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  • - My Life, My Faith 1 (Serbian)
    af Jaerock Lee
    182,95 kr.

    Moj ¿ivot, Moja Vera ¿CategoryTestimonyAuthorDr. D¿erok LiNajmirisnija duhovna aroma izvüena iz ¿ivota koji je cvetao sa neuporedivom ljubavlju za Boga, u sred crnih talasa, hladnih okova i najdubljeg öaja

  • - My Life, My Faith 1
    af Jaerock Lee
    182,95 kr.

    Panašiai ir Dr. D¿eiroko Li autobiografija „Mano Gyvenimas, Mano Tik¿jimas I ir II" suteikia skaitytojams gard¿iausi¿ dvasin¿ aromat¿. Taip yra tod¿l, kad jo gyvenimas - tai Dievo meil¿s ekstraktas, išgautas po tamsi¿ bang¿, šalto jungo ir giliausios nevilties.

  • - My Life, My Faith 1 (Croatian)
    af Jaerock Lee
    182,95 kr.

    Moj ¿ivot, Moja Vjera I : My Life, My Faith ¿ (Croatian Edition)Najmirisnija duhovna aroma izvüena kao ekstrakt iz ¿ivota koji je procvjetao neusporedivom ljubavlju za Boga usred tamnih valova, hladnoga jarma i najdubljeg öaja.

  • - My Life, My Faith 1
    af Jaerock Lee
    182,95 kr.

    Überrascht schaute sich meine Frau meinen Körper genau an und auch sie glaubte, dass Gott mich geheilt hatte. Sie war so froh, umarmte mich und fing an laut zu weinen. Wir weinten lange Zeit. Alle Sorgen und Schmerzen waren wie weggeschmolzen und wir waren voller Freude und Dankbarkeit. Es heißt, man bekommt die am stärksten duftenden Rosenparfüme von Rosen auf den Bergen im Balkan. Allerdings bekommt man sie auch nicht von jeder x-beliebigen Rose aus den Balkanbergen. Um ein Spitzenparfüm zu bekommen, muss man die Essenz aus Rosen herausholen, die um 2 Uhr nachts gepflückt worden sind - wenn es am kältesten und am dunkelsten ist.Mein Leben, Mein Glaube, die Autobiographie von Dr. Jaerock Lee, birgt für ihre Leser auch ein höchstgeistliches Aroma. Der Grund ist, dass sein Leben aus der Liebe Gottes herausgefiltert wurde, nachdem er dunkle Wellen, kalte Joche und tiefste Verzweiflung erlebt hatte.Warum konnte Dr. Lee nicht wie andere junge Leute sein, die von einem leuchtend hellen Leben träumen? Es gab einmal eine Zeit, in der selbst der Abschluss an einer guten Universität einen Kampf darstelle, ganz zu schweigen von einem Auslandsstudium oder einem Leben als versierter, erfolgreicher Mann. Doch anstatt dass sich sein Traum verwirklichte, rutschte sein Leben ins Tal der Verzweiflung ab. Eine Krankheit übersäte seinen Körper mit Wunden. Statt berühmt zu werden, wurde er übersehen und die, die ihm an nächsten standen, schauten auf ihn herab. Tief im Inneren wurde ihm bewusst, wie bedeutungslos und leer die Liebe dieser Welt war. Ihm wurde klar, was Armut wirklich bedeutete und wie es einem das Herz bricht, wenn man als Familienoberhaupt machtlos ist. Er versuchte sogar zwei Mal, sich das Leben zu nehmen.

  • - My Life, My Faith 1
    af Jaerock Lee
    182,95 kr.

    'Mitt Liv, Min Tro (I)', selvbiogafien av Dr. Jaerock Lee, vil også gi den mest beryktede og åndelige aroma for deres lesere. Det er fordi hans liv er tatt ifra kjærlighet til Gud som har opplevd de mørke bølger, de kalde lenker og de dypeste fortvilelser.

  • - My Life, My Faith 1
    af Jaerock Lee
    182,95 kr.

    Viäa Mea, Credin¿a Mea ¿: My Life, My Faith ¿(Romanian Edition)O arom¿ foarte duhovniceasc¿ extras¿ din viäa care a înmugurit cu o iubire nem¿rginit¿ pentru Dumnezeu, în mijlocul valurilor negre ¿i a celei mai mari disper¿ri.

