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  • - A History from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    83,95 kr.

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    78,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable life of Richard the Lionheart...You might have heard of King Richard-the Lionhearted, the "good king" in the tales of Robin Hood. But what do you really know about this twelfth-century ruler of England? Do you know why he left England, or why he was taken prisoner by another sovereign as he tried to return? Did you know Richard had other brothers besides the famed scoundrel, Prince John? Have you heard tales of Richard not only as a missing king but as a leader who rode boldly into battle alongside his knights? In this book, you'll learn the actual story of King Richard, a king who may not have been exactly "good," but was certainly brave, charismatic, and dashing-a historical character with a story to remember. Discover a plethora of topics such as From Aquitaine to King of England Beginnings of a Crusade The Way to Palestine Sea Battles and Sieges A Captive King The Last Five Years And much more!So if you want a concise and informative book on Richard the Lionheart, simply scroll up and click the "Buy now" button for instant access!

  • - A Life from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

  • - A Life from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    116,95 kr.

  • - Sumerians, Hittites, Akkadian Empire, Assyrian Empire, Babylon
    af Hourly History
    233,95 kr.

  • - A Life from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    115,95 kr.

  • - A Life from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    88,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable life of George Washington Carver..."Most people search high and wide for the key to success," George Washington Carver pondered. "If they only knew, the key to their dreams lies within." True to his philosophy, the key to Dr. Carver's almost legendary success story was to be found within the man himself. From slavery to fame, from errand boy to botanical genius, Carver's accomplishments, popularity, and legacy were all ignited by the vision he carried within. Often, George Washington Carver is remembered only as the man who could make almost anything out of peanuts. That was only part of his story. Discover a plethora of topics such asThe $300 BoyFrom Slave to College GraduateThe Clash of the Two WashingtonsThe Jesup WagonCarver's PeanutsLater Life and DeathAnd much more!

  • - A Life from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable life of Andrew Jackson...Old Hickory. King Mob. The Peoples President. King Andrew I. The nicknames by which the seventh president is known reflect the different facets of his complicated nature. He believed in the rights of the common man because he came from humble beginnings and distrusted the vested institutions of power. The first American president born to immigrant parents, Jackson was the embodiment of the new blood which infused the American spirit in the early 19th century.Inside you will read about... Like his country, he was both ruthless and chivalrous, hot-tempered and steadfast, an authoritarian and a believer in equality. Jackson cannot be described in one-dimensional terms because there were layers to the Tennessee frontier president. Jacksonian democracy invigorated the national government and became a foundation of the modern political process. Controversial and complicated, Andrew Jacksons life is worthy of examination. To understand America, it's vital to understand Andrew Jackson." Discover a plethora of topics such asThe Birth of a LegendJackson the GeneralJackson and PoliticsJackson's Home LifeJackson's First TermJackson's Second TermJackson Returns to TennesseeJackson's LegacyAnd much more!

  • - A History from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable history of Ancient Rome...Rome is a city of myth and legend. The Eternal City, the city of the seven hills, the sacred city, the caput mundi, the center of the world, Roma, Rome, by any of her many names is a city built of history and blood, marble and water, war and conquest. From legendary beginnings, a city rose from the swamp surrounded by the seven hills and split by the Tiber River. Built and rebuilt, a sacred republic and a divine empire, blessed by a thousand gods and by One, the story of her rise and fall has been told and retold for a thousand years and is still relevant in today's world, as echoes of her ancient glory have shaped our culture, laws, lifestyle and beliefs in subtle and pervasive ways. Discover a plethora of topics such asLegendary BeginningsThe Senate and the PeopleAve CaesarEmpireRulers of the WorldThe FallLegacyAnd much more!

