜ìσ╛«µ£ìσç║Σ║¼∩╝îσ╣┐τ╗ôσñ⌐Σ╕ïΦ▒¬µ¥░Σ╕║Φç¬σ╖▒µòêσè¢∩╝îτ»íσÅûτÜçΣ╜ì∩╝îΣ╣ïσÉÄσ░åσà╢σàäσ╝ƒσÅèΣ╝ùΦ▒¬µ¥░Σ╕ÇΣ╕Çσë¬ΘÖñπÇéτé║σá▒µ╖▒Σ╗ç∩╝îσÉòσ¢¢σ¿ÿσñ£σàÑτÜçσ╕¥µ╖▒σ«½∩╝îσ░çσà╢µ«║µ¡╗πÇé Dulu Wang (1909-1977), was a famous Chinese Wu Xia (which literally means "heroes with martial art skills") writer in the 1930s and 1940s who wrote many novels including Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (ΦçÑΦÖÄΦùÅΘ╛ì) Pentalogy which was adapted into a film under the title "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"by Ang Lee and his colleagues in 2000. Its spectacular action, rhapsodic landscapes and tragic romance have touched audiences in Asia, North America and around the world and won over 40 awards and was nominated for 10 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and won Best Foreign Language Film, Best Art Direction, Best Original Score and Best Cinematography. In 2019, the film was ranked the 51st in 100 best films of the 21st century list by Guardian.Wang was less interested in writing about ruthless killings; instead he focused on his characters'' development, their emotions, friendship, and passions. Wang had great sympathy for women who suffered cruel oppression by the society, and his novels featured many strong female characters, warriors, and heroines. Most of his stories featured tragic endings. His perfect combination of wuxia, romance and tragedy in his novels have thrilled many critics and readers and this style has influenced many authors. During 1925-1949 Wang published more 90 novels and thousands of articles and poems. This Volume Three includes πÇèΘçæσë¢τÄëσ»╢σèìπÇï"Vajra Sword", πÇèσ»╢σêÇΘú¢πÇï"Flying Sabre",πÇèτ┤½Θ¢╗Θ¥ÆΘ££πÇï"Purple Light, Blue Frost"∩╝îσÆîπÇèΘ¢ìµ¡úΣ╕Äσ╣┤τ╛╣σ░ºπÇï"The Emperor and the Supreme Commander"

  • af Hong Wang, Ling Qiu, Xinliang Ye, mfl.
    1.156,95 kr.

    This book is an annual research report on the cruise industry in China and throughout the world in 2021, contributed by Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology and Shanghai International Cruise Economic Research Center. This volume consists of four parts to discuss general and special topics on global and Chinäs cruise industry covering respond to COVID-19, cruise tourism market, public health emergency mechanism. It offers an all-rounded perspective and a strong foresight, as well as systematic studies on China's cruise industry in the context of routine COVID-19 control and the new dual circulation development pattern. And as 2021 marks the beginning of the 14th FYP period when various plans for the cruise industry were rolled out to chart the course and strategic paths toward development for the cruise industry, it focuses also on developments in China's cruise industry.

  • af Hainan Su
    1.244,95 - 1.343,95 kr.

  • af Hong Wang
    583,95 kr.

    The number of heavy-duty construction vehicles is increasing significantly with growing urban development causing poor air quality and higher emissions. The electrification of construction vehicles is a way to mitigate the resulting air pollution and emissions. In this book, we consider tracked bulldozers, as an example, to demonstrate the approach and evaluate the benefits of the electrification of construction vehicles. The book is intended for senior undergraduate students, graduate students, and anyone with an interest in the electrification of heavy vehicles.The book begins with an introduction to electrification of heavy-duty construction vehicles. The second chapter is focused on the terramechanics and interactions between track and blades with soil. The third chapter presents the architecture and modeling of a series hybrid bulldozer. Finally, the fourth chapter discusses energy management systems for electrified heavy construction vehicles.

