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Bøger af Jen Green

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  • - En rejse gennem naturens verden
    af Jen Green
    164,95 kr.

    Tag på en fantastisk rejse på vores planet. I bogen er der fem utrolige folde-ud-sider som fortæller om naturens verden. Opdag Jordens forhistorie, overfladen der hele tiden ændrer sig, hvordan vandet former overfladen, det vilde vejr, og Arktis kolde verden, der vrimler med liv. Bogen er fyldt med flotte fotografier og viden. Den er en enestående guide til vores spændende planet.

  • af Jen Green
    164,95 kr.

    I 3-D-Bog Om Insekter kan du tage med på en fantastisk ekspedition i 3-D til de små dyrs verden. Kom tæt på hvert levested og få en enestående oplevelse sammen med alverdens spændende smådyr. Her er ingen grund til at kravle rundt på jorden med sammenknebne øjne for at se efter insekter og andet småkryb – du får dem serveret i øjenhøjde.Få masser af oplysninger om biller, sommerfugle, edderkopper og skolopendre, og find ud af, hvordan de finder føde, kommer omkring og formerer sig. Her fortælles om små dyr fra en lang række levesteder lige fra tropiske regnskove, tempererede skove, ørkener, vådområder og til hulesystemer.Bogens interessante tekst er fyldt med overraskende fakta og gennemillustreret med fascinerende fotos. Ved hjælp af de fem gennemsigtige folde ud-sider får du et utroligt levende indtryk af naturen på en række levesteder – også nogle, som du sikkert ikke ved noget om.

  • af Jen Green
    197,95 kr.

    Gennemillustreret fagbog der forklarer træernes komplekse univers for børn.En lækker bog som på en nem måde forklarer det fantastiske og utrolige ved træer. Hvert eneste opslag er smukt sat op og meget indbydende at gå i gang med. Når man har læst bogen, bliver en tur i skoven aldrig helt det samme igen, for man får en helt anden respekt for træernes liv.Tekst og illustrationer supplerer hinanden godt. Informationerne præsenteres i fornuftige bidder med tilpas spredning og mængde til at børnelæseren har lyst til at gå på opdagelse i demAnbefales anskaffet bredt på både PLC og folkebiblioteker.- LektørudtalelsenBogen er elegant og funktionel formidling af et vigtigt emne. Der er træer overalt omkring os. Vi lever sammen med træerne, men selvom de findes lige omkring os, overser vi dem ofte.Vidste du fx, at træer kan sende underjordiske beskeder? At de tager sig af hinanden? Et træ er mere end vi tror ...

  • - En Rejse fra Vandoverfladen til Havbunden
    af Jen Green
    164,95 kr.

  • af Jen Green
    93,95 - 141,95 kr.

  • af Jen Green
    93,95 - 141,95 kr.

  • - The Complete Book of Bird Feeders, Bird Tables, Birdbaths, Nest Boxes and Backyard Bird Watching
    af Jen Green
    210,95 kr.

    Learn what to feed garden birds, from seeds, grains and peanuts to fruit, suet cakes and fat balls, as well as how to attract birds by planting the right flower borders, trees and shrubs and by making wildlife hedges and ponds. ,

  • af Jen Green
    93,95 - 141,95 kr.

  • af Jen Green
    93,95 - 141,95 kr.

  • af Jen Green
    382,95 kr.

    This book invites readers to take a step into the wild world of wild flowers. Readers will love learning about where to find certain wild flowers and how to identify them according to features such as color, scent, and shape. They'll also learn crucial life science topics such as pollination, germination, and identification of the parts of a plant. Brilliant color photographs bring different wild flower habitats into focus, from woodlands to meadows. Fascinating text is supported by activities, diagrams, and quizzes to make this reading experience memorable and interactive.

  • af Jen Green
    212,95 kr.

    What to feed garden birds, 25 projects for birdhouses and a directory of garden birds.

  • af Jen Green
    107,95 kr.

  • af Jen Green
    57,95 kr.

  • af Jen Green
    180,95 kr.

