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  • - What Everyone Who Works In A Data Center Needs To Know!
    af Jim Anderson
    121,95 kr.

    Power Distribution Units (PDUs) - you mean power strips, right? That's what I thought when I was first introduced to this product. Boy oh boy was I wrong! Yes, the PDUs that are manufactured to be sold to the owners and operators of data centers do bear some similarities to the simple power strips that we all use at home. But we are really talking about two very different products here. What You'll Find Inside: POWER DISTRIBUTION UNITS (PDU): WHAT ARE THEY? WHY FUSES ARE BAD AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT WHAT THE WORLD OF FORMULA 1 AUTO RACING CAN TEACH DATA CENTER OPERATORS WHY DATA CENTER OPERATORS ARE SWITCHING TO USING HY-MAG How much money do you think that a data center operator has invested in just one of the racks of computers that sits in his or her data center? There is the cost of the rack, of course, but then there's the cost of each of the servers that has been plugged into that rack, the networking gear, and the power distribution system. Not to mention the overhead of cooling and power distribution to the rack. Very quickly the value of a single rack can reach US$500,000. Clearly it's in the best interests of the data center operator to know exactly what is going on with their investment. Questions that need to be answered include how much power is being used, if there is currently a fire, are there any hot spots, and whether there are any liquids in the area. The problem with today's modern data center is that all too often the answers to these questions are not available unless staff are sent out on to the data center floor with tools to make measurements. This means that a lot could go on when nobody was looking. Today's modern PDUs do so much more than just simply deliver power to the computers that have been plugged into a rack. They provide the "eyes and ears" that data center operators need in order to determine what is happening with their racks. Modern PDUs can support multiple types of sensors that can be used to piggy-back environmental information along with power usage information back to a central control system. Sophisticated Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) software applications promise to be able to monitor all aspects of a data center. However, they are expensive and require an additional investment to both install and then maintain. The use of PDUs to collect needed data center status information provides a simple and low cost way to automate the monitoring of a modern data center. This book has been written to provide you with the information that you'll need in order to compare and contrast different types of PDUs. These sophisticated tools can be difficult to tell apart. This book will look at the features that you really needs and explain how you would use then in the real-world environment of a modern data center. It is my hope that after having read this book, you'll have the knowledge that you'll need to go out and select the type of PDU that best meets the needs of your business. Once you've done this, you can then implement a solution that will allow you to always know what is going on in your data center.

  • af Jim Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    After this 51-year-old runner set a lofty goal, his quest to run a marathon in every state merged with America's rich history. Told he was too old to run a marathon in every state, Jim Anderson laced up his running shoes and took on the challenge. Twelve years later, he completed his goal and gained a unique appreciation for our nation and its history. Stories of America discovered -The grandson of our tenth president lives on. -A town starts from a boxcar left after a train wreck. -An Iowa farm girl saves a passenger train. -Andersonville prisoners' prayers for water are answered. -A cross country skier passes away, yet completes his 20th Birkebeiner. And the author's quest to run in every state -Running through 4 cities in 2 states in 1 race... -Finishing in front of 100 Scottish clans on Grandfather Mountain... -Making his way through the Hatfield and McCoy Feud country... -Running the Chisholm Trail... -Running the world's highest paved marathon ... and 45 more! These all come together in an inspiring story of a senior marathoner who saw America's history come alive while fulfilling his dream. Although Jim Anderson is not the only runner to complete a marathon in each of our 50 states, he is undoubtedly the only person to accomplish this amazing feat plus complete 38 American Birkebeiners, the longest cross-country ski race, held in his home town of Cable, Wisconsin. One-hundred fifty pages filled with photos will guide you to the unusual and off-the-beaten-path places we all wish we could visit. Written for all ages. This foreword by a respected silent sports advocate explains: Goals. We all set them. Some large. Some not. Most come from within. Some are inspired by others. Jim Anderson, a Wisconsin public school teacher closing in on retirement, had a fellow tell him, "At your age, you could never run a marathon in every state." Though not meant as a challenge, one marathon soon led to the next and the next. Twelve years later, Anderson crossed yet another finish line, allowing him to join that finite group of determined athletes who have run a marathon in each of our nation's states. This is more than a book about how to run or where or why or when. True, the struggle to complete these fifty arduous races captures attention. How could it not? But it is the backstory of each event-the people, the history, the charm of each new place-that fascinates. Chapter after chapter presents another atypical look at our land, unique perspectives missed by everyday travelers. As one who has organized, coordinated, and participated in many athletic competitions, I can say that this book, Jim Anderson's chronicle of discovering America one marathon at a time, is both fascinating and inspiring as well as an amazing goal conquered. Gary Crandall Chequamegon Fat Tire Festival Director 2003 Mountain Bike Hall of Fame Inductee

  • - How It Affects Memory, Servers, and Storage: The Revolution In Creating Virtual Devices And How It Affects You
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    Virtualization can take on many different forms: virtual memory, virtual servers, and virtualized storage. In each of these cases, we've been able to move beyond the underlying physical components that make up the system and through the use of clever virtualization techniques we've been able to get more out of the system. This is what we're going to explore in this book. What You'll Find Inside: How Virtual Memory Works Why Bother With Virtualizing Servers? Server Virtualization In The Real World Storage Network Based Storage Virtualization This book is divided into three sections. We are going to start out where all virtualization started: virtual memory. We'll then scale up and discuss how servers are virtualized. You can't have servers without storage, and so we'll then talk about how storage has been virtualized. This is a rapidly evolving field. It our hope that by reading this book we can provide you with a firm foundation on which to understand what virtualization is and how it is being used to build networks that will be able to support today's applications. Using the foundation, we hope to be able to share with you the fundamental design approaches that are used to create a modern network and compare it to today's legacy networks.