  • - My Life, My Faith 1 (Polish)
    af Jaerock Lee
    182,95 kr.

    Esencja wiernöci i prawdziwöci Pan wyjäni¿ mi, dlaczego Jezus jest naszym jedynym Zbawicielem, dlaczego Bóg umie¿ci¿ drzewo znajomöci dobra i z¿a w ogrodzie Eden, oraz dlaczego pragnie uksztätowä nas ku doskonäöci na tej ziemi... Poniewä Dr Lee cierpiä z powodu wielu chorób, rozumie ból ludzi, którzy s¿ chorzy. Poniewä sam by¿ znienawidzony i poni¿any, rozumie uczucia tych, którzy maj¿ z¿amane serca. Poniewä sam döwiadczy¿ okrucie¿stwa biedy, rozumie tych, którzy cierpi¿ z powodu tego brzemienia. To w¿änie dlatego tysi¿ce cz¿onków jego köciöa gromadzi si¿ wokó¿ niego, aby mie¿ möliwö¿ zobaczy¿ go na w¿asne oczy. Jego ¿ycie jest przyk¿adem pe¿nego pos¿usze¿stwa Bogu oraz cäkowitego poddania, które möe przynie¿¿ wiele owoców duchowych i materialnych.

  • - My Life, My Faith 1
    af Jaerock Lee
    182,95 kr.

    En velduftende spirituel aroma, som er et ekstrakt af den uforlignelige kærlighed til Gud, som blomstrede op midt i mørke bølger, under det tungeste åg og i den dybeste fortvivlelse.

  • - My Life, My Faith 1
    af Jaerock Lee
    167,95 kr.

    M¿j ¿ivot, Má Víra ¿: My Life, My Faith ¿ (Czech Edition)CategoryTestimonyAuthorDr. Jaerock LeeNejvöav¿jší duchovní v¿n¿ vytäená z ¿ivota, který vykvetl z nep¿ekonatelné Böí lásky uprost¿ed temných vln, chladného jha a nejhlubšího zoufalství.

  • - My Life, My Faith 1 (Albanian)
    af Jaerock Lee
    182,95 kr.

    "Unë i dua ata që më duan; dhe ata që më kërkojnë me kujdes më gjejnë." (Fjalët e Urta 8:17) 'Jeta Ime, Besimi Im I dhe II,' autobiografia e Dr. Xherok Li, gjithashtu ofrojnë aromën më të këndshme shpirtërore për lexuesit. Kjo ndodh pasi që jeta e tij është shkëputur nga dashuria e Perëndisë, një jetë e cila ka përjetuar dallgët e errëta, zgjedhën e ftohtë dhe dëshpërimin më të thellë. Jeta e Pastor, Dr. Li, është një ndër rastet më dramatike në të cilat jeta e një personi mund të ndryshoj shumë para dhe pasi që të ketë njohur Perëndinë. Jeta e tij është një shembull që tregon sesi një jetë në bindje dhe përkushtim të plotë ndaj Perëndisë mund të japë shumë fryt, shpirtërisht dhe materialisht.

  • - My Life, My Faith 1 (Slovak)
    af Jaerock Lee
    167,95 kr.

    Môj ¿ivot, moja viera I a II podáva jasnú odpove¿ na otázku: „Ako by sme mali vies¿ kres¿anský ¿ivot?" A preto je to kniha pre všetkých tých, ktorí prijali Je¿iša Krista a veria v jeho krv z krí¿a.Ke¿ mám by¿ úprimný, Dr. Jaerock Lee, predstavený pastor Centrálneho kostola Manmin, je ¿lovek, ktorého som nepoznal ve¿mi dobre. Jedného d¿a mi jeden z mojich kolegov daroval jeho autobiografiu Môj ¿ivot, moja viera I a II a ako som ¿ítal túto knihu vo dvoch ¿astiach, nemohol som si pomôc¿ a zäal som plakä. Túto knihu som otvoril, ke¿ som neskoro v noci nemohol zaspä a úplne ma pohltila.Nemohol som ¿ítä bez s¿z o jeho utrpení, spôsobenom všetkými mönými chorobami, chudobou a rodinnými problémami, ktoré by sa dalo prirovnä k utrpeniu Jóba. Bol to tie¿ druh jedine¿ného a kórejského pocitu zármutku. Jeho ochorenia boli natöko záväné, ¿e sa uchýlil dokonca k pitiu štiav ¿udského odpadu a vo dvoch rôznych prípadoch sa pokúsil o samovrädu. Sám som tie¿ prešiel v ¿ivote mnohými trápeniami, bolo pre m¿a však nesmierne bolestivé zastavi¿ te¿úce slzy.

