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  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    143,95 kr.

    NeroNero. The very name seems to embody the character of a tyrant. The years of his reign come down to us with tales full of self-serving totalitarianism. Wasn't he the one that fiddled while Rome burned after all? Wasn't this the mad monarch who wished to embark upon a building project, so he set the old buildings that were in his way on fire? But besides this power-mad tyranny, what do we know about Nero? Surely even the most despotic dictator has a good side? Come along with us as we explore the multifaceted nature of a man who is often presented as a one-dimensional, dictatorial caricature. Inside you will read about...✓ A Wedding and a Funeral✓ The Great Fire of Rome✓ Killing His Wife and Marrying His Manservant✓ The Jewish-Roman War✓ Nero's Suicide✓ The Year of the Four EmperorsAnd much more!

  • - A History from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable history of the Russo-Japanese War...Barbed wire, trenches, and machine guns are all elements of modern warfare that are mainly associated with the bloody carnage of World War One, yet they were all first used in combination ten years earlier in a largely forgotten war that was fought in Manchuria and Korea: the Russo-Japanese War. At this time, the Russian Empire was expanding south into Asia, while the growing Japanese Empire was expanding north into the same territory. Conflict between the two seemed inevitable. Few doubted the outcome: the Russian Empire had one of the largest armies and most powerful navies in the world. Japan's armed forces, meanwhile, were much smaller and lacked a tradition of modern warfare. A short war and a rapid and emphatic Russian victory were generally expected. That wasn't how things turned out. This is the surprising story of the Russo-Japanese War, the first major war of the twentieth century. Discover a plethora of topics such asRussian and Japanese ExpansionAn Unexpected AttackDeath of Two AdmiralsA Voyage Around the WorldFailure at TsushimaThe End of the WarAnd much more!So if you want a concise and informative book on the Russo-Japanese War, simply scroll up and click the "Buy now" button!

  • - A History from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable history of the Spanish Empire...The Spanish Empire was the first truly global empire and the first to be described as one on which "the sun never sets." It rapidly grew to become one of the largest and most powerful empires in the history of the world and brought us goods such as potatoes, chocolate, and chewing gum. Yet in the Middle Ages, Spain as we now know it did not exist. Most of the north of the Iberian Peninsula was ruled by two powerful Christian kingdoms, Castile and Aragon, while the southern part was al-Andalus, an Islamic kingdom that had originated in North Africa. By the end of the fifteenth century, al-Andalus had been defeated, the peninsula was united under Christianity, and Spain had become one of the most powerful countries in Europe. Then, Spanish explorers discovered the Americas. Unimaginable wealth flowed from the New World to Spain, increasing its power even further. Over vast tracts of territory in the Americas and lands in Asia, Spanish became the dominant language and Catholic Christianity the dominant religion, all as a direct result of Spanish imperialism. Barely three hundred years later, the Spanish Empire collapsed. Almost all its colonial possessions gained independence or were acquired by other countries. How could this happen? How did Spain come to dominate the world and then abruptly lose its power? This is the astonishing story of the rise and fall of the Spanish Empire. Discover a plethora of topics such asReconquista: Ousting the MuslimsSpanish Control in the AmericasThe HabsburgsTreasure Fleets and PovertyNapoleon: The Spanish UlcerThe Fall of the Spanish EmpireAnd much more!

  • - A History from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable history of the Apollo Program...On May 25, 1961, less than two months after a Soviet cosmonaut had made the very first space flight, President John F. Kennedy told Congress, "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth." The Space Race, the technological confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, had barely begun, and it was clear that America was lagging behind. Yet here was a U.S. president committing the nation to achieving one of the most challenging goals ever to face humankind. Somehow, in just over eight years, American engineers and technicians were expected to design and build an entirely new series of spacecraft capable of taking astronauts to the Moon. The Apollo Program would face one of the boldest challenges ever set by any national leader in peacetime. It was also one of the most complex and expensive projects ever undertaken; it eventually cost $28 billion (over $280 billion in current value), employed over 400,000 people, and subcontracted work to more than 20,000 companies. This is the story of how America-and the world-responded to the challenge set by John F. Kennedy. Discover a plethora of topics such asFirst Tentative Steps into SpaceAiming at the MoonApollo 1: The Fatal FireApollo 11: The Moon LandingSubsequent Apollo MissionsAn Uncertain FutureAnd much more!So if you want a concise and informative book on the Apollo Program, simply scroll up and click the "Buy now" button!

