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Bøger af Hurieh Khodaei

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  • af Hurieh Khodaei
    518,95 kr.

    L'homme est toujours le sujet de la science pour comprendre ses comportements envers les autres. Le résultat de ces études est l'émergence de la science avec pour axe la reconnaissance de l'homme. L'anthropologie est la science de l'étude de l'homme et de sa culture. Cette connaissance a étudié l'homme en tant que créature de la culture, et ses résultats conduisent au développement culturel, social de l'homme, notamment dans le domaine de l'éthique individuelle et sociale. La nécessité pour la vie sociale de l'homme est de suivre les principes éthiques qui, par le biais de méthodes éducatives, régulent le comportement complexe de l'homme en accord avec sa nature et sa sagesse. L'une des méthodes de formation pratiques, importantes et efficaces est la feinte de négligence. L'application de cette méthode a un fort impact sur les affaires sociales, familiales, éducatives et managériales. Elle préserve la dignité humaine et empêche la décadence et le progrès vers la corruption. Ce texte tente de présenter cet important principe éducatif en termes de place, d'application et d'effets sur les membres de la famille et de la communauté, et les conséquences de la négligence non feinte et du pardon, ainsi que l'expression de la négligence et des dommages amnésiques incorrects.

  • af Hurieh Khodaei
    523,95 kr.

    O homem é sempre o sujeito da ciência para compreender os seus comportamentos para com os outros. O resultado destes estudos é a emergência da ciência com o eixo do reconhecimento humano. A antropologia é a ciência do estudo do ser humano e da sua cultura. Este conhecimento tem estudado o humano como criatura da cultura, e as suas descobertas conduzem ao desenvolvimento cultural e social do homem, especialmente no campo da ética individual e social. A necessidade da vida social do homem é seguir os princípios éticos que, através de métodos educativos, regulam o complexo comportamento humano de acordo com a natureza do homem e a sabedoria. Um dos métodos de formação práticos, importantes e eficazes é o fingimento de negligência. A aplicação deste método tem um forte impacto nos assuntos sociais, familiares, educacionais e de gestão. Preserva a dignidade humana e impede a decadência e o progresso rumo à corrupção. este texto tenta introduzir este importante princípio educacional em termos do seu lugar, aplicação e efeitos sobre os membros da família e da comunidade, e as consequências da negligência não fingida e do perdão, bem como a expressão de negligência e amnistias incorrectas.

  • af Hurieh Khodaei
    523,95 kr.

    L'uomo è sempre oggetto di studi scientifici per comprendere i suoi comportamenti nei confronti degli altri. Il risultato di questi studi è la nascita della scienza con l'asse del riconoscimento umano. L'antropologia è la scienza che studia l'uomo e la sua cultura. Questa conoscenza ha studiato l'uomo come creatura di cultura e le sue scoperte portano allo sviluppo culturale e sociale dell'uomo, soprattutto nel campo dell'etica individuale e sociale. La necessità per la vita sociale dell'uomo è quella di seguire i principi etici che, attraverso i metodi educativi, regolano il complesso comportamento umano in accordo con la natura dell'uomo e la saggezza. Uno dei metodi di formazione pratici, importanti ed efficaci è la finta negligenza. L'applicazione di questo metodo ha un forte impatto sugli affari sociali, familiari, educativi e manageriali. Questo testo cerca di introdurre questo importante principio educativo in termini di luogo, applicazione ed effetti sui membri della famiglia e della comunità, e le conseguenze della non finzione della negligenza e del perdono, così come l'espressione della negligenza e dei danni da amnistia non corretta.

  • af Hurieh Khodaei
    523,95 kr.