  • - My Life, My FaithⅠ(Hungarian)
    af Jaerock Lee
    167,95 kr.

    Az „Életem, hitem" világos választ ad a kérdésre: „Hogyan éljünk keresztény életet?". Ennél fogva, mindazokhoz szól, akik elfogadták Jézus Krisztust és hisznek az ¿ kereszten elfolyt vérében.Nem ismertem jól Dr. Lee Jaerock -ot, korábban. Egy napon az egyik kollégám ideadta az „Életem, hitem" cím¿ könyvét, és amint olvastam, nem tudtam a könnyeimnek ellenállni. Számtalan álmatlan éjszakán el¿vettem ezt a könyvet, és teljesen rabul ejtett. Nem tudtam a sírásnak ellenállni, amikor a szenvedéseir¿l olvastam, melyeket a betegségek, a szegénység és a családi problémák okoztak, és amelyek Jób szenvedéseihez hasonlítanak. Annak az egyedi és koreai bánatnak az érzése volt, amit oly jól ismerünk. Betegségei annyira súlyosak voltak, hogy még emberi vizeletet is ivott gyógyírként, és két különböz¿ alkalommal öngyilkosságot kísérelt meg. Én is sok szenvedésen átmentem életem során, de lehetetlen és fájdalmas lett volna könnyek nélkül olvasnom az ¿ szenvedéseit.A legtöbb koreai, aki átélte az ötvenes és hatvanas évek tavaszi szegénységét, tudja, mit jelent a mérhetetlen szenvedés. Azonban, még ma is léteznek olyan emberek, akik télen fáznak, vagy nem étkeznek naponta háromszor. Szintén sokan vannak, akik betegek és nem tudják a kórházi kezelést megfizetni. Olyanok is sokan vannak, akik átmeneti szállásokban szenvednek, miután árvizeket és más természeti katasztrófákat átvészeltek. Mi, koreaiak még nem szabadultunk fel teljesen a szegénység és szenvedés alól.

  • - My Life, My Faith I (Portuguese)
    af Jaerock Lee
    167,95 kr.

    A autobiografia do Dr. Jaerock Lee exala o mais fragrante aroma espiritual para seus leitores através de sua vida extraída do amor de Deus florescido em meio a ondas fortes, um jugo pesado, e profundo desespero.

  • - My Life, My Faith I (Italian)
    af Jaerock Lee
    182,95 kr.

    L'autobiografia del Dott. Jaerock Lee. Un aroma spirituale fragrante per il lettore, che, attraverso la vita del pastore Lee, testimonierà dell'amore di Dio che ha rotto il giogo della disperazione più profonda.

  • - My Life, My Faith 1 (Tagalog)
    af Jaerock Lee
    167,95 kr.

    Ang mga turo niya ukol sa ebanghelyo ng kabanalan, dahil sa kahulugan nito ay lampas pa sa hangganan ng pagiging isang iglesya; ito ay nagiging espirituwal at panlipunang pananampalataya at doktrina sa buong mundo. Si Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee ay isang kahanga-hangang ministro na tumanggap ng tungkuling magligtas at manggamot ng napakaraming tao sa buong mundo. Ang librong ito na tapat na naisulat ang tungkol sa buhay, ay nagpapatunay na hindi pinababayaan ng Diyos ang sangkatauhan sa kanilang pagdurusa kundi iniaabot Niya ang Kanyang kamay, ang kamay ng Manlilikha, sa lahat ng sangnilikha. Inirerekomenda ko ang librong ito para maging pinakamahusay na libro ng taon.

  • - My Life, My Faith I (Turkish)
    af Jaerock Lee
    167,95 kr.

    Karanl¿k dalgalar¿n, buz gibi esaretin ve en derin çaresizliklerin ortas¿nda Tanr¿ için e¿siz bir sevgiyle filizlenen yäamdan çekip ç¿kar¿lan en güzel kokulu ruhani bir aroma.

  • - Hell (Vietnamese)
    af Jaerock Lee
    130,95 kr.

