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Bøger af Jens Laursen-Schmidt

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    af Jens Laursen-Schmidt
    88,95 - 158,95 kr.

    Om bogen:Gennem Mathias’ øjne og hans åbenhjertige og umiddelbare kommentarer på livet, følger vi med i hans og Kamals turbulente 2019. De to er karrierelæger fra hospitalet i Holstebro.Vi følger dem gennem et år hvor de går fra par til ægtepar, fra DINKS – Double Income No Kids – til børnefamilie. Et år hvor fundamentalister prøver at styre deres og andres verden. Et år hvor deres forhold sættes på prøve af andre mænd, af andre opfattelser af hvad der er rigtigt og forkert og af et par dramatiske dødsfald. Det er en fortælling om op- og nedture, men også en fortælling om hvordan hverdagen, med dens opvask, dens vildtvoksende have og skiftende vagter, skal passes ind i en verden omkring dem i forandring. En forandring de forholder sig aktivt til. Det er fortællingen om, hvordan fokus flyttes fra den nyeste viden om næseoperationer til hvordan man bedst skifter ble på en rasteplads ved Viborg.Det er historien om hvordan to mænd skal bygge bro over kultur- og værdiforskelle, ikke bare mellem Iran og Danmark, men også mellem by og land. En historie om hvordan de skal etablere en fælles forståelse af hvad man ”må” og ikke ”må” i et forhold, altså finde en forståelse for hvornår sex bare er sex, og hvornår det ødelægger et forhold. Sidst men ikke mindst, skal de skabe en forståelse for hvordan man i Danmarks bibelbælte lever uden religion, men med stærke værdier.Og ja, de er begge i 30’erne, så ja de har sex.Om forfatteren:Jens Laursen-Schmidt, bor i Vestjylland med sin mand der er underviser. Han er far til en datter der er arkitekt.Han er uddannet økonom, har en lang gennem en lang karriere beskæftiget sig med ledelse og HR, uddannelse, træning og læring dels i offentlige virksomheder, dels i store multinationale virksomheder.Jens har en glødende interesse for katte, plane-spotting, politik og mindretalsrettigheder.Han har tidligere udgivet undervisningsbøger om økonomi, samt en selvstændig roman.Litterært er Jens’ forbilleder store fortællere som Ian Rankin, Wilbur Smith, Peter Robinson og Jussi Adler-Olsen.Fra Lektør udtalelelse:Igennem et år følger vi Mathias og Kamal i en underholdende,men også meget alvorlig fortælling. Der er fart på, og det følesnæsten som at læse en tv-serie med små afsnit, hvor man medendt læsning, faktisk ønsker en sæson mere.

  • af Jens Laursen-Schmidt
    193,95 kr.

    A new Nordic Noir crime drama with detective Martin Bay as the main character.In Copenhagen, a man is found draped over a balcony, his head and hands missing. In Brazil, a woman on a posting for a Danish renewables company goes missing. Her pregnant partner is convinced the woman's boss is involved, but no one will listen to her. That same boss finds himself in prison on charges of embezzlement and insider trading.When a man is found murdered in Copenhagen, his head and hands missing, it will be up to Detective Martin Bay to uncover his identity, discover why he was murdered, and how it's linked to the disappearance of a woman and the incarceration of her boss. Can he do it without revealing his own secret?How are these three cases connected? Martin Bay, the investigating detective in Copenhagen, is assigned to work the case of the headless corpse, but is stunned when he realises the flat where the body is found is familiar to him from a series of porn videos-gay videos. Sporty, tattooed, and with an always-in-control attitude, Martin's confidence hides his imposter syndrome, his pain from a disapproving father, and a sister who's always considered him a failure. None of Martin's colleagues know he's gay and he wants to keep it that way. But this case may force him to reveal his secret.. As he works to untangle the web of lies, revenge, and power, more than Martin's own secrets will be revealed, and no one is above suspicion.In Brazil, a woman goes missing, and her boss is imprisoned for embezzlement and fraud. In Copenhagen, a dead man is found without his head and hands. Assigned to the murder case, Detective Martin Bay is keeping a secret of his own. As he races to untangle the web of deceit, no one is above suspicion.

  • af Jens Laursen-Schmidt
    198,95 kr.

    Mathias Bastholm has never felt close to his family. His father, a former pastor, is dead after throwing himself from the church belltower, and his widowed mother is now an alcoholic, threatening to disown her son for coming out as gay. A prospective ear, nose, and throat doctor, Mathias simply wants to get on with his specialist training and marry his boyfriend, Kamal, as the two share a passionate connection that transcends their different cultural backgrounds.However, just as the couple settle into a routine, establishing the foundations of their relationship while sharing a home and working at the same hospital in rural West Jutland, their lives are upended by tragedy. Although Mathias has reconciled himself to his mother's estrangement, he and Kamal now find themselves building a different kind of family, forced to come to terms with a completely new plan for their future together.But every marriage has its obstacles. Kamal, an Iranian immigrant still struggling with the Danish language, faces questions about his own identity, including how to reconcile his faith with his husband's disdain for religion. Meanwhile, Mathias wrestles not only with conflicting emotions about his family but also with romantic temptations that could shake his relationship with Kamal.In turns philosophical, absurdist, and romantic, Amongst Fools and Fundamentalists explores the meanings of family and love in a changing world.

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