    Der Mensch ist immer Gegenstand der Wissenschaft, um sein Verhalten gegenüber anderen zu verstehen. Das Ergebnis dieser Studien ist die Entstehung der Wissenschaft mit der Achse der menschlichen Anerkennung. Die Anthropologie ist die Wissenschaft, die sich mit der Erforschung des Menschen und seiner Kultur beschäftigt. Dieses Wissen hat den Menschen als Kulturwesen untersucht, und seine Erkenntnisse führen zur kulturellen und sozialen Entwicklung des Menschen, insbesondere im Bereich der individuellen und sozialen Ethik. Die Notwendigkeit für das soziale Leben der Menschen besteht darin, den ethischen Prinzipien zu folgen, die mit Hilfe von Erziehungsmethoden das komplexe menschliche Verhalten in Übereinstimmung mit der Natur des Menschen und der Weisheit regulieren. Eine der praktischen, wichtigen und wirksamen Erziehungsmethoden ist das Vortäuschen von Fahrlässigkeit. Die Anwendung dieser Methode hat einen starken Einfluss auf die sozialen, familiären, erzieherischen und verwaltungstechnischen Angelegenheiten. Sie bewahrt die Menschenwürde und verhindert Dekadenz und Fortschritt in Richtung Korruption. Dieser Text versucht, dieses wichtige Erziehungsprinzip in Bezug auf seinen Platz, seine Anwendung und seine Auswirkungen auf Familien- und Gemeinschaftsmitglieder vorzustellen, sowie die Folgen von nicht vorgetäuschter Nachlässigkeit und Vergebung, sowie den Ausdruck von Nachlässigkeit und falschen Amnestieschäden.

  • af Hurieh Khodaei
    258,95 kr.

    Chelowek wsegda qwlqetsq ob#ektom nauki, chtoby ponqt' ego powedenie po otnosheniü k drugim. Rezul'tatom ätih issledowanij qwlqetsq wozniknowenie nauki s os'ü poznaniq cheloweka. Antropologiq - äto nauka ob izuchenii cheloweka i ego kul'tury. Jeto znanie izuchaet cheloweka kak suschestwo kul'tury, i ego wywody wedut k kul'turnomu, social'nomu razwitiü cheloweka, osobenno w oblasti indiwidual'noj i social'noj ätiki. Neobhodimym dlq social'noj zhizni cheloweka qwlqetsq sledowanie äticheskim principam, kotorye s pomosch'ü wospitatel'nyh metodow reguliruüt slozhnoe chelowecheskoe powedenie w sootwetstwii s prirodoj cheloweka i mudrost'ü. Odnim iz praktichnyh, wazhnyh i äffektiwnyh metodow wospitaniq qwlqetsq pritwornaq nebrezhnost'. Primenenie ätogo metoda okazywaet sil'noe wliqnie na social'nye, semejnye, obrazowatel'nye i uprawlencheskie dela. On sohranqet chelowecheskoe dostoinstwo i predotwraschaet upadok i prodwizhenie k korrupcii. V dannom texte predprinqta popytka predstawit' ätot wazhnyj wospitatel'nyj princip s tochki zreniq ego mesta, primeneniq i wliqniq na chlenow sem'i i obschestwa, a takzhe posledstwij nepritwornoj nebrezhnosti i proscheniq, a takzhe wyrazheniq nebrezhnosti i neprawil'noj amnistii uscherba.

  • af Hurieh Khodaei
    293,95 kr.

    One of the important issues in family law is the issues related to obligations and financial relations between couples, which has a profound and wide impact on the continuity or non-continuity of cohabitation couples. It starts with the formation and beginning of a life together, the earliest stage of which is courtship and continues as long as the couple lives together or in cases where they are separated from each other or one of the parties dies. This study has analyzed and explained the law organizing the financial relations of couples and the related rights carefully in detail and at the same time in a coherent and integrated manner; Then, the types of financial regimes affecting the couple's financial relationships are expressed as much as possible, and the position of balance, equality or preference are examined. The author explain the financial relations couples and the system organizing it, and express the principles and opinions of Iran thinkers and jurists and compare it with Swiss law. After the necessary studies, the commonalities and differences between these two legal systems have been stated and the possibility of forming a single legal system has been evaluated.

  • af Hurieh Khodaei
    318,95 kr.

    The man is always the subject of science to understand his behaviors towards others. The result of these studies is the emergence of science with the axis of human recognition. Anthropology is the science of the study of human and his culture. This knowledge has studied human as a creature of culture, and its findings lead to the cultural, social development of man, especially in the field of individual and social ethics. The necessity for the humans¿ social life is to follow the ethical principles that by means of educational methods regulate the complex human behavior in accordance with nature of human and wisdom. One of the practical, important and effective training methods is feigning negligence. The application of this method has strong impact on the social, familial, educational and managerial affairs. It preserves human dignity and prevents decadence and progress towards corruption. this Text tries to introduce this important educational principle in terms of its place, application and effects on family and community members, and the consequences of non- feigning negligence and forgiveness, as well as the expression of negligence and incorrect amnesties damage.

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