  • - Understanding how to deal with a broken leg in order to start walking again quickly
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    First off, I'm very sorry that you have an interest in this topic. I suspect that either you or someone that you know has broken a bone. This is the kind of thing that seems to bedevil children but it turns out that it can strike any of us at any age. I suspect that by this point in life you already know how to deal with having a cold, the flu, or a stomach ache. However, there is a very good chance that nobody ever told you how to deal with breaking a bone. That is exactly why this book was written. It turns out that your life is going to be turned upside down for a while and I want to make sure that you know what is coming and help you to prepare to deal with it. What You'll Find Inside: RECOVERING FROM SURGERY Crutches vs Wheelchair What Happens While You Heal: The 90-Day Plan Emotional Issues Your recovery after your surgery is going to be in your hands. Nobody else's. Your family and friends who have been so supportive so far, are going to be getting a little tired of having to do things for you. You need to realize this and start to both take on more tasks and start to plan how you are going to manage your recovery. Life after the surgery for me was very similar to life before the surgery, but there was just a lot more to it. Now that I had had my broke bone repaired I found myself needing my leg immobilizer much more because I didn't want to somehow step wrong or fall over and once again screw up my already broken leg. During your recovery time, your life is going to be more complicated and you are going to have to make adjustments to accomplish things that you used to be able to do without thinking about them. Dealing with issues like this is exactly why this book was created. When I broke my leg, I had no idea what I was in for. As I went through the process of healing my bones, learning to walk again, and then regaining the mobility that I had had before the accident, I learned a lot. I was not shy and I asked all of the questions that you will soon be asking. The good news for you is that I remember what I was told and all of that information has been included in this book. No, the book is not going to help your leg heal, but it will tell you what to expect and when to expect it. Knowledge is power and by reading this book you'll be able to take control over your recovery process.

  • - The Revolution In Network Design And How It Affects You
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    The legacy networks that are typically in use by organizations today have an infrastructure that is typically a mix of multiple vendor solutions, platforms and protocol solutions. This makes the ultimate goal of creating an integrated network ecosystem a difficult if not impossible process for many organizations. The arrival of Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an approach to building networks using open protocols, such as OpenFlow, that allow globally aware software control to be applied at the edges of the network in order to access network switches and routers that typically would use closed and proprietary firmware. What You'll Find Inside: THE IMPORTANCE OF SDN HOW TELECOM SERVICE PROVIDERS VIEW SDN THE DEVELOPER AND THE NETWORK EXAMPLES OF NETWORKED APPLICATIONS THAT CAN ONLY BE OFFERED IN AN SDN NETWORK GOOGLE AND SDN Software Defined Networking (SDN) is not a revolutionary new technology. Instead, it is better to think of this as being a new way of organizing computer network functionality. SDN allows the network to be virtualized. That's where the real power of SDN comes from and that's what we'll be exploring in this book.

  • af Jim Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    A typical Saturday in the park turns into a trip through time and space as Jack, a cynical photojournalist who was blinded during a drug raid, meets an angel who teaches him to see again with the eyes of his heart. This spiritual journey will uplift and enlighten, and bring new light to the miracles of Christ.

  • af Jim Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Author and athlete Jim Anderson didn't coin the line, "ordinary people can do extraordinary things," but he certainly proves it to be true. In his early fifties, he pledged to run a marathon in every state, completing the quest in only twelve years. His first book, Discovering America One Marathon at a Time, reveals his many adventures. Now, lace up and join Jim for a down-to-earth, feet on the ground tour of Canada and beyond, 26.2 miles at a time. Stories discovered in Canada: A black bear starts the Aroostook War -- A former slave helps bring cattle ranching to Canada -- Vancouver is started by a saloon keeper -- The only pitched battle fought in Canada since gaining independence -- An eagle saved on Northwest Territory's Great Slave Lake. Run, bike, and ski adventures: Running along the Yukon River in what most consider North America's toughest trail marathon -- Skiing 40 American Birkebeiner races and running 89 marathons -- Riding a mountain bike race across Teddy Roosevelt's North Dakota Badlands -- Skiing the Canadian Birkebeiner with a thirteen-pound pack -- Running on The Great Wall of China -- Running a marathon on North America's oldest street in Newfoundland More than a book about how to run or where or when, this is the backstory of each event-the people, the history, the charm of each new place-that fascinates and inspires. Chapter after chapter presents unique perspectives missed by everyday travelers as we run, ski, and bike alongside Jim Anderson through Canada, Mexico, and beyond.

  • - What You Need To Do BEFORE A Negotiation Starts In Order To Get The Best Possible Outcome
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    It turns out that most negotiations are over even before they begin. The Marriage and Family Therapist that has spent the most time planning for the negotiation, doing their homework, and collecting the data that they'll need is the one that's going to walk away from the table with the best deal and a sense of winning. Wouldn't you want that person to be you? What You'll Find Inside: THE 7 DEADLY SINS OF PREPARING TO NEGOTIATE DEALS THAT MAKE MONEY: HOW TO PLAN YOUR CONCESSIONS CLOSE MORE DEALS: UNDERSTANDING BUYER POWER & WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT SINGLE VS TEAM NEGOTIATION: WHICH IS BETTER? Planning is what happens before a Therapist sits down at the negotiating table. There are no negotiating tactics or tricks at play here. It's just a matter of you doing your homework. At the same time you hope that the other side is NOT doing their homework so that you'll show up at the negotiation more prepared then they are. Just committing to doing the planning that your next negotiation is going to require is not enough, you also have to know just exactly how to go about doing it - you have to think about the offers and counter offers that are going to be made. That's what this book is going to teach you. Every negotiation is different and so the planning that you'll have to do for each negotiation will be different also. The planning that is required for a successful negotiation takes on many different forms. These can include planning where and when the negotiations will be held, what concessions you'll be willing to make to the other side, and understanding who has what power in the negotiations. The end result of doing the planning that a negotiation requires is that when you sit down at the negotiating table, you'll have a sense of being prepared. You'll know what you need to know about the other side of the table, what their goals are, what their constraints are, and what they hope to be able to get out of the negotiations. This is exactly the type of knowledge that every person who lives in the world of Marriage and Family therapy is going to need in order to be able to reach the type of deal that will allow you to walk away from the table with a sense of having closed a deal that is good for both you and your clients.

