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Bøger af Jeffrey Gitomer

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  • - The Ultimate Guide to Productivity, Procrastination, and Profitability
    af Jeffrey Gitomer
    196,95 kr.

    The must-have guide for getting sh*t done! " . . . .I live in a world where I have multiple choices of things to do every day, and sometimes the choices are so overwhelming that I do nothing. I admit it. On the other hand, I wrote this book, and you didn't. And then the obvious question is: if you have a list of 10 things to do, what do you actually do first? Answer is always THE MOST IMPORTANT THING (not the most urgent thing). I tend to focus on the panic deadline. When the panic is completed, I then have a bit of peace. In order to Get Sh*t Done, there must be intervals of peace. My fight--your fight: is for time and against time. Twenty-four hours--that's what you and I have in common. USE of time is how we differ. In these pages you will discover the BEST ways to invest your time into productive and profitable actions--have a blast, and feel GREAT about your achievements."--Jeffrey Gitomer Written for those who finds it hard to Get Sh*t Done, this book is designed to have a profound, life-changing effect on anyone who wants to adopt and implement the elements of greater productivity. New York Times bestselling author Jeffrey Gitomer explains why we are so often stymied by procrastination and reveals the strategies to achieve and profit more.

  • - The Ultimate Sales Resource
    af Jeffrey Gitomer
    176,95 kr.

    The Sales Bible softbound NEW EDITION WITH SOCIAL MEDIA ANSWERS Global sales authority Jeffrey Gitomer's bestselling classic, The Sales Bible, has been updated and appended in this new edition, offering you the ultimate sales methods and strategies that really work every day, in real-world selling situations.

  • af Jeffrey Gitomer
    313,95 kr.

    Global sales authority Jeffrey Gitomer's bestselling classic, The Sales Bible, has been updated and appended in this new edition, offering you the ultimate sales methods, strategies and techniques that really work -- every day, in today's real-world selling situations. The Sales Bible is a gold mine of practical, hands-on information for sales professionals with Master Class content that includes: - The 10.5 Commandments of Sales Success. - The 39.5 ways to Sales Mastery. - Top-Down Selling-the real secret to finding the Decision Maker. - 25.5 ways to Get The Appointment that has eluded you - 19.5 Buying Signals-how to recognize them, and - Real-world advice on working a room and Building your Network - How to fill your sales pipeline with Prospects that are ready to buy - How to ask the Right Questions to make more sales in half the time - 10 great cold-call Opening lines - How to find the Hot Button and push it once you find it >Hundreds of techniques and sales methods . . . to help you get the toughest buyer to say "yes." Now at last, Jeffrey Gitomer has taken the title that began it all, and has completely updated and revised it. The Sales Bible is totally reworked to fit into his library of bestselling sales titles. It's sure to be THE must-have title for sales professionals worldwide who've already come to know and trust Jeffrey's inventive, irreverent sales wisdom.

  • af Jeffrey Gitomer
    198,95 kr.

