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Bøger af Jason Fry

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  • af Jason Fry
    125,95 kr.

    Meet more than 350 incredible clones and droids from Star Wars: The Clone Wars. What is Clone Force 99? Who inducted Ahsoka Tano into the Jedi Order? Where does General Grievous keep a secret lair? Why does Captain Rex mutiny against his Jedi General on Umbara? Have to know the answers to these questions? Look no further than Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! Written by Star Wars expert Jason Fry, this illustrated encyclopedia features more than 350 incredible characters and teams, including Anakin Skywalker, Maul, Bo-Katan Kryze, and Clone Force 99. Perfect for fans of all ages, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! will enthrall readers for hours on end. & 2020 Lucasfilm Ltd.

  • af Jason Fry
    93,95 - 177,95 kr.

  • af Jason Fry
    185,95 kr.

    Written with input from director Rian Johnson, this official adaptation of Star Wars: The Last Jedi expands on the film to include scenes from alternate versions of the script and other additional content.

  • af Jason Fry
    107,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Written with input from director Rian Johnson, this official adaptation of Star Wars: The Last Jedi expands on the film to include scenes from alternate versions of the script and other additional content. From the ashes of the Empire has arisen another threat to the galaxy's freedom: the ruthless First Order. Fortunately, new heroes have emerged to take up arms-and perhaps lay down their lives-for the cause. Rey, the orphan strong in the Force; Finn, the ex-stormtrooper who stands against his former masters; and Poe Dameron, the fearless X-wing pilot, have been drawn together to fight side-by-side with General Leia Organa and the Resistance. But the First Order's Supreme Leader Snoke and his merciless enforcer Kylo Ren are adversaries with superior numbers and devastating firepower at their command. Against this enemy, the champions of light may finally be facing their extinction. Their only hope rests with a lost legend: Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Where the action of Star Wars: The Force Awakens ended, Star Wars: The Last Jedi begins, as the battle between light and dark climbs to astonishing new heights. Featuring an 8-page color photo insert of thrilling images from the hit movie

  • af Jason Fry
    78,95 kr.

    Treasure Island meets Battlestar Galactica in Book 2 of the swashbuckling sci-fi adventure series SLJ called "space opera in the classic style" in a starred review, from New York Times bestselling author Jason Fry.It's been a tough year for Tycho Hashoone and his family. Hostilities between the Jovian Union and Earth have reached a boiling point. The privateering business hasn't exactly been booming. And the ongoing contest for the captain's seat of the Shadow Comet has the three Hashoone siblings perpetually on edge. Then the Hashoones intercept a ship?one with a long-dead crew, its final mission a warning to all who seek their fortunes in space. The Hashoones don't have time for ill omens; they need a payday. Following clues from the mysterious ship, they embark on a hunt for the long-lost treasure of the Iris?a treasure that Tycho's own great-grandfather Johannes had a hand in hiding. But in his quest for the Iris cache, Tycho is going to dig up much more than he bargained for. Because like old pirate treasure, family secrets never stay buried for long.Filled with action, intrigue, and one unforgettable family, The Jupiter Pirates: Curse of the Iris takes readers across the depths of space and brings the Jupiter Pirates saga to new heights.

  • af Jason Fry
    78,95 kr.

    When you're a privateer, running a starship is a family business. For Tycho Hashoone, his twin sister, Yana, and their older brother, Carlo, the family business is far from easy.They have to please the Jovian Union, a coalition of planets against Earth that keeps the Hashoones employed. They have to dodge the odious Earth diplomats and the dreaded Jupiter pirates. But hardest of all, the siblings must impress their mother, Captain Diocletia Hashoone, who keeps a log of how they perform on every test, simulation, and mission. Because while the three siblings might be crew members together aboard the Shadow Comet, only one of them can be the next ship captain.Talk about sibling rivalry.Part high-seas adventure, part space-age epic, the Jupiter Pirates is a wholly original saga about a galaxy on the brink of war and one unforgettable family caught in the middle of it.

  • af Jason Fry
    78,95 kr.

    Star Wars meets Treasure Island in Book 3 of the swashbuckling sci-fi adventure series that School Library Journal called ?space opera in the classic style? in a starred review, from New York Times bestselling author Jason Fry.For Tycho Hashoone and his family, space privateering is more than a business?it's a way of life. Now that the Jovian Union needs their help more than ever, their way of life is about to get a lot more complicated.Earth is preparing to mount an arms race, and it seems they've started recruiting privateers of their own. Meanwhile, the Ice Wolves of Saturn are still on the offensive, and their ruthless tactics make them look like the pirates of old. Trapped between two formidable foes, the Jovian Union has asked for all hands on deck?and that includes the Hashoones and their ship, the Shadow Comet. The stage has been set for a showdown on the Cybele asteroids, a place where neutrality is for sale and friends always go to the highest bidder.With so many players vying for power, Tycho will have to decide once and for all where his allegiances lie. Because the day when his mother will step down as ship captain is approaching fast?and the fate of much more than the Shadow Comet hangs in the balance.

  • af Jason Fry
    195,95 kr.