  • - What You Need To Do BEFORE A Negotiation Starts In Order To Get The Best Possible Outcome
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    It turns out that most negotiations are over even before they begin. The clerical team that has spent the most time planning for the negotiation, doing their homework, and collecting the data that they'll need is the one that's going to walk away from the table with the best deal. Wouldn't you want that team to be your team? What You'll Find Inside: * THE 7 DEADLY SINS OF PREPARING TO NEGOTIATE * DEALS THAT MAKE MONEY: HOW TO PLAN YOUR CONCESSIONS * MAKE MORE SALES: UNDERSTANDING BUYER POWER & WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT * SINGLE VS TEAM NEGOTIATION: WHICH IS BETTER? Planning is what happens before a clergy sits down at the negotiating table. There are no negotiating tactics or tricks at play here. It's just a matter of you doing your homework. At the same time you hope that the other side is NOT doing their homework so that you'll show up at the negotiation more prepared then they are. Just committing to doing the planning that your next negotiation is going to require is not enough, you also have to know just exactly how to go about doing it. That's what this book is going to teach you. Every negotiation is different because different people are involved in it and so the planning that you'll have to do for every negotiation will be different also. The planning that is required for a successful negotiation takes on many different forms. These can include planning where and when the negotiations will be held, what concessions you'll be willing to make to the other side, and understanding who has what power in the negotiations. The end result of doing the planning that a negotiation requires is that when you sit down at the negotiating table, you'll have a sense of being prepared. You'll know what you need to know about the other side of the table, what their goals are, what their constraints are, and what they hope to be able to get out of the negotiations. This is exactly the type of knowledge that every clergy is going to need in order to be able to reach the type of deal that will allow you to walk away from the table with a sense of accomplishment that you've been able to make things better for everyone involved in the negotiations.

  • - A Three-Week Vacation Turned into the Adventure of a Lifetime
    af Jim Anderson
    208,95 kr.

    Riding a dirt bike home from South America wasn't what Jim Anderson had planned when he boarded a (first class!) flight for São Paulo in January of 2009. He promises it wasn't. But after days of long, crowded bus rides through busy Brazilian streets, how could he and friends (Diesel) Dave Kiley and (Brian) Nian Allphin resist plunking down their hard-earned vacation money for three used Brazilian motorbikes? They couldn't!Three guys who met on a Lake Powell houseboat solidified a lifelong friendship as they traveled from São Paulo to Manaus, charming everyone they met along the way, from humble Brazilian families and ace mechanics to hostile military policemen. Unable to sell their bikes in Manaus as planned and fly home, the boys hatched a brilliant, horrible plan.But sometime while riding the muddiest portions of the Trans-Amazonian dirt Highway and smuggling their motorbikes over the Caribbean Sea on drunk Captain Pedro's boat, Jim, Dave, and Nian experienced the unmistakable hand of divine protection as they crossed border after border. And somewhere in the torrential rain storms of Brazil and under some of God's most beautiful sunsets, the Wolfpack found out what kind of stuff they're really made of.Can you guess what kind of stuff it is? If you can't, you should get better at guessing.Jim's recounting of the three-month journey home to Fillmore, Utah is unlike any other travelogue you're likely to pick up. Jim's pursuit of life has become an awesome collection of once-in-a-lifetime experiences punctuated by moments of gratitude for the goodness of God. You'll wish you'd been riding doubles on the back of his bike.

  • - What You Need To Do BEFORE A Negotiation Starts In Order To Get The Best Possible Outcome
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    It turns out that most negotiations are over even before they begin. The vendor manager that has spent the most time planning for the negotiation, doing their homework, and collecting the data that they'll need is the one that's going to walk away from the table with the best deal and a sense of winning. Wouldn't you want that person to be you? What You'll Find Inside: THE 7 DEADLY SINS OF PREPARING TO NEGOTIATE DEALS THAT MAKE MONEY: HOW TO PLAN YOUR CONCESSIONS CLOSE MORE DEALS: UNDERSTANDING BUYER POWER & WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT SINGLE VS TEAM NEGOTIATION: WHICH IS BETTER? Planning is what happens before a vendor manager sits down at the negotiating table. There are no negotiating tactics or tricks at play here. It's just a matter of you doing your homework. At the same time you hope that the other side is NOT doing their homework so that you'll show up at the negotiation more prepared then they are. Just committing to doing the planning that your next negotiation is going to require is not enough, you also have to know just exactly how to go about doing it - you have to think about the offers and counter offers that are going to be made. That's what this book is going to teach you. Every negotiation is different and so the planning that you'll have to do for each negotiation will be different also. The planning that is required for a successful negotiation takes on many different forms. These can include planning where and when the negotiations will be held, what concessions you'll be willing to make to the other side, and understanding who has what power in the negotiations. The end result of doing the planning that a negotiation requires is that when you sit down at the negotiating table, you'll have a sense of being prepared. You'll know what you need to know about the other side of the table, what their goals are, what their constraints are, and what they hope to be able to get out of the negotiations. This is exactly the type of knowledge that every person who lives in the world of vendor management is going to need in order to be able to reach the type of deal that will allow you to walk away from the table with a sense of having closed a deal that is good for both you and your company.

  • - Technologies That IT Managers Can Use In Order to Make Their Teams More Productive
    af Jim Anderson
    122,95 kr.

    As an IT manager you understand the value of technology. It's what provides our teams with the tools that we can use to accomplish great things for our company. The challenge that we run into is that technology is always changing. This means that as an IT manager you have a responsibility to stay on top of all of the various technologies that your team will be called on to make use of. This includes Web 3.0 technologies, things that work in the world of retail shopping, and the latest developments in keeping those cyber criminals out of your company's networks. What You'll Find Inside: Maybe it is Time for IT Leaders to Go Shopping to Learn New Tricks Just Whose Job Is Network Security Anyway? Why Cloud Computing Won't Work For Every IT Project IT Managers Need to Realize that Virtualization Isn't All That It's Cracked Up to Be Our jobs are by their very nature complex. We need to understand what the company expects of us - are we the ones who are responsible for securing the company network or does this task belong to someone else? As more and more services become available to us, we are the ones that the company will turn to in order to determine what on-demand services need to be acquired. As we create solutions, we'll need to understand when open source solutions may provide us with the best technology. Cloud computing is a hot topic, but we need to be able to determine if it's right for our company. Finally, virtualization is currently in vogue but is it the right answer in every situation? This book has been created to provide you with the insights into today's latest technologies that you are going to need in order to direct your team. The goal is to provide you with the knowledge that you are going to need in order to determine what technology to use in what situation. For more information on what it takes to be a great IT manager, check out my blog, The Accidental IT Leader, at:

