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  • af Jie Zhang
    727,95 - 1.891,95 kr.

  • - 九頭鳥 自由言說系列文選
    af Jie Zhang
    367,95 kr.

    第十一期 彭帥被性侵事件為何火越燒越旺 王岐山鮮為人知的性格 第十二期 溫家寶為何在中共百年慶典上如喪考妣 第十三期 王澄文集(一)中國新啓蒙運動 中華民族落後性批判 第十四期 栗戰書怎麼啦?朱镕基爲香港拍了桌子 第十五期 習近平要墜崖 王岐山為何不拉一把?王岐山潛伏的紅色娘子軍團 第十六期 習近平堅持"封城清零"的真實意圖 誰是殺死吹哨人李文亮醫生的真凶? 第十七期 豐縣鐵鏈女事件是習近平給自己挖了一個大坑 谷愛淩的愛國生意經 從盆滿缽滿到滿盤皆輸 第十八期 客觀評價習近平 第十九期 怪獸普京是如何煉成的? 拜登與習近平通電話一箭雙鵰 西方對俄羅斯投下金融核彈 第二十期 迷一樣的林彪 文革濁流中的叛逆者林立果 民國女星陳璐的悲欣人生

  • af Jie Zhang
    358,95 kr.

    九頭鳥自由言說系列文選第一至十期合订本 第一期 鄭州洪水真相 天災?人禍? 第二期 中國戰狼外交走到盡頭了嗎? 第三期 習近平要幹什麼? 中南海權鬥演義 第四期 中國當代酷吏 陳全國、王小洪、傅政華 第五期 中國電荒潮真相 海航、恆大和孟晚舟人質外交 第六期 武漢疫情日記 第七期 中共黨國傳不到紅三代 習近平到底要幹什麼? 第八期 六中全會決議與習近平二次文革 第九期 李雲迪嫖娼、趙薇被封殺背後的政治黑手 習近平第三次分配就是「打土豪分田地」 第十期 故事、詩歌、三句半、湖北大鼓

  • af Jie Zhang
    988,95 kr.

    This textbook systematically introduces the theories, methods, and algorithms for geotechnical reliability analysis. There are a lot of illustrative examples in the textbook such that readers can easily grasp the concepts and theories related to geotechnical reliability analysis. A unique feature of the textbook is that computer codes are also provided through carefully designed examples such that the methods and the algorithms described in the textbook can be easily understood. In addition, the computer codes are flexible and can be conveniently extended to analyze different types of realistic problems with little additional efforts.

  • af Jie Zhang
    390,95 kr.

  • af Jie Zhang
    267,95 kr.

    Rockfall impacts have seriously threatened the operations of buried pipelines in geologically unstable regions. In this book, mechanical behaviour of oil and gas pipeline impacted by a rockfall was investigated by numerical simulation. In chapter 1, collapse reasons of rockfalls and impact force of buried pipeline impacted by a rockfall were introduced. In chapter 2, mechanical behavior of a ground pipeline impacted by a rockfall (normal impact, longitudinal inclined impact, transverse inclined impact and eccentric impact) was investigated. In chapter 3 and 4, buckling behavior of a buried pipeline in soil stratum and rock stratum impacted by a rockfall were studied. Effects of pipeline parameters, rockfall parameters and surrounding soil parameters on the pipeline¿s mechanical behavior were researched. In chapter 5, mechanical behavior of a buried pipeline under surface load caused by rockfalls were investigated. In chapter 6¿a protective device of buried pipelines is designed for preventing rockfalls impact. Those results can be used for laying construction, safety evaluation and protection engineering of oil and gas pipelines in bad geological regions.

  • af Jie Zhang, Jianying Zhou, Ehud Gudes & mfl.
    419,94 kr.

  • af Jie Zhang
    881,95 kr.

    Earth-affecting solar transients encompass a broad range of phenomena, including major solar flares, CMEs, ICMEs, solar energetic particle events, and corotating interaction regions.¿In the past decade, nearly continuous observations of the Sun and the inner heliosphere with an unprecedented wide spatial coverage from a fleet of spacecraft, including STEREO Ahead/Behind, SDO, SOHO, Messenger, Venus Express, ACE and WIND, in combination with a significant advancement of global MHD numerical simulation and theoretical analysis, have greatly improved our understanding of solar transients and the prediction of their potential impact on Earth.This Topical Collection is based on the International Study of Earth-affecting Solar Transients (ISEST) project, initially launched in 2013 to bring together scientists from many countries to join efforts on studying solar transients. ISEST became one of the four research projects of the Variability of the Sun and Its Terrestrial Impact (VarSITI) program, sponsored by the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) for the period of 2014¿-¿2018.Originally published in the journal Solar Physics, volumes 292 (2017) and 293 (2018).