  • - A Life From Beginning to End (Booklet)
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Oliver CromwellOne of the most controversial figures in British History, Oliver Crowell entered the world as an insignificant member of the English gentry and left it as the all-powerful Lord Protector of the entirety of England, Scotland and Ireland. A radical Puritan, Cromwell believed that his meteoric rise through the ranks of the English military and parliament was an expression of God's will. Inside you will read about...- The Early Life of Oliver Cromwell- The Road to Influence- The First English Civil War- Cromwell the Politician- Commonwealth in England, War in Ireland, and Rebellion in Scotland- Cromwell, Lord Protector- Cromwell's Legacy Proving himself on the battlefields of England's Civil war, Cromwell signed King Charles I's death warrant only to later become a de facto king himself, ruling the short-lived commonwealth as, what some have called a military dictatorship. Love him of loathe him, Cromwell's life changed the political landscape of Great Britain and beyond.

  • - A History from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable history of the Trail of Tears...In the early 1800s, the Five Civilized Tribes-the Cherokee, Seminole, Chickasaw, Muscogee-Creek, and Choctaw-were living in lands allocated to them by the United States government in present-day Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee. In general, the Native American people lived in peace with the increasing numbers of white settlers coming to these areas, though there were occasional conflicts as settlers took lands that belonged to the tribes. To many white Americans, the existence of these people in lands that could be used for the expansion of the United States was unacceptable, and many wanted the Native American to be removed and relocated to a new area, west of the Mississippi River which was not then of interest to settlers. In 1830, the administration of President Andrew Jackson signed into law a new piece of legislation, the Indian Removal Act, which gave the government the power to force these tribes to relocate to new lands in Indian Territory in present-day Oklahoma. The forced relocations that followed have become known as the Trail of Tears. Some were conducted with extreme brutality, and many thousands of Native American people died as a direct result. Once they had been uprooted from their homelands, many tribes found themselves unable to continue with ways of life which they had followed for thousands of years, and the nature and character of Native American culture and society was forever changed. This is an account of the privations of these forced relocations and the indifference of the U.S. government and the majority of Americans to the suffering they caused to the Native American people. This is the story of the Trail of Tears. Discover a plethora of topics such asSettlers Move WestSettlers Move WestAndrew Jackson and the Indian Removal ActCreek Removal in 1834Chickasaw Removal in 1837Cherokee Removal in 1838And much more!So if you want a concise and informative book on the Trail of Tears, simply scroll up and click the "Add to cart" button!

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable life of Genghis Khan...Genghis Khan: a man who managed to unify the warring nomadic Mongol clans, who orchestrated military victories from China all the way to Russia, who founded an empire that continued to expand across Asia and into Europe during the generations that followed his reign. Riding across the steppes, bow and arrows at his side, he was a man who believed himself to be on a divinely appointed mission and would stop at nothing to fulfill it. He valued loyalty above all else and destroyed kingdoms that got in his way. Genghis Khan's great victories were preceded by destitution and captivity. This is a rags to riches tale-not just a theme for fairytales and legends, but the real story of a leader who overcame hardship and setbacks to play a role in shaping the modern world. Discover a plethora of topics such as Poverty and Captivity Becoming a Leader A Unified People The First Campaigns The Raid Into Europe And much more!So if you want a concise and informative book on Genghis Khan, simply scroll up and click the "Buy now" button for instant access!

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    143,95 kr.