  • - A Life from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable life of Anaïs Nin...Anaïs Nin was an influential and acclaimed writer best known for her diaries that cover six decades from the 1910s to the 1970s. In addition to her famous journals, her works include novels, essays, poetry, studies, and erotica-many of which remain popular to this day. As one of the first prominent female authors of erotica, Nin led a controversial life that was subject to many rumors. Her fearlessness when it came to tackling taboo topics such as incest, sexual abuse, and extra-marital affairs would earn her both staunch supporters and zealous critics. In the 1960s, Anaïs Nin's unconventional lifestyle, which included two simultaneous husbands and numerous casual partners, turned her into a feminist icon. Since then, her legacy as a scandalous woman and an exceptional author has continued to captivate audiences. Discover a plethora of topics such asEarly Years of AbuseSeducing her FatherDelta of VenusAnaïs' Double Life and HusbandsThe Diary of Anaïs NinLate Life and DeathAnd much more!

  • - A History from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable history of the American Revolution...The American Revolution, which had its roots in 1765 with a rejection of British authority to tax the colonies without fair representation and ended with the British defeat at Yorktown, was one of the most momentous events in the history of the North American continent. The odds faced by the colonists were almost overwhelming. Facing the superpower of the day, which boasted a professional army equipped with the latest weapons and the ability to properly finance the war, the rebels were reliant on the goodwill of men to continue fighting without pay and in dreadful conditions. In this book, American Revolution, you will discover the history behind the conflict and why it came about. The chapters lead you through the major events which took place, including the Boston Tea Party and the significant clashes between the armies. The rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were what gave the colonists the impetus and courage to continue a fight, which at times looked to be a hopeless lost cause at best, to eventually win the freedom they yearned for. The new government they created was unlike anything seen before and became a model for democracies around the world. American Revolution is a compelling read, packed with historical information. If you are a student of the era, or simply want to know a little more about this fascinating period of history, then this book is one you cannot afford to pass by. Discover a plethora of topics such asA Series of OppressionsDeath and TaxesOut of Many, OneWar in EarnestVoices of LibertyIndependenceAnd much more!

  • - A History from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable history of the American Indian Wars...The American Indian Wars, a series of conflicts between white settlers and Native Americans which took place in the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, were complex, brutal and many. An official United States Census report published in 1898 noted at least 40 wars which had taken place in the previous 100 years. The total number of individual wars probably numbers well over 100, though many were localized and on a very small scale. The American Indian Wars were often bafflingly different, each with its own specific causes and precipitating factors. Yet each was also essentially similar: These wars was fought for possession of land. As white settlers gradually spread over what is now the United States of America, they encountered Native American tribes. The white settlers wanted to create farms and ranches. The tribes wanted the land for hunting. There could be no compromise-these were wars to the death for the right to establish or retain a way of life. The conflicts which resulted were numerous, violent, and localized. Although both sides suffered setbacks, this series of wars gradually pushed Native Americans out of their homelands to make way for the expansion of white settlement. This is a concise telling of the American Indian Wars, from the earliest Beaver Wars in the seventeenth century between French, Dutch, and British settlers and their Native American allies to the tragic confrontation at Wounded Knee Creek at the end of the nineteenth century. Discover a plethora of topics such asThe Colonial PeriodWashington Takes on the Northwest TerritoryAndrew Jackson and the Seminole WarsWars in the Wild WestSheridan's WarsThe Road to the Wounded Knee MassacreAnd much more!

  • - A Life from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable life of Amelia Earhart...Amelia Earhart was a legend-but perhaps an unlikely one at that. You see, Amelia Earhart was not always the dashing heroine that most of us associate with her name. She began life as a rather shy girl, who often found herself having to hide from her troubled upbringing. As her family life spiraled out of control, Amelia Earhart was forced to move from state to state, town to town, never getting the chance to put down roots. The high school she graduated from was one of many she attended, and a caption by her photo for that semester's yearbook seems to have said it all. It read, "the girl in brown who walks alone." But even as her peers scoffed at the girl in brown slacks who walked a lonely path, Amelia Earhart was charting a course for a tremendous destiny.Inside you will read about... Discover a plethora of topics such asA Turbulent ChildhoodFirst Transatlantic FlightEarhart in the White HouseAmelia Earhart's DisappearanceTheories and ExplanationsAnd much more!