  • - What You Need To Do BEFORE A Negotiation Starts In Order To Get The Best Possible Outcome
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    It turns out that most negotiations are over even before they begin. The Labor Negotiator that has spent the most time planning for the negotiation, doing their homework, and collecting the data that they'll need is the one that's going to walk away from the table with the best deal and a sense of winning. Wouldn't you want that person to be you? What You'll Find Inside: THE 7 DEADLY SINS OF PREPARING TO NEGOTIATE DEALS THAT MAKE MONEY: HOW TO PLAN YOUR CONCESSIONS CLOSE MORE DEALS: UNDERSTANDING BUYER POWER & WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT SINGLE VS TEAM NEGOTIATION: WHICH IS BETTER? Planning is what happens before a Labor Negotiator sits down at the negotiating table. There are no negotiating tactics or tricks at play here. It's just a matter of you doing your homework. At the same time you hope that the other side is NOT doing their homework so that you'll show up at the negotiation more prepared then they are. Just committing to doing the planning that your next negotiation is going to require is not enough, you also have to know just exactly how to go about doing it - you have to think about the offers and counter offers that are going to be made. That's what this book is going to teach you. Every negotiation is different and so the planning that you'll have to do for each negotiation will be different also. The planning that is required for a successful negotiation takes on many different forms. These can include planning where and when the negotiations will be held, what concessions you'll be willing to make to the other side, and understanding who has what power in the negotiations. The end result of doing the planning that a negotiation requires is that when you sit down at the negotiating table, you'll have a sense of being prepared. You'll know what you need to know about the other side of the table, what their goals are, what their constraints are, and what they hope to be able to get out of the negotiations. This is exactly the type of knowledge that every person who lives in the world of labor management is going to need in order to be able to reach the type of deal that will allow you to walk away from the table with a sense of having closed a deal that is good for both you and your company.

  • - Tips And Techniques For CIOs To Use In Order To Secure Both Their IT Department And Their Company
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    As though staying on top of changing technology trends wasn't enough, today's CIOs also find themselves being held responsible for securing the IT department as well as the rest of the company. This is a job that few of us have ever been trained to do; however, the stakes have never been higher. What You'll Find Inside: * VULNERABILITY MANAGEMENT: THE CIO'S OTHER JOB * KEVIN MITNICK SPEAKS ABOUT IT SECURITY * DATA PROTECTION SECRETS: CIOS KNOW THAT IT STARTS AT THE ENDPOINT * THE INSIDER THREAT: WHAT CIOS NEED TO KNOW Your company's senior management knows even less about IT security than you do. However, they view you as being the person who can keep them safe. If you can accomplish this task, then you will have secured your relationship with the CEO and CFO, if not then they may be looking for a new CIO. In order to successful secure your department and your company, you are going to have to start at the network's endpoints and work your way in. This will involve creating security policies that everyone can live with and performing routine vulnerability management studies. The key to any successful securing of a corporate network is to make sure that only the right people and applications are allowed to be there. This means that you'll need to implement an effective identify management program. You'll have to do the same thing for the applications that run on the company's network by creating a whitelisting solution that ensures that you are only executing the code that should be run. At times dealing with the wide variety of IT security threats that your company will be facing will seem to be overwhelming. However, by taking the time to listen to what reformed hackers have to tell us, you'll be able to prioritize the threats and focus your time and energy where they'll do the most good. This book has been written in order to provide you with a great starting point for ensuring that you've done everything that you can to protect your company. We'll show you what you need to take care of and how the bad guys are going to try to break into your networks. Follow the suggestions in this book and you'll have successfully secured your company's IT resources. For more information on what it takes to be a great CIO, check out my blog, The Accidental Successful CIO, at:

  • - How To Develop The Skill Of Effective Arguing In A Negotiation In Order To Get The Best Possible Outcome
    af Jim Anderson
    121,95 kr.

    We all know how we want our next negotiation to end - with a good deal for us. However, what all too often we don't spend enough time on understanding is how important our ability to successfully argue our points will be in order to get to that desired deal. What You'll Find Inside: POWER LOSS IN SALES NEGOTIATIONS HOW TO PLAY (& WIN) WHEN THERE'S ONLY ONE GAME IN TOWN GET YOUR ARMOR ON! 4 WAYS TO DEFEND YOUR PRICE DURING A SALES NEGOTIATION WHY IT'S OK FOR A SALES NEGOTIATOR TO BE WRONG So much of what goes on in a negotiation is about power. Who has it, who is losing it, who is gaining it, and why. You have the ability to control the balance of power in a negotiation through the force of your arguments if you know how. Although no negotiation is just about price, it sure seems as though a great deal of our time and our negotiating energy is taken up by dealing with all of the issues surrounding both the price that we want and the price that we are willing to give. How your ability to argue is can have a significant impact on how good of a job you are going to be able to do in defending your price. Negotiating is all about strategies and techniques. In order to get what you want out of your next negotiation you need to learn how to use the pivot technique as a part of your argument strategy in order to create the opportunity for you to get the deal that you want. All too often we start to feel a great deal of pressure to make sure that we know everything about everything before the negotiations start. However, the good news is that recent discoveries have shown that you can still successfully win the arguments that naturally occur during a negotiation even if you don't know the answer to every possible question. The world of negotiating can be confusing and challenging. This book has been created to act as your guide as you explore how to boost your ability to successful argue during a negotiation. By using the ideas and techniques outlined in this book you can take control of the negotiations during arguments and drive the discussions towards achieving the deal that you are looking for. For more information on what it takes to be a great negotiator, check out my blog, The Accidental Negotiator, at:

  • - How to organize the best speech of your life!
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    So you've been asked to give a speech - fantastic! Just think of all of the great speakers who have gone before you Dr. Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Steve Jobs, the list goes on and on. Now you've been give your chance to change the world! What You'll Find Inside: HOW TO GET YOUR MESSAGE TO STICK WITH EVERYONE! GROUP MEETINGS: MORE GAIN, LESS PAIN BACK TO BASICS: PRESENTATION TIPS 101 7 SECRETS TO GETTING YOUR ADULT AUDIENCE TO LEARN FROM YOUR PRESENTATION I can well image what you are feeling right now - fear, doubt, uncertainty. Don't worry about it. I've got some good news for you - all of those great speakers felt the very same thing. However, they were able to muster up the courage to go out there and give the best speech that they possibly could. They did change the world and you just might end up doing the same thing. However, before you go doing that, we've got to make sure that you've got a well-planned speech to work with. Organizing a speech is the first step in creating and delivering a powerful and effective speech. In order to organize a speech you need to take the time before you start to clearly identify why you are the person that your audience should be listening to and then create an outline of the speech that you want to give. When organizing a speech you need to make sure that you have a strong opening. The body of your speech has to build toward your closing. Finally, the closing has to leave your audience with something that they'll be able to remember long after your speech is over and done with. The good news is that I know that you're going to give a great speech and it's all going to start with the organizing. Take the time to read this book, learn what you need to do in order to organize a great speech and then go out there and knock 'em dead!

