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Bøger af Jacob Nordby

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  • af Jacob Nordby
    147,95 kr.

    ET MANIFEST FOR KREATIVE. En opfordring til kreative (og dem, der gerne vil være kreative) med klar besked, om at det aldrig har været mere vigtigt at følge Sjælens kald, end under denne spændende, nye epoke på planeten Jorden. Hjertelig og undertiden humoristisk, tænder den lyset hos alle, der føler sig udenfor i den moderne verden og opfordrer dem til at hævde deres arv som efterkommere af en ældgammel stamme. En stamme der altid har holdt flammen i live for menneskeheden. Det er en bog for alle, der ønsker at leve et dybtfølt, sandt og lidenskabeligt liv og på denne måde efterlade en bedre verden.”Det eneste succesfulde, lige nu, er at leve og skabe et kunstværk: Unikt, fyldt med mening, blottet for alt det, vi er ligeglade med og hensynsløst med hensyn til at bruge noget virkeligt ægte, fra en verden der har proppet sig selv med falskhed og som er blevet alvorligt syg af det. Omvendt så er den eneste nedtur nu... at trække sig tilbage fra denne søgen på grund af frygt.”Efter sit korte originale essay ”Blessed Are the Weird”, der blev et viralt fænomen, følger Jacob Nordby rødderne af inderlig kunst og kreativitet til gamle tider. Og tilbage igen. Han finder den insisterende, evige længsel efter vores sande natur, som kræver noget helt ægte ― så vigtigt at alt, ja hele vores eksistens, afhænger af det.

  • - A step-by-step guide to living your Begin With Yes life
    af Jacob Nordby
    172,95 kr.

    Paul Boynton's best-selling book Begin with Yes has touched readers around the world since its release in 2009. Now the author returns with a 21 Day Companion Workbook which is designed to gently guide you into inspired action and create a life as big and beautiful as your dreams. Filled with simple daily exercises and practical application ideas, you will find yourself motivated to take the next step, then another, and keep on going. Use this Workbook along with Begin with Yes: A short conversation that will change your life forever or after you have completed the primary book. Paul Boynton's gentle approach will help you acknowledge old hindrances, resolve fears and inadequacies, and break out of inertia into the kind of action which will change your life forever. This Workbook is for anyone who wants more joy, satisfaction and true success in their life. Direct, warm and engaging, you will feel like you spent twenty-one days with a wise friend whose mission is to help you see your life through new eyes and take action toward everything you truly desire.

  • - A Tale of Awakening
    af Jacob Nordby
    177,95 kr.

    excerpt from page 299 ..".burn this book!" Why would author, Jacob Nordby, ask you to read his new novel, then burn it?This is no ordinary book.Fact and fiction weave together in this autobiographical tale of spiritual awakening. The main character is a burned-out businessman who takes an unplanned retreat to his cabin in the mountains of Idaho.On the first evening of his getaway, a mysterious stranger appears beside his campfire and delivers a summons: "Drop everything and attend a rendezvous of destiny...the fate of the world may depend upon it." He is confronted with a terrifying choice: believe this stranger and take a journey into the unknown, or ignore the whole thing and perhaps miss his call of destiny?Mystical and deeply personal to the author, this story is rich with symbolism but framed in modern language.Join the main character on an adventure of the spirit. With him, you will meet a cast of divine helpers, shaman monks and ragged teachers who will captivate your imagination.Like the hero in this tale of awakening, you may never see life the same way again. Rich with insights, quotations and teachings of sources ranging from ancient to modern, this book is a breath of fresh air for the soul.

  • - A Manifesto for Creatives
    af Jacob Nordby
    157,95 - 186,95 kr.

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