  • - A Life from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable life of Alexander the Great...Alexander the Great. A boy, groomed for greatness from the earliest age, who would put his stamp on the world for generations to come. A man who sought immortality and achieved it in just ten years. A soldier whose genius for strategy and tactics is still studied in the modern world. A ruler who understood how to win the hearts and minds of his subjects. This is the story of a Titan of the ancient world, a man who rose but, though he died, never truly fell. Discover a plethora of topics such asThe Genius of Philip of MacedonAlexander, King of MacedonConquest of PersiaGaugamela and King of AsiaThe Death of AlexanderAnd much more!

  • - A Life from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable life of Alexander Hamilton...Alexander Hamilton did not rise to public prominence as an austere New Englander or a gentlemanly Virginian. He was not born in the colonies at all. He was born in the West Indies, the son of a woman of French descent who had left her husband for another man. As an illegitimate child, Hamilton could not be educated in the local church school, so businessmen, impressed by his remarkable intelligence, sent him to America for his schooling. The American Revolution would interrupt his vacation but accelerate his promotion to the national stage from his service as George Washington's aide-de-camp to his position as the new nation's first Secretary of the Treasury. Hamilton understood money and knew that for the nation to thrive, it had to become financially strong, a stance which brought him into contention with other Founding Fathers who distrusted his enthusiasm for a strong central government. His extramarital affair with a married woman brought his public career to a conclusion but he continued to involve himself in political intrigue. It was his role in a contested election that brought him to a duel with Aaron Burr, the shadowy character in American history. Scandal and death cannot overpower the mighty role he played in building the United States of America. Discover a plethora of topics such asHamilton RisesThe Patriotic ProdigyHamilton the Politician and Puller of StringsWashington's Man at the TreasuryThe Reynolds AffairBack to New YorkHamilton and Burr: The Final ChapterAnd much more!

  • - A Life from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable life of Alexander Graham Bell...Educator. Innovator. Inventor. These three words sum up Alexander Graham Bell, one of the greatest scientific men of his era. He is most famous for the invention of the telephone, a device which he predicted would transform human society. And it did. But the telephone is just one of the many innovations and inventions that Bell brought into being. A man who epitomizes the word visionary, Alexander Graham Bell predicted the use of light as a medium for transmitting information and how humanity would be transformed by flight. This is his story. Discover a plethora of topics such asChildhoodEmigration to North AmericaThe Bell Telephone CompanyThe Race to Save the PresidentA Rival to the Wright BrothersLater Years and DeathAnd much more!

  • - A Life from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable life of Albert Einstein...How did one insignificant patent clerk change the world? Step into the world of Albert Einstein in this book and find out what was so extraordinary about him. Why did it take so long for him to win the Nobel Prize? What kind of a father was Einstein to his boys? How did his marriages affect his work? What motivated him? And most importantly; what unlocked his mind to grapple with the most profound ideas of all time? Find out why Einstein valued creativity and freedom as the foundation stones of a good life, and how these two traits would inspire him and help to transform the world as it was known up until then. Discover how Einstein the scientist became Einstein the humanitarian, and all of the causes which he so passionately held. Without Albert Einstein, there would be no modern age. See how it all began. Discover a plethora of topics such asEinstein's First EndeavorsEinstein's Tangled LifeBecoming AmericanWWII and The Manhattan ProjectEinstein's BeliefsLater Life and DeathThe Legacy of Albert EinsteinAnd much more!

  • - A Life from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable life of Ada Lovelace...As the sole legitimate child of Lord Byron, Ada Lovelace was the progeny of literary royalty. Many might have naturally expected her to go into the field of her father, but instead of delving into poetry, she delved into the hard sciences of mathematics and analytic thinking. Even so, Ada still had the imagination of a lyricist when writing scientific treatises, at times referring to her own work as nothing short of "poetical science." Everything she did, she did with passion and dogged determination. It was this drive that led Ada to look farther and search deeper than her contemporaries. Her unique vision led her to become one of the pioneers of the modern computer and one of the world's first computer programmers. But what exactly do we know about Ada Lovelace, and how can it be quantified? Read this book to find out more about the nineteenth-century mathematician and writer Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace. Discover a plethora of topics such asThe Daughter of Lord and Lady ByronEarly Years of ParalysisThe World's First Computer ProgrammerRumors and Laudanum AddictionA Grim PrognosisLast Days and DeathAnd much more!