    This breath-taking book about trees takes children on a captivating journey of nature packed leafy exploration, showing them just how special these mighty organisms are. Discover how they communicate and warn each other of predators, how they nurture their networks, record the past, and anticipate the future to ensure their survival. There's so much more to trees than meets the eye. Learn about the amazing natural science of trees in this nature and science children's book. From the highest branches, all the down to the complex "wood wide web" of roots, every part of a tree plays an important role. Not only in its own growth but that of the whole ecosystem of the forest or woodland. Did you know that trees take care of each other and that a whole forest is connected?A truly delightful non-fiction read that is suitable for all ages - each page of this nature book is nothing short of astonishingly beautiful. Enjoy a mixture of real images, vibrant illustrations, and patchwork-layering, making each page feel like a nature scavenger hunt. You'll learn unbe-leaf-able tree facts, see extraordinary trees from around the world, and the animals that call them home. Find out what trees do for us and how we are damaging them with pollution and deforestation. This book will show that it's not too late to do something about it, and you'll find out how you can help with instructions on how to plant your very own tree!When you get to know these silent giants, you'll never look at trees the same way again.Discover The Secret World Of TreesDo you know that trees send underground messages? Have you heard that they take care of their families? A tree is so much more than it seems. The Magic And Mystery of Trees is the perfect introduction to the world of trees - above and below ground. Combining stunning photography with beautiful illustrations, turn the pages to find out how trees help prevent soil erosion, mark the seasons, and provide a habitat for wildlife - amongst other fun facts and amazing information about their role in nature.There are also some super fun, practical activities for kids! From planting your own tree to how to measure a tree's age, this book highlights the importance of trees to our planet through exciting hands-on activities. Children will begin to understand the importance of trees to our planet and take their first steps towards safeguarding them for future generations. Explore the secret lives of trees learning:- What they are- How they live- About their animal assistants- How to help trees- Tree defenses and senses, and much more!

  • - Practical projects to turn your garden into a haven for birds
    af Jen Green
    95,95 kr.

    Attract birds to your garden by creating nest boxes, roosts, birdhouses, dovecotes, tables, feeding stations and birdbaths.

  • - Humans from Birth to Old Age
    af Jen Green
    107,95 kr.

    This book looks at the process of human life, from the beginnings as a foetus in the womb until old age. Take a journey through life, discovering all about stages in life such as childhood brain developments and puberty, while learning key scientific skills such as data comparison.

  • af Jen Green
    107,95 kr.

    A fun series for young children that helps them identify plants and animals in their habitats

  • - Level 12
    af Jen Green
    77,95 kr.

    Collins Arabic Big Cat is a guided reading series for ages 3 to 11. The series is structured with reference to the learning progression of Arabic at nursery and primary schools researched especially for Collins. This carefully graded approach allows children to build up their reading knowledge of Arabic step by step.

  • - Band 09/Gold
    af Jen Green
    99,95 kr.

    Hot-air balloons, gliders, solar-powered planes ... Climb board and find out about the world of aircraft.

  • af Jen Green
    147,95 kr.

    Designed to get kids thinking - and making! Key topics are explored through a mixture of facts and crafts.

  • af Jen Green
    97,95 kr.

    Get ready... as a harderned sailor, you're about to join Shackleton in what will prove to be one of the most gruelling adventures of all time as you brave your way across the bitterly cold continent of Antarctica.

  • af Jen Green
    137,95 kr.

    This exciting and information-packed book focuses on the largest insect order of all, the beetle, along with its close relations - perfect for 8 to 12-year olds at home or school.

  • af Jen Green
    187,95 kr.

    Marvel at the inner-workings of your fascinating Brain as you explore how it receives information from your five Senses to inform you of the world around you. Learn about how the Brain uses sensory data to control all your bodily functions and movement.

  • - Band 11 Lime/Band 12 Copper
    af Jen Green
    107,95 kr.

    This captivating information book explores the life of one of nature's most elusive animals. From where they live and how they hunt to how we can protect them in the future, Jen Green's clear writing style tells readers all they need to know about snow leopards.

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