    M¿t s¿ s¿ di¿p tha thi¿t nh¿t g¿i d¿n toàn nhân lo¿i t¿ пc Chúa Tr¿i, пng không mu¿n m¿t linh h¿n nào v¿c sâu d¿a ng¿c! chúng ta s¿ khám phá m¿t di¿u chua t¿ng du¿c bi¿t v¿ th¿c t¿ th¿m kh¿c c¿a H¿ T¿ng Âm Ph¿ và d¿i ng¿c!

  • - Hell (Malay)
    af Jaerock Lee
    157,95 kr.

    Roh Kudus mengilhami Pendeta Dr. Jaerock Lee, Gembala Senior Gereja Manmin Joong-ang untuk mengetahui kehidupan sesudah kematian dan Neraka yang mengerikan. Kami telah menyusun pesan-pesan yang disampaikannya dan pada saat ini menerbitkan buku Neraka supaya banyak orang dapat mengetahui Neraka dengan jelas dan benar. Saya memberikan semua kemuliaan kepada Tuhan dan bersyukur kepada-Nya.Pada masa ini, banyak orang yang sangat ingin tahu tentang kehidupan sesudah kematian, tetapi kita tidak mungkin mendapat jawapannya dengan kemampuan kita yang terbatas. Buku ini memberikan gambaran tentang Neraka dengan jelas dan mudah difahami, yang sebahagiannya sudah diungkapkan kepada kita melalui Alkitab. Buku ini terdiri daripada sembilan bab.

  • - Hell (French)
    af Jaerock Lee
    137,95 kr.

    Un message sérieux de Dieu à toute l'humanité, qui souhaite que même pas une seule âme ne tombe dans les profondeurs de l'enfer! Vous découvrirez le compte rendu jamais révélé auparavant de la cruelle réalité de l'Hadès et de l'Enfer.

  • - Hell (German)
    af Jaerock Lee
    157,95 kr.

  • - The Message of the Cross (Polish)
    af Jaerock Lee
    157,95 kr.

    Pot¿¿ne przes¿anie pobudzaj¿ce do my¿lenia dla ludzi, którzy s¿ w duchowym ¿nie! W niniejszej ksi¿¿ce znajdziesz powód, dla którego tylko Jezus jest Zbawicielem oraz odczujesz prawdziw¿ mi¿ö¿ Bö¿

  • af Jaerock Lee
    157,95 kr.

    The believers in the church of Corinth had many conflicts and problems in leading a life in faith because Corinth at the time of Paul was a busy city with many people from various cultures and diverse ethnic backgrounds and the population worshipped a number of different gods. To help them lead a mature Christian life, the apostle Paul gave them biblical answers to such questions and problems.This book explains how modern believers should understand and practice the matters related with strife, evangelism, marriage, idolatry, and the spiritual gifts.

  • af Jaerock Lee
    157,95 kr.

    "We may sometimes commit sins while we think we are living in the truth. Then, we will have difficulties and some kinds of uncomfortable feelings in us. It is because the Holy Spirit is groaning in us for He has to dwell in filth." Corinth at the time of Paul was a busy city with many people from various cultures and diverse ethnic backgrounds. There were definitive social classes and the population worshipped a number of different gods.There was also a great deal of moral corruption. Living under such conditions, the believers in the church of Corinth had many conflicts and problems.Furthermore, since the church was newly established, they had difficulties in leading a life in faith. To help them lead a mature Christian life, the apostle Paul gave them biblical answers to many such questions and problems. In today's complex society it is important that we carefully learn and understand its content.This book explains how to understand and practice the matters related with strife, evangelism, marriage, idolatry, and the spiritual gifts.

  • af Jaerock Lee
    127,95 kr.

    "Abiding by God's commands is like holding a lamp in complete darkness. When we have a bright lamp, we don't have to worry about tripping over something in the dark." This book The Law of God is a compilation of the series of sermons based on His word, and the inspiration about 'The Ten Commandments' which author Dr. Jaerock Lee received while fasting and praying shortly after he began his ministry.In this book you will find the way of drawing yourself close to God, of receiving answers from God, of abiding with God, and the way to encounter God. If you come to know the spiritual significance of the Ten Commandments that are discussed in this book, and come to understand the deep love of God who gave us the Ten Commandments and decide to live in obedience to His Commandments, you will receive incredible blessings from the Lord.

  • af Jaerock Lee
    167,95 kr.