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Giacomo CasanovaCasanova. Womanizer. Playboy. It has been more than 200 years, but Giacomo Casanova's name is still a slang word. That name, emblazoned across Europe in the 1700s, is synonymous yet today with a player, someone who seduces a woman, makes a sexual conquest of her, and leaves her. It was once something more than that. Beyond the scams and the scandals, beyond the gambling debts, even beyond the lace ruffles and the powdered wigs, Giacomo Casanova was once something more, someone more. Someone formed by the social customs of the day; molded by the unique experiences of a little boy in Venice; sparked into life by the intelligence, philosophy, adventure, and passion that was Giacomo Casanova. Inside you will read about...✓ Early Years of Abuse✓ Casanova's Career in the Church✓ Broken Promises of Marriage✓ Spying and Dueling, Incest and Imprisonment✓ Later Life and DeathAnd much more!

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    MozartWolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a figure that is cemented in the annals of history as one of the greatest composers of all time. A fascinating and enigmatic character, Mozart was hailed in his own lifetime as a child prodigy and a musical genius. His travels throughout Europe exposed him to art, music, and education, offering plentiful opportunities for his gifts as a composer and musician to evolve and thrive. Despite his preternatural talents, the artist struggled significantly throughout his life, and he died in his prime. Explore the life of one of history's greatest classical composers as his ambitions and remarkable skills catapult him into the highest aristocratic courts of the Age of Enlightenment. Inside you will read about...- Prodigious Bloodlines- Early Compositions and Career- Fame, Riches, and Opera- The Man Behind the Music- War Time, Hard Times- The Death of Wolfgang Amadeus MozartAnd much more!

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Ronald ReaganOn January 20, 1981, Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as the 40th president of the United States. That same day, the Americans who had been held hostage in Iran were released. For many Americans, the juxtaposition of those events was no coincidence. Ronald Reagan was the president they elected to restore their country's sagging influence in the world and disappointing image at home. He was a president who believed in a United States that was truly, as he said in his farewell address, "a shining city." He believed in the myth of American greatness, and for a nation that was still numb from Watergate, immersed in economic stagnation, and humiliated by international events, he made it believable. Inside you will read about...- The Small Town Boy- Reagan's Hollywood Career- The Governor's Race- The Assassination Attempt- Reagan and the Evil Empire- The Alzheimer's DiagnosisAnd much more! Ronald Reagan would remain the man who beat the Russians and ended the Cold War, changing the composition of the globe with his conservative politics and his passionate idealism. Even through Reagan's political trials, the Iran-Contra hearings, the mixed results of his economic policies known as Reaganomics, and the military build-up that swelled the national debt, the nation saw him as the man who restored the country to its rightful place as a leader among nations.

  • - A History From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable history of the Cuban Missile Crisis...The Cold War between the United States of America and the Soviet Union lasted for more than 40 years. In general, this was a war of spies and subterfuge, of covert action and espionage. There was always a danger, however, that an error of judgment on either side could suddenly cause the Cold War to turn red-hot with an exchange of nuclear weapons. On many occasions, tensions between the countries increased, but the prospect of all-out nuclear war between America and Russia was never closer than during a two-week period in October of 1962. In response to the placement of American nuclear missiles in Turkey, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev secretly ordered the transport of Russian nuclear missiles to the island of Cuba in the Caribbean. These were capable of reaching and destroying almost all American cities in a matter of minutes. When this was discovered, the U.S. administration under President John F. Kennedy decided that the threat had to be removed, even if this meant risking war with Russia. The Americans set up a blockade of the island and considered air strikes and even a full-scale invasion of Cuba. Forty thousand heavily armed Russian and Cuban troops supported by tanks, aircraft, and even tactical nuclear weapons stood by to do anything required to repel an American attack. It was clear that the United States refused to accept the presence of Russian nuclear missiles less than one hundred miles from the coast of Florida. It was equally clear that Russia was determined not to remove the missiles and desert its Cuban ally. An armed confrontation between the two superpowers appeared inevitable, and there seemed a very strong possibility that the world was on the brink of full-scale nuclear war. Discover a plethora of topics such as From World War to Cold War Mutually Assured Destruction Revolution in Cuba The Missile Gap American Build-up and Provocation Russian Missiles Arrive in Cuba Kennedy Speaks to America And much more!So if you want a concise and informative book on the Cuban Missile Crisis, simply scroll up and click the "Buy now" button for instant access!