    Marquis de LafayetteThe Marquis de Lafayette may be a name that sounds vaguely familiar. If you've studied even a little American history, you'll recall Lafayette as George Washington's right-hand man during the American Revolution. This remarkable man was just a teenager when he ventured across the seas from France to fight in a conflict that he was in no way obligated to participate in. Yet, here he was, this young man full of idealistic thoughts, ready to help a country set their path on the road to independence. Little did Lafayette know that this would be just the first ride among many that he would take in his lifetime. Inside you will read about...- Early Life- Farewell to France- American Revolution- France and America Once Again- An American and a French Hero- French Revolution- Going From Bad to WorseAnd much more!For what Lafayette accomplished in America and what he brought home to France was unmistakably unique in his own time. For over seventy years this man would be the well-known and intimate friend of world leaders on both sides of the Atlantic. The Marquis de Lafayette can truly be called an American patriot; one who tried his best to bring America's best to the world's stage. Lafayette reached out to all; the poor, the middle classes, and the nobility. He believed in freedom for all people and for that we should be truly grateful.

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    143,95 kr.

    Leonardo da VinciCreativity is in our bones. It is found in our very DNA, something not known to Leonardo da Vinci or anyone else who lived in his day and time. All he did was to uncover the hidden genius which lay within himself, and he used that inner genius to the very best of his abilities. Leonardo da Vinci is best known for some of the world's most masterful paintings, but he was so much more than merely another artist with paints and brushes. Born to a peasant woman in 1452, Leonardo would go on to astound the world he lived in with his artistry and his inventions. Inside you will read about...- Early Beginnings and the Italian Renaissance- Leonardo's Personal Life- Leonardo's Artistic Beginnings- Early Paintings 1480s-1490s- Paintings of the 16th Century- Scientific Studies and Anatomy- Engineering Inventions- Later Life and Old Age- Facts about Leonardo da Vinci In this eBook, discover for yourself the brilliance of da Vinci. Uncover some of his best works of art, including the Mona Lisa, and see why he kept so many notebooks and observations about everything under the sun. See where his far-reaching talents led him, and how you can be more like Leonardo da Vinci than you ever thought possible.

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Alexander Graham BellEducator. Innovator. Inventor. These three words sum up Alexander Graham Bell, one of the greatest scientific men of his era. He is most famous for the invention of the telephone, a device which he predicted would transform human society. And it did. But the telephone is just one of the many innovations and inventions that Bell brought into being. Inside you will read about...- Childhood- Emigration to North America- The Bell Telephone Company- The Race to Save the President- A Rival to the Wright Brothers- Later Years and DeathAnd much more! A man who epitomizes the word visionary, Alexander Graham Bell predicted the use of light as a medium for transmitting information and how humanity would be transformed by flight. This is his story.

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Eleanor of AquitaineEleanor of Aquitaine became the queen of both France and England, the wife of two kings, and later the mother of two kings. Heiress to the rich French provinces of Aquitaine and Poitou, she was undoubtedly one of medieval Europe's most powerful and wealthy women. Inside you will read about...- Duchess of Aquitaine, Queen of France- Eleanor and King Louis Joins the Crusade- The Royal Divorce- Continuing Conflict and Courtly Love- At the Center of Rebellion- Fifteen Years of CaptivityAnd much more! Eleanor of Aquitaine has, not surprisingly, captured many imaginations. From inciting her sons to rebel against their father to the tale of her "courts of love," where she reportedly fostered the idea of courtly love and promoted the arts, to her captivity and later tireless work to rescue her son Richard the Lionheart from his imprisonment, Eleanor's life is a tangle of legend mixed with the struggle to interpret the sometimes-scarce facts. This does not make it any less fascinating-or any less worthy of study. In this book, you will find a concise exploration of the life of one of the medieval world's most memorable figures.

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Tsar Nicholas IIReigning from 1894 to 1917, Nicholas II was the last emperor of Russia. His rule served as the bookends between what were essentially two Russian empires; the one that his forefathers carved out through imperial ambition and the one dictated by the zealous communists of the Soviet Union bent on socialist expansion. Nicholas was by most accounts a conflicted ruler; a man viewed as kind and generous in his mannerisms yet alleged to be greatly disconnected and apathetic toward the subjects he was supposed to rule over. Inside you will read about...- Nicholas and the Funeral Bride- The Coronation Tragedy- Bloody Sunday- Nicholas' Reluctant Reforms- Three Hundred Years of Romanov Rule- The Tsar and World War I- The Last Russian TsarAnd much more! Find out how this last Russian tsar rose to power and oversaw the end of a 300-year family dynasty as it teetered, tottered, and finally fell over the edge of oblivion. This is the story of Tsar Nicholas II.

