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  • af Isabella Rossi
    168,95 kr.

    "Minimalist Bliss: Simplifying Your Home for Style and Serenity" by Isabella Rossi will help you understand how mindful living can change your life. Rossi skillfully combines useful information with aesthetic knowledge in this modern book to help you create a home that is simple, stylish, and peaceful.Explore the growing movement of minimalism, a way of life that is becoming more popular in 2023, as the author shows you how to clean out and organize every room for a reason. Explore the newest trends in interior design that value clear lines, neutral colors, and well-thought-out furniture choices. These styles will help you make places that feel calm and balanced.With terms like "minimalism," "home organization," and "interior design trends," this book caters to the growing interest in living spaces that are simple and good for your health. Discover how to evaluate your present living space, adopt a minimalist mindset, and bust some myths about this way of life. Rossi gives useful advice on how to clean up every room, deal with emotional ties to things, and choose furniture that serves a purpose-all important parts of the current trend toward a simpler and more stylish home.If you want to live a more intentional and peaceful life, join the minimalist trend. "Minimalist Bliss" is a complete guide to making a home that radiates style, peace, and the joy of intentional living, whether you're an experienced minimalist or just starting to learn about the idea.

  • af Isabella Rossi
    168,95 kr.

    "Start a trip that will change your life with "Let There Be Possibilities: A Year of Embracing Change and Personal Growth," a guidebook put together by famous author Isabella Rossi. This book is a beacon in the constantly changing world of personal growth. It shows readers how to deal with change and reach their full potential.Isabella Rossi, a famous figure in the field of self-discovery, leads you on a year-long journey that gives you insights and useful tools to help you grow as a person. This book takes the most popular words in personal development-like "resilience," "mindfulness," and "goal-setting"-and turns them into a beautiful fabric of inspiration.'Let There Be Possibilities' is a current and empowering book that comes at a good time as the world deals with significant changes. The story urges you to have a positive outlook, be strong when things go wrong, and form habits that will help you reach your goals.This book is more than just a guide; it's a friend for people who are ready to make changes and reach their full potential. Isabella Rossi welcomes you to a year-long journey of self-discovery and empowerment, with a focus on mindfulness practices, setting goals, and encouraging a growth mindset.As you follow the journey described in "Let There Be Possibilities," you will face life's challenges, enjoy your wins, and learn from your failures. This book is your ticket to a year full of personal growth, strength, and realizing that the opportunities are endless.

  • af Isabella Rossi
    433,95 kr.

    Benvenuti nel meraviglioso mondo della cucina vegetariana con "Verde e Gustoso" di Isabella Rossi. Questo straordinario libro ti condurrà in un viaggio culinario senza carne, esplorando una vasta gamma di piatti deliziosi e nutrienti.La cucina vegetariana è molto di più di insalate e verdure. È una celebrazione di sapori audaci e ingredienti freschi provenienti dalla natura stessa. "Verde e Gustoso" ti invita a scoprire una nuova dimensione della cucina, dove le verdure, le legumi e i cereali diventano le stelle indiscusse del piatto.Isabella Rossi, un'appassionata cuoca vegetariana, ti guiderà attraverso un mondo di ricette appositamente selezionate per soddisfare il tuo palato e le tue esigenze alimentari. Dalla cucina italiana alle influenze internazionali, troverai piatti che ti faranno dimenticare la carne e ti faranno desiderare sempre più il gusto fresco e salutare della cucina vegetariana.Che tu sia già un esperto cuoco vegetariano o un principiante, questo libro offre ispirazione a ogni livello. Le ricette sono facili da seguire e accompagnate da suggerimenti utili per preparare piatti gustosi e bilanciati."Verde e Gustoso" è molto più di un libro di cucina, è un invito a scoprire un approccio più sano e sostenibile all'alimentazione. Preparati a sperimentare piatti deliziosi, a migliorare la tua salute e a contribuire al benessere del pianeta, uno scrumptious boccone alla volta. Buon appetito!

  • af Isabella Rossi
    413,95 kr.

    "Italiensk Kärlek i Köket: En Kokbok med Autentisk Smak" tar dig med på en kulinarisk resa genom den underbara världen av italiensk matlagning. Författaren, Isabella Rossi, är passionerad för Italiens gastronomiska arv och har samlat de mest älskade och autentiska italienska recepten i denna enastående kokbok.Med denna bok i handen kommer du att utforska de rika smakerna av Italien och lära dig konsten att skapa äkta italienska rätter hemma i ditt eget kök. Från perfekt al dente pasta till doftande tomatsåser och traditionella pizzauppskrifter, kommer du att uppleva en smakresa som tar dig till de pittoreska italienska landskapen.Isabella delar med sig av sina familjerecept och insiderknep som hon har samlat på sig under åren. Med tydliga steg-för-steg instruktioner och värdefulla tips kommer du att bli en mästare i italiensk matlagning på nolltid."Italiensk Kärlek i Köket" är inte bara en kokbok utan en kärleksförklaring till Italiens matkultur. Oavsett om du är nybörjare eller en erfaren kock kommer denna kokbok att föra den äkta smaken av Italien till ditt hem.Ge dig själv och dina nära och kära gåvan av italienska smaker med "Italiensk Kärlek i Köket."

  • af Isabella Rossi
    398,95 kr.

    Przenie¿ si¿ w magiczny ¿wiat w¿oskich smaków z ksi¿¿k¿ "Smaki W¿och" autorstwa Isabelli Rossi. Ta kucharska ksi¿¿ka to höd z¿öony niezrównanej kuchni W¿och, oferuj¿ca autentyczne przepisy, które pozwol¿ Ci odkry¿ smaki i aromaty tego pi¿knego kraju.Isabella Rossi, wielbicielka w¿oskiej kultury kulinarnej, zabierze Ci¿ w kulinarn¿ podró¿ przez W¿ochy, gdzie tradycja i smak to nieod¿¿czne elementy ¿ycia. Kädy przepis w tej ksi¿¿ce to opowie¿¿ o pasji do jedzenia, która jest g¿¿boko zakorzeniona w w¿oskich sercach.Od wykwintnych makaronów po soczyste pizze, od aromatycznych risotto po s¿odkie tiramisu - "Smaki W¿och" to prawdziwa uczta dla smakoszy. Przepisy opieraj¿ si¿ na ¿wie¿ych sk¿adnikach i prostych, ale smacznych technikach gotowania, które sprawiaj¿, ¿e w¿oska kuchnia jest tak uwielbiana na cäym ¿wiecie.Ta ksi¿¿ka kucharska to nie tylko zbiór przepisów. To zaproszenie do odkrywania tajemnic w¿oskich smaków i kulinarnych tradycji. Isabella Rossi inspiruje Ci¿ do gotowania z pasj¿ i poznawania bogatej kultury jedzenia W¿och."Smaki W¿och" obiecuje kulinarn¿ przygod¿, która przeniesie Ci¿ prosto do w¿oskiej trattorii pe¿nej aromatycznych potraw. Odkryj smaki W¿och i poczuj si¿ jak prawdziwy kucharz, gotuj¿c autentyczne w¿oskie dania w swojej kuchni.

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