  • af Jie Zhang
    881,95 kr.

    This thesis presents an accurate and advanced numerical methodology to remedy difficulties such as direct numerical simulation of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), grid generation processes in tokamak fusion facilities, and the coupling between the surface tension force and Lorentz force in the metallurgical industry. In addition, on the basis of the numerical platform it establishes, it also investigates selected interesting topics, e.g. single bubble motion under the influence of either vertical or horizontal magnetic fields. Furthermore, it confirms the relation between the bubble's path instability and wake instability, and observes the anisotropic (isotropic) effect of the vertical (horizontal) magnetic field on the vortex structures, which determines the dynamic behavior of the rising bubble. The direct numerical simulation of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flows has proven difficult in the field of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) research, because it not only concerns the coupling of the equations governing the electromagnetic field and the fluid motion, but also calls for suitable numerical methods for computing the electromagnetic field. In tokamak fusion facilities, where the MHD effect is significant and the flow domain is complex, the process of grid generation requires considerable time and effort. Moreover, in the metallurgical industry, where multiphase MHD flows are usually encountered, the coupling between the surface tension force and Lorentz force adds to the difficulty of deriving direct numerical simulations.

  • af Jie Zhang
    1.393,95 kr.

    This book is the first longitudinal study that addresses language policy and planning in the context of a major international sporting event and examines the ideological, political, social, cultural, and economic effects of such context-specific policy initiatives on contemporary China. The book has important reference value for future research on language management at the supernational level and language services for linguistically complex events. At the same time, it presents some broader implications for current and future language policy makers, language educators and learners, particularly from non-English speaking backgrounds. Foreword by Ingrid Piller

  • af Jie Zhang, Yanhui Li, Shuzhong Wang, mfl.
    1.065,95 - 1.222,95 kr.

  • - Automatic Material Handling System
    af Jie Zhang
    1.838,95 kr.

    This book systematically introduces modeling, performance evaluation and applications of Automatic Materiel Handling System (AMHS) in semiconductor manufactucing, and focuses discussion on the coordination of two subsystems. Resources dispatch and optimization are conducted on operational research combined with cases studies. Written in a practical way, it is an essential reference for researchers and engineers in manufacturing and management.

  • - A Typological Survey and Formal Analysis
    af Jie Zhang
    633,95 - 1.649,95 kr.

    This book presents a detailed and enlightening examination of the effects of duration and sonority on the patterns of positional restriction of contour tones.

  • af Jie Zhang
    1.833,95 kr.

    By virtue of several theoretical models and hypotheses, this book is one of the earliest studies which systematically investigate the structure and changes of China's financial institutions.

  • af Jie Zhang
    1.172,95 kr.

    This thesis presents an accurate and advanced numerical methodology to remedy difficulties such as direct numerical simulation of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), grid generation processes in tokamak fusion facilities, and the coupling between the surface tension force and Lorentz force in the metallurgical industry. In addition, on the basis of the numerical platform it establishes, it also investigates selected interesting topics, e.g. single bubble motion under the influence of either vertical or horizontal magnetic fields. Furthermore, it confirms the relation between the bubble¿s path instability and wake instability, and observes the anisotropic (isotropic) effect of the vertical (horizontal) magnetic field on the vortex structures, which determines the dynamic behavior of the rising bubble. The direct numerical simulation of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flows has proven difficult in the field of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) research, because it not only concerns the coupling of the equations governing the electromagnetic field and the fluid motion, but also calls for suitable numerical methods for computing the electromagnetic field. In tokamak fusion facilities, where the MHD effect is significant and the flow domain is complex, the process of grid generation requires considerable time and effort. Moreover, in the metallurgical industry, where multiphase MHD flows are usually encountered, the coupling between the surface tension force and Lorentz force adds to the difficulty of deriving direct numerical simulations.

  • af Jie Zhang
    1.681,95 kr.

    At the crossroads of artificial intelligence, manufacturing engineering, operational research and industrial engineering and management, multi-agent based production planning and control is an intelligent and industrially crucial technology with increasing importance.

  • - Technologies and Deployment
    af Jie Zhang & Guillaume (University of Bedfordshire de la Roche
    947,95 kr.

    This book provides an in-depth guide to femtocell technologies In this book, the authors provide a comprehensive and organized explanation of the femtocell concepts, architecture, air interface technologies, and challenging issues arising from the deployment of femtocells, such as interference, mobility management and self-organization.

  • - South District Beijing's Strongly Rooted Style
    af Jie Zhang
    206,95 kr.

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