  • - A Life from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable life of Hannibal Barca...There are notorious figures in history who have withstood the test of time, and then there is Hannibal Barca. This man stands in a unique category of his own because the name of Hannibal Barca not only went down in history; it changed the course of it. This headstrong North African leader did the impossible. He not only led a massive army flanked by elephants-yes, elephants-from North Africa and into Europe, Hannibal also managed to check the growing superpower of Rome through sheer ingenuity. Hannibal Barca crossed the Alps to present himself as ancient Rome's own insurmountable mountain. He positioned himself directly between the Old World Empire of Carthage and the young upstart of the Roman Republic, creating a clash of civilizations on a colossal scale. And the world has been trying to recover ever since. Discover a plethora of topics such asCrossing the AlpsHannibal's Roman RaidsThe Apocalyptic Battle of CannaeThe Roman CounterattackLife on the RunHannibal's Last StandAnd much more!So if you want a concise and informative book on Robert Oppenheimer, simply scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A History From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    153,95 kr.

    Cold WarThe Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union lasted from the end of World War II until the end of the 1980s. Over the course of five decades, they never came to blows directly. Rather, these two world superpowers competed in other arenas that would touch almost every corner of the globe. Inside you will read about...- What Was the Cold War?- The Origins of the Cold War- World War II and the Beginning of the Cold War- The Cold War in the 1950s- The Cold War in the 1960s- The Cold War in the 1970s- The Cold War in the 1980s and the End of the Cold War Both interfered in the affairs of other countries to win allies for their opposing ideologies.In the process, governments were destabilized, ideas silenced, revolutions broke out, and culture was controlled. This overview of the Cold War provides the story of how these two countries came to oppose one another, and the impact it had on them and others around the world.

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    143,95 kr.

    Christopher ColumbusEveryone knows who Christopher Columbus is, and everyone knows what he discovered and what he is famous for. Who, really, is this man, so shrouded in mystery? Columbus would tell you he was inspired by God to make his voyages, and it takes a brave soul indeed to sail out into the ocean blue where no one has gone before. Inside you will read about...- Early Life- The Silk Road and Beyond- Columbus' Quest for a Voyage- First Voyage- Second Voyage- Third and Fourth Voyages- Governor of the IndiesAnd much more! In this eBook, you'll find out all about this most remarkable of men. You will uncover why he thought it so important to never give up on his dream, and how impossible his struggles became with each voyage he made. What was it like to sail over the edge of the ocean? This was a voyage not just anyone could undertake. It was the bravery and the brilliance of a man like Christopher Columbus who would make his dream come true and inspire a world to follow him.

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Ivan the TerribleJust what was so terrible about Ivan the Terrible? Most of us are familiar with this infamous nickname, but most fall short of being able to describe how he received such an ominous moniker. Maybe you've heard the stories of how Ivan killed his own son, poisoned his wives, and waged war on his neighbors, but these anecdotes are just minor details in the scheme of this man's complicated life. Inside you will read about...- Ivan, the Neglected Orphan- Ivan's Liberation of Slaves- War in the Baltic- Intrigue and Diplomacy- Ivan's Final Redemption- Ivan's Last DaysAnd much more! Ivan IV, otherwise known as Ivan the Terrible, was born with a heavy burden on his shoulders. He was thrust into the seat of what the Russians considered the Third Rome, granting him all the rights and privileges of the official steward of Orthodox Christian civilization in the east. In order to hold on to that right, he did indeed do some pretty terrible things.

  • - A History From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    143,95 kr.

    Vietnam WarThe Vietnam War remains one of the most iconic events of the twentieth century. In the United States, it polarized public opinion and changed foreign policy. It destroyed the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and was the catalyst for a massively impactful protest movement. More importantly, in Vietnam, as well as surrounding areas, it caused untold destruction, death, and suffering. Inside you will read about...- Vietnam's Past- Exit the French- The United States and Ngo Dinh Diem- The Resistance War Against America Begins- "Americanization"- The American Home Front- Vietnamization and President Nixon- The End of the Vietnam War and Its Aftermath Millions of Vietnamese and Cambodian people were killed, and many-including Americans-remain missing. Its origins lie in Europe's colonial conquests, and its legacies endure to this day. Read this comprehensive, concise history of the Vietnam War.