  • - Technologies That IT Managers Can Use In Order to Make Their Teams More Productive
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    The job of an IT manager is constantly changing. The technologies that we used to use are now gone. The technologies that we use today will eventually go away. This means that we need to make sure that we are constantly aware of what new technologies are coming our way and what our teams will be able to do with them. What You'll Find Inside: BIG DATA REQUIRES IT MANAGERS TO THINK ABOUT BIG DATABASES 3 QUESTIONS THAT EVERY IT MANAGER SHOULD BE ASKING ABOUT CLOUDS WHY IT MANAGERS CAN'T BELIEVE ALL THAT THEY READ ABOUT SECURITY BREECHES WHAT EVERY IT MANAGER NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THE HADOOP DATABASE SOLUTION The arrival of big data has turned the world of IT upside down. As our companies struggle to decide how they are going to make use of this new type of technology, we as IT managers need to make sure that we understand what types of databases we can use to handle all of this data. The way that we build the networks that our teams and our company use has been forever changed by the arrival of cloud computing. This means that we need to take the time to make sure that we understand what this means for us as well as any new security risks that comes along with it. The new technologies that we'll be using in just a few years take on a number of different forms. It could be the analytics that we'll all be using to process that big data or perhaps it will be the haddoop database that we may end up implementing to store all of that data. We need to keep in mind that storing data is one thing, backing it up may be something completely different. All databases are not created the same. The arrival of NOSQL technology has made the choice of what database to use that much more difficult. One thing that we can do to try to make good decisions is to take a look at what other firms, perhaps in healthcare, have done and learn from their mistakes.

  • - What tools to use to create your next speech so that your message will be remembered forever!
    af Jim Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    As speakers, we want to create the best speech that we can. In order to do this we can make use of a large number of tools that are available. However, we first have to know about the tools that we have access to and then we need to know how to go about using them. Each of these tasks can be learned. What You'll Find Inside: *10 TIPS FOR CONQUERING THE FINAL FRONTIER OF SPEAKING: TELEVISION * WHY PUBLIC SPEAKERS SHOULD ALWAYS USE NOTES * #1 SECRET ALL SUCCESSFUL PUBLIC SPEAKERS KNOW (AND YOU SHOULD TOO) *PUBLIC SPEAKING REQUIRES A VOICE THAT PEOPLE WANT TO HEAR Where we give a speech is something that can be different each time we give a speech. One location that not many of us may have thought of is giving a speech that televised. When we do this, how we go about giving the speech is different from how we normally give speeches. One of the most important parts of any speech that we give is our voice. However, we have to learn how to listen to ourselves if we want to change how our audience is going to hear our voice. Improving our speech depends on more than just our voice: we need to both practice before giving the speech and then remember to bring notes on the day that we deliver the speech. Goal setting is a great way to measure our progress in real life. It turns out that it also works when we are trying to improve how we speak. If we ever get good enough at this speaking thing, then there is a chance that we might win an award. If this happens, we're going to have to know the right way to go about accepting it. Our speeches can be long and filled with a number of different important ideas. If we find ourselves in a situation where the exact words that we say and the order in which we say them is important, then we may need to use a teleprompter. This is a powerful tool, but we need to take the time to learn how to get the most out of it. For more information on what it takes to be a great public speaker, check out my blog, The Accidental Communicator, at:

  • - How To Develop The Skill Of Effective Signaling In A Negotiation In Order To Get The Best Possible Outcome
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    When we sit down to negotiate, we are really entering into a very specialized conversation with the other side of the table. We have a set of goals and they have their own set of goals. The purpose of the negotiation conversation is to find out if there is a way that the needs of both sides of the table can be met. What You'll Find Inside: DEMANDS & DEADLINES: YOUR TWO BEST FRIENDS SAY HELLO TO THE BOGEY-MAN - A NEGOTIATOR'S BEST FRIEND NEGOTIATION FIRESTARTER: THE TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT TACTIC NEGOTIATING SELF DEFENSE: COUNTERING THE REVERSE AUCTION TACTIC In order to find ways to move the negotiation forward, the other side is going to have to understand what we are trying to accomplish. They are going to have to know when something is important to us and when we really don't care about something. It is our obligation to communicate our intentions to the other side. The way that we communicate what we want is by signaling to them. Signals are rarely spoken words. Instead, we need to find other ways to get our point across and let the other side know what we want them to do. This requires them to take the time to study us and to get to know us well enough to be able to pick up on our signals. During a negotiation, signals can come in many different forms. One of the more common ones is a deadline. We may present the other side with a deadline in order to motivate them or they may present us with one. If we are facing a deadline, then we need to know how best to react to it in order to still be able to reach our negotiating goals. A great way to become better at using signaling is to take the time to see how others use signaling in their negotiations. The classic example is in labor negotiations where both sides are using the press to attempt to communicate to the other side what they want them to do. In the past few years, Boeing has been involved in a number of negotiations and has done a very good job of signaling to the other side what the next steps need to be.

  • - Presentation techniques that will transform a speech into a memorable event
    af Jim Anderson
    121,95 kr.