  • af Jason Fry
    102,95 kr.

    Tag med på et nervepirrende eventyr i Minecrafts kendte univers. I Rejsen kan gamere i alle aldre tilbringe endnu mere tid inden for Minecrafts fascinerende mure: Da en ung mand bliver revet bort fra sit stille, almindelige liv og strander langt væk hjemmefra, må han ikke bare lære at overleve, men at leve.Stax er søn af en stor eventyrer, men fore- trækker selv et mere roligt liv. Han elsker at passe sin have og lege med sine katte. Men hans stille tilværelse rives pludselig fra hinanden, da en mystisk fremmed dukker op og hærger. På én frygtelig nat mister Stax alt, hvad han har, og strander midt ude i ingenting. Alene og vred. Men på sin lange rejse hjem opdager Stax, at oververdenen har mere at byde på, end han lige troede. Han møder fascinerende rejsende, fantastiske bygninger og endda et par nye venner. Det kan godt være, at han måtte miste alt, hvad han havde og troede på, men på sin rejse opdager Stax en helt ny verden, der bare venter på atblive udforsket!

  • af Jason Fry & Ryder Windham
    63,95 kr.

    I denne gribende afslutning på serien Transformers Classified befinder Duane Bowman og hans soldaterkammerater sig på en fremmed blå planet beboet af frygtindgydende, robotlignende rovdyr. Samtidig er Duanes tolvårige bror Kevin og hans autobot-ven Gears på en mission på Jorden for at finde de forsvundne soldater. De afslører et tophemmeligt rumprogram, der skal sende satellitter ud for at opspore cybertronere på vej til Jorden. Men er det meningen, at operationen skal beskytte Jorden eller hjælpe til i en decepticon-invasion? Og bliver Duane og hans mænd nogensinde fundet?Tag med de seje autobotter på hæsblæsende eventyr i kampen for at beskytte menneskeheden mod de frygtindgydende decepticons og deres leder Megatron.Bøgerne er baseret på den nye tv-serie Transformers Prime, bl.a. kendt fra Netflix, som har vundet tre Daytime Emmy-priser. Den mægtige Algnist, der er kilden til alle Transformeres livskraft, dukker op på planeten Jorden efter at have været forsvundet i millioner af år. Dette bliver starten på et episk opgør mellem de få overlevende autobotter og decepticons, der vil kæmpe til det sidste for at sikre sig Algnisten. Hvis den falder i decepticonernes kløer, bliver det enden på både menneskeheden og autobotterne – så nu må robotter og mennesker arbejde sammen for vinde over den frygtelige Megatron. Bøgerne er baseret på de populære Transformers-film. Filmene har været nomineret til flere Academy Awards.© 2020 Hasbro. TRANSFORMERS og det dertilhørende karakterunivers ejes af Hasbro. All rights reserved. © 2007 DreamWorks LLC and Paramount Pictures Corporation.

  • af Jason Fry & Ryder Windham
    63,95 kr.

    Et helt nyt Transformers-eventyr! Tre enorme mekaniske skabninger angriber en afsidesliggende luftbase. Lige efter angrebet styrter to mystiske "meteorer" ned i den nærliggende Nevadaørken.Da den tolvårige Kevin Bowman ser nyhederne, kan han ikke tro sine egne øjne. De kæmpestore robotlignende skikkelser ligner på en prik dem, der stod bag et vanvittigt angreb to år tidligere, hvor Kevins forældre omkom, så han blev alene med sin storebror. Da Kevin cykler hjem den aften, ser han lysglimt på aftenhimlen. Han tror, det er en meteor og tager ud i ørkenen – men i stedet for en meteor finder han en over fire meter høj robot, der er på vej op af et krater i jorden!Robotten, han møder, er autobotten Gears, der er på mission for at sikre et hemmeligt våbendepot, inden de onde decepticons finder det. Men nogen er fulgt efter Gears til Jorden. Autobotterne er faldet, så det er op til et lille menneske at redde verden. Er Kevin villig til at ofre alt for sin nye ven?Tag med de seje autobotter på hæsblæsende eventyr i kampen for at beskytte menneskeheden mod de frygtindgydende decepticons og deres leder Megatron.Bøgerne er baseret på den nye tv-serie Transformers Prime, bl.a. kendt fra Netflix, som har vundet tre Daytime Emmy-priser.

  • af Jason Fry, Chris Kempshall, Cole Horton & mfl.
    397,95 kr.

  • af Jason Fry & Ryder Windham
    45,95 - 74,95 kr.