  • - A History From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Korean WarThe Korean War, which began in 1950 and ended in 1953, is not considered one of the major wars of the twentieth century. However, in reality, it was profoundly impactful on global history. As an early crisis of the Cold War, it set important precedents for how conflicts would be handled during this era. But also, it has shaped Korea's history for more than half a century. Inside you will read about...✓ Korea before World War II✓ The End of World War II and the Cold War Context✓ The Korean War Begins✓ The United States Enters the Korean War✓ The Korean War Escalates✓ Stalemate at the 38th Parallel✓ After the War It was destructive, and brought many atrocities on both sides. What is more, still to this day, Korea remains divided along the 38th parallel, and the people of North and South Korea live very different lives.

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    143,95 kr.

    Sigmund FreudSigmund Freud was a catalyst who signaled a seat change in how humanity came to understand the world and how it relates to the human mind. And if you have ever had a "Freudian slip," you know full well that the concepts and theories of Mr. Freud are well ensconced in the modern lexicon. But as much as many of us are familiar with his work, what about the man? What do we know about the person? Just who was Sigmund Freud? Inside you will read about...- A Jewish Family in Vienna- The Talking Cure- The Wednesday Society- Working for Potatoes- The Cancer and the Monster- Freud During World War IIAnd much more!

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    143,95 kr.

    Ulysses S GrantThe list of American war heroes who went on to become presidents includes men as little remembered as Zachary Taylor and as famous as Dwight D. Eisenhower. While venerable though these men are and significant their place in American history, they cannot equal the status of Ulysses S. Grant, the Civil War general who rose through the ranks from virtual obscurity to command. Inside you will read about...- The Undistinguished Hiram Ulysses Grant- The Mexican War and Marriage- The Failure- War to the Rescue- The Triumphant General Grant- The War Hero President- Government: The Next Battlefield- The Last Battle He was a modest man with a series of failures behind him, but when success came to him on the battlefield, it brought a nation back to wholeness. Grant faced financial ruin, alcoholism, family trials, and cancer with the same steady courage that he employed in battle. He is one of the most famous, yet also one of the least well-known, of America's heroes, well worth an introduction.

  • - A History From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    143,95 kr.

    Spanish Civil WarThe Spanish Civil War is sometimes seen as merely a precursor to World War II, and it's easy to understand why. The troops of the extreme right fought against those of the extreme left, and the soldiers and military hardware of Germany, Italy, and Russia faced off on Spanish battlefields many years before they fought each other on the Russian steppes. For the first time, the world would see bombings of civilians to create terror. There were secret police forces on both sides and large numbers of arbitrary executions, and the use of imprisonment without trial and torture as a means of establishing state power became almost routine.But the Spanish Civil War was much more than just an overture to World War II. It was a war born out of schisms in Spanish society between rich and poor, monarchists and Republicans, the right and the left, and between those who supported the church and those who saw it as an instrument of oppression. For all its brutality and horror, the Spanish Civil War was a conflict between ideals often fought by volunteers on each side who truly believed that they were helping to build a better world. Inside you will read about...✓ Taking Positions✓ Outside Intervention✓ The Terror✓ Nationalists Triumphant in the North✓ The Republicans Fight Back✓ The End of the WarAnd much more! This book provides an overview of the causes which led to the war, the significance of outside intervention, and the main events which took place between July 1936 and April 1939. This is not an exhaustive history of the war, but it's rather a succinct introduction for anyone interested in an overview of this confusing but important European war.

  • - A History From Beginning to Present
    af Hourly History
    143,95 kr.

