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Bøger af James E Bruce

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  • - By Inspiration of God
    af James E Bruce
    193,95 kr.

    According to the King James version of the Holy Bible, II Timothy 3:16, provides: All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. This book, like my other published books is designed to inspire, educate and empower individuals towards understanding the amazing power that dwells within the human spirit, to move forward and experience a special relationship with the Creator that most people call God. Proof of the existence of God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth is manifested when one acknowledges a clear line of communication between one's spirit and the Spirit of God, the Creator. In terms of educating, this book includes more than 50 color photos of flowers, complete with names, from roses to orchids and more, set to inspirational bible verses and references to inspire and encourage the reader's spirit. This knowledge should become helpful and last a lifetime.

  • af James E Bruce
    193,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • - Featuring photographs of Birds from International Nature Photographer, Mr. Youli Xia
    af James E Bruce
    178,95 kr.

    This children's book contains a variety of vivid photographs of nature's wild, and some exotic birds that were camera-captured in their natural environments. This book is intended to stimulate the interest of children ages 4-7 to the beauty of birds and towards understanding the bird kingdom. These candid pictures show the subject birds in their most natural form. For instance, some will be perched on a tree branch, some will display a full stretch of their wings, some will be seen playing, others will be eating, and some will be simply flying-as they were created to. These photos were photo-captured by International Nature Photographer, Mr. Youli Xia, a native of Beijing, China. Each photograph highlights a distinctive expression. The intended educational value for this book is to offer children an opportunity to become familiar with the names of different birds. Additionally, they are expected to develop their creativity and imagination towards understanding the world of birds.

  • - Another Capture of Nature's Beauty
    af James E Bruce
    298,95 kr.

    Leaves are Nature's beautiful works of art. Leaves can be used to help humans better understand and appreciate the human experience. In addition to the natural beauty of leaves, they have a greater and longer lasting benefit. Leaves make a significant contribution to life itself. They provide benefits to every living organism. For instance, they produce oxygen for humans, animals and insects to breathe. Therefore, without leaves, we could not live. Leaves are used to make medicines that cure sicknesses and diseases. Leaves on trees or bushes block the sunlight and therefore produce shade. Leaves serve as a food source for the tree or bush, for animals, fish, insects, and of course humans. Leaves, in fact, have a usefulness even when they die; they are used as fertilizer for producing nutrients for future life of vegetation. The hope is that more attention and appreciation will be brought to the value of leaves, that many humans take for granted. The beginning and life cycle and experience of a leaf is symbolic and very similar to the essence of the human life experience in many ways. For humans, like a leaf, we begin our life experience as a seed or a bud. Like a leaf, at the early stage of development, we start off and remain attached to our source of life we call mother. Like leaves, we have our seasons and moments to shine and display the best in us. Some will blossom and exhibit a wide spectrum of colors, while others will not mature, and remain stunted until time to die. Like leaves, some of us cling on to our life source; we are not threatened by the thought of being separated by even the strongest wind. Conversely, others are not as strong; the slightest blow of air will make the disconnect. Some leaves will loosen and become airborne, and resurface to other venues, while others will fall to the ground without any chances of rebounding to a height above an inch or two from the ground. Similarly, some humans release themselves from their life or energy source, and explore levels that are high, wide and distant from the home base, called family. While others remain affixed or remain in close proximity to their home base. Like the leaf, each human is one of a kind, with his or her skin tone, body shape and size. Additionally, all humans have their respective character, personality, abilities, and yes, their purpose. In essence, we are all representations of human art. We are all beautiful in our own way.

  • - Inspiration Transcribed
    af James E Bruce
    193,95 kr.

    This book, like all of my other published books, is intended to inform, educate, inspire, motivate and empower individuals toward understanding and appreciating the innate power that rests, rules and abides within the human spirit and experience. In my book, Life is like climbing a mountain, the reader is asked to consider if he or she feels bigger than his or her mountains, or if the mountains seem bigger. Too many people lack faith; courage; encouragement; confidence; trust; belief in oneself; life experience; direction; motivation; information; education; inspiration; and self esteem, that can inspire them to speak to their spirit. In a related song recording, this author sings: "If you believe, you will achieve your life's mountains". The aim of this book is to help the reader to gain the faith, courage and confidence to become; to do; to have; and to go to and beyond dimensions sometimes never thought capable by oneself or possible by others. This book will have served its purpose when the reader has been inspired, encouraged and empowered to simply think, believe and say: "I can", and with confidence, make a plan to do. This book consists of more than 50 inspirational words or phrases set to captured scenic photos from around the world, taken by the author. Most of the literary content is original by the author while some contributions were made by others, and yes, including the word of God, that was deemed appropriate for this work. An encouraged and pleasant spirit, a positive mind, a progressive attitude, and a practical plan for action are ingredients for understanding purpose, and a path to success.

  • af James E Bruce
    353,95 kr.

    This book is about a nature-photographer's 35 years of photo explorations with nature in several countries. Youli Xia is a native of Beijing, China. This book serves as an invitation to the readers and viewers of this presentation- to enjoy some of the most rare sites ever seen by humans. Some of the captured images are what most people could only imagine, in their mind or in a dream. The visual subjects of interest include: animals and wildlife to season transformations to unique building designs and picturesque skylines and landscapes, to name a few. Over the years, Youli has established what he calls a "Spiritual dialogue with nature." That means that he respects and honors the rights to time and space for non-human subjects of nature. For example, he knows that if he expects to capture a truly natural picture of birds mating, he needs to remember that patience is a virtue. Similarly, if he wants to capture that perfect sunset, he has to be in position and wait until it happens. Waiting for a tree to fully transform from budding to blooming flowers to barren conditions, and back to budding requires respect for nature's time and space. So, as you read his scenic descriptions, try to imagine yourself alongside him. Allow yourself to feel some of what he felt. If some of his pictures make you smile, go ahead and smile. If some of his pictures make your eyes water, that's okay because perhaps he had to wipe his eyes also. Finally, as you inspect his pictures, use your imagination and creativity to imagine being there.

  • - Faces in Obscure Places
    af James E Bruce
    528,95 kr.

    IMAGINATION AND CREATIVITY This book encourages all people to keep their mind active and creative. This book features the visual art from the outdoors of Massachusetts. A book about the faces and images in New Hampshire has been completed. Who knows, there could be faces and images all over the world just waiting to be discovered. This Visual Art- based book is designed to raise awareness about subtle images in our environment particularly with nature. The more common image is the human face that can be depicted in the clouds, on rocks or trees, and even in water, to name a few. Additionally, images may be recognized as animals or other objects. These images can be captured on still or video camera and later scrutinized and properly identified. Finally, this first book about faces and images is just the beginning of much more that will come in the way of imagination and creativity. The desired goal of this book is to inspire and stimulate the spirit of imagination and creativity that exists in everyone. Imagination is in the mind and creativity is in the mind's eye. This book is particularly special because it encourages investigation to discover the images that nature affords us in the natural formation of nature's beauty. We witness images in the clouds, smoke, fire, trees, leaves, water, soil and sand, to name a few. Eventually, those images transform, fade and gradually go away. However, the rock, which is the focus of this book, beholds images that are longer lasting. In this book, there are 100 images, mostly human faces. Keep in mind that these images were captured through my eyes. Some you will see right away, while for others, it might take a longer stare. To your surprise, you might even catch what I missed. So have fun, as I did.

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