  • - A History From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    143,95 kr.

    World War IWorld War I, or the Great War, was believed to be "the war to end all wars." Because of the incredible extent of destruction and the staggering number of wounded and dead, even those who lived through it could scarcely comprehend its horror. Beginning in 1914, alliances between powerful nations soon plunged the world into a global conflict. Fighting-including miserable trench warfare-broke out in practically every corner of Europe and spread around the world to Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Inside you will read about...- The Causes of World War I- The War in Europe: The Western Front- The War in the Balkans and the Ottoman Empire- The United States- Russia and the War in Eastern Europe- The Impact of World War IAnd much more! Even the peace treaty in 1919, which occurred during a deadly worldwide influenza pandemic, brought no relief; another world war, intricately connected to the first, would break out in only two short decades.

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    143,95 kr.

    Joseph BazalgetteOne man has probably done more good and saved more lives than any single public official of the Victorian era. The man being described was an engineer, city planner, bridge builder, and landscape architect; his name was Sir Joseph Bazalgette. Probably best remembered as the man who designed the London sewer network, he almost single-handedly eliminated virulent epidemics and changed the River Thames from an open sewer into one of the cleanest urban rivers in the world. He also transformed the face of London forever. Inside you will read about...✓ Early Years✓ The Big Stink✓ Bazalgette's Plan✓ The Embankments✓ Bridges across the ThamesAnd much more!

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Elvis PresleyElvis Presley was much more than a cultural icon; he was a reliable barometer of the world he grew up in. Long before the cultural revolutions of the '60s and '70s, Elvis was sparking a dynastic change of hands in American society. And by his own admission, much of it was by accident. Whenever his performances caused a stir, Elvis was always the first to ask what all the fuss was about. When questioned if he was trying to provoke a response from his audience, Elvis innocently replied that he was just doing what came naturally. Inside you will read about...- Elvis and His Twin- That's All Right- Presley's Controversial Rise- Elvis Joins the Army- Comeback in Las Vegas- Last Years and DeathAnd much more! According to Elvis, as much as James Dean was a "rebel without a cause," he was a rebel completely by accident. If we believe him, everything he did that led to his rise to stardom was just some sort of cosmic alignment of happenstance. Elvis claimed that when he went into Sun Records to record his first song, he wasn't looking to become famous; he maintained that he just wanted to record a song for his mom's birthday. This book will let you decide for yourself as you learn about the life, the legend, and the unmistakable icon-Elvis Presley.

  • - A Life from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable life of Little Richard...Little Richard was an incredible performer and musical pioneer who revolutionized music for generations to come. For just about anyone else, such words might sound like hyperbole, but for Little Richard, it's the pure and simple truth. Little Richard, with his jumpy driving sound and innovative vocalizations, certainly earned his title as the "Architect of Rock and Roll." Just like he said in one of his songs-"Ready Teddy! Rock and Roll!"-it's pure and simple rock and roll; it's pure and simple Little Richard. This book tells you all about his exciting story, which came to inspire icons such as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Elvis Presley, and David Bowie. Discover a plethora of topics such asEarly Life in Macon, GeorgiaThe Shooting of His FatherTutti Frutti and Long Tall SallyLittle Richard, the PreacherDescent into Drug AddictionLate Life and DeathAnd much more!So if you want a concise and informative book on Little Richard, simply scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button!

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    143,95 kr.