    The Great Pyramid of GizaAncient Egypt has mystified and entranced generation after generation. Their mastery of architecture, their complex religious ideologies, and their peculiar views on death have given modern-day readers much to ponder. Few, if any, of their remaining relics have produced the awe and spectacular wonder of the Great Pyramids of Giza. These three architectural masterpieces have stood for over five thousand years despite looting, exploitation, and the slow erosion of time. Inside you will read about...- The Birth of a Wonder- The Architect and Exterior Construction- The Construction of the Interior: The King's Tomb- The End of the Old Kingdom- The Birth of Egyptology- The Great Pyramid Today- Fringe Theories on the Great PyramidAnd much more! This book will describe the history, theory, and ideology behind the construction of the last remaining ancient wonder of the world.

  • - A History From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    148,95 kr.

    The Wars of the Roses were a series of civil wars in England fought between the House of Lancaster and the House of York between 1455 and 1485. Over a thirty-year period, England had five rulers, three of whom were killed or executed. Power changed hands on even more occasions as an ineffective king, Henry VI, was subject to mental breakdowns and protectors of the realm were regularly appointed to rule during these episodes, thereby disaffecting Henry's ambitious queen, Margaret of Anjou. Though the battles fought were limited in scope, one of these, the Battle of Towton, is considered the bloodiest battle ever fought on English soil. The nearby river was described as running red with the blood of some 38,000 soldiers who lost their lives that day. By the end of the Wars, a new dynasty-the Tudor Dynasty-was born, the powers of the nobility were significantly diminished, and the system of feudalism was all but eradicated. The monarchy was strengthened, and the royal line of succession was secured for the Tudor line. As family feuds go, the Wars of the Roses were historically significant in changing the trajectory of power in England. This book tells the compelling story of this tumultuous period in English history in succinct, yet informative detail that is both educational and entertaining.

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    143,95 kr.

    John AdamsThe drama of the life of the second president of the United States has been stirringly chronicled both in print and on television. Yet the life of John Adams is so rich in history, emotion, power, and tragedy that no medium can entirely contain its essence. Reading the story of his life is to be introduced to a nation, new and untried, that would rise to prominence in no small part due to his legacy of leadership. Inside you will read about...✓ John Adams, the Farmer's Son✓ John Adams Begins His Career✓ The Man from Massachusetts✓ Adams in Philadelphia✓ Destination Europe✓ An Experiment in Nationhood✓ President✓ A Friendship Restored John Adams was no bland hero; he had his personal blemishes, and he made his share of mistakes. He was born in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and died a citizen of the United States. Along with his wife, the impressive Abigail Smith Adams, the minister's daughter whose lack of formal education did not hinder her intellectual advances, John Adams sired a political dynasty that served the United States well.

  • - The Story of the Whitechapel Murderer
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Jack the RipperIn 1888, between August and November, the women of London's East End were terrorized by a deranged serial killer. A man was stalking the streets at night, seizing random women who worked those streets and killing them. This man mutilated his victim's bodies after death, removing body parts, taking organs. Inside you will read about...- The Whitechapel Murderer's Hunting Ground- Leather Apron- The Double Murder- The Investigation- Letters from Jack the Ripper- Who was Jack the Ripper?And much more! No one has ever been able to identify Jack the Ripper. Despite the best efforts of numerous police officers, media professionals, historians, and amateur detectives over more than a century, we know of dozens of suspects but no definitive perpetrator. What we do know is the identity of Jack the Ripper's victims, the canonical five women who lost their lives at his hands. This is the story not of Jack the Ripper's life, about which we know nothing, but the lives of the women he destroyed. For better or worse, after Jack the Ripper, life on the streets of London would never be the same again.

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    143,95 kr.

    Henry VIIISince his death in the year 1547, King Henry VIII has been celebrated as a chivalrous pioneer and reviled as a brutal tyrant, but he has never been ignored. Henry was responsible for the separation of the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church, the ramifications of which reverberated through subsequent centuries of European history. Domestically, Henry revolutionized the English Constitution, elevating his own status to that of a God. Inside you will read about...✓ From Childhood to Coronation✓ Early Reign✓ The King's Great Matter✓ The Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn✓ Dissolution of the Monasteries✓ Anne of Cleves✓ The Execution of Katherine Howard✓ A Rough Wooing in Scotland and War with France Henry's belief in his own divine right certainly played a part in his six marriages, his penchant for executing those who disagreed with him and his many disagreements with the Pope. Chauvinistic, chivalrous, tyrannical, visionary, it is possible that King Henry VIII was all of these things and yet however you view his place in British History, his reign was nothing short of momentous.