    ¿Cómo puede ayudarte este libro a conseguir más ventas ahora mismo? El pequeño libro rojo de las ventas de Jeffrey Gitomer llegó a ser el clásico más vendido de todos los tiempos porque es el único libro de ventas que se centra tanto en "cómo vender" como en el secreto desconocido de las ventas, "por qué compra la gente". Respuestas que todo vendedor quiere y necesita. Esta edición clásica también cuenta la historia nunca antes publicada de cómo surgió El pequeño libro rojo, e incluye contenido extra de las mejores ideas y pensamientos de Jeffrey. Ha aparecido en todas las listas de libros más vendidos, incluyendo el codiciado New York Times. El pequeño libro rojo apareció en la lista del Wall Street Journal durante 103 semanas consecutivas, todo un récord. Los líderes de ventas dicen: "Doy el libro a todos los nuevos vendedores". "¡ES OBLIGATORIO LEERLO e IMPLEMENTARLO!". "Ha dado en el clavo en cuanto a lo que funciona y por qué funciona". "Trocitos de ORO de ventas que puedes asimilar y utilizar en el mismo minuto". Con autoevaluaciones e información del mundo real fáciles de entender, El pequeño libro rojo de las ventas te ofrece la perspectiva y las estrategias necesarias para entender por qué se producen las ventas. El libro incluye Los 12,5 principios de la grandeza en las ventas de Jeffrey y estrategias y respuestas de toda una vida de ventas que te enseñarán cómo realizar ventas. Y al dominar los principios que Jeffrey Gitomer te da, lograrás que las ventas sucedan por su propia cuenta... para siempre. How can this book help you make more sales right now? Jeffrey Gitomer's Little Red Book of Selling became the all-time bestselling Classic because it's the only sales book that focuses on BOTH "how to sell" and the unknown secret of selling, "why people buy." Answers that every salesperson wants and needs. This classic edition also tells the never-before published backstory of how the Little Red Book came about, and includes bonus content of Jeffrey's best ideas and thoughts. Making every bestseller list including the coveted New York Times, the Little Red Book made the Wall Street Journal list a record-setting 103 straight weeks. Sales leaders are saying, "I give it to every new salesperson." "A MUST READ and IMPLEMENT!" "You hit the nail on the head with regards to what works and why it works." "Bite-size chunks of sales GOLD you can absorb and use the same minute." With self-tests and easy to grasp, real world information, the Little Red Book of Selling gives you the insight and strategies to understand why sales happen. The book includes Jeffrey's 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness and strategies and answers from a lifetime of selling that will teach you how to make sales. And by mastering the principles that Jeffrey Gitomer gives you, you'll make sales happen for yourself... forever.

  • af Jeffrey Gitomer
    218,95 kr.

    Salespeople are looking for answers. The fastest, easiest answers that work every time. The good news is, the answers exist. The bad news is, in order to be able to become a successful salesperson, you have to understand, practice, and master the answers. You would think with all the answers contained in this book, that anyone who reads it would automatically become a better salesperson. You would be thinking wrong. To become a better salesperson, the first thing you have to do is read it. The second thing to do with this book is read it again. The third thing to do with this book is try one answer every day. If it does not work exactly right the first time, or the outcome was not what you expected, try it again and tweak it a little bit. The fourth thing you have to do is practice the answer until you feel that it is working. The fifth thing you have to do is become the master of it. Blend each answer to your selling situation and do it in a way that fits your style, and your personality. Think about the way you ask for an appointment. The way you leave a voice-mail message. The way you follow up after a sales call. The way you begin a sales presentation. The way you ask for a sale. The way you respond to an angry customer. The way you earn a referral. Or the way you get a testimonial. Wouldn't you love to have the perfect answer for every one of these situations?

  • af Jeffrey Gitomer
    268,95 kr.

    Jeffrey Gitomer's SALES MANIFESTOImperative Actions You Need to Take and Master to Dominate Your Competition and Win for Yourself...For the Next Decade After 50 years of successfully making sales all over the world. After delivering more than 2,500 customized speeches to the world's biggest companies. After establishing an unrivaled social platform with millions of views and followers. After leading the marketplace with Sell or Die podcast. After delivering more than 350 sold-out public seminars to audiences all over the globe. After writing 13 best-selling books including The Sales Bible and The Little Red Book of Selling... Jeffrey Gitomer has finally written the SALES MANIFESTO. A book that sets the standard, and lays bare what it will take for salespeople to succeed now, and for the next decade. The book, and it's resource links, will take you, the reader to explanations that will disrupt old world sales tactics that no longer resonate with buyers, and sets easy to understand and implement elements of what it will take to win more profitable sales. Here's a brief explanation of what's in store as you read, watch, learn, and implement: The MANIFESTO identifies in simple language the 5.5 parts of the new sale, and builds easy-to- learn and easy-to-implement models for each component: 1. Value Attraction (creating social messages that make the reader want more) 2. THEM Preparation (planning strategy, getting ready, and executing) 3. Value Engagement (attraction PLUS value) 4. Connection and Completion (perceived value beyond price in both "how to connect" and "connect to make a sale") 5. Building profitable long-term relationships (loyal, value driven customers) 5.5 Building a permanent referable first-class reputation (both online and community based) This book is not just the answer - it's a no bullshit book of ANSWERS and ACTIONS that will put you on top of your sales world and keep you there. MANIFESTO is not just MORE. MANIFESTO is... Think. Read. Experience. Observe. Collect - ideas and friends. Expose your thoughts. Attract. Prepare and Be Prepared. Internet. Intend. Engage. Relate. Differentiate. Prove value. Serve with pride. Reward - yourself and others. Love it or leave it. Do the right thing all the time.