    "Because the church members are seeing the spiritual realm, I will be condemned as a heretic. There will be a great test. But because it's the will of God to see the spiritual realm, I have no other choice but to go the way we are going." My Life, My Faith II is composed of previously published memoirs that have been put together for this book. In this part II of his autobiography, Dr. Jaerock Lee discusses events that he has experienced as a minister. Through his prayers, he has seen miraculous healings. Dr. Lee has also had to experience the pain of being slandered and attacked. Praying for his accusers and suffering from the betrayal of some who were close to him, he managed to overcome the pain. His words and actions show that he is a man that is led by the Holy Spirit.

  • af Jaerock Lee
    157,95 kr.

    "Surprised, my wife looked my body over completely, and she also had to believe that God had healed me. She was so happy and hugged me, and began to weep loudly. We wept for a long time." Because Dr. Lee himself suffered from so many kinds of diseases, he understands the pain of those who are sick. Because he himself was despised and mocked, he understands the heart of those who are heartbroken. Because he experienced severe poverty, he understands the heart of those who are suffering from the heavy load of poverty. That is why thousands of his church members gather around him just to see him face to face.Dr. Lee's life is one of the most dramatic cases in which one's life can change so much before and after knowing God. His life shows us how a life of complete obedience to God and complete devotion can bear so much fruit spiritually and materially.

  • af Jaerock Lee
    142,95 kr.

    "The process of the Exodus, the forty years in the wilderness, crossing the Jordan River and conquering the city of Jericho and then the Land of Canaan symbolize the life's journey of receiving salvation and marching towards the kingdom of heaven." God chose the people of Israel and made them a model of human cultivation. Especially, the records about the conquest of the Canaan Land written in the five books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Joshua contain the endless love of God and His earnest desire for us to become holy and sanctified. This book The Land Flowing with Milk and Honey retraces the steps of Moses and Joshua, as they marched on with only faith and belief in the promise of God. Through the history of the Israelites who were marching toward the Blessed Land of Canaan, this book helps the reader realize deep in his heart how the trivial things that he is likely to neglect can change the courses of his life. The readers will believe all the promises of God, conquer the Canaan Land flowing with milk and honey, and by force take hold of the city of New Jerusalem, the best dwelling place of the heavenly kingdom.

  • af Jaerock Lee
    117,95 kr.

    "The wind blows where it wishes and it is invisible to our eyes. Yet, when we see the trees' leaves swaying in the wind, we can sense the reality of the wind. By the same token, though we are not able to actually see God with the naked eye, God is alive and really exists, and in accordance with our faith in Him, we can sense His presence and experience Him." This work is for those who eagerly wish to lead victorious lives by possessing true faith to glorify God, spreading the love of God and sharing the gospel of the Lord. For the last two decades author Dr. Jaerock Lee has preached so many messages entitled "Faith" and through choosing from among them and editing them in an orderly manner, this book was made possible to be printed.Faith: The Assurance of Things Hoped for will play the role of a lighthouse that acts as a guide to true faith for countless souls.

  • af Jaerock Lee
    117,95 kr.

    "Most people think being rich is blessing. But, God says the poor in heart are blessed. People think just being always happy is blessing. But, God says those who mourn are blessed. God says those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness and who are meek are blessed." Jesus delivered the Words of "Beatitudes" to great multitudes at Mt. Beatitudes, overlooking the Galilee beach. You can see the scene and hear the voice of the Lord who wants everyone to have salvation and receive eternal blessings by realizing what true blessing is. He also taught them to become the light and salt of the world, to fulfill the Law with love, and to accomplish the Beatitudes. If we accomplish the words in the Beatitudes, we will not only enjoy all the blessings of this world such as wealth, health, fame, authority, and peace in the family, but we will also possess New Jerusalem among a few different heavenly kingdoms.

  • af Jaerock Lee
    92,95 kr.

    "No amount or degree of man's effort based on his thoughts, methods, fame, and knowledge will ever bring him God's answers. Because God is a righteous Judge, hears our prayer, and answers it, He requires of us a befitting sum in exchange for His answers." This work My Father Will Give to You in My Name is a compilation of messages that were preached in the past for all believers, especially those who beyond doubt believe in the almighty God and desire to lead lives full of God's answers. This book will enable the reader to understand the law of the spiritual realm on receiving answers from God, who has promised to give us whatever we ask for in prayer, by testifying to His faithfulness.

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