  • - A History from Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable history of the Kingdom of Dahomey...Imagine a fervently militaristic state with a feared professional army that included some of the only all-female military units ever seen. Imagine that same state with its own unique and sophisticated culture, religion, language, art, and society. Such a state did exist-not in the ancient past but as recently as the beginning of the twentieth century. The Kingdom of Dahomey was established in the seventeenth century and quickly rose to become one of the most powerful forces in West Africa. The society of this nation was based on conquest and the use of captives as slaves and human sacrifices. When the international slave trade expanded, Dahomey became one of the most significant slave trading centers in the world. This is the story of a unique kingdom that for more than two hundred years was one of the most influential in Africa. This is the story of the Kingdom of Dahomey. Discover a plethora of topics such asExpansion and ConquestBlack Sparta: The Army of DahomeyAmazons: The Women Warriors of DahomeyRivals: Dahomey Conquers OyoDahomey and the Slave TradeThe Fall of DahomeyAnd much more!So if you want a concise and informative book on the Kingdom of Dahomey, simply scroll up and click the "Buy now" button!

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    143,95 kr.

    NostradamusIt is difficult to think of many historical figures that have been able to build up such a cult following as Nostradamus. Indeed, he may have lived centuries ago, but his name is still thrown around in the world today whenever a disaster or global event occurs. From his work as a doctor fighting against the plague with mixed success to becoming the physician of the French royal family, this is a tale of an individual who was not afraid to reveal his true self at a time when this was certainly frowned upon. Inside you will read about...- Early Years as a Doctor- Altercation with the Inquisition- The Start of the Occult- The Prophet of Satan- Nostradamus' Predictions- Sharlatan or VisionaryAnd much more! The story of Nostradamus is tougher to determine than one would have ever imagined. Considering the books that have been written about his predictions, his own story is often shrouded in mystery. That is a mystery which we are going to attempt to undo as far as the historical sources will allow us. How exactly did this man go from a small village in the south of France to becoming one of the most famous people alive at the time? How has he managed to stay relevant in the world today? Was he as good at predicting the future as some believed him to be? These are all pertinent questions, and by the end of this book, you will have hopefully been able to piece together some of the answers to the questions that you have about the individual known simply as, Nostradamus.

  • - A Life From Beginning to End
    af Hourly History
    118,95 kr.

    Karl MarxIf anything, Karl Marx's life reminds us of the power of the pen over the sword. During his lifetime, he lived in relative obscurity. Rather than making any waves, Marx was usually lucky just to make the rent. And to make the ongoing hardship of his life even worse, Karl Marx was afflicted with boils from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. This painful skin condition in his later years made even his beloved vocation of writing rather difficult. But his pen would indeed demonstrate its power, and by the time 70-some years had passed since his demise, one-third of the entire planet would be living under regimes based upon his ideology. Inside you will read about...- The Makings of a Revolutionary- The Communist Manifesto- Poor and Deported- The Folly of the French- Marx and the Civil WarAnd much more! Love him or hate him, the power of Karl Marx's pen, and his legacy, cannot be denied.

  • - A Concise Guide to Greek, Norse and Egyptian Mythology
    af Hourly History
    278,95 kr.

    MythologyMany ancient cultures had their roots firmly entrenched in their own mythology. The Greek, Norse and Egyptian civilisations are those which are at the forefront of our minds when it comes to the deities and beliefs they worshipped.And now you can learn much about these fabulous cultures in this great new box set of books - Mythology Trilogy: A Concise Guide to Greek, Norse and Egyptian Mythology.Inside these pages you will find information on;- Timelines of the various societies- Major Gods and Goddesses they worshipped- Creation myths- Day to day life- Life after death- Heroes and villains With many rituals of these ancient civilisations discussed in detail, as well as a look at temples, the economy of the nations and the influence of each of them in today's world are also examined.The ancient world and the impact it has had on us has never been closer than it is in this series of books. Get your copy of Concise Guide to Greek, Norse and Egyptian Mythology now and learn what it meant to live in a world filled with folklore, Gods and myths.

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