    Kevin Bowman er ved at miste håbet. Selv med autobotternes hjælp har han stadig ingen spor at gå efter i sin søgen efter sin forsvundne storebror. Pludselig får han hjælp fra en helt uventet kant – teenagemilliardæren Douglas Porter. Douglas har adgang til hemmeligstemplet information og mener, at en mystisk grotte i Battle Mountain kan rumme de svar, som Kevin søger. Gears og Bumblebee tager med Kevin og Douglas for at undersøge sagen – men de er ikke alene. Decepticonerne er lige i hælene på dem! Vil Kevin finde det, han leder efter? Eller er det en fælde?Den mægtige Algnist, der er kilden til alle Transformeres livskraft, dukker op på planeten Jorden efter at have været forsvundet i millioner af år. Dette bliver starten på et episk opgør mellem de få overlevende autobotter og decepticons, der vil kæmpe til det sidste for at sikre sig Algnisten. Hvis den falder i decepticonernes kløer, bliver det enden på både menneskeheden og autobotterne – så nu må robotter og mennesker arbejde sammen for vinde over den frygtelige Megatron. Bøgerne er baseret på de populære Transformers-film. Filmene har været nomineret til flere Academy Awards.© 2020 Hasbro. TRANSFORMERS og det dertilhørende karakterunivers ejes af Hasbro. All rights reserved. © 2007 DreamWorks LLC and Paramount Pictures Corporation. RYDER WINDHAM er forfatter til mere end 60 bøger, inklusive mange Star Wars- og Indiana Jones-titler. Han underviser i tegneseriekunst og storytelling. Han bor med sin familie i Providence, Rhode Island.JASON FRY er forfatter, redaktør og rådgiver inden for digital journalistik. Han er forfatter til New York Times-bestselleren Star Wars – Klonkrigene: Universet og mere end et dusin andre Star Wars-bøger. Han bor i Brooklyn, New York, sammen med sin hustru og sin søn.

  • af Jason Fry, Ryder Windham, David West Reynolds, mfl.
    396,95 kr.

    Explore the epic Star Wars saga through incredible cross-sectionsMore than 100 magnificent cross-section artworks bring the vehicles of Star Wars to life. New cross-sections, amazing detail, and comprehensive text make this the ultimate reference to the craft of a galaxy far, far away.... SEE- Poe Dameron''s X-wing in action- The terrifying power of Darth Vader''s TIE Advanced x1- Obi-Wan Kenobi''s fast and agile Jedi starfighterDISCOVER- The inner workings of Rey''s speeder - The advanced technology of the Rebel Alliance''s U-wing - The devastating weaponry of the Death StarEXPLORE - The famous corridors of the Millennium Falcon- The brutal design of the Knights of Ren''s Night Buzzard - The mighty and fearsome Final Order Star Destroyer© & ™ 2020 Lucasfilm Ltd

  • af Jason Fry
    155,95 kr.

  • af Jason Fry & Daniel Wallace
    347,95 kr.

    Navigate the Star Wars universe as you never have before with this fully illustrated, full-color guide that maps the entire galaxy. You know the planets-from Alderaan and Corellia to Tatooine and Zonama Sekot-and the star systems, from the Deep Core to the Outer Rim. But now, for the first time, you can pinpoint their locations and chart the travels of your favorite characters through the vast reaches of space. Star Wars: The Essential Atlas is a galaxy-spanning trove of vital statistics and information ranging from the astronomical and geographical ("Systems, Sectors, Oversectors, and Regions") to the historical and political ("The Sith Empire" and "The Great Hyperspace War"). Encompassing the entire Star Wars canon, including all the films, and the Clone Wars television series, plus the novels, comic books, video games, and more, this volume is packed with dozens of detailed maps and charts, as well as pertinent data and accompanying facts on • the Empire: its length and breadth, political regions, populations, trade routes, major attractions, and trouble spots • the Clone Wars: the trajectory of this decisive conflict across the universe, data on key battles and major Loyalist and Separatist worlds • the adventures of Han Solo: the heroic rogue's exploits throughout the galaxy-including his captaincy of the Millennium Falcon and his first, fateful meeting with Chewbacca-before his life-changing alliance with Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi • the Sith Wars: the progression of the universal clash between the ancient Jedi Order, their dark side counterparts, and the Mandalorian warriors who fought against both orders • and much, much more From Hutt Space to the Unknown Regions, from the Knights of the Old Republic and Episode I to the Fate of the Jedi and Legacy era, Star Wars: The Essential Atlas is the ultimate gateway to space fantasy's most brilliantly imagined and endlessly intriguing galaxy.

  • af Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart
    397,95 kr.

    THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO THE ULTIMATE INTERGALACTIC BATTLEFIELDLike many a great epic, Star Wars is rooted in a rich history of armed conflict. Now, for the first time, the facts, figures, and fascinating backstories of major clashes and combatants in the vast Star Wars universe have been documented in one fully illustrated volume. Extensively researched and inventively written, Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare combines action-filled narrative with encyclopedic knowledge that:*; explores notable military units and groups*; traces the development of significant armaments and technologies*; profiles key warship classes, ground units, and manufacturers*; provides capsule biographies of great military leaders*; presents eyewitness troopers' accounts of combat*; plusenough additional profiles, intel, history, and lore to span the cosmos!Encompassing all of the Star Wars media, including the legendary films, the hit TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the bestselling books, comics, and videogames, and packed with original artwork, Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare is a conquering achievement.

  • af Jason Fry
    145,95 kr.

    With twelve artworks that bring the craft to life, this book shows all of the weapons, engines, and technology. It also explains each vehicle's back story and key features.

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