    When Confucius spoke, people listened, and they still listen today. The wisdom of this Chinese philosopher, teacher, politician, and writer still rings as true today as it did over 2,000 years ago. Who was the legend who has become revered as a sage throughout the ages? To put it shortly, he was a simple man. Confucius was born into poverty, but at an early age he came to value education, integrity, and moral behavior. He developed the knowledge to become a teacher by his early 30s. He also developed an ethical code that valued, above all else, personal integrity, ethical behavior, ritual propriety, and compassion. Throughout his brief political career and his long journey afterward, he sought to spread his philosophy in the hopes that it would be adopted as political policy. While his political goals were not realized in his lifetime, his philosophy would live long after he died. This book tells the story of the life of the world-renowned philosopher and scholar, and it describes the tenets of his philosophy in a succinct manner which is packed with information.

  • - A History from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable history of the Minoan Civilization...The Minoan Civilization has, since its rediscovery in the early twentieth century by archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans, been a source of fascination for the modern world. Some have claimed it represents evidence of a matriarchal society given its progressive treatment of women; others believe it to be the mythical lost city of Atlantis. One area of consensus is that it's the first advanced civilization in Europe. The archaeological remains include massive building complexes, tools, a writing system, and evidence for a huge trade network. In fact, they even had flush toilets. The influence of this important culture went far beyond the island borders as the Minoan trade network brought them into contact with numerous cultures throughout the Aegean region. Research continues to reveal interesting new facts even as mysteries remain-the Minoan system of writing, for example, has yet to be deciphered. This book presents what is known about the history of this intriguing civilization, which promises to hold our fascination for years to come. Discover a plethora of topics such asMythological OriginsA Matriarchal Society? Women in Minoan CreteReligion: The Snake GoddessLanguage and WritingMinoan WarfareFall of CivilizationAnd much more!So if you want a concise and informative book on the Minoan Civilization, simply scroll up and click the "Buy now" button!

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    148,95 kr.

    Marilyn MonroeShe vigorously played the dumb-blonde stereotype in her movie roles, but there is nothing at all dumb about Marilyn Monroe. Born to a single mother who suffered from severe mental illness, the odds were stacked against the girl originally named Norma Jeane from the very beginning. She became a ward of the state and bounced around from foster home to foster home. The fact that she rose from such impoverished beginnings to become one of the top-billed acts in Hollywood speaks for itself. Inside you will read about...- From Foster Child to Movie Star- The Scene with the White Dress- Marilyn the Jew- Diagnosis of Paranoid Schizophrenia- Marilyn's First Overdose- The Presidential Affair- Locked in the Psych WardAnd much more! Discover the life and legend that is Marilyn Monroe.

  • - A History from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable history of the Mongol Empire...The Mongol Empire, founded by Genghis Khan and continued by his heirs, was one of the largest and most powerful the world has ever seen. Modern China was created from the remnants of the Mongol Empire, and at its peak, this empire controlled one-sixth of the total landmass of the world. Even today, it is estimated that one in every two hundred people in the world carries the DNA of Genghis Khan. The world would never be quite the same after the relatively brief reign of Genghis Khan, his children, and grandchildren. This was an empire marked by stark and often baffling contrasts. Genghis Khan himself displayed marked tolerance for ethnic and religious diversity. He generally treated his people well, reducing taxes and promoting social care and medicine while banning torture and imprisonment. Within his empire, women were permitted to rise to the highest political and religious levels. Yet this tolerance, fairness, and diversity were combined with incredible brutality: the Mongol Empire is believed to have killed around 60 million people, more than the combined deaths from World War I and World War II. To their subjects, the Mongol emperors were leaders to be revered and respected. To the rest of the world, they were terrifying and bloodthirsty tyrants. The beginning of the Mongol Empire is the subject of countless stories, yet there are relatively few original sources to tell us what really happened. What we have are myths and legends, a handful of confirmed facts, and expert conjecture about what must have happened. This is the story of how one man's ambition, drive, and fervor changed the world. This is the story of the Mongol Empire. Discover a plethora of topics such asTemüjin, a Boy from the SteppeGenghis Khan's Conquest of MongoliaThe Mongol ArmyCreating an EmpireThe Mongol Civil WarsFall of the Mongol EmpireAnd much more!So if you want a concise and informative book on the Mongol Empire, simply scroll up and click the "Buy now" button!

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