  • - So uberwinden Sie endlich Ihren inneren Schweinehund und werden produktiver
    af Jeffrey Gitomer
    233,95 kr.

    Entdecken Sie die verlorenen Geheimnisse von Leistung und Erfolg! Wollen Sie mehr tun, mehr erreichen? Natürlich wollen Sie das, jeder will das. Also, was hält Sie davon ab? "Get Sh*t Done" zeigt Ihnen nicht nur, was Sie an Ihrer täglichen Leistung hindert, sondern bietet Ihnen auch die Werkzeuge und Strategien, die Ihnen helfen, dorthin zu gelangen, wo Sie hinwollen. "Get Sh*t Done" ist viel mehr als nur der Titel dieses Buches, es ist die Methode, die die Geheimnisse der Leistung und des Erfolges entschlüsselt - die GSD Geheimformel. In diesem Buch werden Sie lernen, die Elemente einer überlegenen Produktivität zu identifizieren und umzusetzen, die Ursachen für das Zögern zu beseitigen und die bestmöglichen Ergebnisse im Geschäft und im Leben zu erzielen.Dieser wertvolle Leitfaden gibt Ihnen einen umfassenden Schritt-für-Schritt-Plan, um maximale Produktivität zu erreichen. Der Bestsellerautor und Sales-Guru Jeffrey Gitomer führt Sie durch jeden Aspekt des GSD-Prozesses, von der Einstellung, dem Wunsch und der Entschlossenheit bis hin zu den Zielen, der Produktivität, der Belastbarkeit und der Erfüllung. Aufmunternd und leicht zu lesen, zeigt Ihnen dieses Buch, wie Sie die besten Wege entdecken, Ihre Zeit in produktive und profitable Aktionen zu investieren - und sich über Ihre Erfolge freuen können. Mit der bewährten, sofort umsetzbaren GSD-Formel sind Sie auf dem Weg dorthin:- Verdopplung Ihrer Leistungen, Ihrer Arbeitsgewohnheiten und Ihres Einkommens,- Umsetzung einfacher Aktionen, die die positiven Ergebnisse erhöhen,- Erkennen der Frühwarnsignale für Zögern und Zurückhaltung,- Eliminieren der wichtigsten GSD-Ablenkungen, die Sie zurückhalten,- Entdecken, wie Sie Ihre Ziele auswählen, setzen und erreichen."Get Sh*t Done" ist ein Muss für jeden, der nie wieder sagen will: "Ich mach's später" und es einfach erledigen will.

  • - Weisheiten fur ein wahrhaftiges Leben
    af Jeffrey Gitomer
    278,95 kr.

    Der "New York Times"-Bestsellerautor Jeffrey Gitomer bietet Ihnen in diesem Buch Zugang zum geistigen Erbe von Napoleon Hill: seine lang verlorenen Originalnotizen, Briefe und Vorträge - jetzt zusammengestellt, bearbeitet und kommentiert für den modernen Leser.Zwanzig Jahre vor der Veröffentlichung seines Magnum Opus "Denke nach und werde reich" war Napoleon Hill Dozent, Philosoph und Schriftsteller am George Washington Institute in Chicago, wo er Kurse in Werbung und Verkauf gab. Diese seltenen Vorträge galten als historisch verloren. Bis jetzt.Jeffrey Gitomer hat exklusiv Zugang zu den Archiven der Napoleon Hill Foundation erhalten und Hills ursprüngliche Kurshinweise ausgegraben, die die grundlegenden Überzeugungen über harte Arbeit und persönliche Entwicklung enthalten, die Hill als einen globalen Führer des Erfolgs und der positiven Einstellung etablierten.In diesem Buch hat Jeffrey Gitomer Napoleon Hills grundlegende Weisheit für das 21. Jahrhundert eingefangen. Diese einfach zu implementierenden Strategien für das Leben, die Familie und das Geschäft erweisen sich heute als ebenso anregend und inspirierend wie vor fast hundert Jahren.

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