  • af Jie Ji
    588,95 kr.

    In recent years, the control of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) has attracted strong attention for various automotive applications. One of the important features demanded of CAVs is collision avoidance, whether it is a stationary or a moving obstacle. Due to complex traffic conditions and various vehicle dynamics, the collision avoidance system should ensure that the vehicle can avoid collision with other vehicles or obstacles in longitudinal and lateral directions simultaneously. The longitudinal collision avoidance controller can avoid or mitigate vehicle collision accidents effectively via Forward Collision Warning (FCW), Brake Assist System (BAS), and Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB), which has been commercially applied in many new vehicles launched by automobile enterprises. But in lateral motion direction, it is necessary to determine a flexible collision avoidance path in real time in case of detecting any obstacle. Then, a path-tracking algorithm is designed to assure that the vehicle will follow the predetermined path precisely, while guaranteeing certain comfort and vehicle stability over a wide range of velocities. In recent years, the rapid development of sensor, control, and communication technology has brought both possibilities and challenges to the improvement of vehicle collision avoidance capability, so collision avoidance system still needs to be further studied based on the emerging technologies.In this book, we provide a comprehensive overview of the current collision avoidance strategies for traditional vehicles and CAVs. First, the book introduces some emergency path planning methods that can be applied in global route design and local path generation situations which are the most common scenarios in driving. A comparison is made in the path-planning problem in both timing and performance between the conventional algorithms and emergency methods. In addition, this book introduces and designs an up-to-date path-planning method based on artificial potential field methods for collision avoidance, and verifies the effectiveness of this method in complex road environment. Next, in order to accurately track the predetermined path for collision avoidance, traditional control methods, humanlike control strategies, and intelligent approaches are discussed to solve the path-tracking problem and ensure the vehicle successfully avoids the collisions. In addition, this book designs and applies robust control to solve the path-tracking problem and verify its tracking effect in different scenarios. Finally, this book introduces the basic principles and test methods of AEB system for collision avoidance of a single vehicle. Meanwhile, by taking advantage of data sharing between vehicles based on V2X (vehicle-to-vehicle or vehicle-to-infrastructure) communication, pile-up accidents in longitudinal direction are effectively avoided through cooperative motion control of multiple vehicles.

  • af Yanjun Huang
    378,95 kr.

    As public attention on energy conservation and emission reduction has increased in recent years, engine idling has become a growing concern due to its low efficiency and high emissions. Service vehicles equipped with auxiliary systems, such as refrigeration, air conditioning, PCs, and electronics, usually have to idle to power them. The number of service vehicles (e.g. public-school-tour buses, delivery-refrigerator trucks, police cars, ambulances, armed vehicles, firefighter vehicles) is increasing significantly with tremendous social development. Therefore, introducing new anti-idling solutions is inevitably vital for controlling energy unsustainability and poor air quality. There are a few books about the idling disadvantages and anti-idling solutions. Most of them are more concerned with different anti-idling technologies and their effects on the society rather than elaborating an anti-idling system design considering different applications and limitations. There is still much room to improve existing anti-idling technologies and products.In this book, we took a service vehicle, refrigerator truck, as an example to demonstrate the whole process of designing, optimizing, controlling, and developing a smart charging system for the anti-idling purpose. The proposed system cannot only electrify the auxiliary systems to achieve anti-idling, but also utilize the concepts of regenerative braking and optimal charging strategy to arrive at an optimum solution. Necessary tools, algorithms, and methods are illustrated and the benefits of the optimal anti-idling solution are evaluated.

  • af Xiaolin Tang
    633,95 kr.