    After the speech has been written, the practice has been done, all that is left is for you to actually present your speech to the audience. It goes without saying that this can be one of life's biggest challenges! What You'll Find Inside: I WANT TO PRESENT JUST LIKE STEVE JOBS TOP 9 BAD HABITS OF TECHNICAL PRESENTERS PUBLIC SPEAKING PROBLEM: TOO MANY QUESTIONS (FROM ONE PERSON)! 4 THINGS A PUBLIC SPEAKER NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT WEBCONFERENCING It turns out that it really should not be. Assuming that you've been able to collect your thoughts, write them down, and have had the time to practice what you want to say, then everything should go ok. However, I suspect that you'd like to do better than "ok". As long as you are taking the time to create and practice a speech, you sure want the speech to make an impact on your audience. You want to be able to deliver a great speech. It turns out that you can do this, you just need to know how to go about doing it. That's exactly what this book is going to do. I'm going to show you what you need to know in order to make sure that your next speech is one that your audience will remember long after you are done speaking. In order to make this happen we're going to have to talk about how Steve Jobs used to give speeches. We're going to have to talk about your body language and what it may be telling your audience. It turns out that your posture is also important and so we should talk about that. Finally, not every speech is the same. We'll talk about how you can get ready for speeches that you give in unique situations. In the end, you'll have a very good insight into how you can make your next presentation the best that you've ever given. Ultimately the impact of your speech will be determined by the quality of your presentation. For more information on what it takes to be a great public speaker, check out my blog, The Accidental Communicator, at:

  • - How To Prepare For A Negotiation: What You Need To Do BEFORE A Negotiation Starts In Order To Get The Best Possible Deal
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    Just about anything that we do requires planning on our part. We need to take the time to understand what we want to accomplish, how we are going to go about doing it, and what kinds of resources we are going to need in order to get it done. It turns out that a negotiation is just like everything else in our lives: if we want to get the deal that we are looking for, then we're going to have to do some preparation. What You'll Find Inside: HOW DO YOU PLAN A NEGOTIATION? THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SPORTS AND SALES NEGOTIATION: WINNING 3 SECRETS SUCCESSFUL SALES NEGOTIATORS USE TO WIN DEADLY SINS OF SALES NEGOTIATIONS: HOPE AND 3 OTHERS It turns out that the time that we've spent playing different types of sports has not been wasted. There is a similarity between competing in a sport and conducting a negotiation - in both circumstances we really want to win. In order to get what we want out of a negotiation we need to make sure that we don't just sit around and hope for the best outcome, we need to make it happen. Our attitude when we go into a negotiation can have a big impact on the deal that we are able to secure. If we go in sad, then we're going to be at a disadvantage. We need to gather as much power to our side as we can and one way to do this is to get time to work for us and not against us. If you work hard at a negotiation, then you'll be rewarded with the type of deal that you've been looking for. There are a number of different ways to make yourself more powerful in a negotiation. Bringing a team to the table is one way to go about doing this, but there are advantages and disadvantages to doing it. Not all negotiations are done by ourselves. If we choose to bring in a professional negotiator to do our dirty work for us, then we're going to need to know how to find out if they truly know their stuff.

  • - How CIOs Can Work With The Entire Company In Order To Be Successful
    af Jim Anderson
    122,95 kr.

    Just becoming your company's CIO is not enough. Once you reach this lofty point, you are going to have to take on the responsibility of growing your career so that it can truly become the challenging opportunity that you've been seeking. The good news is that this can be done. The bad news is that it's never easy. What You'll Find Inside: WHO SHOULD A CIO'S BFF BE: THE CEO OR THE CFO? THE 5 SECRET CHARACTERISTICS OF A TRULY GREAT CIO CIOS IN CRISIS: DO WE HAVE A PROBLEM HERE? CIO'S WITH NO TIME FIND AN ALTERNATIVE TO AN MBA As CIO you are going to have to form relationships in order to the approvals for your major projects. Who should you spend your time with: the CEO or the CFO? It may not matter that much because it turns out that we all work in sales in some form or another. As the CIO you are going to have to make sure that you fully understand how your company's sales organization works so that you can support them. The role of CIO is changing. It is taking on more and more of an appearance of being a Strategic Execution Officer role and you are going to have to adapt to this. In order to accomplish all of this you may end up having to appear to be two-faced at times. If this doesn't happen, then it may be time for your company to do like a lot of other companies are doing and say goodbye to the CIO position. The key to being a successful CIO is making sure that you have a good understanding of just exactly what a CIO does. This means that you have to take a look at what CIOs do and then learn from them. In order to be a successful CIO, you may decide that you need an MBA. There are a lot of different ways to go about getting this degree - which one is the right one for you? It is my hope that after having read this book you will be aware of the additional job that you've taken on as CIO - managing your career. Do this correctly and your CIO career will last a long time...! For more information on what it takes to be a successful CIO, check out my blog, The Accidental Successful CIO, at:

  • - How To Develop The Skill Of Assembling Potential Trades In Order To Get The Best Possible Outcome
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    What a great world this would be if only we could sit down at a negotiating table, have both sides make a few concessions and then we'd suddenly have the deal that we were all hoping to be able to reach. Sadly, getting that perfect deal takes a great deal more effort on both sides. What You'll Find Inside: REAL DEALS USE REAL MONEY AND SALES NEGOTIATORS NEVER FORGET IT WINNING SALES NEGOTIATIONS: THE PIZZA SECRET WHY WIN-WIN SALES NEGOTIATING NEVER WORKS AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT THE SECRET GOAL OF EVERY NEGOTIATION The key to successful negotiating is to realize that the only way to get to the deal that you want is by both sides of the table being willing to make concessions to the other side. However, it's when and how those concessions will be made that will determine if you are going to be able to reach the deal that you want. All too often in a negotiation, concessions can start to involve the use of so-called "funny money" which is not the same thing as real money. You are going to have to be able to detect when this is happening. Ultimately, it's going to take a good bargain to close the deal that you are working on. When you are in the middle of a long negotiation, it can be easy to lose your way. How to reach the end of the negotiation may no longer be clear. However, by taking lessons from retailers who negotiate every day like Ebay and using tactics like the bogey you can find your way to the end. Win-win negotiating has been a popular concept in both literature and in negotiating training in the past few years. The reality of real-world negotiating reveals that this type of negotiating rarely, if ever, seems to yield the results that we both want and need. A different approach is called for. In order to get the other side of the table to agree to what you are proposing, you are going to have to capture their imagination. In the world of negotiating we call this delighting your customer and knowing how to do it is very powerful. This book will teach you how to move your next negotiation along to a successful closing. We'll show you how to package and deliver your concessions so that your offer becomes irresistible. Examples of how this is done will be reviewed and the tactics that you'll need in order to make it happen for you will be covered. For more information on what it takes to be a great negotiator, check out my blog, The Accidental Negotiator, at:

  • - How To Start A Negotiation In Order To Get The Best Possible Outcome
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    Every negotiation starts with an opening. It's what we all do at the start of a negotiation. What a lot of us don't realize is that how we handle the opening of a negotiation can have a big impact on how the rest of the negotiation goes. The very possibility of success may hinge on how we start things off. What You'll Find Inside: THREE SECRETS THAT HAVE BEEN MISSING FROM NEGOTIATION TRAINING THE DELICATE ART OF USING PERSUASION IN NEGOTIATIONS 3 NEGOTIATION TIPS FROM THE MASTER: DONALD TRUMP 7 WAYS TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN A NEGOTIATION There are a number of different factors that go into opening your next negotiation correctly. You need to be able to read the body language of the negotiating team that is sitting across from you: are they under pressure to reach a deal, or do they have all the time in the world? Negotiation has a flip side and its name is persuasion. Understanding what persuasion is and, more importantly, how best to use it during a negotiation can go a long way in helping you to change the other side's view and what they are willing to agree to. It can be very easy to focus completely on the negotiations that are happening right now. However, as negotiators we need to be able to see the "big picture". We will probably negotiate with the other side again at some point in the future. What this means for us is that we have a responsibility for making sure that when the negotiation is over and done with, both sides leave the table with a feeling of satisfaction. Although important, just exactly how we make this happen can at times be challenging. The end result of being ready for the opening of your next negotiation is that when you sit down at the negotiating table, you'll have a sense of being prepared. You'll have the ability to understand how you are going to connect with the other side of the table and you'll have a plan for ensuring that both parties walk away from the table with a sense of satisfaction. This is exactly what you're going to need in order to be able to reach the type of deal that will allow you to believe that you accomplished what you showed up to do. Good luck!

  • - Techniques For CIOs To Use In Order To Be Able To Successfully Work With Partners
    af Jim Anderson
    121,95 kr.

    In order to be a success, a CIO needs to be able to find and work with partners. These partners have to be committed to the same things that the CIO is: the overall success of his or her company and IT department. What You'll Find Inside: 7 WRONG WAYS TO OUTSOURCE YOUR IT DEPARTMENT WHY DON'T IT ALLIANCES WORK OUT? DEALING WITH VENDORS AFTER YOU'VE SIGNED THE DEAL 6 TIPS FOR PICKING THE RIGHT CLOUD PROVIDER TO PARTNER WITH However, finding the right partners can be quite a challenge. All too often alliances don't work out. CIOs need to take the time and study why some of these relationships are successful while others are not. As difficult as it can be to find the right vendor, that is just the start of the relationship. CIOs have to understand that these types of relationships take care and maintenance. In order to get out of the relationship what you need, you are going to have to understand what the relationship is going to require over the long haul. One of the most significant partnerships that most CIOs will become involved in have to do with the offshoring of IT assets. These are unique types of relationships and they come with their own special set of conditions and restrictions. Just to make things more complicated, the arrival of cloud computing has created a whole new class of potential vendor partners for an IT department. Picking the right cloud provider is a brand new task for CIOs. We first have to understand the technology and then understand the firms that are providing it. Finally, the importance of IT to every firm continues to grow. With this importance come additional responsibilities. The government has started to understand the impact that an IT department can have on the performance of a firm and so new legislation is being considered. CIOs need to both be aware of this and planning for it. This book will provide CIOs with an overview of the different types of partners and relationships that they are going to need to develop. We'll explore offshoring, outsourcing, why alliances don't work out, and how to create effective business partnerships. For more information on what it takes to be a great CIO, check out my blog, The Accidental Successful CIO, at:

  • - How CIOs Can Secure Their Department and Company: Tips And Techniques For CIOs To Use In Order To Secure Both Their IT Department And Their Company
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    There are a lot of bad guys out there. For some odd reason, a lot of them seem to want to break into your company's networks and applications. As the CIO, it's your job to make sure that this does not happen. Got any thoughts on how to go about doing that? What You'll Find Inside: CIO'S NEED TO LEARN HOW TO DEFEND AGAINST THE INSIDER THREAT WHY BYOD SPELLS DOOM FOR CIOS DO WE REALLY NEED TO ENCRYPT OUR CUSTOMER DATA? 3 WAYS TO GET YOUR COMPANY TO TAKE DIGITAL SECURITY SERIOUSLY As much as we like to spend our time looking outwards in order to detect the next threat that our company may be facing, perhaps we're looking in the wrong direction. Just as big of a deal may be the insider threat that lurks within the company. No matter where it comes from, cybercrime is your problem to deal with. CIOs have to deal with trends as they come and go. Right now the Bring Your Own Device To Work (BYOD) phase is in full swing and if you aren't careful could cause a lot of problems for the IT department. At the same time, it's the code that your teams create that will secure your applications. Do you know if they are writing secure code or are they leaving doors wide open? In order to measure where the threats are coming from and how big of deal they are, CIOs need to become comfortable with measuring the level of risk that they are dealing with. A big part of measuring risk is getting information about threats from other CIOs. This can be difficult to do because CIOs really don't like to share information like this. Since we can't always be certain that we can keep the bad guys out, we need to make sure that we've taken the needed steps to secure our networks. Should they happen to get inside of the company, we need to take extra steps to make sure that they can't get what they came for. This brings up the interesting question of whether or not we should go to the effort and expense of encrypting our customer data. No matter what our final decision on encrypting the company's digital assets is, we still have a responsibly as CIO to make sure that the company understands the threats that it is facing and that it starts to take digital security seriously.