    Thanks to the potential of reducing fuel consumption and emissions, hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) have been attracting more and more attention from car manufacturers and researchers. Due to involving two energy sources, i.e., engine and battery, the powertrain in HEVs is a complicated electromechanical coupling system that generates noise and vibration different from that of a traditional vehicle. Accordingly, it is very important to explore the noise and vibration characteristics of HEVs. In this book, a hybrid vehicle with two motors is taken as an example, consisting of a compound planetary gear set (CPGS) as the power-split device, to analyze the noise and vibration characteristics. It is specifically intended for graduates and anyone with an interest in the electrification of full hybrid vehicles.The book begins with the research background and significance of the HEV. The second chapter presents the structural description and working principal of the target hybrid vehicle. Chapter 3 highlights the noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) tests and corresponding analysis of the hybrid powertrain. Chapter 4 provides transmission system parameters and meshing stiffness calculation. Chapter 5 discusses the mathematical modeling and analyzes torsional vibration (TV) of HEVs. Finally, modeling of the hybrid powertrain with ADAMS is given in Chapter 6.

  • af Yechen Qin
    541,95 kr.

    Ever stringent vehicle safety legislation and consumer expectations inspire the improvement of vehicle dynamic performance, which result in a rising number of control strategies for vehicle dynamics that rely on driving conditions. Road profiles, as the primary excitation source of vehicle systems, play a critical role in vehicle dynamics and also in public transportation. Knowledge of precise road conditions can thus be of great assistance for vehicle companies and government departments to develop proper dynamic control algorithms, and to fix roads in a timely manner and at the minimum cost, respectively. As a result, developing easy-to-use and accurate road estimation methods are of great importance in terms of reducing the cost related to vehicles and road maintenance as well as improving passenger comfort and handling capacity. A few books have already been published on road profile modeling and the influence of road unevenness on vehicle response. However, there is still room to discuss road assessment methods based on vehicle response and how road conditions can be used to improve vehicle dynamics.In this book, we use several generalized vehicle models to demonstrate the concepts, methods, and applications of vehicle response-based road estimation algorithms. In addition, necessary tools, algorithms, and methods are illustrated, and the benefits of the road estimation algorithms are evaluated. Furthermore, several case studies of controllable suspension systems to improve vehicle vertical dynamics are presented.

  • - Clinical Analysis and Cases
    af Hong Wang
    868,95 kr.

    This book introduces the clinical analysis and accompany cases of paediatric Kawasaki disease. It has 14 chapters about typical Kawasaki disease, atypical Kawasaki disease, recurrent, misdiagnosis, and complications involved different systems, such as cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, blood, respiratory, urinary, bone and joints, and endocrine systems complications. In this book, 53 Kawasaki cases are presented with clinical history, physical examination, laboratory findings, diagnosis, treatment and discussion.This book is helpful for clinicians, ultrasonologist, and radiologist to support early diagnosis and proper treatment, which can significantly improve the prognosis of Kawasaki disease.

  • af Hong Wang, Shuili Gong, Shengyong Pang & mfl.
    1.614,95 - 1.623,95 kr.

  • af Hong Wang, Bin Wu, Jianguo Qi, mfl.
    1.060,95 - 1.362,95 kr.

    This book presents a detailed background to the circular economy in China, explores government measures to promote it in China's market economy, and introduces the supporting laws and policies.

  • - A Convex Optimization Approach
    af Lei Guo & Hong Wang
    1.222,95 - 1.320,95 kr.

    This book describes the new framework of SDC system design and provides a comprehensive description of the modelling of controller design tools and their real-time implementation. The reader will learn how to expand their use of stochastic control methods.

  • - Modelling and Control
    af Hong Wang
    1.051,95 - 1.222,95 kr.

    Over the past decades, although stochastic system control has been studied intensively within the field of control engineering, all the modelling and control strategies developed so far have concentrated on the performance of one or two output properties of the system.

  • - How to Make It Work
    af Hong Wang, Catherine Connor, Kimberly Switlick, mfl.
    283,95 kr.

    Many countries that subscribe to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have committed to ensuring access to basic health services for their citizens. Health insurance has been considered and promoted as the major financing mechanism to improve access to health services, as well to provide financial risk protection.

  • af Hong Wang
    544,95 kr.

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