  • - How To Plan To Give The Best Speech Of Your Life!
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    In the world of marketing, a manager has the responsibility to find potential customers, make sure that they know about the company's products, and then equip the sales team to turn potential customers into real live customers. A great deal of these tasks have to do with communication between the marketing manager and different groups: customers, sales teams, senior management, and product developers. In order to efficiently get your message out to everyone who needs to hear it, giving speeches can be a powerful tool. However, just like with everything else that is in your marketing toolkit, you need to understand how to both plan and deliver an effective speech. What You'll Find Inside: "ONCE UPON A TIME..." - THE ROLE OF STORYTELLING IN BUSINESS COMMUNICATION HOW TO MAKE A TECHNICAL PRESENTATION RIVETING PERSUADE AN AUDIENCE USING 3 SECRETS USED BY PRESENTERS KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE: WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW MAY HURT YOU Just think of all of the great speakers who have gone before you Dr. Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Steve Jobs, the list goes on and on. Now you've been give your chance to change the world! I can well image what you are feeling right now - fear, doubt, uncertainty. Don't worry about it. I've got some good news for you - all of those great speakers felt the very same thing. However, they were able to muster up the courage to go out there and give the best speech that they possibly could. They did change the world and you just might end up doing the same thing. However, before you go doing that, we've got to make sure that you've got a well-planned speech to work with. Planning a speech is the first step in creating and delivering a powerful and effective speech. In order to plan a speech you need to take the time before you start to write out your speech and think about who you'll be speaking to. When planning a speech you need to make sure that you understand the purpose of your speech. Why are you going to go to all of the effort to create and deliver this speech? After you know that, take the time to think about your audience: what do they want from your speech? You're going to have to choose what type of speech you want to give. You can choose to deliver an informative speech, a demonstrative speech, an inspirational speech, or a humorous speech. More often than not the speech that you end up giving will draw from all four types of speeches. The good news is that I know that you're going to give a great speech and it's all going to start with the planning. Take the time to read this book, learn what you need to do in order to plan a great speech and then go out there and knock 'em dead!

  • - How to create a speech that will make your message be remembered forever!
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    I'm pretty sure that we can all agree on one thing: we'd like the next speech that we give to be a great speech. Now the big question that we are all faced with is just exactly how to go about making this happen? What You'll Find Inside: WHAT'S THE BEST STORY THAT A PUBLIC SPEAKER CAN TELL? JUST HOW DOES ONE CREATE A KEYNOTE PRESENTATION? HOW TO WRITE THE PERFECT SPEECH PERSONAL INFORMATION: HOW MUCH SHOULD A PRESENTER REVEAL? The one thing that will make any speech appeal to an audience is if we include a great story in it. However, we've got to have a way to figure out what the best story that we can include would be. Every speech that we are asked to give is different, but keynote speeches are the most visible. The good news is that there is a very specific way to go about making this type of speech. An audience want's to know more about the person who is addressing them. Specifically, they often want to know about the bad things that have happened to you and how you have dealt with them. We get some help in figuring out how to communicate things like this if we go to the pros for help. Jack Welch's speech writer is one person who can lend us a hand. When we want to write the perfect speech, we need to have the creative ideas that will make it a great speech. Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we just run out of ideas. This is when it becomes time to go read a book. If you are given a short amount of time in which to deliver your speech, you need to very carefully plan out what you'll say. The one thing that you don't want to do in any speech of any length is to use naughty words. Stories are so powerful that we really should always be looking to include them in any speech that we give. This includes business presentations. However, we need to be careful about how much personal information we include in our stories because it is possible to include too much.

  • - How CIOs can work effectively with the rest of the company!
    af Jim Anderson
    120,95 kr.

    What does it take to be a successful CIO? Studies have shown that the average CIO only holds on to the job for roughly 4 years - what can you do to have a longer career? It turns out that the answer to this question is simple: you need to find ways to work with the rest of the business. What You'll Find Inside: DO WE REALLY NEED CIOS ANY MORE? FROM PLUMBER TO PARTNER: HOW IT CAN BECOME PART OF A COMPANY'S SUCCESS TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING CAN KILL AN IT DEPARTMENT A NEW CIO JOB: PANNING FOR LEGAL GOLD What this means is that although your technical skills and your ability to work with the rest of the people in the IT department are what got you this far, it's not going to be what you need in order to stay in the job. You are going to need to develop a new set of skills. The key to a long-term CIO career is to understand the business that your IT department exists within. There are various other departments and people that all need what your IT department has to offer, but they may not know how to ask for it. They don't speak your language. As the CIO it's going to be your job to find ways to bridge the gap between the rest of the company and your IT department. It can be all too easy for the rest of the company to treat the IT department as a cost center and not realize the important role that you can play in making the entire organization run quicker, run smoother, and be more profitable. The purpose of this book is to provide you with real-world examples of how a CIO can work with the rest of the business. There is no one answer to this question. Rather it requires a different way of thinking. You actually need to take the time to fully understand what the other people in the company want to accomplish and then you're going to need to find ways for the IT department to provide that. The magic phrase that is used to describe an IT department that works well with the rest of the company is "alignment". In this book we discuss what alignment really is and we provide you with examples of how you can move your IT department closer to achieving it. It is my hope that after having read this book you will be aware of the additional job that you've taken on as CIO - working with the rest of the business. Do this correctly and your CIO career will last a long time...!

  • - How to plan to give the best speech of your life!
    af Jim Anderson
    153,95 kr.

    The traditional view of what an Admissions Counselor does views us as people who just sit behind a desk opening college applications and then stamping them "admitted" or "rejected". As you know, there is really a lot more to this job. A key part of what we do is to tell the outside world about our college. What this means is that we have to go out there and become comfortable talking to groups of people. Not the easiest thing in the world to do. What You'll Find Inside: "ONCE UPON A TIME..." - THE ROLE OF STORYTELLING IN BUSINESS COMMUNICATION HOW TO MAKE A TECHNICAL PRESENTATION RIVETING PERSUADE AN AUDIENCE USING 3 SECRETS USED BY PRESENTERS KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE: WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW MAY HURT YOU Just think of all of the great speakers who have gone before you Dr. Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Steve Jobs, the list goes on and on. Now you've been give your chance to change the world! I can well image what you are feeling right now - fear, doubt, uncertainty. Don't worry about it. I've got some good news for you - all of those great speakers felt the very same thing. However, they were able to muster up the courage to go out there and give the best speech that they possibly could. They did change the world and you just might end up doing the same thing. However, before you go doing that, we've got to make sure that you've got a well-planned speech to work with. Planning a speech is the first step in creating and delivering a powerful and effective speech. In order to plan a speech you need to take the time before you start to write out your speech and think about who you'll be speaking to. When planning a speech you need to make sure that you understand the purpose of your speech. Why are you going to go to all of the effort to create and deliver this speech? After you know that, take the time to think about your audience: what do they want from your speech? You're going to have to choose what type of speech you want to give. You can choose to deliver an informative speech, a demonstrative speech, an inspirational speech, or a humorous speech. More often than not the speech that you end up giving will draw from all four types of speeches. The good news is that I know that you're going to give a great speech and it's all going to start with the planning. Take the time to read this book, learn what you need to do in order to plan a great speech and then go out there and knock 'em dead!

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